module filehelper.download_helper

Inheritance diagram of pyquickhelper.filehelper.download_helper

Short summary

module pyquickhelper.filehelper.download_helper

A function to download the content of a url.

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Exception for the function get_url_content_timeout()



truncated documentation



Downloads a file from internet (by default, it assumes it is text information, otherwise, encoding should be None).


Downloads data from urls (by default, it assumes it is text information, otherwise, encoding should be None).


Replaces the url by a local file in a folder or an environment variable if folder is None.


A function to download the content of a url.

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exception pyquickhelper.filehelper.download_helper.InternetException[source]

Bases: Exception

Exception for the function get_url_content_timeout

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pyquickhelper.filehelper.download_helper.get_url_content_timeout(url, timeout=10, output=None, encoding='utf8', raise_exception=True, chunk=None, fLOG=None)[source]

Downloads a file from internet (by default, it assumes it is text information, otherwise, encoding should be None).

  • url – (str) url

  • timeout – (int) in seconds, after this time, the function drops an returns None, -1 for forever

  • output – (str) if None, the content is stored in that file

  • encoding – (str) utf8 by default, but if it is None, the returned information is binary

  • raise_exception – (bool) True to raise an exception, False to send a warnings

  • chunk – (int|None) save data every chunk (only if output is not None)

  • fLOG – logging function (only applies when chunk is not None)


content of the url

If the function automatically detects that the downloaded data is in gzip format, it will decompress it.

The function raises the exception InternetException.

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pyquickhelper.filehelper.download_helper.get_urls_content_timeout(urls, timeout=10, folder=None, encoding=None, raise_exception=True, chunk=None, fLOG=None)[source]

Downloads data from urls (by default, it assumes it is text information, otherwise, encoding should be None).

  • urls – urls

  • timeout – in seconds, after this time, the function drops an returns None, -1 for forever

  • folder – if None, the content is stored in that file

  • encoding – None by default, but if it is None, the returned information is binary

  • raise_exception – True to raise an exception, False to send a warnings

  • chunk – save data every chunk (only if output is not None)

  • fLOG – logging function (only applies when chunk is not None)


list of downloaded content

If the function automatically detects that the downloaded data is in gzip format, it will decompress it.

The function raises the exception InternetException.

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pyquickhelper.filehelper.download_helper.local_url(url, folder=None, envvar='REPO_LOCAL_URLS')[source]

Replaces the url by a local file in a folder or an environment variable if folder is None.

  • url – url to replace

  • folder – local folder

  • envvar – environment variable


local file or url

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