Coverage for pyquickhelper/cli/ 97%

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3@brief Automate the creation of a parser based on a function. 


5from __future__ import print_function 

6import argparse 

7import inspect 

8import re 

9from fire.docstrings import parse 



12def clean_documentation_for_cli(doc, cleandoc): 

13 """ 

14 Cleans the documentation before integrating 

15 into a command line documentation. 


17 @param doc documentation 

18 @param cleandoc a string which tells how to clean, 

19 or a function which takes a function and 

20 returns a string 


22 The function removes everything after ``.. cmdref::`` and ``.. cmdreflist`` 

23 as it creates an infinite loop of processus if this command 

24 is part of the documentation of the command line itself. 

25 """ 

26 for st in ('.. versionchanged::', '.. versionadded::', 

27 '.. cmdref::', '.. cmdreflist::'): 

28 if st in doc: 

29 doc = doc.split(st)[0] 

30 if isinstance(cleandoc, (list, tuple)): 

31 for cl in cleandoc: 

32 doc = clean_documentation_for_cli(doc, cl) 

33 return doc 

34 else: 

35 if isinstance(cleandoc, str): 

36 if cleandoc == 'epkg': 

37 reg = re.compile('(:epkg:(`[0-9a-zA-Z_:.*]+`))') 

38 fall = reg.findall(doc) 

39 for c in fall: 

40 doc = doc.replace(c[0], c[1].replace(':', '.')) 

41 return doc 

42 elif cleandoc == 'link': 

43 reg = re.compile('(`(.+?) <.+?>`_)') 

44 fall = reg.findall(doc) 

45 for c in fall: 

46 doc = doc.replace(c[0], c[1].replace(':', '.')) 

47 return doc 

48 else: 

49 raise ValueError( # pragma: no cover 

50 f"cleandoc='{cleandoc}' is not implemented, only 'epkg'.") 

51 elif callable(cleandoc): 

52 return cleandoc(doc) 

53 else: 

54 raise ValueError( # pragma: no cover 

55 f"cleandoc is not a string or a callable object but {type(cleandoc)}") 



58def create_cli_parser(f, prog=None, layout="sphinx", skip_parameters=('fLOG',), 

59 cleandoc=("epkg", "link"), positional=None, cls=None, **options): 

60 """ 

61 Automatically creates a parser based on a function, 

62 its signature with annotation and its documentation (assuming 

63 this documentation is written using :epkg:`Sphinx` syntax). 


65 @param f function 

66 @param prog to give the parser a different name than the function name 

67 @param use_sphinx simple documentation only requires :epkg:`docutils`, 

68 richer requires :epkg:`sphinx` 

69 @param skip_parameters do not expose these parameters 

70 @param cleandoc cleans the documentation before 

71 converting it into text, 

72 @see fn clean_documentation_for_cli 

73 @param options additional :epkg:`Sphinx` options 

74 @param positional positional argument 

75 @param cls parser class, :epkg:`*py:argparse:ArgumentParser` 

76 by default 

77 @return :epkg:`*py:argparse:ArgumentParser` 


79 If an annotation offers mutiple types, 

80 the first one will be used for the command line. 

81 """ 

82 # delayed import to speed up import. 

83 # from ..helpgen import docstring2html 

84 if "@param" in f.__doc__: 

85 raise RuntimeError( # pragma: no cover 

86 "@param is not allowed in documentation for function " 

87 "'{}' in '{}'.".format( 

88 f, f.__module__)) 

89 docf = clean_documentation_for_cli(f.__doc__, cleandoc) 

90 fulldocinfo = parse(docf) 

91 docparams = {} 

92 if fulldocinfo.args is not None: 

93 for arg in fulldocinfo.args: 

94 if in docparams: 

95 raise ValueError( # pragma: no cover 

96 f"Parameter '{}' is documented twice.\n{docf}") 

97 docparams[] = arg.description 


99 # add arguments with the signature 

100 signature = inspect.signature(f) 

101 parameters = signature.parameters 

102 if cls is None: 

103 cls = argparse.ArgumentParser 

104 parser = cls(prog=prog or f.__name__, description=fulldocinfo.summary, 

105 formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter) 


107 if skip_parameters is None: 

108 skip_parameters = [] 

109 names = {"h": "already taken"} 

110 for k, p in parameters.items(): 

111 if k in skip_parameters: 

112 continue 

113 if k not in docparams: 

114 raise ValueError( # pragma: no cover 

115 f"Parameter '{k}' is not documented in\n{docf}.") 

