Source code for pyquickhelper.pycode.utils_tests_helper

This extension contains various functionalities to help unittesting.

import os
import stat
import sys
import re
import warnings
import time
import importlib
from contextlib import redirect_stdout, redirect_stderr
from io import StringIO

[docs]def _get_PyLinterRunV(): # Separate function to speed up import. from pylint.lint import Run as PyLinterRun from pylint import __version__ as pylint_version if pylint_version >= '2.0.0': PyLinterRunV = PyLinterRun else: PyLinterRunV = lambda *args, do_exit=False: PyLinterRun( # pylint: disable=E1120, E1123 *args, exit=do_exit) # pylint: disable=E1120, E1123 return PyLinterRunV
[docs]def get_temp_folder(thisfile, name=None, clean=True, create=True, persistent=False, path_name="tpath"): """ Creates and returns a local temporary folder to store files when unit testing. :param thisfile: use ``__file__`` or the function which runs the test :param name: name of the temporary folder :param clean: if True, clean the folder first, it can also a function called to determine whether or not the folder should be cleaned :param create: if True, creates it (empty if clean is True) :param persistent: if True, create a folder at root level to reduce path length, the function checks the ``MAX_PATH`` variable and shorten the test folder is *max_path* is True on :epkg:`Windows`, on :epkg:`Linux`, it creates a folder three level ahead :param path_name: test path used when *max_path* is True :return: temporary folder The function extracts the file which runs this test and will name the temporary folder base on the name of the method. *name* must be None. .. versionchanged:: 1.7 Parameter *clean* can be a function. Signature is ``def clean(folder)``. .. versionchanged:: 1.8 Renames parameters *max_path* and *max_path_name*. :githublink:`%|py|56` """ if name is None: name = thisfile.__name__ if name.startswith("test_"): name = "temp_" + name[5:] elif not name.startswith("temp_"): name = "temp_" + name thisfile = os.path.abspath(thisfile.__func__.__code__.co_filename) final = os.path.split(name)[-1] if not final.startswith("temp_") and not final.startswith("temp2_"): raise NameError("the folder '{0}' must begin with temp_".format(name)) local = os.path.join( os.path.normpath(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(thisfile))), name) if persistent: if sys.platform.startswith("win"): from ctypes.wintypes import MAX_PATH if MAX_PATH <= 300: local = os.path.join(os.path.abspath("\\" + path_name), name) else: local = os.path.join( local, "..", "..", "..", "..", path_name, name) else: local = os.path.join(local, "..", "..", "..", "..", path_name, name) local = os.path.normpath(local) if name == local: raise NameError( "The folder '{0}' must be relative, not absolute".format(name)) if not os.path.exists(local): if create: os.makedirs(local) mode = os.stat(local).st_mode nmode = mode | stat.S_IWRITE if nmode != mode: os.chmod(local, nmode) else: if (callable(clean) and clean(local)) or (not callable(clean) and clean): # delayed import to speed up import time of pycode from ..filehelper.synchelper import remove_folder remove_folder(local) time.sleep(0.1) if create and not os.path.exists(local): os.makedirs(local) mode = os.stat(local).st_mode nmode = mode | stat.S_IWRITE if nmode != mode: os.chmod(local, nmode) return local
[docs]def _extended_refactoring(filename, line): """ Private function which does extra checkings when refactoring :epkg:`pyquickhelper`. :param filename: filename :param line: line :return: None or error message :githublink:`%|py|120` """ if "from pyquickhelper import fLOG" in line: if "test_code_style" not in filename: return "issue with fLOG" if "from pyquickhelper import noLOG" in line: if "test_code_style" not in filename: return "issue with noLOG" if "from pyquickhelper import run_cmd" in line: if "test_code_style" not in filename: return "issue with run_cmd" if "from pyquickhelper import get_temp_folder" in line: if "test_code_style" not in filename: return "issue with get_temp_folder" return None
