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3@brief Extends Jenkins Server from :epkg:`python-jenkins`. 



6import os 

7import sys 

8import socket 

9import hashlib 

10import re 

11from xml.sax.saxutils import escape 

12import requests 

13import jenkins 

14from ..loghelper.flog import noLOG 

15from ..pycode.windows_scripts import windows_jenkins, windows_jenkins_any 

16from ..pycode.windows_scripts import windows_jenkins_27_conda, windows_jenkins_27_def 

17from ..pycode.linux_scripts import linux_jenkins, linux_jenkins_any 

18from ..pycode.build_helper import private_script_replacements 

19from .jenkins_exceptions import JenkinsExtException, JenkinsJobException 

20from .jenkins_server_template import _config_job, _trigger_up, _trigger_time, _git_repo, _task_batch_win, _task_batch_lin 

21from .jenkins_server_template import _trigger_startup, _publishers, _file_creation, _wipe_repo, _artifacts, _cleanup_repo 

22from .yaml_helper import enumerate_processed_yml 

23from .jenkins_helper import jenkins_final_postprocessing, get_platform 


25_timeout_default = 1200 


27_default_engine_paths = { 

28 "windows": { 

29 "__PY36__": "__PY36__", 

30 "__PY37__": "__PY37__", 

31 "__PY38__": "__PY38__", 

32 "__PY39__": "__PY39__", 

33 "__PY36_X64__": "__PY36_X64__", 

34 "__PY37_X64__": "__PY37_X64__", 

35 "__PY38_X64__": "__PY38_X64__", 

36 "__PY39_X64__": "__PY39_X64__", 

37 }, 




41def _modified_windows_jenkins(requirements_local, requirements_pypi, module="__MODULE__", 

42 port="__PORT__", platform=None): 

43 return private_script_replacements( 

44 linux_jenkins, module, 

45 (requirements_local, requirements_pypi), 

46 port, raise_exception=False, 

47 default_engine_paths=_default_engine_paths, 

48 platform=get_platform(platform)) 



51def _modified_linux_jenkins(requirements_local, requirements_pypi, module="__MODULE__", 

52 port="__PORT__", platform=None): 

53 return private_script_replacements( 

54 windows_jenkins, module, 

55 (requirements_local, requirements_pypi), 

56 port, raise_exception=False, 

57 default_engine_paths=_default_engine_paths, 

58 platform=get_platform(platform)) 



61def _modified_windows_jenkins_27(requirements_local, requirements_pypi, module="__MODULE__", 

62 port="__PORT__", anaconda=True, platform=None): 

63 return private_script_replacements( 

64 windows_jenkins_27_conda if anaconda else windows_jenkins_27_def, 

65 module, (requirements_local, requirements_pypi), 

66 port, raise_exception=False, 

67 default_engine_paths=_default_engine_paths, 

68 platform=get_platform(platform)) 



71def _modified_windows_jenkins_any(requirements_local, requirements_pypi, module="__MODULE__", 

72 port="__PORT__", platform=None): 

73 res = private_script_replacements( 

74 windows_jenkins_any, module, 

75 (requirements_local, requirements_pypi), 

76 port, raise_exception=False, 

77 default_engine_paths=_default_engine_paths, 

78 platform=get_platform(platform)) 

79 return res.replace("virtual_env_suffix=%2", "virtual_env_suffix=___SUFFIX__") 



82def _modified_linux_jenkins_any(requirements_local, requirements_pypi, module="__MODULE__", 

83 port="__PORT__", platform=None): 

84 res = private_script_replacements( 

85 linux_jenkins_any, module, 

86 (requirements_local, requirements_pypi), 

87 port, raise_exception=False, 

88 default_engine_paths=_default_engine_paths, 

89 platform=get_platform(platform)) 

90 return res.replace("virtual_env_suffix=%2", "virtual_env_suffix=___SUFFIX__") 



93class JenkinsExt(jenkins.Jenkins): 


95 """ 

96 Extensions for the :epkg:`Jenkins` server 

97 based on module :epkg:`python-jenkins`. 


99 .. index:: Jenkins, Jenkins extensions 


101 Some useful :epkg:`Jenkins` extensions: 


103 * `Credentials Plugin <https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Credentials+Plugin>`_ 

104 * `Extra Column Plugin <https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Extra+Columns+Plugin>`_ 

105 * `Git Client Plugin <https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Git+Client+Plugin>`_ 

106 * `GitHub Client Plugin <https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Github+Plugin>`_ 

107 * `GitLab Client Plugin <https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/GitLab+Plugin>`_ 

108 * `Matrix Project Plugin <https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Matrix+Project+Plugin>`_ 

109 * `Build Pipeline Plugin <https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Build+Pipeline+Plugin>`_ 


111 The whole class can define many different engines. 

112 A job can send a mail at the end of the job execution. 

113 """ 


115 _config_job = _config_job # pylint: disable=W0127 

116 _trigger_up = _trigger_up # pylint: disable=W0127 

117 _trigger_time = _trigger_time # pylint: disable=W0127 

118 _trigger_startup = _trigger_startup # pylint: disable=W0127 

119 _git_repo = _git_repo # pylint: disable=W0127 

120 _task_batch_win = _task_batch_win # pylint: disable=W0127 

121 _task_batch_lin = _task_batch_lin # pylint: disable=W0127 

122 _publishers = _publishers # pylint: disable=W0127 

123 _wipe_repo = _wipe_repo # pylint: disable=W0127 

124 _artifacts = _artifacts # pylint: disable=W0127 

125 _cleanup_repo = _cleanup_repo # pylint: disable=W0127 


127 def __init__(self, url, username=None, password=None, timeout=socket._GLOBAL_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, 

128 mock=False, engines=None, platform=None, pypi_port=8067, fLOG=noLOG, 

129 mails=None): 

130 """ 

131 @param url url of the server 

132 @param username username 

133 @param password password 

134 @param timeout timeout 

135 @param mock True by default, if False, avoid talking to the server 

136 @param engines list of Python engines *{name: path to python.exe}* 

137 @param platform platform of the Jenkins server 

138 @param pypi_port pypi port used for the documentation server 

139 @param mails (str) list of mails to contact in case of a mistaje 

140 @param fLOG logging function 


142 If *platform* is None, it is replace by the value returned 

143 by @see fn get_platform. 

144 """ 

145 if platform is None: 

146 platform = get_platform(platform) 

147 jenkins.Jenkins.__init__( 

148 self, url, username, password, timeout=timeout) 

149 self._mock = mock 

150 self.platform = platform 

151 self.pypi_port = pypi_port 

152 self.mails = mails 

153 self.fLOG = fLOG 

154 if engines is None: 

155 engines = {"default": os.path.dirname(sys.executable)} 

156 self.engines = engines 

157 for k, v in self.engines.items(): 

158 if v.endswith(".exe"): 

159 raise FileNotFoundError( # pragma: no cover 

160 "{}:{} is not a folder".format(k, v)) 

161 if " " in v: 

162 raise JenkinsJobException( # pragma: no cover 

163 "No space allowed in engine path: " + v) 


165 @property 

166 def Engines(self): 

167 """ 

168 @return the available engines 

169 """ 

170 return self.engines 


172 def jenkins_open(self, req, add_crumb=True, resolve_auth=True): # pragma: no cover 

173 ''' 

174 Overloads the same method from module :epkg:`python-jenkins` 

175 to replace string by bytes. 


