:orphan: |rss_image| :ref:`<== ` **blog page - 3/6** :ref:`==> ` :ref:`Blog ` :ref:`notebook (8) ` :ref:`sphinx (13) ` .. |rss_image| image:: feed-icon-16x16.png :target: ../_downloads/rss.xml :alt: RSS ---- .. _ap-main-2: blog page - 3/6 +++++++++++++++ .. blogpostagg:: :title: Build on CircleCI :date: 2017-08-20 :keywords: CircleCI :categories: continuous integration :rawfile: 2017/2017-08-20_circleci.rst *pyquickhelper* now builds on `CircleCI `_. The list of unit tests enabled on that platform is bigger than on *travis* or *appveyor*. It also builds the wheel and the documentation. It pushed them into the artifacts section where they can be downloaded. You can see the installation step in file `.circleci/config.yml `_. .. blogpostagg:: :title: Bug in Sphinx 1.6.2 for custom css :date: 2017-06-05 :keywords: documentation,sphinx,bug :categories: documentation :rawfile: 2017/2017-06-05_sphinx_bug_css.rst I was finally able to take some time and finish the migration to *Sphinx 1.6.2*. However, there is still an error I cannot fix because it is a bug in Sphinx which happens when a custom css is used. ... .. blogpostagg:: :title: Fixable issues with Sphinx 1.6.1 :date: 2017-05-21 :keywords: documentation,startup :categories: documentation :rawfile: 2017/2017-05-21_sphinx.rst `Sphinx `_ has released a new version 1.6.1. Other packages updated their code but some issues remain. I had to modify the code of the file `sphinx/transforms/__init__.py `_ to propage the environment *env* if not present. ... .. blogpostagg:: :title: Issues with Sphinx 1.6.1 :date: 2017-05-17 :keywords: documentation,startup :categories: documentation :rawfile: 2017/2017-05-17_sphinx.rst `Sphinx `_ has released a new version 1.6.1 but it breaks a couple of packages. `sphinx_gallery `_ breaks with the following error: ... .. blogpostagg:: :title: List of tools needed to build the documentation :date: 2017-04-27 :keywords: documentation,startup :categories: installation :rawfile: 2017/2017-04-27_setup.rst I have been setting up a couple of times a machine to build this documentation and others for my teachings. I do that on Windows. Here is the list of tools I need: ... .. blogpostagg:: :title: Python 2.7 discontinued :date: 2017-01-01 :keywords: Python 2.7 :categories: release :rawfile: 2017/2017-01-01_python27.rst Support for Python 2.7 will be discontinued. Too much work. No update on pypi for this version. To install it from the source: ... .. blogpostagg:: :title: Gallery of notebook :date: 2016-12-25 :keywords: gallery,documentation,notebook,thumbnail :categories: notebook :rawfile: 2016/2016-12-25_first_gallery.rst The module `sphinx-gallery `_ became quite popular. I discovered that `sphinx-nbexamples `_ was doing the same. I integrated the first one into pyquickhelper but I did something different for the second as I already had some custom logic to handle notebooks. :meth:`get_thumbnail `_. .. blogpostagg:: :title: Export a notebook with no code :date: 2016-10-10 :keywords: notebook,nbconvert :categories: notebook :rawfile: 2016/2016-10-10_notebook2pdf.rst Sometimes, you just want to remove all codes from your report. You can just reasd the json of a notebook and remove all codes by yourself or you can add an extra preprocessor which removes all the code in a notebook. We do something similar to this `example `_. First we create a preprocessor: ... ---- |rss_image| :ref:`<== ` **blog page - 3/6** :ref:`==> ` :ref:`2020-08 (2) ` :ref:`2020-09 (1) ` :ref:`2021-01 (1) ` :ref:`2022-03 (1) ` :ref:`2023-05 (1) `