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Build on CircleCI


pyquickhelper now builds on CircleCI. The list of unit tests enabled on that platform is bigger than on travis or appveyor. It also builds the wheel and the documentation. It pushed them into the artifacts section where they can be downloaded. You can see the installation step in file .circleci/config.yml.


Bug in Sphinx 1.6.2 for custom css


I was finally able to take some time and finish the migration to Sphinx 1.6.2. However, there is still an error I cannot fix because it is a bug in Sphinx which happens when a custom css is used.


Fixable issues with Sphinx 1.6.1


Sphinx has released a new version 1.6.1. Other packages updated their code but some issues remain. I had to modify the code of the file sphinx/transforms/ to propage the environment env if not present.


Issues with Sphinx 1.6.1


Sphinx has released a new version 1.6.1 but it breaks a couple of packages. sphinx_gallery breaks with the following error:


List of tools needed to build the documentation


I have been setting up a couple of times a machine to build this documentation and others for my teachings. I do that on Windows. Here is the list of tools I need:


Python 2.7 discontinued


Support for Python 2.7 will be discontinued. Too much work. No update on pypi for this version. To install it from the source:


Gallery of notebook


The module sphinx-gallery became quite popular. I discovered that sphinx-nbexamples was doing the same. I integrated the first one into pyquickhelper but I did something different for the second as I already had some custom logic to handle notebooks. get_thumbnail <pyquickhelper.helpgen.ipythonhelper.notebook_runner.NotebookRunner.get_thumbnail() which creates a thumbnail by getting the last image if there is one or the last result output cell. The module uses matploblib to builds an image with text results. You can check the results at Notebook Gallery.


Open the notebook from a virtual environment


On Windows, I did not check on Linux, the short cut jupyter-notebook.exe is not present in the virtual environment. Here is a simple python program to launch the notebook server from the virtual environement.


Links to Sphinx extensions


Awesome really became a good keyword to find references about anything: Awesome Sphinx.


Export a notebook with no code


Sometimes, you just want to remove all codes from your report. You can just reasd the json of a notebook and remove all codes by yourself or you can add an extra preprocessor which removes all the code in a notebook. We do something similar to this example. First we create a preprocessor:


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