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1# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- 



4@brief logging functionalities 


6The function fLOG (or fLOG) is used to logged everything into a log file. 




10 from pyquickhelper.loghelper.flog import fLOG 

11 fLOG(OutputPrint = True) # the logs are also displayed in the output stream 

12 fLOG(LogPath = "...") # chanages the path returned by GetPath 

13 fLOG("un", "deux", 4, ["gt"]) # log everything in a log file 


15 from pyquickhelper.loghelper.flog import GetPath () 

16 print GetPath() # return the log path (file temp_log.txt) 


18 fLOG(LogPath = "c:/temp/log_path") # change the log path, creates it if it does not exist 


20@warning This module inserts static variable in module :epkg:`*py:sys`. 

21 I was done to deal with several instances of the same module 

22 in earlier versions of :epkg:`python`. 


24import copy 

25import datetime 

26import decimal 

27import math 

28import os 

29import pprint 

30import random 

31import sys 

32import time 

33import re 

34import zipfile 

35import urllib.request as urllib_request 

36from .flog_fake_classes import FlogStatic, LogFakeFileStream, LogFileStream, PQHException 

37from .run_cmd import run_cmd 



40flog_static = FlogStatic() 



43def init(path=None, filename=None, create=True, path_add=None): 

44 """ 

45 initialisation 

46 @param path new path, if path==*"###"*, then uses ``d:\\temp\\log_pyquickhelper`` 

47 if it exists or ``c:\\temp\\log_pyquickhelper`` if not 

48 @param filename new filename 

49 @param create force the creation 

50 @param path_add subfolder to append to the current folder 


52 This function is also called when LogPath is specified while calling function fLOG. 

53 """ 

54 if path_add is None: 

55 path_add = [] # pragma: no cover 

56 if path is None: 

57 path = flog_static.store_log_values["__log_path"] 


59 if path == "###": 

60 if sys.platform.startswith("win"): # pragma: no cover 

61 path = "d:\\temp" if os.path.exists("d:\\temp") else "c:\\temp" 

62 path = os.path.join(path, "log_pyquickhelper") 

63 else: 

64 path = "/tmp" 

65 path = os.path.join(path, "log_pyquickhelper") 


67 if len(path_add) > 0: # pragma: no cover 

68 if not isinstance(path_add, list): 

69 path_add = [path_add] 

70 temp = [] 

71 for p in path_add: 

72 spl = os.path.splitext(p) 

73 temp.append(spl[0]) 

74 path = os.path.join(path, *temp) 


76 if filename is None: 

77 filename = flog_static.store_log_values["__log_file_name"] 


79 if (flog_static.store_log_values["__log_path"] != path or flog_static.store_log_values["__log_file_name"] != filename) \ 

80 and flog_static.store_log_values["__log_file"] is not None: 

81 flog_static.store_log_values["__log_file"].close() 

82 flog_static.store_log_values["__log_file"] = None 

83 flog_static.store_log_values["__log_path"] = path 

84 flog_static.store_log_values["__log_file_name"] = filename 


86 if create: 

87 if not os.path.exists(flog_static.store_log_values["__log_path"]): 

88 os.makedirs(flog_static.store_log_values["__log_path"]) 

89 else: # pragma: no cover 

90 if not os.path.exists(flog_static.store_log_values["__log_path"]): 

91 raise PQHException( 

92 "unable to find path " + flog_static.store_log_values["__log_path"]) 



95def GetSepLine(): 

96 """ 

97 Always returns ``\\n`` 

98 """ 

99 return "\n" # pragma: no cover 



102def GetPath(): 

103 """ 

104 returns a path where the log file is stored. 

105 @return path to the logs 

106 """ 

107 return flog_static.store_log_values["__log_path"] 



110def Print(redirect=True): 

111 """ 

112 if True, redirect everything which is displayed to the standard output 

113 """ 

114 lock = flog_static.store_log_values.get("Lock", False) 

115 if not lock: 

116 flog_static.store_log_values["__log_display"] = redirect 



119def GetLogFile(physical=False, filename=None): 

120 """ 

121 Returns a file name containing the log 


123 :param physical: use a physical file or not 

124 :param filename: file name (if physical is True, default value is ``temp_log.txt``) 

125 :return: a pointer to a log file 

126 :rtype: str 

127 :raises OSError: if this file cannot be created 

128 """ 

129 if flog_static.store_log_values["__log_file"] is None: 

130 if physical: 

131 path = GetPath() 