177 @param req see :epkg:`Jenkins API` 

178 @param add_crumb see :epkg:`Jenkins API` 

179 @param resolve_auth see :epkg:`Jenkins API` 

180 ''' 

181 if self._mock: 

182 raise JenkinsExtException("mocking server, cannot be open") 


184 response = self.jenkins_request( 

185 req=req, add_crumb=add_crumb, resolve_auth=resolve_auth) 

186 if response is None: 

187 raise jenkins.EmptyResponseException( 

188 "Error communicating with server[%s]: " 

189 "empty response" % self.server) 

190 return response.content 


192 def delete_job(self, name): # pragma: no cover 

193 ''' 

194 Deletes :epkg:`Jenkins` job permanently. 


196 :param name: name of :epkg:`Jenkins` job, ``str`` 

197 ''' 

198 if self._mock: 

199 return 

200 r = self._get_job_folder(name) 

201 if r is None: 

202 raise JenkinsExtException('delete[%s] failed (no job)' % (name)) 


204 folder_url, short_name = self._get_job_folder(name) 

205 if folder_url is None: 

206 raise ValueError("folder_url is None for job '{0}'".format(name)) 

207 self.jenkins_open(requests.Request( 

208 'POST', self._build_url(jenkins.DELETE_JOB, locals()) 

209 )) 

210 if self.job_exists(name) or self.job_exists(short_name): 

211 raise jenkins.JenkinsException('delete[%s] failed' % (name)) 


213 def get_jobs(self, folder_depth=0, folder_depth_per_request=10, view_name=None): 

214 """ 

215 Gets the list of all jobs recursively to the given folder depth, 

216 see `get_all_jobs 

217 <https://python-jenkins.readthedocs.org/en/latest/api.html 

218 #jenkins.Jenkins.get_all_jobs>`_. 


220 @return list of jobs, ``[ { str: str} ]`` 

221 """ 

222 return jenkins.Jenkins.get_jobs(self, folder_depth=folder_depth, 

223 folder_depth_per_request=folder_depth_per_request, 

224 view_name=view_name) 


226 def delete_all_jobs(self): # pragma: no cover 

227 """ 

228 Deletes all jobs permanently. 


230 @return list of deleted jobs 

231 """ 

232 jobs = self.get_jobs() 

233 res = [] 

234 for k in jobs: 

235 self.fLOG("[jenkins] remove job", k["name"]) 

236 self.delete_job(k["name"]) 

237 res.append(k["name"]) 

238 return res 


240 def get_jenkins_job_name(self, job): 

241 """ 

242 Infers a name for the jenkins job. 


244 @param job str 

245 @return name 

246 """ 

247 if "<--" in job: 

248 job = job.split("<--")[0] 

249 if job.startswith("custom "): 

250 return job.replace(" ", "_").replace("[", "").replace("]", "").strip("_") 

251 def_prefix = ["doc", "setup", "setup_big"] 

252 def_prefix.extend(self.engines.keys()) 

253 for prefix in def_prefix: 

254 p = "[%s]" % prefix 

255 if p in job: 

256 job = p + " " + job.replace(" " + p, "") 

257 return job.replace(" ", "_").replace("[", "").replace("]", "").strip("_") 


259 def get_engine_from_job(self, job, return_key=False): 

260 """ 

261 Extracts the engine from the job definition, 

262 it should be like ``[engine]``. 


264 @param job job string 

265 @param return_key return the engine name too 

266 @return engine or tuple(engine, name) 


268 If their is no engine definition, the system 

269 uses the default one (key=*default*) if it was defined. 

270 Otherwise, it raises an exception. 

271 """ 

272 res = None 

273 spl = job.split() 

274 for s in spl: 

275 t = s.strip(" []") 

276 if t in self.engines: 

277 res = self.engines[t] 

278 key = t 

279 break 

280 if res is None and "default" in self.engines: 

281 res = self.engines["default"] 

282 key = "default" 

283 if res is None: 

284 raise JenkinsJobException( # pragma: no cover 

285 "Unable to find engine in job '{}', available: {}".format( 

286 job, ", ".join(self.engines.keys()))) 

287 if "[27]" in job and "python34" in res.lower(): # pragma: no cover 

288 mes = "\n".join(" {0}={1}".format(k, v) 

289 for k, v in sorted(self.engines.items())) 

290 raise ValueError( 

291 "Python mismatch in version:\nJOB = {0}\nRES = {1}\nENGINES\n{2}" 

292 "".format(job, res, mes)) 

293 return (res, key) if return_key else res 


295 def get_cmd_standalone(self, job): 

296 """ 

297 Custom command for :epkg:`Jenkins` (such as updating conda) 


299 @param job module and options 

300 @return script 

301 """ 

302 spl = job.split() 

303 if spl[0] != "standalone": 

304 raise JenkinsExtException( # pragma: no cover 

305 "the job should start by standalone: " + job) 


307 if self.platform.startswith("win"): 

308 # windows 

309 if "[conda_update]" in spl: 

310 cmd = "__ENGINE__\\Scripts\\conda update -y --all" 

311 elif "[local_pypi]" in spl: 

312 cmd = "if not exist ..\\..\\local_pypi mkdir ..\\local_pypi" 

313 cmd += "\nif not exist ..\\..\\local_pypi\\local_pypi_server mkdir ..\\..\\local_pypi\\local_pypi_server" 

314 cmd += "\necho __ENGINE__\\..\\Scripts\\pypi-server.exe -v -u -p __PORT__ --disable-fallback " 

315 cmd += "..\\..\\local_pypi\\local_pypi_server > ..\\..\\local_pypi\\local_pypi_server\\start_local_pypi.bat" 

316 cmd = cmd.replace("__PORT__", str(self.pypi_port)) 

317 elif "[update]" in spl: 

318 cmd = "__ENGINE__\\python -u -c \"from pymyinstall.packaged import update_all;" 

319 cmd += "update_all(temp_folder='build/update_modules', " 

320 cmd += "verbose=True, source='2')\"" 

321 elif "[install]" in spl: 

322 cmd = "__ENGINE__\\python -u -c \"from pymyinstall.packaged import install_all;install_all" 

323 cmd += "(temp_folder='build/update_modules', " 

324 cmd += "verbose=True, source='2')\"" 

325 else: 

326 raise JenkinsExtException( 

327 "cannot interpret job: " + job) # pragma: no cover 


329 engine = self.get_engine_from_job(job) 

330 cmd = cmd.replace("__ENGINE__", engine) 

331 return cmd 

332 else: # pragma: no cover 

333 if "[conda_update]" in spl: 

334 cmd = "__ENGINE__/bin/conda update -y --all" 

335 elif "[local_pypi]" in spl: 

336 cmd = 'if [-f ../local_pypi ]; then mkdir "../local_pypi"; fi' 

337 cmd += '\nif [-f ../local_pypi/local_pypi_server]; then mkdir "../local_pypi/local_pypi_server"; fi' 

338 cmd += "\necho pypi-server -v -u -p __PORT__ --disable-fallback " 

339 cmd += "../local_pypi/local_pypi_server > ../local_pypi/local_pypi_server/start_local_pypi.sh" 

340 cmd = cmd.replace("__PORT__", str(self.pypi_port)) 

341 elif "[update]" in spl: 

342 cmd = "__ENGINE__/python -u -c \"from pymyinstall.packaged import update_all;" 

343 cmd += "update_all(temp_folder='build/update_modules', " 

344 cmd += "verbose=True, source='2')\"" 

345 elif "[install]" in spl: 

346 cmd = "__ENGINE__/python -u -c \"from pymyinstall.packaged import install_all;install_all" 

347 cmd += "(temp_folder='build/update_modules', " 

348 cmd += "verbose=True, source='2')\"" 

349 else: 

350 raise JenkinsExtException("cannot interpret job: " + job) 


