Source code for pyquickhelper.sphinxext.sphinx_autosignature

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Defines a :epkg:`sphinx` extension to describe a function,
inspired from `autofunction <>`_
and `AutoDirective <>`_.

import inspect
import re
import sys
import sphinx
from docutils import nodes
from docutils.parsers.rst import Directive, directives
from docutils.statemachine import StringList
from sphinx.util.nodes import nested_parse_with_titles
from sphinx.util import logging
from .import_object_helper import import_any_object, import_path

[docs]class autosignature_node(nodes.Structural, nodes.Element): """ Defines *autosignature* node. :githublink:`%|py|24` """ pass
[docs]def enumerate_extract_signature(doc, max_args=20): """ Looks for substring like the following and clean the signature to be able to use function *_signature_fromstr*. :param doc: text to parse :param max_args: maximum number of parameters :return: iterator of found signatures :: __init__(self: cpyquickhelper.numbers.weighted_number.WeightedDouble, value: float, weight: float=1.0) -> None It is limited to 20 parameters. :githublink:`%|py|43` """ el = "((?P<p%d>[*a-zA-Z_][*a-zA-Z_0-9]*) *(?P<a%d>: *[a-zA-Z_][\\[\\]0-9a-zA-Z_.]+)? *(?P<d%d>= *[^ ]+?)?)" els = [el % (i, i, i) for i in range(0, max_args)] par = els[0] + "?" + "".join(["( *, *" + e + ")?" for e in els[1:]]) exp = "(?P<name>[a-zA-Z_][0-9a-zA-Z_]*) *[(] *(?P<sig>{0}) *[)]".format( par) reg = re.compile(exp) for func in reg.finditer(doc.replace("\n", " ")): yield func
[docs]def enumerate_cleaned_signature(doc, max_args=20): """ Removes annotation from a signature extracted with :func:`enumerate_extract_signature <pyquickhelper.sphinxext.sphinx_autosignature.enumerate_extract_signature>`. :param doc: text to parse :param max_args: maximum number of parameters :return: iterator of found signatures :githublink:`%|py|62` """ for sig in enumerate_extract_signature(doc, max_args=max_args): dic = sig.groupdict() name = sig["name"] args = [] for i in range(0, max_args): p = dic.get('p%d' % i, None) if p is None: break d = dic.get('d%d' % i, None) if d is None: args.append(p) else: args.append("%s%s" % (p, d)) yield "{0}({1})".format(name, ", ".join(args))
[docs]class AutoSignatureDirective(Directive): """ This directive displays a shorter signature than :epkg:`sphinx.ext.autodoc`. Available options: * *nosummary*: do not display a summary (shorten) * *annotation*: shows annotation * *nolink*: if False, add a link to a full documentation (produced by :epkg:`sphinx.ext.autodoc`) * *members*: shows members of a class * *path*: three options, *full* displays the full path including submodules, *name* displays the last name, *import* displays the shortest syntax to import it (default). * *debug*: diplays debug information * *syspath*: additional paths to add to ``sys.path`` before importing, ';' separated list The signature is not always available for builtin functions or :epkg:`C++` functions depending on the way to bind them to :epkg:`Python`. See `Set the __text_signature__ attribute of callables <>`_. The signature may not be infered by module ``inspect`` if the function is a compiled C function. In that case, the signature must be added to the documentation. It will parsed by *autosignature* with by function :func:`enumerate_extract_signature <pyquickhelper.sphinxext.sphinx_autosignature.enumerate_extract_signature>` with regular expressions. :githublink:`%|py|106` """ required_arguments = 0 optional_arguments = 0 final_argument_whitespace = True option_spec = { 'nosummary': directives.unchanged, 'annotation': directives.unchanged, 'nolink': directives.unchanged, 'members': directives.unchanged, 'path': directives.unchanged, 'debug': directives.unchanged, 'syspath': directives.unchanged, } has_content = True autosignature_class = autosignature_node def run(self): self.filename_set = set() # a set of dependent filenames self.reporter = self.state.document.reporter self.env = self.state.document.settings.env opt_summary = 'nosummary' not in self.options opt_annotation = 'annotation' in self.options opt_link = 'nolink' not in self.options opt_members = self.options.get('members', None) opt_debug = 'debug' in self.options if opt_members in (None, '') and 'members' in self.options: opt_members = "all" opt_path = self.options.get('path', 'import') opt_syspath = self.options.get('syspath', None) if opt_debug: keep_logged = [] def keep_logging(*els): keep_logged.append(" ".join(str(_) for _ in els)) logging_function = keep_logging else: logging_function = None try: source, lineno = self.reporter.get_source_and_line(self.lineno) except AttributeError: # pragma: no cover source = lineno = None # object name object_name = " ".join(_.strip("\n\r\t ") for _ in self.content) if opt_syspath: syslength = len(sys.path) sys.path.extend(opt_syspath.split(';')) try: obj, _, kind = import_any_object( object_name, use_init=False, fLOG=logging_function) except ImportError as e: mes = "[autosignature] unable to import '{0}' due to '{1}'".format( object_name, e) logger = logging.getLogger("autosignature") logger.warning(mes) if logging_function: logging_function(mes) # pragma: no cover if lineno is not None: logger.warning( ' File "{0}", line {1}'.format(source, lineno)) obj = None kind = None if opt_syspath: del sys.path[syslength:] if opt_members is not None and kind != "class": # pragma: no cover logger = logging.getLogger("autosignature") logger.warning( "[autosignature] option members is specified but '{0}' " "is not a class (kind='{1}').".format(object_name, kind)) obj = None # build node node = self.