[docs]class PEP8Exception(Exception): """ Code or style issues. :githublink:`%|py|139` """ pass
[docs]def check_pep8(folder, ignore=('E265', 'W504'), skip=None, complexity=-1, stop_after=100, fLOG=None, pylint_ignore=('C0103', 'C1801', 'R0201', 'R1705', 'W0108', 'W0613', 'W0107', 'C0415'), recursive=True, neg_pattern=None, extended=None, max_line_length=143, pattern=".*[.]py$", run_lint=True, verbose=False, run_cmd_filter=None): """ Checks if :epkg:`PEP8`, the function calls command :epkg:`pycodestyle` on a specific folder. :param folder: folder to look into :param ignore: list of warnings to skip when raising an exception if :epkg:`PEP8` is not verified, see also `Error Codes <>`_ :param pylint_ignore: ignore :epkg:`pylint` issues, see `pylint error codes <>`_ :param complexity: see `check_file < ?highlight=styleguide#pycodestyle.StyleGuide.check_files>`_ :param stop_after: stop after *stop_after* issues :param skip: skip a warning if a substring in this list is found :param neg_pattern: skip files verifying this regular expressions :param extended: list of tuple (name, function), see below :param max_line_length: maximum allowed length of a line of code :param recursive: look into subfolder :param pattern: only file matching this pattern will be checked :param run_lint: run :epkg:`pylint` :param verbose: :epkg:`pylint` is slow, tells which file is investigated (but it is even slower) :param run_cmd_filter: some files makes :epkg:`pylint` crashes (``import yaml``), the test for this is run in a separate process if the function *run_cmd_filter* returns True of the filename, *verbose* is set to True in that case :param fLOG: logging function :return: output Functions mentioned in *extended* takes two parameters (file name and line) and they returned None or an error message or a tuple (position in the line, error message). When the return is not empty, a warning will be added to the ones printed by :epkg:`pycodestyle`. A few codes to ignore: * *E501*: line too long (?? characters) * *E265*: block comments should have a space after # * *W504*: line break after binary operator, this one is raised after the code is modified by :func:`remove_extra_spaces_and_pep8 <pyquickhelper.pycode.code_helper.remove_extra_spaces_and_pep8>`. The full list is available at :epkg:`PEP8 codes`. In addition, the function adds its own codes: * *ECL1*: line too long for a specific reason. Some errors to disable with :epkg:`pylint`: * *C0103*: variable name is not conform * *C0111*: missing function docstring * *C1801*: do not use `len(SEQUENCE)` to determine if a sequence is empty * *R0201*: method could be a function * *R0205*: Class '?' inherits from object, can be safely removed from bases in python3 (pylint) * *R0901*: too many ancestors * *R0902*: too many instance attributes * *R0911*: too many return statements * *R0912*: too many branches * *R0913*: too many arguments * *R0914*: too many local variables * *R0915*: too many statements * *R1702*: too many nested blocks * *R1705*: unnecessary "else" after "return" * *W0107*: unnecessary pass statements * *W0108*: Lambda may not be necessary * *W0613*: unused argument The full list is available at :epkg:`pylint error codes`. :epkg:`pylint` was added used to check the code. It produces the following list of errors :epkg:`pylint error codes`. .. versionchanged:: 1.8 If *neg_pattern* is empty, it populates with a default value which skips unnecessary folders: ``".*[/\\\\\\\\]((_venv)|([.]git)|(__pycache__)|(temp_)).