352 engine = self.get_engine_from_job(job) 

353 cmd = cmd.replace("__ENGINE__", engine) 

354 return cmd 


356 @staticmethod 

357 def get_cmd_custom(job): 

358 """ 

359 Custom script for :epkg:`Jenkins`. 


361 @param job module and options 

362 @return script 

363 """ 

364 spl = job.split() 

365 if spl[0] != "custom": 

366 raise JenkinsExtException( 

367 "the job should start by custom: " + job) 

368 # we expect __SCRIPTOPTIONS__ to be replaced by a script later on 

369 return "__SCRIPTOPTIONS__" 


371 @staticmethod 

372 def hash_string(s, le=4): 

373 """ 

374 Hashes a string. 


376 @param s string 

377 @param le cut the string to the first *l* character 

378 @return hashed string 

379 """ 

380 m = hashlib.md5() 

381 m.update(s.encode("ascii")) 

382 r = m.hexdigest().upper() 

383 if len(r) < le: 

384 return r # pragma: no cover 

385 m = le // 2 

386 return r[:m] + r[len(r) - le + m:] 


388 def extract_requirements(self, job): 

389 """ 

390 Extracts the requirements for a job. 


392 @param job job name 

393 @return 3-tuple job, local requirements, pipy requirements 


395 Example:: 


397 "pyensae <-- pyquickhelper <---- qgrid" 


399 The function returns:: 


401 (pyensae, ["pyquickhelper"], ["qgrid"]) 

402 """ 

403 if "<--" in job: 

404 spl = job.split("<--") 

405 job = spl[0] 

406 rl, rp = None, None 

407 for o in spl[1:]: 

408 if o.startswith("--"): 

409 rp = [_.strip("- ") for _ in o.split(",")] 

410 else: 

411 rl = [_.strip() for _ in o.split(",")] 

412 return job, rl, rp 

413 return job, None, None 


415 def get_jenkins_script(self, job): 

416 """ 

417 Builds the :epkg:`Jenkins` script for a module and its options. 


419 @param job module and options 

420 @return script 


422 Method @see me setup_jenkins_server describes which tags this method can interpret. 

423 The method allow command such as ``[custom...]``, they will be 

424 run in a virtual environment as ``setup.py custom...``. 

425 Parameter *job* can be ``empty``, in that case, this function returns an empty string. 

426 Requirements local and from pipy can be specified by added in the job name: 


428 * ``<-- module1, module2`` for local requirements 

429 """ 

430 job_verbose = job 


432 def replacements(cmd, engine, python, suffix, module_name): 

433 res = cmd.replace("__ENGINE__", engine) \ 

434 .replace("__PYTHON__", python) \ 

435 .replace("__SUFFIX__", suffix + "_" + job_hash) \ 

436 .replace("__PORT__", str(self.pypi_port)) \ 

437 .replace("__MODULE__", module_name) # suffix for the virtual environment and module name 

438 if "[27]" in job: 

439 res = res.replace("__PYTHON27__", python) 

440 if "__DEFAULTPYTHON__" in res: 

441 if "default" not in self.engines: 

442 raise JenkinsExtException( # pragma: no cover 

443 "a default engine (Python 3.4) must be defined for script using Python 27, job={}".format(job)) 

444 res = res.replace("__DEFAULTPYTHON__", 

445 os.path.join(self.engines["default"], "python")) 


447 # patch for pyquickhelper 

448 if "PACTHPQ" in res: 

449 if hasattr(self, "PACTHPQ"): 

450 if not hasattr(self, "pyquickhelper"): 

451 raise RuntimeError( # pragma: no cover 

452 "this should not happen:\n{0}\n---\n{1}".format(job_verbose, res)) 

453 if "pyquickhelper" in module_name: 

454 repb = "@echo ~~SET set PYTHONPATH=src\nset PYTHONPATH=src" 

455 else: 

456 repb = "@echo ~~SET set PYTHONPATH={0}\nset PYTHONPATH={0}".format(self.pyquickhelper.replace( 

457 "\\\\", "\\")) 

458 repe = "@echo ~~SET set PYTHONPATH=\nset PYTHONPATH=" 

459 else: 

460 repb = "" 

461 repe = "" 

462 res = res.replace("__PACTHPQb__", repb).replace( 

463 "__PACTHPQe__", repe) 


465 if "__" in res: 

466 raise JenkinsJobException( # pragma: no cover 

467 "unable to interpret command line: {}\nCMD: {}\nRES:\n{}".format(job_verbose, cmd, res)) 


469 # patch to avoid installing pyquickhelper when testing 

470 # pyquickhelper 

471 if module_name == "pyquickhelper": 

472 lines = res.split("\n") 

473 for i, line in enumerate(lines): 

474 if "/simple/ pyquickhelper" in line and "--find-links http://localhost" in line: 

475 lines[i] = "" # pragma: no cover 

476 res = "\n".join(lines) 


478 return res 


480 # job hash 

481 job_hash = JenkinsExt.hash_string(job) 


483 # extact requirements 

484 job, requirements_local, requirements_pypi = self.extract_requirements( 

485 job) 

486 spl = job.split() 

487 module_name = spl[0] 


489 if self.platform.startswith("win"): 

490 # windows 

491 engine, namee = self.get_engine_from_job(job, True) 

492 python = os.path.join(engine, "python.exe") 


494 if len(spl) == 1: 

495 script = _modified_windows_jenkins( 

496 requirements_local, requirements_pypi, platform=self.platform) 

497 if not isinstance(script, list): 

498 script = [script] 

499 return [replacements(s, engine, python, namee + "_" + job_hash, module_name) for s in script] 


501 if len(spl) == 0: 

502 raise ValueError("job is empty") # pragma: no cover 


504 if spl[0] == "standalone": 

505 # conda update 

506 return self.get_cmd_standalone(job) 


508 if spl[0] == "custom": 

509 # custom script 

510 return JenkinsExt.get_cmd_custom(job) 


512 if spl[0] == "empty": 

513 return "" # pragma: no cover 


515 if len(spl) in [2, 3, 4, 5]: 

516 # step 1: define the script 


518 if "[test_local_pypi]" in spl: # pragma: no cover 

519 cmd = """__PYTHON__ -u setup.py test_local_pypi""" 

520 cmd = "auto_setup_test_local_pypi.bat __PYTHON__" 

521 elif "[update_modules]" in spl: 

522 cmd = """__PYTHON__ -u -c "import sys;sys.path.append('src');from pymyinstall.packaged import update_all;""" + \ 

523 """update_all(temp_folder='build/update_modules', verbose=True, source='2')" """ 

524 elif "[UT]" in spl: 

525 parameters = [_ for _ in spl if _.startswith( 

526 "{") and _.endswith("}")] 

527 if len(parameters) != 1: 

528 raise ValueError( # pragma: no cover 

529 "Unable to extract parameters for the unittests:" 

530 "\n{0}".format(" ".join(spl))) 

531 p = parameters[0].replace("_", " ").strip("{}") 

532 cmd = _modified_windows_jenkins_any(requirements_local, requirements_pypi, platform=self.platform).replace( 

533 "__COMMAND__", "unittests " + p) 

534 elif "[LONG]" in spl: 

535 cmd = _modified_windows_jenkins_any(requirements_local, requirements_pypi, platform=self.platform).replace( 

536 "__COMMAND__", "unittests_LONG") 

537 elif "[SKIP]" in spl: 

538 cmd = _modified_windows_jenkins_any( # pragma: no cover 

539 requirements_local, requirements_pypi, platform=self.platform).replace( 

540 "__COMMAND__", "unittests_SKIP") 

