Source code for pyquickhelper.sphinxext.blog_post_list

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Helpers to build :epkg:`RST` extra files inserted in the documentation.

import os
import shutil
from .blog_post import BlogPost
from .build_rss import build_rss
from ..texthelper.texts_language import TITLES
from ..texthelper.diacritic_helper import remove_diacritics
from ..loghelper import noLOG

[docs]class BlogPostList: """ Defines a list of :class:`BlogPost <pyquickhelper.sphinxext.blog_post.BlogPost>`. :githublink:`%|py|19` """
[docs] def __init__(self, folder, encoding="utf8", language="en", extensions=None, fLOG=noLOG): """ Creates a list of :class:`BlogPost <pyquickhelper.sphinxext.blog_post.BlogPost>`, we assume each blog post belongs to a subfolder ``YYYY``. :param folder: folder when to find files :param encoding: encoding :param language: language :param extensions: list of extension to use to parse the content of the blog, if None, it will consider a default list (:class:`BlogPost <pyquickhelper.sphinxext.blog_post.BlogPost>` and :func:`get_default_extensions`) :param fLOG: logging function :githublink:`%|py|33` """ self._blogposts = [] sub = os.listdir(folder) for s in sorted(sub): full = os.path.join(folder, s) if os.path.isdir(full): fLOG("[BlogPostList] reading folder", full) posts = os.listdir(full) for post in sorted(posts): if os.path.splitext(post)[-1] in [".rst"]: fpost = os.path.join(full, post) fLOG(" reading post", fpost) obj = BlogPost(fpost, encoding=encoding, extensions=extensions) self._blogposts.append((, obj)) fLOG("[BlogPostList] end reading post") self._blogposts.sort(reverse=True) self._blogposts = [_[1] for _ in self._blogposts] self._encoding = encoding self._language = language
[docs] def __getitem__(self, key): """ usual :githublink:`%|py|57` """ return self._blogposts[key]
[docs] @staticmethod def category2url(cat): """ Removes accents and spaces to get a clean url. :param cat: category name :return: cleaned category :githublink:`%|py|67` """ return remove_diacritics(cat).replace(" ", "_")
@property def Lang(self): """ Returns the language. :githublink:`%|py|74` """ return self._language
[docs] def __iter__(self): """ Iterates on :class:`BlogPost <pyquickhelper.sphinxext.blog_post.BlogPost>`. :githublink:`%|py|80` """ for obj in self._blogposts: yield obj
[docs] def __len__(self): """ Returns the number of blog posts. :githublink:`%|py|87` """ return len(self._blogposts)
[docs] def get_categories(self): """ Extracts the categories. :return: list of sorted categories :githublink:`%|py|95` """ cats = [] for post in self: cats.extend(post.Categories) return list(sorted(set(cats)))
[docs] def get_categories_group(self): """ Extracts the categories with the posts associated to it. :return: dictionary (category, list of posts) :githublink:`%|py|106` """ m = {} for post in self: for cat in post.Categories: if cat not in m: m[cat] = [] m[cat].append(post) return m
[docs] def get_keywords(self): """ Extracts the categories. :return: list of sorted keywords :githublink:`%|py|120` """ keys = [] for post in self: keys.extend(post.Keywords) return list(sorted(set(keys)))
[docs] def get_months(self): """ Extracts the months. :return: list of sorted months (more recent first) :githublink:`%|py|131` """ m = [] for post in self: d = "-".join(post.Date.split("-")[:2]) m.append(d) return list(sorted(set(m), reverse=True))
[docs] def get_months_group(self): """ Extracts the months with the posts associated to it. :return: dictionary (months, list of posts) :githublink:`%|py|143` """ m = {} for post in self: d = "-".join(post.Date.split("-")[:2]) if d not in m: m[d] = [] m[d].append(post) return m
[docs] def get_files(self): """ Extracts the files. :return: list of sorted months (more recent first) :githublink:`%|py|157` """ m = [] for post in self: m.append(post.FileName) return list(sorted(set(m), reverse=True))