__class__.autosignature_class(rawsource=object_name, source=source, lineno=lineno, objectname=object_name) if opt_path == 'import': if obj is None: logger = logging.getLogger("autosignature") logger.warning( "[autosignature] object '{0}' cannot be imported.".format(object_name)) anchor = object_name elif kind == "staticmethod": cl, fu = object_name.split(".")[-2:] pimp = import_path(obj, class_name=cl, fLOG=logging_function) anchor = '{0}.{1}.{2}'.format(pimp, cl, fu) else: pimp = import_path( obj, err_msg="object name: '{0}'".format(object_name)) anchor = '{0}.{1}'.format(pimp, object_name.split(".")[-1]) elif opt_path == 'full': anchor = object_name elif opt_path == 'name': anchor = object_name.split(".")[-1] else: # pragma: no cover logger = logging.getLogger("autosignature") logger.warning( "[autosignature] options path is '{0}', it should be in " "(import, name, full) for object '{1}'.".format(opt_path, object_name)) anchor = object_name if obj is None: if opt_link: text = "\n:py:func:`{0} <{1}>`\n\n".format(anchor, object_name) else: text = "\n``{0}``\n\n".format(anchor) else: obj_sig = obj.__init__ if kind == "class" else obj try: signature = inspect.signature(obj_sig) parameters = signature.parameters except TypeError as e: # pragma: no cover mes = "[autosignature](1) unable to get signature of '{0}' - {1}.".format( object_name, str(e).replace("\n", "\\n")) logger = logging.getLogger("autosignature") logger.warning(mes) if logging_function: logging_function(mes) signature = None parameters = None except ValueError as e: # pragma: no cover # Backup plan, no __text_signature__, this happen # when a function was created with pybind11. doc = obj_sig.__doc__ sigs = set(enumerate_cleaned_signature(doc)) if len(sigs) == 0: mes = "[autosignature](2) unable to get signature of '{0}' - {1}.".format( object_name, str(e).replace("\n", "\\n")) logger = logging.getLogger("autosignature") logger.warning(mes) if logging_function: logging_function(mes) signature = None parameters = None elif len(sigs) > 1: mes = "[autosignature](2) too many signatures for '{0}' - {1} - {2}.".format( object_name, str(e).replace("\n", "\\n"), " *** ".join(sigs)) logger = logging.getLogger("autosignature") logger.warning(mes) if logging_function: logging_function(mes) signature = None parameters = None else: try: signature = inspect._signature_fromstr( inspect.Signature, obj_sig, list(sigs)[0]) parameters = signature.parameters except TypeError as e: mes = "[autosignature](3) unable to get signature of '{0}' - {1}.".format( object_name, str(e).replace("\n", "\\n")) logger = logging.getLogger("autosignature") logger.warning(mes) if logging_function: logging_function(mes) signature = None parameters = None domkind = {'meth': 'func', 'function': 'func', 'method': 'meth', 'class': 'class', 'staticmethod': 'meth', 'property': 'meth'}[kind] if signature is None: if opt_link: text = "\n:py:{2}:`{0} <{1}>`\n\n".format( anchor, object_name, domkind) else: text = "\n``{0} {1}``\n\n".format(kind, object_name) else: signature = self.build_parameters_list( parameters, opt_annotation) text = "\n:py:{3}:`{0} <{1}>` ({2})\n\n".format( anchor, object_name, signature, domkind) if obj is not None and opt_summary: # Documentation. doc = obj.__doc__ # if kind != "class" else obj.__class__.__doc__ if doc is None: # pragma: no cover mes = "[autosignature] docstring empty for '{0}'.".format( object_name) logger = logging.getLogger("autosignature") logger.warning(mes) if logging_function: logging_function(mes) else: if "type(object_or_name, bases, dict)" in doc: raise TypeError( # pragma: no cover "issue with {0}\n{1}".format(obj, doc)) docstring = self.build_summary(doc) text += docstring + "\n\n" if opt_members is not None and kind == "class": docstring = self.build_members(obj, opt_members, object_name, opt_annotation, opt_summary) docstring = "\n".join( map(lambda s: " " + s, docstring.split("\n"))) text += docstring + "\n\n" text_lines = text.split("\n") if logging_function: text_lines.extend([' ::', '', ' [debug]', '']) text_lines.extend(' ' + li for li in keep_logged) text_lines.append('') st = StringList(text_lines) nested_parse_with_titles(self.state, st, node) return [node]
