.. blogpost:: :title: Badge for coverage :keywords: codecov, coveralls :date: 2016-01-01 :categories: coverage :lid: blogpost_coverage_codecov *pyquickhelper* is using :epkg:`coverage` to measure the coverage of the unit tests. `coveralls `_ cannot ingest these reports when :epkg:`codecov` does with a simple command line such as:: codecov --token=69193a28-dc79-4a24-98ed-aedf441a8249 --file=D:\jenkins\pymy\_pyquickhelper\_doc\sphinxdoc\source\coverage\coverage_report.xml --commit=f30c095f5da096e5db2ba6e5e0f7e07e833a8c81 It is provided by module :epkg:`codecov` (or `github/codecov `_). The coverage report is also available at `pyquickhelper coverage `_. but these kinds of website keep track of the changes. Others available websites which provide badges are mentioned on the main page :epkg:`pyquickhelper`.