[docs] def write_aggregated(self, folder, division=10, blog_title="__BLOG_TITLE__", blog_description="__BLOG_DESCRIPTION__", blog_root="__BLOG_ROOT__", only_html_index=True, only_html_agg=False): """ Writes posts in a aggregated manner (post, categories, months). :param folder: where to write them :param division: add a new page every *division* items :param blog_title: blog title :param blog_description: blog description :param blog_root: blog root (publish url) :param only_html_index: add item ``.. only:: html`` and indent everything after the main index :param only_html_agg: add item ``.. only:: html`` and indent everything for aggregated pages :return: list of produced files .. versionchanged:: 1.7 Splits *only_html* into *only_html_index* and *only_html_agg*. :githublink:`%|py|230` """ link_up = self.get_rst_links_up() link_down = self.get_rst_links_down() # rss rss = os.path.join(folder, "rss.xml") keep = [] for _ in self: if len(keep) >= 10: break keep.append(_) c = build_rss(keep, blog_title=blog_title, blog_description=blog_description, blog_root=blog_root) with open(rss, "w", encoding=self._encoding) as f: f.write(c) # aggregated pages res = [] res.extend(self.write_aggregated_posts(folder, division, rst_links_up=link_up, rst_links_down=link_down, only_html=only_html_agg)) res.extend(self.write_aggregated_categories(folder, division, rst_links_up=link_up, rst_links_down=link_down, only_html=only_html_agg)) res.extend(self.write_aggregated_months(folder, division, rst_links_up=link_up, rst_links_down=link_down, only_html=only_html_agg)) res.append(self.write_aggregated_index( folder, hidden_files=None, hidden_files_html=res, only_html=only_html_index)) # final aggregator res.extend(self.write_aggregated_chapters(folder)) return res
[docs] def get_image(self, img): """ Returns the local path to an image in this folder. :param img: image name (see below) :return: local file Allowed image names: - rss: image for RSS stream :githublink:`%|py|272` """ if img == "rss": img = "feed-icon-16x16.png" loc = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) img = os.path.join(loc, img) if not os.path.exists(img): raise FileNotFoundError("unable to find: " + img) return img else: raise FileNotFoundError("unable to get image name: " + img)
[docs] def write_aggregated_index(self, folder, hidden_files=None, hidden_files_html=None, only_html=True): """ Writes an index. :param folder: where to write the file :param hidden_files: creates an hidden *toctree* and a :class:`tocdelay_node <pyquickhelper.sphinxext.sphinx_tocdelay_extension.tocdelay_node>`. :param only_html: add item ``.. only:: html`` and indent everything after the main index :param hidden_files_html: add item ``.. only:: html`` for these pages :return: filename .. versionchanged:: 1.7 Parameter *hidden_files_html* was added. :githublink:`%|py|296` """ indent = " " if only_html else "" name = os.path.join(folder, "blogindex.rst") with open(name, "w", encoding=self._encoding) as f: f.write("\n") f.write(":orphan:\n") f.write("\n") f.write(".. _l-mainblog:\n") f.write("\n") f.write("\n") f.write("Blog Gallery\n") f.write("============\n") f.write("\n") f.write(".. tocdelay::\n") f.write("\n") for item in self: name_file = os.path.splitext( os.path.split(item.FileName)[-1])[0] f.write(" {0} - {1} <{2}/{3}>\n".format( item.Date, item.Title, item.Date[:4], name_file)) f.write("\n\n") f.write(".. toctree::\n") f.write(" :hidden:\n") f.write("\n") for item_id, item in enumerate(self): fl = os.path.split(item.FileName)[-1] fl = os.path.splitext(fl)[0] f.write( " blog {2} <{0}/{1}>\n".format(item.Date[:4], fl, item_id)) if hidden_files is not None: f.write("\n\n") f.write(".. toctree::\n") f.write(" :hidden:\n") f.write("\n") for hid, h in enumerate(hidden_files): f.write(" blog {1} <{0}>\n".format( os.path.splitext(os.path.split(h)[-1])[0], hid)) f.write("\n\n") if only_html: f.write("\n\n") f.write(".. only:: html\n\n") if hidden_files_html is not None: f.write(indent + ".. toctree::\n") f.write(indent + " :hidden:\n") f.write("\n") for item_id, item in enumerate(self): fl = os.path.split(item.FileName)[-1] fl = os.path.splitext(fl)[0] f.write( indent + " {2} <{0}/{1}>\n".format(item.Date[:4], fl, item_id)) for hid, h in enumerate(hidden_files_html): f.write( indent + " blog {1} <{0}>\n".format(os.path.splitext(os.path.split(h)[-1])[0], hid)) f.write("\n\n") f.write("\n") f.write(indent + ".. image:: feed-icon-16x16.png\n\n") f.write( indent + ":download:`{0} rss <rss.xml>`\n".format(TITLES[self.Lang]["download"])) f.write("\n\n\n") f.write( indent + ":ref:`{0} <hblog-blog>`, ".format(TITLES[self.Lang]["main"])) f.write( indent + ":ref:`{0} <ap-main-0>`".format(TITLES[self.Lang]["main2"])) f.write("\n\n\n") img = self.get_image("rss") shutil.copy(img, folder) return name
