module cli.script_exec

Short summary

module pyquickhelper.cli.script_exec

Repeat execution.

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truncated documentation


Runs a python script on a regular basis. The function is not multithreaded, it returns when all execution are done. …


Repeat execution.

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pyquickhelper.cli.script_exec.repeat_script(script, every_second=20, stop_after_second=-1, outfile='out.log', errfile='err.log', exc=True, verbose=1, fLOG=<built-in function print>)[source]

Runs a python script on a regular basis. The function is not multithreaded, it returns when all execution are done.

  • script – script to run

  • every_second – every second

  • stop_after_second – stop after a given time or never if -1

  • outfile – file which receives the standard output

  • errfile – file which receives the standard error

  • exc – True to stop if an exception is raised, False to continue

  • verbose – prints out every execution

  • fLOG – logging function

Repeat script execution every n seconds

The command line runs the execution a script on a regular basis.


python -m pyquickhelper repeat_script --help


usage: repeat_script [-h] [-s SCRIPT] [-e EVERY_SECOND]
                     [-st STOP_AFTER_SECOND] [-o OUTFILE] [-er ERRFILE]
                     [--exc EXC] [-v VERBOSE]

Runs a python script on a regular basis. The function is not multithreaded, it
returns when all execution are done.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -s SCRIPT, --script SCRIPT
                        script to run (default: None)
  -e EVERY_SECOND, --every_second EVERY_SECOND
                        every second (default: 20)
  -st STOP_AFTER_SECOND, --stop_after_second STOP_AFTER_SECOND
                        stop after a given time or never if -1 (default: -1)
  -o OUTFILE, --outfile OUTFILE
                        file which receives the standard output (default:
  -er ERRFILE, --errfile ERRFILE
                        file which receives the standard error (default:
  --exc EXC             True to stop if an exception is raised, False to
                        continue (default: True)
  -v VERBOSE, --verbose VERBOSE
                        prints out every execution (default: 1)

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