Source code for pyrsslocal.rss.rss_database

Description of a :epkg:`RSS` stream.

import datetime
import os

from pyquickhelper.loghelper import fLOG
from pyensae.sql.database_main import Database
from .rss_blogpost import BlogPost
from .rss_stream import StreamRSS

[docs]class DatabaseRSS (Database): """ Database specific to :epkg:`RSS`. :githublink:`%|py|18` """
[docs] @staticmethod def schema_table(table): """ returns the schema for a specific table :param table: name (in ["stats", "event"]) :return: dictionary :githublink:`%|py|27` """ if table == "stats": return {0: ("id_post", int), 1: ("dtime", datetime.datetime), 2: ("status", str), 3: ("rate", int), 4: ("comment", str), } elif table == "event": return {-1: ("id_event", int, "PRIMARYKEY", "AUTOINCREMENT"), 0: ("dtime", datetime.datetime), 1: ("uuid", str), 2: ("type1", str), 3: ("type2", str), 4: ("args", str), } else: raise Exception("unexpected table name")
[docs] def __init__(self, dbfile, table_blogs="blogs", table_posts="posts", table_stats="posts_stat", table_event="events", LOG=fLOG): """ :param dbfile: file database :param table_blogs: table name for the blogs :param table_posts: table name for the posts :param table_stats: table name for the posts stats :param table_event: table name for the events :param LOG: logging function :githublink:`%|py|59` """ if not os.path.exists(dbfile): raise FileNotFoundError(dbfile) Database.__init__(self, dbfile, LOG=LOG) self.dbfile = dbfile self.table_blogs = table_blogs self.table_posts = table_posts self.table_stats = table_stats self.table_event = table_event self.connect() for tbl in [table_blogs, table_posts]: if not self.has_table(tbl): raise Exception("table %s not found in %s" % (tbl, dbfile)) self.create_missing_table() self.close()
[docs] def create_missing_table(self): """ Creates the missing tables. :githublink:`%|py|79` """ if self.has_table(self.table_stats) and len(self.get_table_columns( self.table_stats)) != len(DatabaseRSS.schema_table("stats")): self.remove_table(self.table_stats) if not self.has_table(self.table_stats): schema = DatabaseRSS.schema_table("stats") self.create_table(self.table_stats, schema) self.commit() self.create_index( "id_post_" + self.table_stats, self.table_stats, "id_post", False) self.commit() if not self.has_table(self.table_event): schema = DatabaseRSS.schema_table("event") self.create_table(self.table_event, schema) self.commit()
[docs] def __str__(self): """ usual :githublink:`%|py|105` """ return "file:%s, t-blogs:%s, t-posts:%s" % ( self.dbfile, self.table_blogs, self.table_posts)
specific_search = { "today": "SELECT DISTINCT id_rss FROM {0} WHERE pubDate >= '{1}'", "twoday": "SELECT DISTINCT id_rss FROM {0} WHERE pubDate >= '{2}'", "week": "SELECT DISTINCT id_rss FROM {0} WHERE pubDate >= '{3}'", "frequent": """SELECT id_rss FROM ( SELECT id_rss, SUM(nb)*1.0/ (MAX(day) - MIN(day)+1) AS avg_nb FROM ( SELECT id_rss, day, COUNT(*) AS nb FROM ( SELECT id_rss, getdayn(pubDate) AS day FROM {0} WHERE pubDate >= '{4}' ) GROUP BY id_rss, day ) GROUP BY id_rss ) WHERE avg_nb >= {5}""", "notfrequent": """SELECT id_rss FROM ( SELECT id_rss, SUM(nb)*1.0/ (MAX(day) - MIN(day)+1) AS avg_nb FROM ( SELECT id_rss, day, COUNT(*) AS nb FROM ( SELECT id_rss, getdayn(pubDate) AS day FROM {0} WHERE pubDate >= '{4}' ) GROUP BY id_rss, day ) GROUP BY id_rss ) WHERE avg_nb < {5}""", }
[docs] @staticmethod def getday(dt): """ Returns the same datetime but with no time. :param dt: datetime :return: datetime which correspond to the beginning of the day :githublink:`%|py|136` """ if isinstance(dt, str): res = dt.split(" ") return res[0] else: res = datetime.datetime(dt.year, dt.month, return res
[docs] @staticmethod def getdayn(dt): """ Returns the same datetime but with no time. :param dt: datetime :return: datetime which correspond to the beginning of the day :githublink:`%|py|151` """ if isinstance(dt, str): dt = dt.split()[0] ymd = dt.split("-") res = datetime.datetime(int(ymd[0]), int(ymd[1]), int(ymd[2])) else: res = datetime.datetime(dt.year, dt.month, one = datetime.datetime(2000, 1, 1) d = res - one return d.days