116 create_cli_argument(parser, p, docparams[k], names, positional) 


118 # end 

119 return parser 



122def create_cli_argument(parser, param, doc, names, positional): 

123 """ 

124 Adds an argument for :epkg:`*py:argparse:ArgumentParser`. 


126 @param parser :epkg:`*py:argparse:ArgumentParser` 

127 @param param parameter (from the signature) 

128 @param doc documentation for this parameter 

129 @param names for shortnames 

130 @param positional positional arguments 


132 If an annotation offers mutiple types, 

133 the first one will be used for the command line. 

134 """ 

135 p = param 

136 if p.annotation and p.annotation != inspect._empty: 

137 typ = p.annotation 

138 else: 

139 typ = type(p.default) 

140 if typ is None: 

141 raise ValueError( # pragma: no cover 

142 f"Unable to infer type of '{}' ({p})") 


144 if len( > 3: 

145 shortname =[0] 

146 if shortname in names: 

147 shortname =[0:2] 

148 if shortname in names: 

149 shortname =[0:3] 

150 if shortname in names: 

151 shortname = None 

152 else: 

153 shortname = None 


155 if in names: 

156 raise ValueError( # pragma: no cover 

157 f"You should change the name of parameter '{}'") 


159 if positional is not None and in positional: 

160 pnames = [] 

161 else: 

162 pnames = ["--" +] 

163 if shortname: 

164 pnames.insert(0, "-" + shortname) 

165 names[shortname] = 


167 if isinstance(typ, list): 

168 # Multiple options for the same parameter 

169 typ = typ[0] 


171 if typ in (int, str, float, bool): 

172 default = None if p.default == inspect._empty else p.default 

173 if typ == bool: 

174 # see 

175 def typ_(s): 

176 return s.lower() in {'true', 't', 'yes', '1'} 

177 typ = typ_ 

178 if default is not None: 

179 parser.add_argument(*pnames, type=typ, help=doc, default=default) 

180 else: 

181 parser.add_argument(*pnames, type=typ, help=doc) 

182 elif typ is None or str(typ) == "<class 'NoneType'>": 

183 parser.add_argument(*pnames, type=str, help=doc, default="") 

184 elif str(typ) == "<class 'type'>": 

185 # Positional argument 

186 parser.add_argument(*pnames, help=doc) 

187 else: 

188 raise NotImplementedError( # pragma: no cover 

189 "typ='{0}' not supported (parameter '{1}'). \n" 

190 "None should be replaced by an empty string \n" 

191 "as empty value are received that way.".format(typ, p)) 



194def call_cli_function(f, args=None, parser=None, fLOG=print, skip_parameters=('fLOG',), 

195 cleandoc=("epkg", 'link'), prog=None, **options): 

196 """ 

197 Calls a function *f* given parsed arguments. 


199 @param f function to call 

200 @param args arguments to parse (if None, it considers sys.argv) 

201 @param parser parser (can be None, in that case, @see fn create_cli_parser 

202 is called) 

203 @param fLOG logging function 

204 @param skip_parameters see @see fn create_cli_parser 

205 @param cleandoc cleans the documentation before converting it into text, 

206 @see fn clean_documentation_for_cli 

207 @param prog to give the parser a different name than the function name 

208 @param options additional :epkg:`Sphinx` options 

209 @return the output of the wrapped function 


211 This function is used in command line @see fn pyq_sync. 

212 Its code can can be used as an example. 

213 The command line can be tested as: 


215 :: 


