module filehelper.visual_sync

Short summary

module pyquickhelper.filehelper.visual_sync

Use jsdifflib to visualize the differences between two files.

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truncated documentation


The function uses jsdifflib to create a visual diff. If it was not already …


Calls function create_visual_diff_through_html() with the content of two files.


Use jsdifflib to visualize the differences between two files.

source on GitHub

pyquickhelper.filehelper.visual_sync.create_visual_diff_through_html(string1, string2, notebook=False, context_size=None, inline_view=False)[source]

The function uses jsdifflib to create a visual diff. If it was not already done, the function downloads the tool using pymyinstall.

  • string1 – first string (anything such as an url, a file, a string, a stream)

  • string2 – second string (anything such as an url, a file, a string, a stream)

  • notebook – if True, the function assumes the outcome will be displayed from a notebook and does things accordingly, see below

  • context_size – to display everything (None) or just the changes > 0

  • inline_view – only for notebook, True: one column, False: two columns


html page or (HTML, Javascript) object if notebook is True

Visualize the difference between two text files or strings

with open("file1.txt","r",encoding="utf8") as f:
    text1 =
with open("file2.txt","r",encoding="utf8") as f:
    text2 =
pg = create_visual_diff_through_html(text1,text2)
with open("page.html","w",encoding="utf8") as f:
import webbrowser"page.html")

The function uses read_content_ufs to retrieve the content.

source on GitHub

pyquickhelper.filehelper.visual_sync.create_visual_diff_through_html_files(file1, file2, encoding='utf8', page=None, browser=False, notebook=False, context_size=None, inline_view=False)[source]

Calls function create_visual_diff_through_html with the content of two files.

  • file1 – first file (anything such as an url, a file, a string, a stream)

  • file2 – second file (anything such as an url, a file, a string, a stream)

  • encoding – encoding

  • page – if not None, saves the results in file

  • browser – open browser ?

  • notebook – if True, the function assumes the outcome will be displayed from a notebook and does things accordingly

  • context_size – to display everything (None) or just the changes > 0

  • inline_view – only for notebook, True: one column, False: two columns


html page or (HTML, Javascript) object if notebook is True

An example of the results is shown in blog post 2015-04-23 Visualize differences between two files in a notebook. The function now uses read_content_ufs to retrieve the content.

Compares two files

The command calls function create_visual_diff_through_html_files and produces a HTML page with shows the differences between two files. Example:

python -m pyquickhelper visual_diff -f <file1> -fi <file2> --browser=1 --page=diff.html

It works better with chrome.


python -m pyquickhelper visual_diff --help


usage: visual_diff [-h] [-f FILE1] [-fi FILE2] [-e ENCODING] [-p PAGE]
                   [-b BROWSER] [-n NOTEBOOK] [-c CONTEXT_SIZE]
                   [-i INLINE_VIEW]

Calls function :func:`create_visual_diff_through_html
<pyquickhelper.filehelper.visual_sync.create_visual_diff_through_html>` with
the content of two files.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -f FILE1, --file1 FILE1
                        first file (anything such as an url, a file, a string,
                        a stream) (default: None)
  -fi FILE2, --file2 FILE2
                        second file (anything such as an url, a file, a
                        string, a stream) (default: None)
  -e ENCODING, --encoding ENCODING
                        encoding (default: utf8)
  -p PAGE, --page PAGE  if not None, saves the results in file (default: )
  -b BROWSER, --browser BROWSER
                        open browser ? (default: False)
  -n NOTEBOOK, --notebook NOTEBOOK
                        if True, the function assumes the outcome will be
                        displayed from a notebook and does things accordingly
                        (default: False)
  -c CONTEXT_SIZE, --context_size CONTEXT_SIZE
                        to display everything (None) or just the changes > 0
                        (default: )
  -i INLINE_VIEW, --inline_view INLINE_VIEW
                        only for notebook, True: one column, False: two
                        columns (default: False)

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