*"``. :githublink:`%|py|227` """ # delayed import to speed up import time of pycode import pycodestyle from ..filehelper.synchelper import explore_folder_iterfile if fLOG is None: from ..loghelper.flog import noLOG fLOG = noLOG def extended_checkings(fname, content, buf, extended): for i, line in enumerate(content): for name, fu in extended: r = fu(fname, line) if isinstance(r, tuple): c, r = r else: c = 1 if r is not None: buf.write("{0}:{1}:{4} F{2} {3}\n".format( fname, i + 1, name, r, c)) def fkeep(s): if len(s) == 0: return False if skip is not None: for kip in skip: if kip in s: return False return True if max_line_length is not None: if extended is None: extended = [] else: extended = extended.copy() def check_lenght_line(fname, line): if len(line) > max_line_length and not line.lstrip().startswith('#'): if ">`_" in line: return "line too long (link) {0} > {1}".format(len(line), max_line_length) if ":math:`" in line: return "line too long (:math:) {0} > {1}".format(len(line), max_line_length) if "ERROR: " in line: return "line too long (ERROR:) {0} > {1}".format(len(line), max_line_length) return None extended.append(("[ECL1]", check_lenght_line)) if ignore is None: ignore = tuple() elif isinstance(ignore, list): ignore = tuple(ignore) if neg_pattern is None: neg_pattern = ".*[/\\\\]((_venv)|([.]git)|(__pycache__)|(temp_)|([.]egg)|(bin)).*" try: regneg_filter = None if neg_pattern is None else re.compile( neg_pattern) except re.error as e: raise ValueError("Unable to compile '{0}'".format(neg_pattern)) from e # pycodestyle fLOG("[check_pep8] code style on '{0}'".format(folder)) files_to_check = [] skipped = [] buf = StringIO() with redirect_stdout(buf): for file in explore_folder_iterfile(folder, pattern=pattern, recursive=recursive): if regneg_filter is not None: if skipped.append(file) continue if file.endswith(""): ig = ignore + ('F401',) else: ig = ignore if file is None: raise TypeError("file cannot be None") if len(file) == 0: raise TypeError("file cannot be empty") # code style files_to_check.append(file) try: style = pycodestyle.StyleGuide( ignore=ig, complexity=complexity, format='pylint', max_line_length=max_line_length) res = style.check_files([file]) except TypeError as e: ext = "This is often due to an instruction from . import... The imported module has no name." raise TypeError("Issue with pycodesyle for module '{0}' ig={1} complexity={2}\n{3}".format( file, ig, complexity, ext)) from e if extended is not None: with open(file, "r", errors="ignore") as f: content = f.readlines() extended_checkings(file, content, buf, extended) if res.total_errors + res.file_errors > 0: res.print_filename = True lines = [_ for _ in buf.getvalue().split("\n") if fkeep(_)] if len(lines) > stop_after: raise PEP8Exception( "{0} lines\n{1}".format(len(lines), "\n".join(lines))) lines = [_ for _ in buf.getvalue().split("\n") if fkeep(_)] if len(lines) > 10: raise PEP8Exception( "{0} lines\n{1}".format(len(lines), "\n".join(lines))) if len(files_to_check) == 0: mes = skipped[0] if skipped else "-no skipped file-" raise FileNotFoundError("No file found in '{0}'\n pattern='{1}'\nskipped='{2}'".format( folder, pattern, mes)) # pylint if not run_lint: return "\n".join(lines) fLOG("[check_pep8] pylint with {0} files".format(len(files_to_check))) memout = sys.stdout try: fLOG('', OutputStream=memout) regular_print = False except TypeError: regular_print = True def myprint(s): "local print, chooses the right function" if regular_print: memout.write(s + "\n") else: fLOG(s, OutputStream=memout) neg_pat = ".*temp[0-9]?_.*,doc_.