132 if flog_static.store_log_values["__log_file_name"] is None: 

133 if os.path.exists(path): 

134 flog_static.store_log_values["__log_file_name"] = os.path.join( 

135 path, flog_static.store_log_values["__log_const"]) 

136 else: 

137 raise PQHException( # pragma: no cover 

138 "unable to create a log file in folder " + path) 


140 if not isinstance(flog_static.store_log_values["__log_file_name"], str): 

141 flog_static.store_log_values["__log_file"] = flog_static.store_log_values[ 

142 "__log_file_name"] 

143 else: 

144 flog_static.store_log_values[ 

145 "__log_file"] = LogFileStream(filename=filename) 

146 else: 

147 flog_static.store_log_values["__log_file"] = LogFakeFileStream() 


149 return flog_static.store_log_values["__log_file"] 



152def noLOG(*args, **kwargs): 

153 """ 

154 does nothing 

155 """ 

156 if len(args) > 0: 

157 return args[0] 

158 return None # pragma: no cover 



161def fLOG(*args, **kwargs): 

162 """ 

163 Builds a message on a single line with the date, it deals with encoding issues. 


165 @param args list of fields 

166 @param kwargs dictionary of fields (see below) 

167 @exception OSError When the log file cannot be created. 


169 About parameter *p*: 


171 - if *p* contains *OutputPrint*, call ``Print(OutputPrint)`` 

172 - if *p* contains *LogPath*, it calls ``init(v)`` 

173 - if *p* contains *LogFile*, it changes the log file name 

174 (it creates a new one, the previous is closed). 

175 - if *p* contains *LogPathAdd*, it adds this path to the temporary file 

176 - if *p* contains *Lock*, it locks option *OutputPrint* 

177 - if *p* contains *UnLock*, it unlocks option *OutputPrint* 

178 - if *p* contains *_pp*, it uses :epkg:`*py:pprint` 


180 Example: 


182 :: 


184 fLOG (LogPath = "###", LogPathAdd = __file__, OutputPrint = True) 


186 .. faqref:: 

187 :title: How to activate the logs? 


189 The following instruction will do: 


191 :: 


193 fLOG(OutputPrint=True) 


195 To log everything into a file: 


197 :: 


199 fLOG(OutputPrint=True, LogFile="log_file.txt") 


201 Parameter *OutputStream* allows to print 

202 the message on a different stream. 

203 """ 

204 path_add = kwargs.get("LogPathAdd", []) 

205 outstream = kwargs.get('OutputStream', None) 

206 if outstream is not None: 

207 del kwargs['OutputStream'] 


209 lock = kwargs.get("Lock", None) 

210 if lock is not None: 

211 flog_static.store_log_values["Lock"] = lock 


213 if "LogFile" in kwargs and "LogPath" in kwargs: 

214 init(kwargs["LogPath"], kwargs["LogFile"]) 

215 elif "LogFile" in kwargs: 

216 init(filename=kwargs["LogFile"], path_add=path_add) 

217 elif "LogPath" in kwargs: 

218 init(path=kwargs["LogPath"], path_add=path_add) 


220 def myprint(s): 

221 if outstream is not None: 

222 outstream.write(s + '\n') 

223 else: 

224 print(s) # pragma: no cover 


226 if "OutputPrint" in kwargs: 

227 Print(kwargs["OutputPrint"]) 


229 if "LogFile" in kwargs: 

230 GetLogFile(True, filename=kwargs["LogFile"]) 


232 message = fLOGFormat(flog_static.store_log_values["__log_file_sep"], 

233 *args, **kwargs) 

234 GetLogFile().write(message) 

235 if flog_static.store_log_values["__log_display"]: 

236 try: 

237 myprint(message.strip("\r\n")) 

238 except UnicodeEncodeError: # pragma: no cover 

239 mes = "\n".join(repr(message.strip("\r\n")).split("\\n")) 

240 try: 

241 myprint(mes) 

242 except UnicodeEncodeError: 

243 mes2 = mes.encode("utf-8").decode("cp1252", errors="ignore") 

244 myprint(mes2) 


246 GetLogFile().flush() 

247 if len(args) > 0: 

248 return args[0] 

249 return None 



252def fLOGFormat(sep, *args, **kwargs): 

253 """ 

254 Formats a message. 


256 @param sep line separator 

257 @param args list of anything 

258 @param kwargs dictioanry of anything 

259 @return string 


261 if *_pp* is True, the function uses :epkg:`*py:pprint`. 

