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3@brief Gather functions about downloading from internet, ... 


5import os 

6import sys 

7import shutil 

8import urllib.request as urllib_request 

9import urllib.error as urllib_error 

10from ..loghelper.flog import noLOG, _get_file_url 

11from .fexceptions import FileException 

12from ..loghelper.flog import _first_more_recent 



15class ReadUrlException(Exception): 

16 """ 

17 Raised by @see fn read_url. 

18 """ 

19 pass 



22def download(url, path_download=".", outfile=None, fLOG=noLOG): 

23 """ 

24 Downloads a small file. 

25 If *url* is an url, it downloads the file and returns the downloaded filename. 

26 If it has already been downloaded, it is not downloaded again 

27 The function raises an exception if the url does not contain 

28 ``http://`` or ``https://`` or ``ftp://``. 


30 @param url url 

31 @param path_download download the file here 

32 @param outfile see below 

33 @param fLOG logging function 

34 @return the filename 


36 If *outfile* is None, the function will give a relative name 

37 based on the last part of the url. 

38 If *outfile* is "", the function will remove every weird character. 

39 If *outfile* is not null, the function will use it. It will be relative to 

40 the current folder and not *path_download*. 

41 """ 

42 lurl = url.lower() 

43 if lurl.startswith("file://"): 

44 if outfile is None: 

45 last = os.path.split(url)[-1] 

46 if last.startswith("__cached__"): 

47 last = last[len("__cached__"):] 

48 dest = os.path.join(path_download, last) 

49 elif outfile == "": 

50 dest = _get_file_url(url, path_download) 

51 else: 

52 dest = outfile 


54 src = url[7:].lstrip( 

55 "/") if sys.platform.startswith("win") else url[7:] 

56 shutil.copy(src, dest) 

57 return dest 

58 elif "http://" in lurl or "https://" in lurl or "ftp://" in lurl: 

59 if outfile is None: 

60 dest = os.path.join(path_download, os.path.split(url)[-1]) 

61 elif outfile == "": 

62 dest = _get_file_url(url, path_download) 

63 else: 

64 dest = outfile 


66 down = False 

67 nyet = dest + ".notyet" 


69 if os.path.exists(dest) and not os.path.exists(nyet): 

70 try: 

71 f1 = urllib_request.urlopen(url) 

72 down = _first_more_recent(f1, dest) 

73 newdate = down 

74 f1.close() 

75 except urllib_error.HTTPError as e: 

76 raise ReadUrlException( 

77 "Unable to fetch '{0}'".format(url)) from e 

78 except IOError as e: 

79 raise ReadUrlException( 

80 "Unable to download '{0}'".format(url)) from e 

81 else: 

82 down = True 

83 newdate = False 


85 if down: 

86 if newdate: 

87 fLOG("[download] downloading (updated) ", url) 

88 else: 

89 fLOG("[download] downloading ", url) 


91 if (len(url) > 4 and 

92 url[-4].lower() in [".txt", ".csv", ".tsv", ".log", '.tmpl']): 

93 fLOG("creating text file ", dest) 

94 format = "w" 

95 else: 

96 fLOG("creating binary file ", dest) 

97 format = "wb" 


99 if os.path.exists(nyet): 

100 size = os.stat(dest).st_size 

101 fLOG("[download] resume downloading (stop at", size, ") from ", url) 

102 try: 

103 request = urllib_request.Request(url) 

104 request.add_header("Range", "bytes=%d-" % size) 

105 fu = urllib_request.urlopen(request) 

106 except urllib_error.HTTPError as e: 

107 raise ReadUrlException( 

108 "Unable to fetch '{0}'".format(url)) from e 

109 f = open(dest, format.replace("w", "a") # pylint: disable=W1501 

110 ) # pylint: disable=W1501 

111 else: 

112 fLOG("[download] downloading ", url) 

113 try: 

114 request = urllib_request.Request(url) 

115 fu = urllib_request.urlopen(url) 

116 except urllib_error.HTTPError as e: 

117 raise ReadUrlException( 

118 "Unable to fetch '{0}'".format(url)) from e 

119 f = open(dest, format) 


121 open(nyet, "w").close() 

122 c = fu.read(2 ** 21) 

123 size = 0 

124 while len(c) > 0: 

125 size += len(c) 

126 fLOG("[download] size", size) 

127 f.write(c) 

128 f.flush() 

129 c = fu.read(2 ** 21) 

130 fLOG("end downloading") 

131 f.close() 

132 fu.close() 

133 os.remove(nyet) 


135 url = dest 

136 return url 

137 else: 

138 raise FileException("This url does not seem to be one: " + url) 



141def read_url(url, encoding=None): 

142 """ 

143 Reads the content of a url. 


145 @param url url 

146 @param encoding if None, the result type is bytes, str otherwise 

147 @return str (encoding is not None) or bytes 

148 """ 

149 request = urllib_request.Request(url) 

150 try: 

151 with urllib_request.urlopen(request) as fu: 

152 content = fu.read() 

153 except Exception as e: 

154 import urllib.parse as urlparse 

155 res = urlparse.urlparse(url) 

156 raise ReadUrlException( 

157 "unable to open url '{0}' scheme: {1}\nexc: {2}".format(url, res, e)) 


159 if encoding is None: 

160 return content 

161 else: 

162 return content.decode(encoding=encoding)