541 elif "[GUI]" in spl: 

542 cmd = _modified_windows_jenkins_any( # pragma: no cover 

543 requirements_local, requirements_pypi, platform=self.platform).replace( 

544 "__COMMAND__", "unittests_GUI") 

545 elif "[27]" in spl: 

546 cmd = _modified_windows_jenkins_27( 

547 requirements_local, requirements_pypi, anaconda=" [anaconda" in job, platform=self.platform) 

548 if not isinstance(cmd, list): 

549 cmd = [cmd] # pragma: no cover 

550 else: 

551 cmd = list(cmd) 

552 if spl[0] == "pyquickhelper": 

553 # exception for this job, we don't want to import pyquickhelper 

554 # c:/jenkins/pymy/anaconda2_pyquickhelper_27/../virtual/pyquickhelper_conda27vir/Scripts/pip 

555 # install --no-cache-dir --index 

556 # http://localhost:8067/simple/ pyquickhelper 

557 for i in range(0, len(cmd)): 

558 lines = cmd[i].split("\n") 

559 lines = [ 

560 (_ if "simple/ pyquickhelper" not in _ else "rem do not import pyquickhelper") for _ in lines] 

561 cmd[i] = "\n".join(lines) 

562 elif "[doc]" in spl: 

563 # documentation 

564 cmd = _modified_windows_jenkins_any(requirements_local, requirements_pypi, platform=self.platform).replace( 

565 "__COMMAND__", "build_sphinx") 

566 else: 

567 cmd = _modified_windows_jenkins( 

568 requirements_local, requirements_pypi, platform=self.platform) 

569 for pl in spl[1:]: 

570 if pl.startswith("[custom_") and pl.endswith("]"): 

571 cus = pl.strip("[]") 

572 cmd = _modified_windows_jenkins_any(requirements_local, requirements_pypi, 

573 platform=self.platform).replace("__COMMAND__", cus) 


575 # step 2: replacement (python __PYTHON__, virtual environnement 

576 # __SUFFIX__) 


578 cmds = cmd if isinstance(cmd, list) else [cmd] 

579 res = [] 

580 for cmd in cmds: 

581 cmdn = replacements(cmd, engine, python, 

582 namee + "_" + job_hash, module_name) 

583 if "run27" in cmdn and ( 

584 "Python34" in cmdn or "Python35" in cmdn or 

585 "Python36" in cmdn or "Python37" in cmdn or 

586 "Python38" in cmdn or "Python39" in cmdn): 

587 raise ValueError( # pragma: no cover 

588 "Python version mismatch\nENGINE\n{2}\n----BEFORE" 

589 "\n{0}\n-----\nAFTER\n-----\n{1}".format(cmd, cmdn, engine)) 

590 res.append(cmdn) 


592 return res 

593 else: 

594 raise ValueError("unable to interpret: " + 

595 job) # pragma: no cover 

596 else: # pragma: no cover 

597 # linux 

598 engine, namee = self.get_engine_from_job(job, True) 

599 if engine is None: 

600 python = "python%d.%d" % sys.version_info[:2] 

601 elif namee.startswith('py'): 

602 vers = (int(namee[2:3]), int(namee[3:])) 

603 python = "python%d.%d" % vers 

604 else: 

605 raise ValueError( 

606 "Unable to handle engine ='{}', namee='{}'.".format(engine, namee)) 


608 if len(spl) == 1: 

609 script = _modified_linux_jenkins( 

610 requirements_local, requirements_pypi, platform=self.platform) 

611 if not isinstance(script, list): 

612 script = [script] 

613 return [replacements(s, engine, python, namee + "_" + job_hash, module_name) for s in script] 


615 elif len(spl) == 0: 

616 raise ValueError("job is empty") 


618 elif spl[0] == "standalone": 

619 # conda update 

620 return self.get_cmd_standalone(job) 


622 elif spl[0] == "empty": 

623 return "" 


625 elif len(spl) in [2, 3, 4, 5]: 

626 # step 1: define the script 


628 if "[test_local_pypi]" in spl: 

629 cmd = """__PYTHON__ -u setup.py test_local_pypi""" 

630 cmd = "auto_setup_test_local_pypi.bat __PYTHON__" 

631 elif "[update_modules]" in spl: 

632 cmd = """__PYTHON__ -u -c "import sys;sys.path.append('src');from pymyinstall.packaged import update_all;""" + \ 

633 """update_all(temp_folder='build/update_modules', verbose=True, source='2')" """ 


635 else: 

636 cmd = _modified_linux_jenkins( 

637 requirements_local, requirements_pypi, platform=self.platform) 

638 for pl in spl[1:]: 

639 if pl.startswith("[custom_") and pl.endswith("]"): 

640 cus = pl.strip("[]") 

641 cmd = _modified_linux_jenkins_any(requirements_local, requirements_pypi, 

642 platform=self.platform).replace("__COMMAND__", cus) 


644 # step 2: replacement (python __PYTHON__, virtual environnement 

645 # __SUFFIX__) 


647 cmds = cmd if isinstance(cmd, list) else [cmd] 

648 res = [] 

649 for cmd in cmds: 

650 cmdn = replacements(cmd, engine, python, 

651 namee + "_" + job_hash, module_name) 

652 if "run27" in cmdn and ( 

653 "Python34" in cmdn or "Python35" in cmdn or 

654 "Python36" in cmdn or "Python37" in cmdn or 

655 "Python38" in cmdn or "Python39" in cmdn): 

656 raise ValueError( 

657 "Python version mismatch\nENGINE\n{2}\n----BEFORE\n{0}\n-----\nAFTER\n-----\n{1}".format(cmd, cmdn, engine)) 

658 res.append(cmdn) 


660 return res 


662 # other possibilities 

663 raise NotImplementedError("On Linux, unable to interpret: " + job) 


665 def adjust_scheduler(self, scheduler, adjust_scheduler=True): 

666 """ 

667 Adjusts the scheduler to avoid having two jobs starting at the same time, 

668 jobs are delayed by an hour, two hours, three hours... 


670 @param scheduler existing scheduler 

671 @param adjust_scheduler True to change it 

672 @return new scheduler (only hours are changed) 


674 The function uses member ``_scheduled_jobs``. 

675 It creates it if it does not exist. 

676 """ 

677 if not adjust_scheduler: 

678 return scheduler # pragma: no cover 

679 if scheduler is None: 

680 raise ValueError("scheduler is None") # pragma: no cover 

681 if not hasattr(self, "_scheduled_jobs"): 

682 self._scheduled_jobs = {} 

683 if scheduler not in self._scheduled_jobs: 

684 self._scheduled_jobs[scheduler] = 1 

685 return scheduler 

686 else: 

687 if "H(" in scheduler: 

688 cp = re.compile("H[(]([0-9]+-[0-9]+)[)]") 

689 f = cp.findall(scheduler) 

690 if len(f) != 1: 

691 raise ValueError( # pragma: no cover 

692 "Unable to find hours in the scheduler '{0}', expects 'H(a-b)'".format(scheduler)) 

693 a, b = f[0].split('-') 

694 a0 = a 

695 a = int(a) 

696 b = int(b) 

697 new_value = scheduler 

698 rep = 'H(%s)' % f[0] 

699 iter = 0 

700 while iter < 100 and (new_value in self._scheduled_jobs or (a0 == a)): 

701 a += 1 

702 b += 1 

703 if a >= 24 or b > 24: 

704 a = 0 # pragma: no cover 

705 b = 1 + iter // 24 # pragma: no cover 

706 r = 'H(%d-%d)' % (a, b) 