262 """ 

263 upp = kwargs.get('_pp', False) 

264 dt = datetime.datetime(2009, 1, 1).now() 

265 typstr = str 

266 if len(args) > 0: 

267 def _str_process(s): 

268 if isinstance(s, str): 

269 if upp: 

270 return pprint.pformat(s) 

271 return s 

272 if isinstance(s, bytes): 

273 return s.decode("utf8") 

274 try: 

275 if upp: 

276 return pprint.pformat(s) 

277 return typstr(s) 

278 except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover 

279 raise Exception( # pragma: no cover 

280 "unable to convert s into string: type(s)=" + str(type(s))) from e 


282 message = (str(dt).split(".", maxsplit=1)[0] + " " + 

283 " ".join([_str_process(s) for s in args]) + sep) 

284 st = " " 

285 else: 

286 message = typstr(dt).split(".", maxsplit=1)[0] + " " 

287 st = " " 


289 messages = [message] 


291 for k, v in kwargs.items(): 

292 if k in ("OutputPrint", '_pp') and v: 

293 continue 

294 message = st + "%s = %s%s" % (typstr(k), typstr(v), sep) 

295 messages.append(message) 

296 return sep.join(messages) 



299def _this_fLOG(*args, **kwargs): 

300 """ 

301 Other name private to this module. 

302 """ 

303 fLOG(*args, **kwargs) # pragma: no cover 



306def get_relative_path(folder, file, exists=True, absolute=True): 

307 """ 

308 private function, return the relative path or absolute between a folder and a file, 

309 use `relpath <https://docs.python.org/3/library/os.path.html#os.path.relpath>`_ 


311 @param folder folder 

312 @param file file 

313 @param exists check existence 

314 @param absolute if True return a path which starts from the root 

315 @return relative path 

316 @rtype str 

317 """ 

318 if exists: 

319 if not os.path.exists(folder): 

320 raise PQHException(folder + " does not exist.") # pragma: no cover 

321 if not os.path.exists(file): 

322 raise PQHException(file + " does not exist.") # pragma: no cover 

323 sd = os.path.normpath(folder).replace("\\", "/").split("/") 

324 sf = os.path.normpath(file).replace("\\", "/").split("/") 

325 i = 0 

326 while i < len(sd): 

327 if i >= len(sf): 

328 break 

329 if sf[i] != sd[i]: 

330 break 

331 i += 1 

332 if absolute: 

333 res = copy.copy(sd) 

334 else: 

335 res = [] 

336 j = i 

337 while i < len(sd): 

338 i += 1 

339 res.append("..") # pragma: no cover 

340 res.extend(sf[j:]) 

341 return os.path.join(*res) 



344def download(httpfile, path_unzip=None, outfile=None, flatten=True, fLOG=None): 

345 """ 

346 Download a file to the folder path_unzip if not present, if the downloading is interrupted, 

347 the next time, it will start from where it stopped. Before downloading, the function creates a temporary file, 

348 which means the downloading has began. If the connection is lost, an exception is raised and the program stopped. 

349 Next time, the program will detect the existence of the temporary file and will start downloading from where it previously stopped. 

350 After it ends, the temporary file is removed. 


352 @param httpfile (str) url 

353 @param path_unzip (str) path where to unzip the file, if None, choose GetPath () 

354 @param outfile (str) if None, the function will assign a filename unless this parameter is specified 

355 @param flatten (bool) put all files in the same folder (forget subfolders) 

356 @param fLOG (str) logging function 

357 @return local file name 

358 """ 

359 if fLOG is None: 

360 fLOG = noLOG 

361 if fLOG == "fLOG": 

362 fLOG = fLOG # pylint: disable=W0127 

363 if path_unzip is None: 

364 path_unzip = GetPath() 

365 file = _check_source(httpfile, path_unzip=path_unzip, 

366 outfile=outfile, flatten=flatten, fLOG=fLOG) 

367 return file 



370def unzip(file, path_unzip=None, outfile=None, flatten=True, fLOG=noLOG): 

371 """ 

372 Unzips a file into the temporary folder, 

373 the function expects to have only one zipped file. 