[docs] def write_aggregated_posts(self, folder, division=10, rst_links_up=None, rst_links_down=None, only_html=True): """ Writes posts in a aggregated manner. :param folder: where to write them :param division: add a new page every *division* items :param rst_links_up: list of rst_links to add at the beginning of a page :param rst_links_down: list of rst_links to add at the bottom of a page :param only_html: add item ``.. only:: html`` and indent everything :return: list of produced files :githublink:`%|py|382` """ return BlogPostList.write_aggregated_post_list(folder=folder, lp=list( _ for _ in self), division=division, prefix="main", encoding=self._encoding, rst_links_up=rst_links_up, rst_links_down=rst_links_down, index_terms=["blog"], language=self.Lang, bold_title=TITLES[self.Lang]["main_title"], only_html=only_html)
[docs] def write_aggregated_categories(self, folder, division=10, rst_links_up=None, rst_links_down=None, only_html=True): """ Writes posts in a aggregated manner per categories. :param folder: where to write them :param division: add a new page every *division* items :param rst_links_up: list of rst_links to add at the beginning of a page :param rst_links_down: list of rst_links to add at the bottom of a page :param only_html: add item ``.. only:: html`` and indent everything :return: list of produced files :githublink:`%|py|407` """ cats = self.get_categories() res = [] for cat in cats: posts = [_ for _ in self if cat in _.Categories] url_cat = BlogPostList.category2url(cat) add = BlogPostList.write_aggregated_post_list(folder=folder, lp=posts, division=division, prefix="cat-" + url_cat, encoding=self._encoding, rst_links_up=rst_links_up, rst_links_down=rst_links_down, index_terms=[cat], bold_title=cat, only_html=only_html) res.extend(add) return res
[docs] def write_aggregated_months(self, folder, division=10, rst_links_up=None, rst_links_down=None, only_html=True): """ Writes posts in a aggregated manner per months. :param folder: where to write them :param division: add a new page every *division* items :param rst_links_up: list of rst_links to add at the beginning of a page :param rst_links_down: list of rst_links to add at the bottom of a page :param only_html: add item ``.. only:: html`` and indent everything :return: list of produced files :githublink:`%|py|437` """ mo = self.get_months() res = [] for m in mo: posts = [_ for _ in self if _.Date.startswith(m)] add = BlogPostList.write_aggregated_post_list(folder=folder, lp=posts, division=division, prefix="month-" + m, encoding=self._encoding, rst_links_up=rst_links_up, rst_links_down=rst_links_down, index_terms=[m], bold_title=m, only_html=only_html) res.extend(add) return res
[docs] def write_aggregated_chapters(self, folder): """ Writes links to post per categories and per months. :param folder: where to write them :return: list of produced files :githublink:`%|py|460` """ cats = sorted([(k, len(v)) for k, v in self.get_categories_group().items()]) months = sorted( [(k, len(v)) for k, v in self.get_months_group().items()], reverse=True) res = ["", ":orphan:", "", ".. _hblog-blog:", "", "", "Blog", "====", "", ""] res.extend( ["* :ref:`{0} <ap-main-0>`".format(TITLES[self.Lang]["page1"]), "", ""]) res.extend([TITLES[self.Lang]["by category:"], "", ""]) for cat, nb in cats: res.append( "* :ref:`{0} ({1}) <ap-cat-{0}-0>`".format(BlogPostList.category2url(cat), nb)) res.extend(["", "", ""]) res.extend([TITLES[self.Lang]["by month:"], "", ""]) res.extend(["", "", ""]) for mon, nb in months: res.append("* :ref:`{0} ({1}) <ap-month-{0}-0>`".format(mon, nb)) res.extend(["", "", ""]) res.extend([TITLES[self.Lang]["by title:"], "", ""]) res.extend( ["", "", ":ref:`{0} <l-mainblog>`".format(TITLES[self.Lang]["allblogs"]), "", ""]) filename = os.path.join(folder, "index_blog.rst") with open(filename, "w", encoding="utf8") as f: f.write("\n".join(res)) return [filename]
################# # static methods #################
