Source code for pyquickhelper.pycode.py3to2

Helper to convert a script written in Python 3 to Python 2


import os
import re
import shutil
from ..filehelper.synchelper import explore_folder_iterfile
from ..loghelper.flog import noLOG
from .default_regular_expression import _setup_pattern_copy

[docs]class Convert3to2Exception(Exception): """ exception raised for an exception happening during the conversion :githublink:`%|py|18` """ pass
[docs]def py3to2_convert_tree(folder, dest, encoding="utf8", pattern=".*[.]py$", pattern_copy=_setup_pattern_copy, unittest_modules=None, fLOG=noLOG): """ Converts files in a folder and its subfolders from python 3 to python 2, the function only considers python script (verifying *pattern*). :param folder: folder :param dest: destination :param encoding: all files will be saved with this encoding :param pattern: pattern to find source code :param pattern_copy: copy these files, do not modify them :param fLOG: logging function :param unittest_modules: modules used during unit tests but not installed :return: list of copied files If a folder does not exists, it will create it. The function excludes all files in subfolders starting by ``dist``, ``_doc``, ``build``, ``extensions``, ``nbextensions``. The function also exclude subfolders inside subfolders following the pattern ``ut_.*``. There are some issues difficult to solve with strings. Python 2.7 is not friendly with strings. Some needed pieces of code:: if sys.version_info[0]==2: from codecs import open You can also read blog post :ref:`b-migration-py2py3`. The variable *unittest_modules* indicates the list of modules which are not installed in :epkg:`Python` distribution but still used and placed in the same folder as the same which has to converted. *unittest_modules* can be either a list or a tuple ``(module, alias)``. Then the alias appears instead of the module name. The function does not convert the exception `FileNotFoundError <>`_ which only exists in Python 3. The module will fail in version 2.7 if this exception is raised. The following page `Cheat Sheet: Writing Python 2-3 compatible code <>`_ gives the difference between the two versions of Python and how to write compatible code. :githublink:`%|py|70` """ exclude = ("temp_", "dist", "_doc", "build", "extensions", "nbextensions", "dist_module27", "_virtualenv", "_venv") reg = re.compile(".*/ut_.*/.*/.*") conv = [] for file in explore_folder_iterfile(folder, pattern=pattern): full = os.path.join(folder, file) if "site-packages" in full: continue file = os.path.relpath(file, folder) # undesired sub folders ex = False for exc in exclude: if file.startswith(exc) or "\\temp_" in file or \ "/temp_" in file or "dist_module27" in file: ex = True break if ex: continue # subfolders inside unit tests folder lfile = file.replace("\\", "/") if continue py2 = py3to2_convert(full, unittest_modules) destfile = os.path.join(dest, file) dirname = os.path.dirname(destfile) if not os.path.exists(dirname): os.makedirs(dirname) with open(destfile, "w", encoding="utf8") as f: f.write(py2) conv.append(destfile) for file in explore_folder_iterfile(folder, pattern=pattern_copy): full = os.path.join(folder, file) file = os.path.relpath(file, folder) # undesired sub folders ex = False for exc in exclude: if file.startswith(exc) or "\\temp_" in file or \ "/temp_" in file or "dist_module27" in file: ex = True break if ex: continue destfile = os.path.join(dest, file) dirname = os.path.dirname(destfile) if not os.path.exists(dirname): os.makedirs(dirname) shutil.copy(full, dirname) conv.append(destfile) fLOG("py3to2_convert_tree, copied", len(conv), "files") return conv