375 @param file (str) zip files 

376 @param path_unzip (str) where to unzip the file, if None, choose GetPath () 

377 @param outfile (str) if None, the function will assign a filename unless this parameter is specified 

378 @param flatten (bool) put all files in the same folder (forget subfolders) 

379 @return expanded file name 

380 """ 

381 if path_unzip is None: 

382 path_unzip = GetPath() 

383 fLOG("[loghelper.flog] unzip file", file) 

384 file = _check_source(file, path_unzip=path_unzip, 

385 outfile=outfile, flatten=flatten, fLOG=fLOG) 


387 nb = 0 

388 while not os.path.exists(file) and nb < 10: 

389 time.sleep(0.5) 

390 nb += 1 


392 if not os.path.exists(file): 

393 raise FileNotFoundError(file) # pragma: no cover 


395 return file 



398def _get_file_url(url, path): 

399 """ 

400 build a filename knowing an url 


402 @param url url 

403 @param path where to download the file 

404 @return filename 

405 """ 

406 path = path + "/" + \ 

407 url.replace("/", "!") \ 

408 .replace(":", "") \ 

409 .replace(".", "-") \ 

410 .replace("=", "_") \ 

411 .replace("?", "_") 

412 spl = path.split("-") 

413 if len(spl) >= 2: 

414 ext = spl[len(spl) - 1].lower() 

415 if 2 <= len(ext) <= 3 and ext in [ 

416 "png", "jpeg", "jpg", "zip", "txt", "gif", "py", "cpp", 

417 "gz", "pdf", "tif", "py", "html", "h", "hpp", "cc"]: 

418 spl = path.split("-") 

419 spl = spl[:len(spl) - 1] 

420 path = "-".join(spl) + "." + ext 

421 return path 



424def _get_file_txt(zipname): 

425 """ 

426 build a filename knowing an url, same name but in default_path 

427 @param zipname filename of the zip 

428 @return filename 

429 """ 

430 file = os.path.split(zipname)[1] 

431 file = file.replace(".zip", ".txt") 

432 file = file.replace(".ZIP", ".txt") 

433 file = file.replace(".gz", ".txt") 

434 file = file.replace(".GZ", ".txt") 

435 return file 



438def _check_zip_file(filename, path_unzip, outfile, flatten=True, fLOG=noLOG): 

439 """ 

440 This function tests if a file is a zip file (extension zip), 

441 if it is the case, it unzips it into another file and return the new name, 

442 if the unzipped file already exists, the file is not unzipped a second time. 


444 @param filename any filename (.zip or not), if txt, it has no effect 

445 @param path_unzip if None, unzip it where it stands, otherwise, place it into path 

446 @param outfile if None, the function will assign a filename unless this parameter is specified 

447 @param flatten unzip all files into the same directory 

448 @param fLOG logging function 

449 @return the unzipped file or filename if the format was not zip 

450 """ 

451 if path_unzip is None: 

452 raise ValueError("path_unzip cannot be None") # pragma: no cover 

453 file, ext = os.path.splitext(filename) 

454 ext = ext.lower() 

455 if ext == ".gz": 


457 import gzip 


459 if outfile is None: 

460 dest = filename.split("!") 

461 dest = dest[len(dest) - 1] 

462 ext = os.path.splitext(dest)[1] 

463 dest = dest.replace(ext, ".txt") 

464 path = os.path.split(filename) 

465 path = "/".join(path[:len(path) - 1]) 

466 dest = path + "/" + dest 

467 else: 

468 dest = outfile 


470 if not os.path.exists(dest): 

471 file = gzip.GzipFile(filename, "r") 

472 if outfile is None: 

473 dest = os.path.split(dest)[1] 

474 dest = os.path.join(path_unzip, dest) 


476 if os.path.exists(dest): 

477 st1 = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp( 

478 os.stat(filename).st_mtime) 

479 st2 = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp( 

480 os.stat(dest).st_mtime) 

481 if st2 > st1: 

482 fLOG("[loghelper.flog] ungzipping file (already done)", dest) 

483 return dest 


485 fLOG("[loghelper.flog] ungzipping file", dest) 

486 f = open(dest, "w") 

487 data = file.read(2 ** 27) 

488 size = 0 

489 while len(data) > 0: 

490 size += len(data) 

491 fLOG("[loghelper.flog] ungzipping ", size, "bytes") 

492 if isinstance(data, bytes): 

493 f.write(bytes.decode(data)) 

494 else: 

495 f.write(data) 

496 data = file.read(2 ** 27) 

497 f.close() 

498 file.close() 


500 return dest 


502 if ext == ".zip": 


504 try: 

505 file = zipfile.ZipFile(filename, "r") 

506 except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover 

507 fLOG("[loghelper.flog] problem with ", filename) 