[docs] def build_members(self, obj, members, object_name, annotation, summary): """ Extracts methods of a class and document them. :githublink:`%|py|322` """ if members != "all": members = {_.strip() for _ in members.split(",")} else: members = None rows = [] cl = obj methods = inspect.getmembers(cl) for name, value in methods: if name[0] == "_" or (members is not None and name not in members): continue if name not in cl.__dict__: # Not a method of this class. continue # pragma: no cover try: signature = inspect.signature(value) except TypeError as e: # pragma: no cover logger = logging.getLogger("autosignature") logger.warning( "[autosignature](2) unable to get signature of " "'{0}.{1} - {2}'.".format(object_name, name, str(e).replace("\n", "\\n"))) signature = None except ValueError: # pragma: no cover signature = None if signature is not None: parameters = signature.parameters else: parameters = [] # pragma: no cover if signature is None: continue # pragma: no cover signature = self.build_parameters_list(parameters, annotation) text = "\n:py:meth:`{0} <{1}.{0}>` ({2})\n\n".format( name, object_name, signature) if value is not None and summary: doc = value.__doc__ if doc is None: # pragma: no cover logger = logging.getLogger("autosignature") logger.warning( "[autosignature] docstring empty for '{0}.{1}'.".format(object_name, name)) else: docstring = self.build_summary(doc) lines = "\n".join( map(lambda s: " " + s, docstring.split("\n"))) text += "\n" + lines + "\n\n" rows.append(text) return "\n".join(rows)
[docs] def build_summary(self, docstring): """ Extracts the part of the docstring before the parameters. :param docstring: document string :return: string :githublink:`%|py|381` """ lines = docstring.split("\n") keep = [] for line in lines: sline = line.strip(" \r\t") if sline.startswith(":param") or sline.startswith("@param"): break if sline.startswith("Parameters"): break if sline.startswith(":returns:") or sline.startswith(":return:"): break # pragma: no cover if sline.startswith(":rtype:") or sline.startswith(":raises:"): break # pragma: no cover if sline.startswith(".. ") and "::" in sline: break if sline == "::": break # pragma: no cover if sline.startswith(":githublink:"): break # pragma: no cover if sline.startswith("@warning") or sline.startswith(".. warning::"): break # pragma: no cover keep.append(line) res = "\n".join(keep).rstrip("\n\r\t ") if res.endswith(":"): res = res[:-1] + "..." # pragma: no cover res = AutoSignatureDirective.reformat(res) return res
[docs] def build_parameters_list(self, parameters, annotation): """ Builds the list of parameters. :param parameters: list of `Parameters <>`_ :param annotation: add annotation :return: string (RST format) :githublink:`%|py|416` """ pieces = [] for name, value in parameters.items(): if len(pieces) > 0: pieces.append(", ") pieces.append("*{0}*".format(name)) if annotation and value.annotation is not inspect._empty: pieces.append(":{0}".format(value.annotation)) if value.default is not inspect._empty: pieces.append(" = ") if isinstance(value.default, str): de = "'{0}'".format(value.default.replace("'", "\\'")) else: de = str(value.default) pieces.append("`{0}`".format(de)) return "".join(pieces)
[docs] @staticmethod def reformat(text, indent=4): """ Formats the number of spaces in front every line to be equal to a specific value. :param text: text to analyse :param indent: specify the expected indentation for the result :return: number :githublink:`%|py|442` """ mins = None spl = text.split("\n") for line in spl: wh = line.strip("\r\t ") if len(wh) > 0: wh = line.lstrip(" \t") m = len(line) - len(wh) mins = m if mins is None else min(mins, m) if mins is None: return text dec = indent - mins if dec > 0: res = [] ins = " " * dec for line in spl: wh = line.strip("\r\t ") if len(wh) > 0: res.append(ins + line) else: res.append(wh) text = "\n".join(res) elif dec < 0: res = [] dec = -dec for line in spl: wh = line.strip("\r\t ") if len(wh) > 0: res.append(line[dec:]) else: res.append(wh) text = "\n".join(res) return text
[docs]def visit_autosignature_node(self, node): """ What to do when visiting a node :class:`autosignature_node <pyquickhelper.sphinxext.sphinx_autosignature.autosignature_node>`. :githublink:`%|py|481` """ pass
[docs]def depart_autosignature_node(self, node): """ What to do when leaving a node :class:`autosignature_node <pyquickhelper.sphinxext.sphinx_autosignature.autosignature_node>`. :githublink:`%|py|488` """ pass
[docs]def setup(app): """ Create a new directive called *autosignature* which displays the signature of the function. :githublink:`%|py|496` """ app.add_node(autosignature_node, html=(visit_autosignature_node, depart_autosignature_node), epub=(visit_autosignature_node, depart_autosignature_node), latex=(visit_autosignature_node, depart_autosignature_node), elatex=(visit_autosignature_node, depart_autosignature_node), text=(visit_autosignature_node, depart_autosignature_node), md=(visit_autosignature_node, depart_autosignature_node), rst=(visit_autosignature_node, depart_autosignature_node)) app.add_directive('autosignature', AutoSignatureDirective) return {'version': sphinx.__display_version__, 'parallel_read_safe': True}