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3@brief Various function to install some application such as :epkg:`pandoc`. 


5from __future__ import print_function 

6import re 

7import os 

8import shutil 


10from ..filehelper import download, read_url 

11from ..filehelper.internet_helper import ReadUrlException 

12from ..filehelper.compression_helper import unzip_files 

13from ..filehelper.synchelper import explore_folder_iterfile 



16def download_revealjs(temp_folder=".", unzip_to=".", fLOG=print, 

17 location="https://github.com/hakimel/reveal.js/releases", 

18 clean=True): 

19 """ 

20 Downloads :epkg:`reveal.js` release and unzips it. 


22 @param temp_folder where to download the setup 

23 @param unzip_to where to unzip the files 

24 @param fLOG logging function 

25 @param location location of reveal.js release 

26 @param clean clean unnecessary files 

27 @return list of downloaded and unzipped files 

28 """ 

29 link = location 

30 page = read_url(link, encoding="utf8") 

31 reg = re.compile("href=\\\"(.*?[0-9.]+?[.]zip)\\\"") 

32 alls = reg.findall(page) 

33 if len(alls) == 0: 

34 raise Exception( 

35 "unable to find a link on a .zip file on page: " + 

36 page) 


38 filename = alls[0].split("/")[-1] 

39 filel = location.replace("releases", "").rstrip( 

40 '/') + "/archive/{0}".format(filename) 

41 outfile = os.path.join(temp_folder, "reveal.js." + filename) 

42 fLOG("download ", filel, "to", outfile) 

43 local = download(filel, temp_folder, fLOG=fLOG) 

44 fLOG("local file", local) 

45 unzip_files(local, where_to=unzip_to) 


47 # we rename 

48 sub = [_ for _ in os.listdir(unzip_to) if "reveal" in _] 

49 if len(sub) != 1: 

50 raise FileNotFoundError( 

51 "several version exists or noe of them:\n{0}".format(", ".join(sub))) 

52 sub = sub[0] 

53 master = os.path.join(unzip_to, sub) 

54 if not os.path.exists(master): 

55 raise FileNotFoundError("unable to find: " + master) 

56 new_master = os.path.join(unzip_to, "reveal.js") 

57 os.rename(master, new_master) 


59 if clean: 

60 # we clean some files 

61 res = explore_folder_iterfile(new_master) 

62 keep = [] 

63 for r in res: 

64 if os.path.isdir(r): 

65 continue 

66 if (".gitignore" in r or ".travis.yml" in r or "index.html" in r or 

67 ".appveyor.yml" in r or "requirement" in r or "README" in r or 

68 "CONTRIBUTING.md" in r): 

69 os.remove(r) 

70 elif "/test/" in r.replace("\\", "/"): 

71 os.remove(r) 

72 else: 

73 keep.append(r) 


75 # we clean the downloaded file 

76 os.remove(local) 


78 return keep 



81def download_requirejs(to=".", fLOG=print, 

82 location="http://requirejs.org/docs/download.html", 

83 clean=True): 

84 """ 

85 Downloads `require.js 

86 <http://requirejs.org/docs/download.html>`_ 

87 release. 


89 @param to where to unzip the files 

90 @param fLOG logging function 

91 @param location location of require.js release 

92 @param clean clean unnecessary files 

93 @return list of downloaded and unzipped files 


95 *require.js* can be locally obtained 

96 if :epkg:`notebook` is installed. 

97 """ 

98 if location is None: 

99 from notebook import __file__ as local_location 

100 dirname = os.path.dirname(local_location) 

101 location = os.path.join( 

102 dirname, "static", "components", "requirejs", "require.js") 

103 if not os.path.exists(location): 

104 raise FileNotFoundError( 

105 "Unable to find requirejs in '{0}'".format(location)) 

106 shutil.copy(location, to) 

107 return [os.path.join(to, "require.js")] 

108 else: 

109 link = location 

110 try: 

111 page = read_url(link, encoding="utf8") 

112 except ReadUrlException: 

113 if fLOG: 

114 fLOG( 

115 "[download_requirejs] unable to read '{0}'".format(location)) 

116 return download_requirejs(to=to, fLOG=fLOG, location=None, clean=clean) 


118 reg = re.compile("href=\\\"(.*?minified/require[.]js)\\\"") 

119 alls = reg.findall(page) 

120 if len(alls) == 0: 

121 raise Exception( 

122 "unable to find a link on require.js file on page: " + 

123 page) 


125 filename = alls[0] 


127 try: 

128 local = download(filename, to, fLOG=fLOG) 

129 except ReadUrlException as e: 

130 # We implement a backup plan. 

131 new_filename = "http://www.xavierdupre.fr/enseignement/setup/require.js/2.3.6/require.js" 

132 try: 

133 local = download(new_filename, to, fLOG=fLOG) 

134 except ReadUrlException: 

135 raise ReadUrlException("Unable to download '{0}' or '{1}'".format( 

136 filename, new_filename)) from e 


138 fLOG("[download_requirejs] local file", local) 

139 return [local]