508 raise e 


510 if len(file.infolist()) != 1: 

511 if outfile is not None: 

512 raise PQHException( # pragma: no cover 

513 "the archive contains %d files and not one as you expected " 

514 "by filling outfile" % len(file.infolist())) 

515 fLOG("[loghelper.flog] unzip file (multiple) ", filename) 

516 #message = "\n".join ([ fi.filename for fi in file.infolist() ] ) 

517 #raise Exception.YstException("ColumnInfoSet.load_from_file: file %s contains no file or more than one file\n" + message) 

518 folder = os.path.split(filename)[0] 

519 todo = 0 

520 _zip7_path = r"c:\Program Files\7-Zip" 

521 zip7 = not flatten and os.path.exists(_zip7_path) 

522 if zip7: 

523 fLOG("[loghelper.flog] using ", _zip7_path) # pragma: no cover 

524 wait = [] 

525 for info in file.infolist(): 

526 # equivalent to is_dir (Python 3.6+) 

527 if info.filename[-1] == '/': 

528 continue 

529 fileinside = info.filename 

530 dest = os.path.join(folder, fileinside) 

531 if not os.path.exists(dest): 

532 fol = os.path.split(dest)[0] 

533 if not os.path.exists(fol): 

534 os.makedirs(fol) 

535 if os.path.exists(dest): 

536 st1 = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp( 

537 os.stat(filename).st_mtime) 

538 st2 = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp( 

539 os.stat(dest).st_mtime) 

540 if st2 > st1: 

541 continue 


543 if not sys.platform.startswith("win") or not zip7: 

544 data = file.read(fileinside) 

545 if flatten: 

546 dest2 = os.path.split(dest)[1] 

547 dest2 = os.path.join(path_unzip, dest2) 

548 else: 

549 dest2 = dest 

550 fLOG("[loghelper.flog] unzipping file", dest2) 

551 wait.append(dest2) 

552 f = open(dest2, "wb" if isinstance( 

553 data, bytes) else "w") 

554 f.write(data) 

555 f.close() 

556 else: 

557 todo += 1 


559 if todo > 0 and zip7: # pragma: no cover 

560 dest = os.path.realpath(path_unzip) 

561 cmd = '"' + _zip7_path + \ 

562 '\\7z.exe" x -y -r -o"%s" "%s"' % (dest, 

563 os.path.realpath(filename)) 

564 out, err = run_cmd(cmd, wait=True) 

565 if len(err) > 0: 

566 raise PQHException( 

567 "command {0} failed\n{1}".format(cmd, err)) 

568 if "Error" in out: 

569 raise PQHException( 

570 "command {0} failed\n{1}".format(cmd, out)) 

571 else: 

572 dest = path_unzip 


574 file.close() 


576 ch = False 

577 while not ch: 

578 ch = True 

579 for a in wait: 

580 if not os.path.exists(a): # pragma: no cover 

581 ch = False 

582 break 

583 time.sleep(0.5) 


585 return dest 


587 else: 

588 for info in file.infolist(): 

589 fileinside = info.filename 


591 path = os.path.split(filename) 

592 dest = outfile if outfile is not None else path[ 

593 0] + "/" + fileinside 

594 if not os.path.exists(dest): 

595 data = file.read(fileinside) 

596 if outfile is None: 

597 if flatten: 

598 dest = os.path.split(dest)[1] 

599 dest = os.path.join(path_unzip, dest) 

600 else: 

601 dest = os.path.join(path_unzip, dest) 


603 if os.path.exists(dest): 

604 st1 = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp( 

605 os.stat(filename).st_mtime) 

606 st2 = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp( 

607 os.stat(dest).st_mtime) 

608 if st2 > st1: 

609 fLOG( 

610 "[loghelper.flog] unzipping one file (already done)", dest) 

611 return dest 


613 fLOG("[loghelper.flog] unzipping one file", dest) 

614 if isinstance(data, bytes): 

615 f = open(dest, "wb") 

616 f.write(data) 

617 else: 

618 f = open(dest, "w") 

619 f.write(data) 

620 f.close() 

621 file.close() 

622 return dest 


624 return filename 



627def _first_more_recent(f1, path): 

628 """ 

629 Checks if the first file (opened url) 

630 is more recent of the second file (path). 