707 new_value = scheduler.replace(rep, r) 

708 iter += 1 

709 scheduler = new_value 

710 self._scheduled_jobs[ 

711 scheduler] = self._scheduled_jobs.get(scheduler, 0) + 1 

712 return scheduler 


714 def create_job_template(self, name, git_repo, credentials="", upstreams=None, script=None, 

715 location=None, keep=10, scheduler=None, py27=False, description=None, 

716 default_engine_paths=None, success_only=False, update=False, 

717 timeout=_timeout_default, additional_requirements=None, 

718 return_job=False, adjust_scheduler=True, clean_repo=True, **kwargs): 

719 """ 

720 Adds a job to the :epkg:`Jenkins` server. 


722 @param name name 

723 @param credentials credentials 

724 @param git_repo git repository 

725 @param upstreams the build must run after... (even if failures), 

726 must be None in that case 

727 @param script script to execute or list of scripts 

728 @param keep number of builds to keep 

729 @param location location of the build 

730 @param scheduler add a schedule time (upstreams must be None in that case) 

731 @param py27 python 2.7 (True) or Python 3 (False) 

732 @param description add a description to the job 

733 @param default_engine_paths define the default location for python engine, 

734 should be dictionary ``{ engine: path }``, see below. 

735 @param success_only only triggers the job if the previous one was successful 

736 @param update update the job instead of creating it 

737 @param additional_requirements requirements for this module built by this Jenkins server, 

738 otherthise, we assume they are available 

739 on the installed distribution 

740 @param timeout specify a timeout 

741 @param kwargs additional parameters 

742 @param adjust_scheduler adjust the scheduler of a job so that it is delayed if this spot 

743 is already taken 

744 @param return_job return job instead of submitting the job 

745 @param clean_repo clean the repository before building (default is yes) 


747 The job can be modified on Jenkins. To add a time trigger:: 


749 H H(13-14) * * * 


751 Same trigger but once every week and not every day (Sunday for example):: 


753 H H(13-14) * * 0 


755 Parameter *success_only* prevents a job from running if the previous one failed. 

756 Options *success_only* must be specified. 

757 Parameter *update* updates a job instead of creating it. 

758 """ 

759 if 'platform' in kwargs: 

760 raise NameError( # pragma: no cover 

761 "Parameter 'platform' should be set up in the constructor.") 

762 if script is None: 

763 if self.platform.startswith("win"): 

764 if default_engine_paths is None and "default" in self.engines: 

765 ver = "__PY%d%d__" % sys.version_info[:2] 

766 pat = os.path.join(self.engines["default"], "python") 

767 default_engine_paths = dict( 

768 windows={ver: pat, "__PYTHON__": pat}) 


770 script = private_script_replacements( 

771 windows_jenkins, "____", additional_requirements, "____", 

772 raise_exception=False, platform=self.platform, 

773 default_engine_paths=default_engine_paths) 


775 hash = JenkinsExt.hash_string(script) 

776 script = script.replace("__SUFFIX__", hash) 

777 else: 

778 raise JenkinsExtException( 

779 "no default script for linux") # pragma: no cover 


781 if upstreams is not None and len(upstreams) > 0 and scheduler is not None: 

782 raise JenkinsExtException( 

783 "upstreams and scheduler cannot be not null at the same time: {0}".format(name)) 


785 # overwrite parameters with job_options 

786 job_options = kwargs.get('job_options', None) 

787 if job_options is not None: 

788 job_options = job_options.copy() 

789 if "scheduler" in job_options: 

790 scheduler = job_options["scheduler"] 

791 del job_options["scheduler"] 

792 if "git_repo" in job_options: 

793 git_repo = job_options["git_repo"] 

794 del job_options["git_repo"] 

795 if "credentials" in job_options: 

796 credentials = job_options["credentials"] 

797 del job_options["credentials"] 


799 if upstreams is not None and len(upstreams) > 0: 

800 trigger = JenkinsExt._trigger_up \ 

801 .replace("__UP__", ",".join(upstreams)) \ 

802 .replace("__FAILURE__", "SUCCESS" if success_only else "FAILURE") \ 

803 .replace("__ORDINAL__", "0" if success_only else "2") \ 

804 .replace("__COLOR__", "BLUE" if success_only else "RED") 

805 elif scheduler is not None: 

806 if scheduler.lower() == "startup": 

807 trigger = JenkinsExt._trigger_startup 

808 elif scheduler.lower() == "NONE": 

809 trigger = "" # pragma: no cover 

810 else: 

811 new_scheduler = self.adjust_scheduler( 

812 scheduler, adjust_scheduler) 

813 trigger = JenkinsExt._trigger_time.replace( 

814 "__SCHEDULER__", new_scheduler) 

815 if description is not None: 

816 description = description.replace(scheduler, new_scheduler) 

817 scheduler = new_scheduler 

818 else: 

819 trigger = "" 


821 if not isinstance(script, list): 

822 script = [script] 


824 underscore = re.compile("(__[A-Z_]+__)") 


826 # we modify the scripts 

827 script_mod = [] 

828 for scr in script: 

829 search = underscore.search(scr) 

830 if search: 

831 raise ValueError( # pragma: no cover 

832 "script still contains __\ndefault_engine_paths: {}\n" 

833 "found: {}\nscr:\n{}\nSCRIPT:\n{}\n".format( 

834 default_engine_paths, search.groups()[0], 

835 scr, str(script))) 

836 script_mod.append(scr) 


838 # wrappers 

839 bwrappers = [] 


841 # repo 

842 if clean_repo: 

843 wipe = JenkinsExt._wipe_repo 

844 bwrappers.append(JenkinsExt._cleanup_repo) 

845 else: 

846 wipe = "" 

847 if git_repo is None: 

848 git_repo_xml = "" 

849 else: 

850 if not isinstance(git_repo, str): 

851 raise TypeError( # pragma: no cover 

852 "git_repo must be str not '{0}'".format(git_repo)) 

853 git_repo_xml = JenkinsExt._git_repo \ 

854 .replace("__GITREPO__", git_repo) \ 

855 .replace("__WIPE__", wipe) \ 

856 .replace("__CRED__", "<credentialsId>%s</credentialsId>" % credentials) 


858 # additional scripts 

859 before = [] 

860 if job_options is not None: 

861 if 'scripts' in job_options: 

862 lscripts = job_options['scripts'] 

863 for scr in lscripts: 

864 au = _file_creation.replace("__FILENAME__", scr["name"]) \ 

865 .replace("__CONTENT__", scr["content"]) 

866 if "__" in au: 

867 raise Exception( 

868 "Unable to fully replace expected string in:\n{0}".format(au)) 

869 before.append(au) 

870 del job_options['scripts'] 

871 if len(job_options) > 0: 

872 keys = ", ".join( 

873 ["credentials", "git_repo", "scheduler", "scripts"]) 

874 raise ValueError( # pragma: no cover 

875 "Unable to process options\n{0}\nYou can specify the " 

876 "following options:\n{1}".format(job_options, keys)) 


878 # scripts 

879 # tasks is XML, we need to encode s into XML format 

880 if self.platform.startswith("win"): 

881 scr = JenkinsExt._task_batch_win 

882 else: 

883 scr = JenkinsExt._task_batch_lin 

884 tasks = before + [scr.replace("__SCRIPT__", escape(s)) 

885 for s in script_mod] 


887 # location 

888 if location is not None and "<--" in location: 

889 raise Exception( # pragma: no cover 

890 "this should not happen") 

891 location = "" if location is None else "<customWorkspace>%s</customWorkspace>" % location 


893 # emailing 

894 publishers = [] 