217 class TextMyCommandLine(unittest.TestCase): 


219 def test_mycommand_line_help(self): 

220 fLOG( 

221 __file__, 

222 self._testMethodName, 

223 OutputPrint=__name__ == "__main__") 


225 rows = [] 


227 def flog(*l): 

228 rows.append(l) 


230 mycommand_line(args=['-h'], fLOG=flog) 


232 r = rows[0][0] 

233 if not r.startswith("usage: mycommand_line ..."): 

234 raise RuntimeError(r) 

235 """ 

236 if parser is None: 

237 parser = create_cli_parser(f, prog=prog, skip_parameters=skip_parameters, 

238 cleandoc=cleandoc, **options) 

239 if args is not None and (args == ['--help'] or args == ['-h']): # pylint: disable=R1714 

240 fLOG(parser.format_help()) 

241 else: 

242 try: 

243 args = parser.parse_args(args=args) 

244 except SystemExit as e: # pragma: no cover 

245 exit_code = e.args[0] 

246 if exit_code != 0: 

247 if fLOG: 

248 fLOG(f"Unable to parse argument due to '{e}':") 

249 if args: 

250 fLOG(" ", " ".join(args)) 

251 fLOG("") 

252 fLOG(parser.format_usage()) 

253 args = None 


255 if args is not None: 

256 signature = inspect.signature(f) 

257 parameters = signature.parameters 

258 kwargs = {} 

259 has_flog = False 

260 for k in parameters: 

261 if k == "fLOG": 

262 has_flog = True 

263 continue 

264 if hasattr(args, k): 

265 val = getattr(args, k) 

266 if val == '': 

267 val = None 

268 kwargs[k] = val 

269 if has_flog: 

270 res = f(fLOG=fLOG, **kwargs) 

271 else: 

272 res = f(**kwargs) 

273 if res is not None: 

274 if isinstance(res, str): 

275 fLOG(res) 

276 elif isinstance(res, list): 

277 for el in res: 

278 fLOG(el) 

279 elif isinstance(res, dict): 

280 for k, v in sorted(res.items()): 

281 fLOG(f"{k}: {v}") 

282 return res 

283 return None 



286def guess_module_name(fct): 

287 """ 

288 Guesses the module name based on a function. 


290 @param fct function 

291 @return module name 

292 """ 

293 mod = fct.__module__ 

294 spl = mod.split('.') 

295 name = spl[0] 

296 if name == 'src': 

297 return spl[1] 

298 return spl[0] 



301def cli_main_helper(dfct, args, fLOG=print): 

302 """ 

303 Implements the main commmand line for a module. 


305 @param dfct dictionary ``{ key: fct }`` 

306 @param args arguments 

307 @param fLOG logging function 

308 @return the output of the wrapped function 


310 The function makes it quite simple to write a file 

311 ```` which implements the syntax 

312 ``python -m <module> <command> <arguments>``. 

313 Here is an example of implementation based on this 

314 function: 


316 :: 


318 import sys 



321 def main(args, fLOG=print): 

322 ''' 

323 Implements ``python -m pyquickhelper <command> <args>``. 


325 @param args command line arguments 

326 @param fLOG logging function 

327 ''' 

328 try: 

329 from .pandashelper import df2rst 

330 from .pycode import clean_files 

331 from .cli import cli_main_helper 

332 except ImportError: 

333 from pyquickhelper.pandashelper import df2rst 

334 from pyquickhelper.pycode import clean_files 

335 from pyquickhelper.cli import cli_main_helper 


337 fcts = dict(df2rst=df2rst, clean_files=clean_files) 

338 cli_main_helper(fcts, args=args, fLOG=fLOG) 



341 if __name__ == "__main__": 

342 main(sys.argv[1:]) 


344 The function takes care of the parsing of the command line by 

345 leveraging the signature and the documentation of the function 

346 if its docstring is written in :epkg:`rst` format. 

