:orphan: |rss_image| **2018-05 - 1/1** :ref:`Blog ` :ref:`notebook (8) ` :ref:`sphinx (13) ` .. |rss_image| image:: feed-icon-16x16.png :target: ../_downloads/rss.xml :alt: RSS ---- .. index:: 2018-05 .. _ap-month-2018-05-0: 2018-05 - 1/1 +++++++++++++ .. blogpostagg:: :title: Upload a single binary on PyPI :date: 2018-05-21 :keywords: PyPI,upload :categories: build :rawfile: 2018/2018-05-21_uploadbinaries.rst The packages for multiple distribution are built on different machine but the upload takes place on a single machine. I retrieved all available builds and moved them to the *dist* folder. The file ``.pypirc`` was saved into my home with the following content: ... ---- |rss_image| **2018-05 - 1/1** :ref:`2020-08 (2) ` :ref:`2020-09 (1) ` :ref:`2021-01 (1) ` :ref:`2022-03 (1) ` :ref:`2023-05 (1) `