631 @param f1 opened url 

632 @param path path name 

633 @return boolean 

634 """ 

635 typstr = str 

636 s = typstr(f1.info()) 

637 da = re.compile("Last[-]Modified: (.+) GMT").search(s) 

638 if da is None: 

639 return True 

640 else: # pragma: no cover 

641 da = da.groups()[0] 

642 gr = re.compile( 

643 "[\\w, ]* ([ \\d]{2}) ([\\w]{3}) ([\\d]{4}) " 

644 "([\\d]{2}):([\\d]{2}):([\\d]{2})").search(da) 

645 if gr is None: 

646 return True 

647 gr = gr.groups() 

648 dau = datetime.datetime( 

649 int(gr[2]), 

650 flog_static.store_log_values["month_date"][gr[1].lower()], 

651 int(gr[0]), int(gr[3]), int(gr[4]), int(gr[5])) 


653 p = time.ctime(os.path.getmtime(path)) 

654 gr = re.compile( 

655 "[\\w, ]* ([\\w]{3}) ([ \\d]{2}) ([\\d]{2}):([\\d]{2}):" 

656 "([\\d]{2}) ([\\d]{4})").search(p) 

657 if gr is None: 

658 return True 

659 gr = gr.groups() 

660 da = datetime.datetime( 

661 int(gr[5]), 

662 flog_static.store_log_values["month_date"][gr[0].lower()], 

663 int(gr[1]), int(gr[2]), int(gr[3]), int(gr[4])) 


665 file = da 

666 return dau > file 



669def _check_url_file(url, path_download, outfile, fLOG=noLOG): 

670 """If *url* is an url, download the file and return the downloaded 

671 if it has already been downloaded, it is not downloaded again. 

672 @param url url 

673 @param path_download download the file here 

674 @param outfile if None, the function will assign a filename unless this parameter is specified 

675 @param fLOG logging function 

676 @return the filename 

677 """ 

678 urll = url.lower() 

679 if "http://" in urll or "https://" in urll: 

680 dest = outfile if outfile is not None else _get_file_url( 

681 url, path_download) 

682 down = False 

683 nyet = dest + ".notyet" 


685 if os.path.exists(dest) and not os.path.exists(nyet): 

686 try: # pragma: no cover 

687 fLOG("[loghelper.flog] trying to connect", url) 

688 f1 = urllib_request.urlopen(url) 

689 down = _first_more_recent(f1, dest) 

690 newdate = down 

691 f1.close() 

692 except IOError: # pragma: no cover 

693 fLOG( 

694 "unable to connect Internet, working offline for url", url) 

695 down = False 

696 else: 

697 down = True 

698 newdate = False 


700 if down: 

701 if newdate: 

702 fLOG( # pragma: no cover 

703 "[loghelper.flog] downloading (updated) ", url) 

704 else: 

705 fLOG("[loghelper.flog] downloading ", url) 


707 if (len(url) > 4 and 

708 url[-4].lower() in [".txt", ".csv", ".tsv", ".log", '.tmpl']): 

709 fLOG( # pragma: no cover 

710 "[loghelper.flog] creating text file '{0}'".format(dest)) 

711 formatopen = "w" # pragma: no cover 

712 else: 

713 fLOG( 

714 "[loghelper.flog] creating binary file '{0}'".format(dest)) 

715 formatopen = "wb" 


717 if os.path.exists(nyet): # pragma: no cover 

718 size = os.stat(dest).st_size 

719 fLOG("[loghelper.flog] resume downloading (stop at", 

720 size, ") from '{0}'".format(url)) 

721 request = urllib_request.Request(url) 

722 request.add_header("Range", "bytes=%d-" % size) 

723 fu = urllib_request.urlopen(request) 

724 f = open(dest, formatopen.replace( # pylint: disable=W1501 

725 "w", "a")) # pylint: disable=W1501 

726 else: 

727 fLOG("[loghelper.flog] downloading ", url) 

728 request = urllib_request.Request(url) 

729 fu = urllib_request.urlopen(url) 

730 f = open(dest, formatopen) 


732 open(nyet, "w").close() 

733 c = fu.read(2 ** 21) 

734 size = 0 

735 while len(c) > 0: 

736 size += len(c) 

737 fLOG("[loghelper.flog] size", size) 

738 f.write(c) 

739 f.flush() 

740 c = fu.read(2 ** 21) 

741 fLOG("[loghelper.flog] end downloading") 

742 f.close() 

743 fu.close() 

744 os.remove(nyet) 


746 url = dest 

747 return url 



750def _check_source(fileurl, path_unzip, outfile, flatten=True, fLOG=noLOG): 

751 """ 