347 For example, function @see fn clean_files is automatically wrapped 

348 with function @see fn call_cli_function. The command 

349 ``python -m pyquickhelper clean_files --help`` produces 

350 the following output: 


352 .. cmdref:: 

353 :title: Clean files 

354 :cmd: -m pyquickhelper clean_files --help 


356 The command line cleans files in a folder. 


358 The command line can be replaced by a GUI triggered 

359 with the following command line. It relies on module 

360 :epkg`tkinterquickhelper`. See @see fn call_gui_function. 


362 :: 


364 python -u -m <module> --GUI 

365 """ 

366 if fLOG is None: 

367 raise ValueError("fLOG must be defined.") # pragma: no cover 

368 first = None 

369 for _, v in dfct.items(): 

370 first = v 

371 break 

372 if not first: 

373 raise ValueError("dictionary must not be empty.") # pragma: no cover 


375 def print_available(): 

376 maxlen = max(map(len, dfct)) + 3 

377 fLOG("Available commands:") 

378 fLOG("") 

379 for a, fct in sorted(dfct.items()): 

380 doc = fct.__doc__.strip("\r\n ").split("\n")[0] 

381 fLOG(" " + a + " " * (maxlen - len(a)) + doc) 


383 modname = guess_module_name(first) 

384 if len(args) < 1: 

385 fLOG("Usage:") 

386 fLOG("") 

387 fLOG(f" python -m {modname} <command>") 

388 fLOG("") 

389 fLOG("To get help:") 

390 fLOG("") 

391 fLOG(f" python -m {modname} <command> --help") 

392 fLOG("") 

393 print_available() 

394 return None 

395 else: 

396 cmd = args[0] 

397 cp = args.copy() 

398 del cp[0] 

399 if cmd in dfct: 

400 fct = dfct[cmd] 

401 sig = inspect.signature(fct) 

402 if 'args' not in sig.parameters or 'fLOG' not in sig.parameters: 

403 return call_cli_function(fct, prog=cmd, args=cp, fLOG=fLOG, 

404 skip_parameters=('fLOG', )) 

405 else: 

406 return fct(args=cp, fLOG=fLOG) 

407 elif cmd in ('--GUI', '-G', "--GUITEST"): 

408 return call_gui_function(dfct, fLOG=fLOG, utest=cmd == "--GUITEST") 

409 else: 

410 fLOG(f"Command not found: '{cmd}'.") 

411 fLOG("") 

412 print_available() 

413 return None 



416def call_gui_function(dfct, fLOG=print, utest=False): 

417 """ 

418 Opens a GUI based on :epkg:`tkinter` which allows the 

419 user to run a command line through a windows. 

420 The function requires :epkg:`tkinterquickhelper`. 


422 @param dfct dictionary ``{ key: fct }`` 

423 @param args arguments 

424 @param utest for unit test purposes, 

425 does not start the main loop if True 


427 This GUI can be triggered with the following command line: 


429 :: 


431 python -m <module> --GUI 


433 If one of your function prints out some information or 

434 raises an exception, option ``-u`` should be added: 


436 :: 


438 python -u -m <module> --GUI 

439 """ 

440 try: 

441 import tkinterquickhelper 

442 except ImportError: # pragma: no cover 

443 print("Option --GUI requires module tkinterquickhelper to be installed.") 

444 tkinterquickhelper = None 

445 if tkinterquickhelper: 

446 memo = dfct 

447 dfct = {} 

448 for k, v in memo.items(): 

449 sig = inspect.signature(v) 

450 pars = list(sorted(sig.parameters)) 

451 if pars == ["args", "fLOG"]: 

452 continue 

453 dfct[k] = v 

454 from tkinterquickhelper.funcwin import main_loop_functions 

455 first = None 

456 for _, v in dfct.items(): 

457 first = v 

458 break 

459 modname = guess_module_name(first) 

460 win = main_loop_functions(dfct, title=f"{modname} command line", 

461 mainloop=not utest) 

462 return win 

463 return None # pragma: no cover