*" if neg_pattern is not None: neg_pat += ',' + neg_pattern if run_cmd_filter is not None: verbose = True PyLinterRunV = _get_PyLinterRunV() sout = StringIO() serr = StringIO() with redirect_stdout(sout): with redirect_stderr(serr): with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore", DeprecationWarning) opt = ["--ignore-patterns=" + neg_pat, "--persistent=n", '--jobs=1', '--suggestion-mode=n', "--score=n", '--max-args=30', '--max-locals=50', '--max-returns=30', '--max-branches=50', '--max-parents=25', '--max-attributes=50', '--min-public-methods=0', '--max-public-methods=100', '--max-bool-expr=10', '--max-statements=200', '--msg-template={abspath}:{line}: {msg_id}: {msg} (pylint)'] if pylint_ignore: opt.append('--disable=' + ','.join(pylint_ignore)) if max_line_length: opt.append("--max-line-length=%d" % max_line_length) if verbose: for i, name in enumerate(files_to_check): cop = list(opt) cop.append(name) if run_cmd_filter is None or not run_cmd_filter(name): myprint( "[check_pep8] lint file {0}/{1} - '{2}'\n".format(i + 1, len(files_to_check), name)) PyLinterRunV(cop, do_exit=False) else: # delayed import to speed up import time of pycode from ..loghelper import run_cmd # runs from command line myprint( "[check_pep8] cmd-lint file {0}/{1} - '{2}'\n".format(i + 1, len(files_to_check), name)) cmd = "{0} -m pylint {1}".format( sys.executable, " ".join('"{0}"'.format(_) for _ in cop)) out = run_cmd(cmd, wait=True)[0] lines.extend(_ for _ in out.split( '\n') if _.strip('\r ')) else: opt.extend(files_to_check) PyLinterRunV(opt, do_exit=False) pylint_lines = sout.getvalue().split('\n') pylint_lines = [ _ for _ in pylint_lines if ( '(pylint)' in _ and fkeep(_) and _[0] != ' ' and len(_.split(':')) > 2)] pylint_lines = [_ for _ in pylint_lines if not _.startswith( "except ") and not _.startswith("else:") and not _.startswith( "try:") and "# noqa" not in _] lines.extend(pylint_lines) if len(lines) > 0: raise PEP8Exception( "{0} lines\n{1}".format(len(lines), "\n".join(lines))) return "\n".join(lines)
[docs]def add_missing_development_version(names, root, hide=False): """ Looks for development version of a given module and add paths to ``sys.path`` after having checked they are working. :param names: name or names of the module to import :param root: folder where to look (assuming all modules location at the same place in a flat hierarchy) :param hide: hide warnings when importing a module (might be a lot) :return: added paths :githublink:`%|py|436` """ # delayed import to speed up import time from ..loghelper import sys_path_append if not isinstance(names, list): names = [names] root = os.path.abspath(root) if os.path.isfile(root): root = os.path.dirname(root) if not os.path.exists(root): raise FileNotFoundError(root) spl = os.path.split(root) py27 = False if spl[-1].startswith("ut_"): if "dist_module27" in root: # python 27 py27 = True newroot = os.path.join(root, "..", "..", "..", "..") else: newroot = os.path.join(root, "..", "..", "..") else: newroot = root newroot = os.path.normpath(os.path.abspath(newroot)) found = os.listdir(newroot) dirs = [os.path.join(newroot, _) for _ in found] paths = [] for name in names: exc = None try: if hide: with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True): importlib.import_module(name) else: importlib.import_module(name) continue except ImportError as e: # it requires a path exc = e if name not in found: raise FileNotFoundError("Unable to find a subfolder '{0}' in '{1}' (py27={3})\nFOUND:\n{2}\nexc={4}".format( name, newroot, "\n".join(dirs), py27, exc)) if py27: this = os.path.join(newroot, name, "dist_module27", "src") if not os.path.exists(this): this = os.path.join(newroot, name, "dist_module27") else: this = os.path.join(newroot, name, "src") if not os.path.exists(this): this = os.path.join(newroot, name) if not os.path.exists(this): raise FileNotFoundError("unable to find a subfolder '{0}' in '{1}' (*py27={3})\nFOUND:\n{2}".format( this, newroot, "\n".join(dirs), py27)) with sys_path_append(this): if hide: with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True): importlib.import_module(name) else: importlib.import_module(name) paths.append(this) return paths