752 Check the existence of a file, downloads it if not existing. 


754 @param fileurl can be an url, a zip file, a text file 

755 @param path_unzip if None, unzip the file where it stands, otherwise, put it in path 

756 @param outfile if None, the function will assign a filename unless this parameter is specified 

757 @param flatten extract all files into the same directory 

758 @param fLOG logging function 

759 @return a text file name 


761 if it is: 

762 - an url: download it and copy it into default_path 

763 - a zipfile: beside the true file 

764 - a text file: do nothing 


766 If the file has already been downloaded and unzipped, it is not done twice. 

767 """ 

768 if outfile is not None and os.path.splitext( 

769 outfile)[1].lower() == os.path.splitext(fileurl)[1].lower(): 

770 file = _check_url_file( 

771 fileurl, path_download=path_unzip, outfile=outfile, fLOG=fLOG) 

772 return file 

773 else: 

774 file = _check_url_file( 

775 fileurl, path_download=path_unzip, outfile=None, fLOG=fLOG) 

776 txt = _check_zip_file( 

777 file, path_unzip=path_unzip, outfile=outfile, fLOG=fLOG, flatten=flatten) 

778 if not os.path.exists(txt): # pragma: no cover 

779 message = "_check_source: unable to find file '" + \ 

780 txt + "' source '" + fileurl + "'" 

781 raise PQHException(message) 

782 return txt 



785def get_prefix(): 

786 """ 

787 Returns a prefix for a file based on time. 

788 """ 

789 typstr = str 

790 t = datetime.datetime(2010, 1, 1).now() 

791 t = typstr(t).replace(":", "_").replace("/", "_").replace(" ", "_") 

792 t += "_" + typstr(random.randint(0, 1000000)) + "_" 

793 return os.path.join(GetPath(), "temp_" + t) 



796def removedirs(folder, silent=False, use_command_line=False): 

797 """ 

798 Removes all files and folders in *folder*. 


800 @param folder folder 

801 @param silent silent mode or not 

802 @param use_command_line see below 

803 @return list of not remove files or folders 


805 Sometimes it fails due to PermissionError exception, 

806 in that case, you can try to remove the folder through the command 

807 line ``rmdir /q /s + <folder>``. In that case, the function 

808 does not return the list of removed files but the output of 

809 the command line 

810 """ 

811 if use_command_line: 

812 if sys.platform.startswith("win"): # pragma: no cover 

813 out, err = run_cmd("rmdir /s /q " + folder, wait=True) 

814 else: 

815 out, err = run_cmd("rm -Rf " + folder, wait=True) 

816 if len(err) > 0: # pragma: no cover 

817 raise Exception("Unable to remove '{0}'\n{1}".format(folder, err)) 

818 return out 


820 file, rep = [], [] 

821 for r, d, f in os.walk(folder): 

822 for a in d: 

823 rep.append(os.path.join(r, a)) 

824 for a in f: 

825 file.append(os.path.join(r, a)) 

826 impos = [] 

827 file.sort() 

828 rep.sort(reverse=True) 

829 for f in file: 

830 try: 

831 if os.path.exists(f): 

832 os.remove(f) 

833 except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover 

834 typstr = str 

835 fLOG( 

836 "Unable to remove file '{0}' --- {1}".format(f, typstr(e).replace("\n", " "))) 

837 if silent: 

838 impos.append(f) 

839 else: 

840 raise 

841 for f in rep: 

842 try: 

843 if os.path.exists(f): 

844 os.removedirs(f) 

845 except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover 

846 typstr = str 

847 fLOG( 

848 "Unable to remove folder '{0}' --- {1}".format(f, typstr(e).replace("\n", " "))) 

849 if silent: 

850 impos.append(f) 

851 else: 

852 raise 


854 if os.path.exists(folder): 

855 try: 

856 os.rmdir(folder) 

857 except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover 

858 impos.append(folder) 

859 return impos 



862def guess_type_value(x, none=None): 

863 """ 

864 Guessees the type of a value. 


866 @param x type 

867 @param none if True and all values are empty, return None 

868 @return type 


870 @warning if an integer starts with a zero, then it is a string 

871 """ 

872 try: 

873 int(x) 

874 if x[0] == '0' and len(x) > 1: 

875 return str 

876 return int if len(x) < 9 else str 

877 except ValueError: 

878 try: 

879 x = float(x) 

880 return float # pragma: no cover 

881 except ValueError: 

882 if none: 

883 if x is None: 

884 return None # pragma: no cover 

885 try: 

