.. blogpost:: :title: Share buttons on a page from the documenation. :keywords: sharenet, custom role, role, custom directive, directive :date: 2016-02-14 :categories: sphinx pyquickhelper now includes a directive and a role to share a page from the documentation on networks. See :class:`ShareNetDirective ` and :func:`sharenet_role `. The syntax is the following:: :sharenet:`twitter-facebook-linkedin-20` The text must be different networks separated by ``-``. The last integer indicates the size of the circles. If the buttons do not show up on the page, try to add ``-body``:: :sharenet:`twitter-facebook-linkedin-20-body` It specifies the javacript which draws the buttons is included on the HTML body and not in the header. The header section might be rewritten by other custom commands such as ``autodoc``. The main javascript part is the following:: Then to add a button to share on facebook:: On Linkedin:: On twitter::