.. blogpost:: :title: Issue with nbconvert: unknown exporter "python" :keywords: linux, logging :date: 2021-01-13 :categories: security I bumped into the following error: :: nbconvert.exporters.base.ExporterNameError: Unknown exporter "python", did you mean one of: ? This issue was raised by the following piece of code: :: from nbconvert.exporters import get_exporter get_exporter("python") And this code gave another reason for the error: :: Permission denied: '/usr/share/jupyter/nbconvert/templates/conf.json' And this file is only available to another user. I don't know why *nbconvert* looks into that folder, it was run from a virtual environment created with option `--system-site-packages`. Anyway, removing the folder `/usr/share/jupyter/nbconvert/templates/` fixes the issue.