886 if len(x) > 0: 

887 return str # pragma: no cover 

888 return None 

889 except Exception: # pragma: no cover 

890 return None 

891 return str 



894def guess_type_value_type(none=True): 

895 """ 

896 @param none if True and all values are empty, return None 

897 @return the list of types recognized by guess_type_value 

898 """ 

899 typstr = str 

900 return [None, typstr, int, float] if none else [typstr, int, float] 



903def get_default_value_type(ty, none=True): 

904 """ 

905 @param ty type in guess_type_value_type 

906 @param none if True and all values are empty, return None 

907 @return a default value for this type 

908 """ 

909 if ty is None and none: 

910 return None 

911 if ty == str: 

912 return "" 

913 if ty == int: 

914 return 0 

915 if ty == decimal.Decimal: 

916 return decimal.Decimal(0) 

917 if ty == float: 

918 return 0.0 

919 raise PQHException( # pragma: no cover 

920 "type expected in " + str(guess_type_value_type())) 



923def guess_type_list(args, tolerance=0.01, none=True): 

924 """ 

925 guess the type of a list 

926 @param args list 

927 @param tolerance let's denote m as the frequency of the most representative type, 

928 and m2 the second one, if m2 > m * tolerance --> str 

929 @param none if True and all values are empty, return None 

930 @return type, length (order of preference (int, float, str)) 

931 the parameter length has a meaning only for str result 

932 """ 

933 defa = None if none else str 

934 length = 0 

935 typstr = str 

936 if args in [typstr, float, int, None, decimal.Decimal]: 

937 raise PQHException("this case is unexpected %s" % 

938 typstr(args)) # pragma: no cover 


940 if len(args) == 0: 

941 res = defa 


943 elif len(args) == 1: 

944 res = guess_type_value(args[0], none) 

945 if res == typstr: 

946 length = len(args[0]) 

947 else: 

948 count = {} 

949 for x in args: 

950 t = guess_type_value(x, none) 

951 length = max(length, len(x)) 

952 if t in count: 

953 count[t] += 1 

954 else: 

955 count[t] = 1 


957 val = [(v, k) for k, v in count.items()] 

958 val.sort(reverse=True) 

959 if len(val) == 1: 

960 res = val[0][1] 

961 elif val[0][0] * tolerance < val[1][0]: 

962 res = str 

963 else: 

964 res = val[0][1] 


966 if res != typstr: 

967 olength = 0 

968 else: 

969 if length > 0: 

970 x = math.log(length) / math.log(2) + 0.99999 

971 x = int(x) 

972 olength = math.exp(x * math.log(2)) + 0.9999 

973 olength = int(olength) * 2 

974 else: 

975 olength = length 


977 return res, olength 



980def guess_machine_parameter(): 

981 """ 

982 Determines many parameters on this machine: 

983 - machine name 

984 - user name 

985 - domain... 

986 @return dictionary { name : value } 

987 """ 



990 "windir", "TEMP", "USER"] 

991 res = {} 

992 sep = ";" if sys.platform.startswith("win") else ":" 

993 for v in val: 

994 if v == "PATH": 

995 x = os.getenv(v) 

996 x = x.split(sep) 

997 res[v] = x 

998 else: 

999 res[v] = os.getenv(v) 


1001 if not sys.platform.startswith("win"): 

1002 if "TEMP" not in res or res["TEMP"] is None: 

1003 res["TEMP"] = "/tmp" 


1005 return res 



1008def IsEmptyString(s): 

1009 """ 

1010 Empty string or not? 


1012 :param s: any string (str, None) 

1013 :return: is it empty or not? 

1014 :rtype: bool 

1015 :raises PQHException: when a type is unexpected 

1016 """ 

1017 if s is None: 

1018 return True 

1019 if isinstance(s, str): 

1020 return len(s) == 0 

1021 raise PQHException( # pragma: no cover 

1022 "the type is unexpected {0}".format(type(s))) 



1025def load_content_file_with_encoding(filename): 

1026 """ 

1027 Tries different encoding to load a file, tries utf8, latin1 and None. 

1028 @param filename filename 

1029 @return couple (content, encoding) 

1030 """ 

1031 error = None 

1032 for enc in ["utf8", "latin1", None]: 

1033 try: 

1034 with open(filename, "r", encoding=enc) as f: 

1035 content = f.read() 

1036 return content, enc 

1037 except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover 

1038 error = e 

1039 raise error # pragma: no cover