[docs] @staticmethod def divide_list(ld, division): """ Divides a list into buckets of *division* items. :param ld: list of to divide :param division: bucket size :return: list fo buckets :githublink:`%|py|501` """ buckets = [] current = [] for obj in ld: if len(current) < division: current.append(obj) else: buckets.append(current) current = [obj] if len(current) > 0: buckets.append(current) return buckets
[docs] @staticmethod def write_aggregated_post_list(folder, lp, division, prefix, encoding, rst_links_up=None, rst_links_down=None, index_terms=None, bold_title=None, language="en", only_html=True): """ Writes list of posts in an aggregated manners. :param folder: when to write the aggregated posts :param lp: list of posts :param division: bucket size :param prefix: prefix name for the files :param encoding: encoding for the written files :param rst_links_up: list of rst_links to add at the beginning of a page :param rst_links_down: list of rst_links to add at the bottom of a page :param index_terms: terms to index on the first bucket :param bold_title: title to display at the beginning of the page :param language: language :param only_html: add item ``.. only:: html`` and indent everything :return: list of produced files :githublink:`%|py|533` """ res = [] buckets = BlogPostList.divide_list(lp, division) for i, b in enumerate(buckets): if bold_title is not None: title = "{0} - {1}/{2}".format(bold_title, i + 1, len(buckets)) else: title = None name = os.path.join(folder, "%s_%04d.rst" % (prefix, i)) prev = "ap-%s-%d" % (prefix, i - 1) if i > 0 else None this = "ap-%s-%d" % (prefix, i) next = "ap-%s-%d" % (prefix, i + 1) \ if i < len(buckets) - 1 else None content = BlogPostList.produce_aggregated_post_page( name, b, this, prev, next, rst_links_up=rst_links_up, rst_links_down=rst_links_down, index_terms=index_terms if i == 0 else None, bold_title=title, language=language) if only_html: lines = content.split("\n") head = "\n:orphan:\n\n.. only:: html\n\n" content = head + "\n".join(" " + _ for _ in lines) with open(name, "w", encoding=encoding) as f: f.write(content) res.append(name) return res
[docs] @staticmethod def produce_aggregated_post_page(name, lp, this, prev, next, main_page="Blog", rst_links_up=None, rst_links_down=None, index_terms=None, bold_title=None, language="en"): """ Writes the content of an aggregate page of blog posts. :param name: filename to write :param lp: list of posts :param this: reference to this page :param prev: reference to the previous page :param next: reference to the next page :param main_page: name of the main page :param rst_links_up: list of rst_links to add at the beginning of a page :param rst_links_down: list of rst_links to add at the bottom of a page :param index_terms: terms to index :param bold_title: title to display of the beginning of the page :param language: language :return: content of the page :githublink:`%|py|580` """ direction = "|rss_image| " if prev is not None: direction += ":ref:`<== <%s>` " % prev if bold_title is not None: if len(direction) > 0: direction += " " direction += "**{0}**".format(bold_title) if next is not None: if len(direction) > 0: direction += " " direction += ":ref:`==> <%s>`" % next arrows = direction if main_page is not None: if len(direction) > 0: direction += " " direction += ":ref:`%s <ap-main-0>`" % main_page if rst_links_up is not None: if len(direction) > 0: direction += " " direction += " ".join(rst_links_up) rows = [] rows.append("") rows.append(":orphan:") rows.append("") rows.append(direction) rows.append("") rows.append(".. |rss_image| image:: feed-icon-16x16.png") rows.append(" :target: ../_downloads/rss.xml") rows.append(" :alt: RSS") rows.append("") rows.append("----") rows.append("") if index_terms is not None: rows.append("") rows.append(".. index:: " + ",".join(index_terms)) rows.append("") rows.append("") rows.append(".. _%s:" % this) rows.append("") if bold_title is not None: rows.append(bold_title) rows.append("+" * len(bold_title)) rows.append("") for post in lp: text = post.post_as_rst(language=language, cut=True) rows.append(text) rows.append("") rows.append("") rows.append("") rows.append("----") rows.append("") if rst_links_down is not None: if len(arrows) > 0: arrows += " " arrows += " ".join(rst_links_down) rows.append(arrows) return "\n".join(rows)