.. blogpost:: :title: jupyter_sphinx :keywords: sphinx, jupyter :date: 2019-07-15 :categories: import :epkg:`jupyter_sphinx` was recently updated and now includes a directive which lets the user run a piece of code and even modify it before running. .. jupyter-execute:: n = 1 for i in range(1, 10): n *= i print('i!=%d' % n) This kind of complex possibility still surprises me. There must be a machine somewhere set up to run something, similar to `binder `_. :: .. jupyter-execute:: n = 1 for i in range(1, 10): n *= i print('i!=%d' % n) Apparently, a button must be added to the page... :: .. thebe-button:: Optional title Which gives: .. thebe-button:: Let's see if this page works. I don't see a free website running python for ever... Anyway, it seems to work very slowly on my first try or not to work. The page was waiting for the kernel for ever.