RSS documentation - 1/2 ==> Blog notebook (8) sphinx (13)

documentation - 1/2

Issues with sphinx-gallery


Taking another dependency always means a potential conflicts between version. Is it fact enough updated when it breaks? I realized I was not the only to face an issue with sphinx-gallery. There is a discussion about it on scikit-learn/9189 and the package is now included in the sources. It is not really bothering for a small package like this. But still, it is extra work. I realize open source holds on some kind of magic sometimes. Some are fun but keeping them alive takes some energy.


Pandoc on ubuntu and WSL


I was using the Windows Subsystem for Linux to test a module with Linux. I could not make it work due to an old version of pandoc. Surprisingly, the default apt-get install pandoc installed a very old version (1.12). I could not convert any notebook with nbconvert into latex. I finally installed the latest version (1.19) and it worked perfectly. You can see the installation step in file .circleci/config.yml. That was not the last issue because pandoc seems to be very slow on WSL. About that, you can read: massive delay to call pandoc using the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) or Bash for Windows, stack ghc painfully slow.


Bug in Sphinx 1.6.2 for custom css


I was finally able to take some time and finish the migration to Sphinx 1.6.2. However, there is still an error I cannot fix because it is a bug in Sphinx which happens when a custom css is used.


Fixable issues with Sphinx 1.6.1


Sphinx has released a new version 1.6.1. Other packages updated their code but some issues remain. I had to modify the code of the file sphinx/transforms/ to propage the environment env if not present.


Issues with Sphinx 1.6.1


Sphinx has released a new version 1.6.1 but it breaks a couple of packages. sphinx_gallery breaks with the following error:


Links to Sphinx extensions


Awesome really became a good keyword to find references about anything: Awesome Sphinx.


Generate the documentation on Anaconda


On Anaconda, the documentation generation fails for two reasons. The first one is the current version of Sphinx (1.4.1) and pyquickhelper requires >= 1.4.5. After fixing it with pip, the following exception happens (only on Anaconda) on a virtual environment:


Make a reference to a blog post


Make a reference to the label label-to-this-blogpost to reference this blog post. Look at the source of this page to see how this id was specified.


Producing a version for Python 2.7 from Python 3


I tried to make most of the unit tests run under Python 2.7. Most of the function deals with strings for the documentation and it is a real pain to think again about str, unicode, bytes. Some of the functions only works in Python 3 but the goal was more to see what needed to be done.


Migration to IPython 3.1


It took me some time to do the migration to IPython 3.1. The code which automatically generates the documentation had to be updated to follow the new format of the notebooks. I had to redo the configuration of ipython to have the graph inline… I hope ipython does not rename itself into jupyter. The design is better but the notebooks crash from time to time. I guess the code becomes better each time a migration happens. But it takes quite some time. However, the changes are not reversible. Ipython needs to be updated otherwise the automated generation of the documentation will not work. For Jenkins, just remind that the server needs your credentials othewise it does not easily find pandoc.


RSS documentation - 1/2 ==> 2020-08 (2) 2020-09 (1) 2021-01 (1) 2022-03 (1) 2023-05 (1)