895 mails = kwargs.get("mails", None) 

896 if mails is not None: 

897 publishers.append( # pragma: no cover 

898 JenkinsExt._publishers.replace("__MAIL__", mails)) 

899 publishers.append(JenkinsExt._artifacts.replace( 

900 "__PATTERN__", "dist/*.whl,dist/*.zip")) 


902 # replacements 

903 conf = JenkinsExt._config_job 

904 rep = dict(__KEEP__=str(keep), 

905 __TASKS__="\n".join(tasks), 

906 __TRIGGER__=trigger, 

907 __LOCATION__=location, 

908 __DESCRIPTION__="" if description is None else description, 

909 __GITREPOXML__=git_repo_xml, 

910 __TIMEOUT__=str(timeout), 

911 __PUBLISHERS__="\n".join(publishers), 

912 __BUILDWRAPPERS__="\n".join(bwrappers)) 


914 for k, v in rep.items(): 

915 conf = conf.replace(k, v) 


917 # final processing 

918 conf = jenkins_final_postprocessing(conf, py27) 


920 if self._mock or return_job: 

921 return conf 

922 if update: 

923 return self.reconfig_job(name, conf) # pragma: no cover 

924 return self.create_job(name, conf) # pragma: no cover 


926 def process_options(self, script, options): 

927 """ 

928 Postprocesses a script inserted in a job definition. 


930 @param script script to execute (in a list) 

931 @param options dictionary with options 

932 @return new script 

933 """ 

934 if not isinstance(script, list): 

935 script = [script] 

936 for k, v in options.items(): 

937 if k == "pre": 

938 script.insert(0, v) 

939 elif k == "post": 

940 script.append(v) 

941 elif k == "pre_set": 

942 script = [v + "\n" + _ for _ in script] # pragma: no cover 

943 elif k == "post_set": 

944 script = [_ + "\n" + v for _ in script] # pragma: no cover 

945 elif k == "script": 

946 script = [_.replace("__SCRIPTOPTIONS__", v) for _ in script] 

947 else: 

948 raise JenkinsJobException( # pragma: no cover 

949 "unable to interpret options: " + str(options)) 

950 return script 


952 def setup_jenkins_server(self, github, modules, get_jenkins_script=None, overwrite=False, 

953 location=None, prefix="", credentials="", update=True, yml_engine="jinja2", 

954 add_environ=True, disable_schedule=False, adjust_scheduler=True): 

955 """ 

956 Sets up many jobs in :epkg:`Jenkins`. 


958 @param github github account if it does not start with *http://*, 

959 the link to git repository of the project otherwise, 

960 we assume all jobs in *modules* are located on the same 

961 account otherwise the function will have to called twice with 

962 different parameters 

963 @param modules modules for which to generate the 

964 @param get_jenkins_script see @see me get_jenkins_script (default value if this parameter is None) 

965 @param overwrite do not create the job if it already exists 

966 @param location None for default or a local folder 

967 @param prefix add a prefix to the name 

968 @param credentials credentials to use for the job (string or dictionary) 

969 @param update update job instead of deleting it if the job already exists 

970 @param yml_engine templating engine used to process yaml config files 

971 @param add_environ use of local environment variables to interpret the job 

972 @param adjust_scheduler adjust the scheduler of a job so that it is delayed if this spot is already taken 

973 @param disable_schedule disable scheduling for all jobs 

974 @return list of created jobs 


976 If *credentials* are a dictionary, the function looks up 

977 into it by using the git repository as a key. If it does not find 

978 it, it looks for default key. If there is not found, 

979 the function assumes, there is not credentials for this git repository. 


981 The function *get_jenkins_script* is called with the following parameters: 


983 * job 


985 The extension 

986 `Extra Columns Plugin <https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Extra+Columns+Plugin>`_ 

987 is very useful to add extra columns to a view (the description, the output of the 

988 last execution). Here is a list of useful extensions: 


990 * `Build Graph View Plugin <https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Build+Graph+View+Plugin>`_ 

991 * `Build Pipeline Plugin <https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Build+Pipeline+Plugin>`_ 

992 * `Credentials Plugin <https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Credentials+Plugin>`_ 

993 * `Extra Columns Plugin <https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Extra+Columns+Plugin>`_ 

994 * `Git Plugin <https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Git+Plugin>`_ 

995 * `GitHub Plugin <https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Github+Plugin>`_ 

996 * `GitLab Plugin <https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/GitLab+Plugin>`_ 

997 * :epkg:`Python` 

998 * `Python Wrapper Plugin <https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Python+Wrapper+Plugin>`_ 

999 * `Build timeout plugin <https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Build-timeout+Plugin>`_ 


1001 Tag description: 


1003 * ``[engine]``: to use this specific engine (Python path) 

1004 * ``[27]``: run with python 2.7 

1005 * ``[LONG]``: run longer unit tests (files start by ``test_LONG_``) 

1006 * ``[SKIP]``: run skipped unit tests (files start by ``test_SKIP_``) 

1007 * ``[GUI]``: run skipped unit tests (files start by ``test_GUI_``) 

1008 * ``[custom.+]``: run ``setup.py <custom.+>`` in a virtual environment 

1009 * ``[UT] {-d_10}``: run ``setup.py unittests -d 10`` in a virtual environment, ``-d 10`` is one of the possible parameters 


1011 Others tags: 


1013 * ``[conda_update]``: update conda distribution 

1014 * ``[update]``: update distribution 

1015 * ``[install]``: update distribution 

1016 * ``[local_pypi]``: write a script to run a local pypi server on port 8067 (default option) 

1017 * ``pymyinstall [update_modules]``: run a script to update all modules 

1018 (might have to be ran a couple of times before being successful) 


1020 *modules* is a list defined as follows: 


1022 * each element can be a string or a tuple (string, schedule time) or a list 

1023 * if it is a list, it contains a list of elements defined as previously 

1024 * if the job at position i is not scheduled, it will start after the last 

1025 job at position i-1 whether or not it fails 

1026 * the job can be defined as a tuple of 3 elements, the last one contains options 


1028 The available options are: 


1030 * pre: defines a string to insert at the beginning of a job 

1031 * post: defines a string to insert at the end of a job 

1032 * script: defines a full script if the job to execute is ``custom`` 


1034 Example :: 


1036 modules=[ # update anaconda 

1037 ("standalone [conda_update] [anaconda3]", 

1038 "H H(0-1) * * 0"), 

1039 "standalone [conda_update] [anaconda2] [27]", 

1040 "standalone [local_pypi]", 

1041 #"standalone [install]", 

1042 #"standalone [update]", 

1043 #"standalone [install] [py34]", 

1044 #"standalone [update] [py34]", 

1045 #"standalone [install] [winpython]", 

1046 #"standalone [update] [winpython]", 

1047 # pyquickhelper and others, 

1048 ("pyquickhelper", "H H(2-3) * * 0"), 

1049 ("pysqllike <-- pyquickhelper", None, dict(success_only=True)), 

1050 ["python3_module_template <-- pyquickhelper", 

1051 "pyquickhelper [27] [anaconda2]"], 

1052 ["pyquickhelper [winpython]", 

1053 "python3_module_template [27] [anaconda2] <-- pyquickhelper", ], 

1054 ["pymyinstall <-- pyquickhelper", "pyensae <-- pyquickhelper"], 

1055 ["pymmails <-- pyquickhelper", "pyrsslocal <-- pyquickhelper, pyensae"], 

1056 ["pymyinstall [27] [anaconda2] <-- pyquickhelper", "pymyinstall [LONG] <-- pyquickhelper"], 

