.. blogpost:: :title: Upload a single binary on PyPI :keywords: PyPI, upload :date: 2018-05-21 :categories: build The packages for multiple distribution are built on different machine but the upload takes place on a single machine. I retrieved all available builds and moved them to the *dist* folder. The file ``.pypirc`` was saved into my home with the following content: :: [distutils] index-servers = pypi [pypi] repository=https://upload.pypi.org/legacy/ username=sloaned password=******** I then ran the following command line (and for another package): :: twine upload -r pypi dist\csharpy-0.1.53-cp36-cp36m-linux_x86_64.whl However this cannot be uploaded to :epkg:`PyPI` as it only accepts binaries built for manylinux and this can only be done with a `Centos `_ distribution (see `manylinux `_). I gave up and switched to the description of the package installation on linux.