[docs] def enumerate_blogs(self, sorted_=True, specific=None, daily_freq=1.5, now=None, addstat=False): """ Enumerates all the blogs from the database. :param sorted_: sorted by title :param specific: specific search - None: all blogs - today: get all blogs for today - twoday: get all blogs for today and yesterday - week: get all blogs for last week - notfrequent: get all blogs publishing less posts in a day than ``daily_freq`` - frequent: get all blogs publishing more posts in a day than ``daily_freq`` :param daily_freq: see parameter specific :param now: if None, today means today, if not None, ``now`` will have the meaning of today :param addstat: if True, the function will a field corresponding to the number of posts from this blog :return: enumeration of :class:`StreamRSS <pyrsslocal.rss.rss_stream.StreamRSS>` :githublink:`%|py|179` """ if addstat: sqlstatjoinA = "SELECT A.*, nbpost FROM (" sqlstatjoinB = """) AS A INNER JOIN (SELECT id_rss, COUNT(*) AS nbpost FROM {0} GROUP BY id_rss) ON id_rss ==""".format(self.table_posts) orderby = "nbpost DESC" else: sqlstatjoinA = "" sqlstatjoinB = "" orderby = "titleb" if isinstance(specific, list): if len(specific) == 1: specific = specific[0] else: raise TypeError( "unable to process if specific is a list:" + str(specific)) if specific in [None, ""]: self.connect() sql = "%sSELECT titleb, type, xmlUrl, htmlUrl, keywordsb, id FROM %s%s" % ( sqlstatjoinA, self.table_blogs, sqlstatjoinB) if sorted_: sql += " ORDER BY " + orderby for row in self.execute(sql): bl = StreamRSS(*row) yield bl self.close() elif specific in DatabaseRSS.specific_search.keys(): today = if now is None else now day = datetime.datetime(2013, 1, 2) - datetime.datetime(2013, 1, 1) yesday = today - day yes2 = yesday - day yesweek = today - (day * 7) yeshalf = today - (day * 180) self.connect() self.add_function("getdayn", 1, DatabaseRSS.getdayn) sql = "%sSELECT titleb, type, xmlUrl, htmlUrl, keywordsb, id FROM %s WHERE id IN (%s)%s" % \ (sqlstatjoinA, self.table_blogs, DatabaseRSS.specific_search[specific].format( self.table_posts, yesday, yes2, yesweek, yeshalf, daily_freq), sqlstatjoinB) if sorted_: sql += " ORDER BY " + orderby for row in self.execute(sql): bl = StreamRSS(*row) yield bl self.close() else: raise ValueError( "unable to interpret value %s for parameter specific" % specific)
[docs] def enumerate_latest_status(self, postid, nb=1, connect=True): """ Retrieves the latest status for a post. :param postid: post id :param nb: number of desired status :param connect: connect (True) or skip connection (False) :return: enumerate on values from ``table_stats`` ordered by decreasing time :githublink:`%|py|250` """ if connect: self.connect() sch = DatabaseRSS.schema_table("stats") sql = "SELECT * FROM {0} WHERE id_post=={1} ORDER BY dtime DESC".format( self.table_stats, postid) for row in self.execute(sql): nb -= 1 if nb < 0: break yield {sch[i][0]: row[i] for i in range(len(row))} if connect: self.close()
[docs] def private_process_condition(self, blog_selection=None, post_selection=None, sorted_=True, specific=None, now=None, searchterm=None): """ Returns a :epkg:`SQL` query corresponding to list of posts. :param blog_selection: list of blogs to consider (or empty for all) :param post_selection: list of posts to consider :param sorted_: sorted by date :param specific: specific search - None: all posts - today: get all posts for today - week: get all posts for last week :param searchterm: if not None, filters using a SQL like search (using ``%``) :param now: if None, today means today, if not None, ``now`` will have the meaning of today :return: SQL query :githublink:`%|py|281` """ if blog_selection is None: blog_selection = [] if post_selection is None: post_selection = [] if searchterm is not None: if not searchterm.startswith("+") and "%" not in searchterm: searchterm = "%{0}%".format(searchterm) searchterm = searchterm.replace("'", "\\'").replace('"', '\\"') where = "WHERE UPPER(title) LIKE '{0}'".format(searchterm.upper()) else: where = "" sql = """SELECT id_rss, title, guid, isPermaLink, link, description, pubDate, keywords, {0}.id AS id, titleb, type, xmlUrl, htmlUrl, keywordsb, {1}.id AS idblog FROM {0} INNER JOIN {1} ON {0}.id_rss == {1}.id {2} """.format(self.table_posts, self.table_blogs, where) cond = [] if len(blog_selection) > 0: condition = ",".join(map(str, blog_selection)) cond.append(" id_rss in (%s)" % condition) if len(post_selection) > 0: condition = ",".join(map(str, post_selection)) cond.append(" in (%s)" % (self.table_posts, condition)) if specific in ["today", "week", "twoday"]: today = if now is None else now day = datetime.datetime(2013, 1, 2) - datetime.datetime(2013, 1, 1) dec = {"week": 7, "today": 1, "twoday": 2}.get(specific, 7) mdat = today - day * dec st = "pubDate >= '{0}'".format(mdat) cond.append(st) if len(cond) > 0: sql += " WHERE " + " AND ".join(cond) if sorted_: sql += " ORDER BY pubDate DESC" return sql
[docs] def enumerate_posts(self, blog_selection=None, post_selection=None, sorted_=True, first=1000, specific=None, daily_freq=1.5, now=None, addstatus=False, searchterm=None): """ Enumerates all the posts from the database if the blog id belongs to a selection (or all if blog_selection is empty). :param blog_selection: list of blogs to consider (or empty for all) :param post_selection: list of posts to consider :param sorted_: sorted by date :param first: we only consider the first ``first`` :param specific: specific search - None: all posts - today: get all posts for today - week: get all posts for last week :param daily_freq: see parameter specific :param now: if None, today means today, if not None, ``now`` will have the meaning of today :param addstatus: if True, fetches the status of a blog :param searchterm: if not None, filters using a SQL like search (using ``%``) :return: enumeration of :class:`BlogPost <pyrsslocal.rss.rss_blogpost.BlogPost>` :githublink:`%|py|344` """ if blog_selection is None: blog_selection = [] if post_selection is None: post_selection = [] self.connect() sql = self.private_process_condition( blog_selection, post_selection, sorted_, specific, now, searchterm) sql += " LIMIT %d" % first for row in self.execute(sql): row = list(row) row[-2] = row[-2].split(",") row[3] = row[3] == 1 blog = StreamRSS(* (row[-6:])) row = row[:-6] row[0] = blog bl = BlogPost(*row) if addstatus: for st in self.enumerate_latest_status(, connect=False): bl.add_status(st) yield bl self.close()
[docs] def enumerate_posts_status(self, blog_selection=None, post_selection=None, sorted_=True, specific=None, now=None, searchterm=None): """ Enumerate status. :param blog_selection: list of blogs to consider (or empty for all) :param post_selection: list of posts to consider :param sorted_: sorted by date :param specific: specific search - None: all posts - today: get all posts for today - week: get all posts for last week :param now: if None, today means today, if not None, ``now`` will have the meaning of today :param searchterm: if not None, filters using a SQL like search (using ``%``) :return: enumerate on values from ``table_stats`` ordered by decreasing time :githublink:`%|py|387` """ if blog_selection is None: blog_selection = [] if post_selection is None: post_selection = [] self.connect() sql_po = self.private_process_condition( blog_selection, post_selection, sorted_, specific, now, searchterm) sql_st = """SELECT A.id_post, status, A.dtime FROM ( SELECT id_post, MAX(dtime) AS dtime FROM {0} GROUP BY id_post) AS A INNER JOIN {0} ON A.id_post == {0}.id_post""".format(self.table_stats) sql = """SELECT DISTINCT id_rss, title, guid, isPermaLink, link, description, pubDate, keywords, id, titleb, type, xmlUrl, htmlUrl, keywordsb, idblog, status, dtime FROM ( {0} ) AS tA INNER JOIN ( {1} ) AS tB ON == tB.id_post""". format(sql_po, sql_st) for row in self.execute(sql): row = list(row) row[-4] = row[-4].split(",") row[3] = row[3] == 1 blog = StreamRSS(* (row[-8:-2])) st = {"status": row[-2], "dtime": row[-1]} row = row[:-8] row[0] = blog bl = BlogPost(*row) bl.add_status(st) yield bl self.close()