1057 # update, do not move, it depends on pyquickhelper 

1058 ("pyquickhelper [anaconda3]", "H H(2-3) * * 1"), 

1059 ["pyquickhelper [winpython]", "pysqllike [anaconda3]", 

1060 "pysqllike [winpython] <-- pyquickhelper", 

1061 "python3_module_template [anaconda3] <-- pyquickhelper", 

1062 "python3_module_template [winpython] <-- pyquickhelper", 

1063 "pymmails [anaconda3] <-- pyquickhelper", 

1064 "pymmails [winpython] <-- pyquickhelper", 

1065 "pymyinstall [anaconda3] <-- pyquickhelper", 

1066 "pymyinstall [winpython] <-- pyquickhelper"], 

1067 ["pyensae [anaconda3] <-- pyquickhelper", 

1068 "pyensae [winpython] <-- pyquickhelper", 

1069 "pyrsslocal [anaconda3] <-- pyquickhelper, pyensae", 

1070 "pyrsslocal [winpython] <-- pyquickhelper"], 

1071 ("pymyinstall [update_modules]", 

1072 "H H(0-1) * * 5"), 

1073 "pymyinstall [update_modules] [winpython]", 

1074 "pymyinstall [update_modules] [py34]", 

1075 "pymyinstall [update_modules] [anaconda2]", 

1076 "pymyinstall [update_modules] [anaconda3]", 

1077 # py35 

1078 ("pyquickhelper [py34]", "H H(2-3) * * 2"), 

1079 ["pysqllike [py34]", 

1080 "pymmails [py34] <-- pyquickhelper", 

1081 "python3_module_template [py34] <-- pyquickhelper", 

1082 "pymyinstall [py34] <-- pyquickhelper"], 

1083 "pyensae [py34] <-- pyquickhelper", 

1084 "pyrsslocal [py34] <-- pyquickhelper, pyensae", 

1085 ], 


1087 Example:: 


1089 from ensae_teaching_cs.automation.jenkins_helper import setup_jenkins_server 

1090 from pyquickhelper.jenkinshelper import JenkinsExt 


1092 engines = dict(Anaconda2=r"C:\\Anaconda2", 

1093 Anaconda3=r"C:\\Anaconda3", 

1094 py35=r"c:\\Python35_x64", 

1095 py36=r"c:\\Python36_x64", 

1096 default=r"c:\\Python36_x64", 

1097 custom=r"c:\\CustomPython") 


1099 js = JenkinsExt('http://machine:8080/', "user", "password", engines=engines) 


1101 if True: 

1102 js.setup_jenkins_server(github="sdpython", overwrite = True, 

1103 location = r"c:\\jenkins\\pymy") 



1106 Another example:: 


1108 import sys 

1109 sys.path.append(r"C:\\<path>\\ensae_teaching_cs\\src") 

1110 sys.path.append(r"C:\\<path>\\pyquickhelper\\src") 

1111 sys.path.append(r"C:\\<path>\\pyensae\\src") 

1112 sys.path.append(r"C:\\<path>\\pyrsslocal\\src") 

1113 from ensae_teaching_cs.automation.jenkins_helper import setup_jenkins_server, JenkinsExt 

1114 js = JenkinsExt("http://<machine>:8080/", <user>, <password>) 

1115 js.setup_jenkins_server(location=r"c:\\jenkins\\pymy", overwrite=True, engines=engines) 


1117 Parameter *credentials* can be a dictionary where the key is 

1118 the git repository. Parameter *dependencies* and *no_dep* 

1119 were removed. Dependencies are now specified 

1120 in the job name using ``<--`` and they exclusively rely 

1121 on pipy (local or remote). Add options for module 

1122 *Build Timeout Plugin*. 

1123 """ 

1124 # we do a patch for pyquickhelper 

1125 all_jobs = [] 

1126 for jobs in modules: 

1127 jobs = jobs if isinstance(jobs, list) else [jobs] 

1128 for job in jobs: 

1129 if isinstance(job, tuple): 

1130 job = job[0] 

1131 job = job.split("<--")[0] 

1132 name = self.get_jenkins_job_name(job) 

1133 all_jobs.append(name) 

1134 all_jobs = set(all_jobs) 

1135 if "pyquickhelper" in all_jobs: 

1136 self.PACTHPQ = True 

1137 self.pyquickhelper = os.path.join( 

1138 location, "_pyquickhelper", "src") 


1140 # rest of the function 

1141 if get_jenkins_script is None: 

1142 get_jenkins_script = JenkinsExt.get_jenkins_script 


1144 if github is not None and "https://" not in github: 

1145 github = "https://github.com/" + github + "/" 


1147 deps = [] 

1148 created = [] 

1149 locations = [] 

1150 indexes = dict(order=0, dozen="A") 

1151 counts = {} 

1152 for jobs in modules: 

1153 if isinstance(jobs, tuple): 

1154 if len(jobs) == 0: 

1155 raise ValueError( 

1156 "Empty jobs in the list.") # pragma: no cover 

1157 if jobs[0] == "yml" and len(jobs) != 3: 

1158 raise ValueError( # pragma: no cover 

1159 "If it is a yml jobs, the tuple should contain 3 elements: ('yml', filename, schedule or None or dictionary).\n" + 

1160 "Not: {0}".format(jobs)) 


1162 cre, ds, locs = self._setup_jenkins_server_modules_loop( 

1163 jobs=jobs, counts=counts, 

1164 get_jenkins_script=get_jenkins_script, 

1165 location=location, adjust_scheduler=adjust_scheduler, 

1166 add_environ=add_environ, yml_engine=yml_engine, 

1167 overwrite=overwrite, prefix=prefix, 

1168 credentials=credentials, github=github, 

1169 disable_schedule=disable_schedule, jenkins_server=self, 

1170 update=update, indexes=indexes, deps=deps) 

1171 created.extend(cre) 

1172 locations.extend(locs) 

1173 deps.extend(ds) 

1174 return created 


1176 def _setup_jenkins_server_modules_loop(self, jobs, counts, get_jenkins_script, location, adjust_scheduler, 

1177 add_environ, yml_engine, overwrite, prefix, credentials, github, 

1178 disable_schedule, jenkins_server, update, indexes, deps): 

1179 if not isinstance(jobs, list): 

1180 jobs = [jobs] 

1181 indexes["unit"] = 0 

1182 new_dep = [] 

1183 created = [] 

1184 locations = [] 

1185 for i, job in enumerate(jobs): 

1186 indexes["unit"] += 1 

1187 cre, dep, loc = self._setup_jenkins_server_job_iteration( 

1188 job, counts=counts, 

1189 get_jenkins_script=get_jenkins_script, 

1190 location=location, adjust_scheduler=adjust_scheduler, 

1191 add_environ=add_environ, yml_engine=yml_engine, 

1192 overwrite=overwrite, prefix=prefix, 

1193 credentials=credentials, github=github, 

1194 disable_schedule=disable_schedule, 

1195 jenkins_server=jenkins_server, 

1196 update=update, indexes=indexes, 

1197 deps=deps, i=i) 

1198 created.extend(cre) 

1199 new_dep.extend(dep) 

1200 locations.extend(loc) 

1201 if len(new_dep) > 20000: 

1202 raise JenkinsExtException( # pragma: no cover 

1203 "unreasonable number of dependencies: {0}".format(len(new_dep))) 

1204 return created, new_dep, locations 


1206 def _setup_jenkins_server_job_iteration(self, job, get_jenkins_script, location, adjust_scheduler, 

1207 add_environ, yml_engine, overwrite, prefix, credentials, github, 

1208 disable_schedule, jenkins_server, update, indexes, deps, i, counts): 