[docs]def py3to2_convert(script, unittest_modules): """ converts a script into from python 3 to python 2 :param script: script or filename :param unittest_modules: modules used during unit test but not installed, :func:`py3to2_convert_tree <pyquickhelper.pycode.py3to2.py3to2_convert_tree>` :return: string See see @fn py3to2_convert_tree for more information. :githublink:`%|py|142` """ if os.path.exists(script): try: with open(script, "r", encoding="utf8") as f: content = except (UnicodeEncodeError, UnicodeDecodeError): # pragma: no cover with open(script, "r") as f: content = else: content = script # pragma: no cover # start processing content = py3to2_remove_raise_from(content) # unicode if ("install_requires=" in content or "package_data" in content) and "setup" in content: # we skip the file as it raises an error pass else: try: content = py3to2_future(content) except Convert3to2Exception as e: # pragma: no cover raise Convert3to2Exception( 'unable to convert a file due to unicode issue.\n File "{0}", line 1'.format(script)) from e # some other modification content = content.replace("from queue import", "from Queue import") content = content.replace("nonlocal ", "# nonlocal ") # long and unicode content = content.replace("int #long#", "long") content = content.replace("int # long#", "long") content = content.replace("str #unicode#", "unicode") content = content.replace("str # unicode#", "unicode") content = content.replace( "Programming Language :: Python :: 3", "Programming Language :: Python :: 2") content = content.replace(', sep="\\t")', ', sep="\\t".encode("ascii"))') # imported modules if unittest_modules is not None: content = py3to2_imported_local_modules(content, unittest_modules) # end return content
[docs]def py3to2_future(content): """ checks that import ``from __future__ import unicode_literals`` is always present, the function assumes it is a python code :param content: file content :return: new content :githublink:`%|py|196` """ find = "from __future__ import unicode_literals" if find in content and '"{0}"'.format(find) not in content: # the second condition avoid to raise this # exception when parsing this file # this case should only happen for this file raise Convert3to2Exception( # pragma: no cover "unable to convert a file") lines = content.split("\n") position = 0 incomment = None while (position < len(lines) and not lines[position].startswith("import ") and not lines[position].startswith("from ") and not lines[position].startswith("def ") and not lines[position].startswith("class ")): if incomment is None: if lines[position].startswith("'''"): incomment = "'''" # pragma: no cover elif lines[position].startswith('"""'): incomment = '"""' else: if lines[position].endswith("'''"): # pragma: no cover incomment = None position += 1 break if lines[position].endswith('"""'): incomment = None position += 1 break position += 1 if position < len(lines): lines[position] = "{0}\n{1}".format(find, lines[position]) return "\n".join(lines)
[docs]def py3to2_remove_raise_from(content): """ Removes expression such as: ``raise Exception ("...") from e``. The function is very basic. It should be done with a grammar. :param content: file content :return: script :githublink:`%|py|240` """ lines = content.split("\n") r = None for i, line in enumerate(lines): if " raise " in line: r = i if " from " in line and r is not None: spl = line.split(" from ") if len(spl[0].strip(" \n")) > 0: lines[i] = line = spl[0] + "# from " + " - ".join(spl[1:]) if r is not None and i > r + 3: r = None return "\n".join(lines)
[docs]def py3to2_imported_local_modules(content, unittest_modules): """ See function :func:`py3to2_convert_tree <pyquickhelper.pycode.py3to2.py3to2_convert_tree>` and documentation about parameter *unittest_modules*. :param content: script or filename :param unittest_modules: modules used during unit test but not installed, :func:`py3to2_convert_tree <pyquickhelper.pycode.py3to2.py3to2_convert_tree>` :githublink:`%|py|265` """ lines = content.split("\n") for modname in unittest_modules: if isinstance(modname, tuple): modname, alias = modname # pragma: no cover else: alias = modname s1 = '"{0}"'.format(modname) s2 = "'{0}'".format(modname) s3 = "import {0}".format(modname) s4 = '"{0}"'.format(modname.upper()) s4_rep = '"{0}27"'.format(modname.upper()) if (s1 in content or s2 in content or s4 in content) and s3 in content: for i, line in enumerate(lines): if " in " in line or "ModuleInstall" in line: continue if s1 in line: line = line.replace( s1, '"..", "{0}", "dist_module27"'.format(alias)) lines[i] = line elif s2 in line: line = line.replace( # pragma: no cover s2, "'..', '{0}', 'dist_module27'".format(alias)) lines[i] = line # pragma: no cover elif s4 in line: line = line.replace(s4, s4_rep) lines[i] = line return "\n".join(lines)