1209 order = indexes["order"] 

1210 dozen = indexes["dozen"] 

1211 unit = indexes["unit"] 

1212 new_dep = [] 

1213 created = [] 

1214 locations = [] 


1216 if isinstance(job, tuple): 

1217 if len(job) < 2: 

1218 raise JenkinsJobException( # pragma: no cover 

1219 "the tuple must contain at least two elements:\nJOB:" 

1220 "\n" + str(job)) 


1222 if job[0] == "yml": 

1223 is_yml = True 

1224 job = job[1:] 

1225 else: 

1226 is_yml = False 


1228 # we extract options if any 

1229 if len(job) == 3: 

1230 options = job[2] 

1231 if not isinstance(options, dict): 

1232 raise JenkinsJobException( # pragma: no cover 

1233 "The last element of the tuple must be a dictionary:\nJOB:\n" + str(options)) 

1234 else: 

1235 options = {} 


1237 # job and scheduler 

1238 job, scheduler_options = job[:2] 

1239 if isinstance(scheduler_options, dict): 

1240 scheduler = scheduler_options.get('scheduler', None) 

1241 else: 

1242 scheduler = scheduler_options 

1243 scheduler_options = None 

1244 if scheduler is not None: 

1245 order = 1 

1246 if counts.get(dozen, 0) > 0: 

1247 dozen = chr(ord(dozen) + 1) 

1248 else: 

1249 if i == 0: 

1250 order += 1 

1251 else: 

1252 scheduler = None 

1253 if i == 0: 

1254 order += 1 

1255 options = {} 

1256 is_yml = False 


1258 # all schedule are disabled if disable_schedule is True 

1259 if disable_schedule: 

1260 scheduler = None 

1261 counts[dozen] = counts.get(dozen, 0) + 1 


1263 # success_only 

1264 if "success_only" in options: 

1265 success_only = options["success_only"] 

1266 del options["success_only"] 

1267 else: 

1268 success_only = False 


1270 # timeout 

1271 if "timeout" in options: 

1272 timeout = options["timeout"] 

1273 del options["timeout"] 

1274 else: 

1275 timeout = _timeout_default 


1277 # script 

1278 if not is_yml: 

1279 script = get_jenkins_script(self, job) 


1281 # we process the repository 

1282 if "repo" in options: 

1283 gitrepo = options["repo"] 

1284 options = options.copy() 

1285 del options["repo"] 

1286 else: 

1287 gitrepo = github 


1289 # add a description to the job 

1290 description = ["%s%02d%02d" % (dozen, order, unit)] 

1291 if scheduler is not None: 

1292 description.append(scheduler) 

1293 try: 

1294 description = " - ".join(description) 

1295 except TypeError as e: # pragma: no cover 

1296 raise TypeError("Issue with {}.".format(description)) from e 


1298 # credentials 

1299 if isinstance(credentials, dict): # pragma: no cover 

1300 cred = credentials.get(gitrepo, None) 

1301 if cred is None: 

1302 cred = credentials.get("default", "") 

1303 else: 

1304 cred = credentials 


1306 if not is_yml: 

1307 mod = job.split()[0] 

1308 name = self.get_jenkins_job_name(job) 

1309 jname = prefix + name 


1311 try: 

1312 j = jenkins_server.get_job_config( 

1313 jname) if not jenkins_server._mock else None 

1314 except jenkins.NotFoundException: # pragma: no cover 

1315 j = None 

1316 except jenkins.JenkinsException as e: # pragma: no cover 

1317 raise JenkinsExtException( 

1318 "unable to retrieve job config for job={0}, name={1}".format(job, jname)) from e 


1320 if overwrite or j is None: 


1322 update_job = False 

1323 if j is not None: # pragma: no cover 

1324 if update: 

1325 update_job = True 

1326 else: 

1327 self.fLOG("[jenkins] delete job", jname) 

1328 jenkins_server.delete_job(jname) 


1330 # we post process the script 

1331 script = self.process_options(script, options) 


1333 # if there is a script 

1334 if script is not None and len(script) > 0: 

1335 new_dep.append(name) 

1336 upstreams = [] if ( 

1337 scheduler is not None) else deps[-1:] 

1338 self.fLOG("[jenkins] create job", jname, " - ", job, 

1339 " : ", scheduler, " / ", upstreams) 


1341 # set up location 

1342 if location is None: 

1343 loc = None # pragma: no cover 

1344 else: 

1345 if "_" in jname: 

1346 loc = os.path.join(location, name, jname) 

1347 else: 

1348 loc = os.path.join(location, name, "_" + jname) 


1350 if mod in ("standalone", "custom"): 

1351 gpar = None 

1352 elif gitrepo is None: 

1353 raise JenkinsJobException( # pragma: no cover 

1354 "gitrepo cannot must not be None if standalone or " 

1355 "custom is not defined,\njob=" + str(job)) 

1356 elif gitrepo.endswith(".git"): 

1357 gpar = gitrepo 

1358 else: 

1359 gpar = gitrepo + "%s/" % mod 


1361 # create the template 

1362 r = jenkins_server.create_job_template(jname, git_repo=gpar, upstreams=upstreams, script=script, 

1363 location=loc, scheduler=scheduler, py27="[27]" in job, 

1364 description=description, credentials=cred, success_only=success_only, 

1365 update=update_job, timeout=timeout, adjust_scheduler=adjust_scheduler, 

1366 mails=self.mails) 


1368 # check some inconsistencies 

1369 if "[27]" in job and "Anaconda3" in script: 

1370 raise JenkinsExtException( # pragma: no cover 

1371 "incoherence for job {0}, script:\n{1}".format(job, script)) 


1373 locations.append((job, loc)) 

1374 created.append((job, name, loc, job, r)) 

1375 else: # pragma: no cover 

1376 # skip the job 

1377 loc = None if location is None else os.path.join( 

1378 location, jname) 

1379 locations.append((job, loc)) 

1380 self.fLOG("[jenkins] skipping", 

1381 job, "location", loc) 

1382 elif j is not None: 

1383 new_dep.append(name) 


1385 else: 

1386 # yml file 

1387 if location is not None: 

1388 options["root_path"] = location 

1389 for k, v in self.engines.items(): 

1390 if k not in options: 

1391 options[k] = v 

1392 jobdef = job[0] if isinstance(job, tuple) else job 


1394 done = {} 

1395 for aj, name, var in enumerate_processed_yml( 

1396 jobdef, context=options, engine=yml_engine, 

1397 add_environ=add_environ, server=self, git_repo=gitrepo, 

1398 scheduler=scheduler, description=description, credentials=cred, 

1399 success_only=success_only, timeout=timeout, platform=self.platform, 

1400 adjust_scheduler=adjust_scheduler, overwrite=overwrite, 

1401 build_location=location, mails=self.mails, 

1402 job_options=scheduler_options): 

1403 if name in done: 

1404 s = "A name '{0}' was already used for a job, from:\n{1}\nPROCESS:\n{2}" # pragma: no cover 

1405 raise ValueError( # pragma: no cover 

1406 s.format(name, jobdef, "\n".join(sorted(set(done.keys()))))) 

1407 done[name] = (aj, name, var) 

1408 loc = None if location is None else os.path.join( 

1409 location, name) 

1410 self.fLOG("[jenkins] adding i={2}: '{0}' var='{1}'".format( 

1411 name, var, len(created))) 

1412 created.append((job, name, loc, job, aj)) 


1414 indexes["order"] = order 

1415 indexes["dozen"] = dozen 

1416 indexes["unit"] = unit 

1417 return created, new_dep, locations