Source code for pyrsslocal.simple_server.simple_server_custom

This modules contains a class which implements a simple server.


import sys
import os
import subprocess
import copy
import io
import getpass
from urllib.parse import urlparse, parse_qs
from io import StringIO
from threading import Thread
from http.server import BaseHTTPRequestHandler, HTTPServer
from pyquickhelper.loghelper import fLOG
from pyquickhelper.filehelper import get_url_content_timeout
from .html_script_parser import HTMLScriptParser, HTMLScriptParserRemove
from .html_string import html_footer, html_header, html_debug_string

[docs]def get_path_javascript(): """ *pyrsslocal* contains some javascript script, it adds the paths to the paths where content will be looked for. :return: a path :githublink:`%|py|28` """ filepath = os.path.split(__file__)[0] jspath = os.path.normpath( os.path.abspath( os.path.join( filepath, "..", "javascript"))) if not os.path.exists(jspath): raise FileNotFoundError(jspath) return jspath
[docs]class SimpleHandler(BaseHTTPRequestHandler): """ Defines a simple handler used by *HTTPServer*. Firefox works better for local files. This class provides the following function associated to ``/localfile``: * if the url is ``http://localhost:port/localfile/<filename>``, it display this file * you add a path parameter: ``http://localhost:port/localfile/<filename>?path=<path>`` to tell the service to look into a different folder * you add a parameter ``&execute=False`` for python script if you want to display them, not to run them. * you can add a parameter ``&keep``, the class retains the folder and will look further files in this list See `Python documentation <>`_ .. warning:: Some information about pathes are stored in a unique queue but it should be done in cookie or in session data. An instance of SimpleHandler is created for each session and it is better to assume you cannot add member to this class. :githublink:`%|py|59` """ # this queue will keep some pathes which should be stored in session # information or in cookies queue_pathes = list() javascript_path = get_path_javascript()
[docs] def add_path(self, p): """ Adds a local path to the list of path to watch. :param p: local path to data *Python* documentation says list are proctected against multithreads (concurrent accesses). :githublink:`%|py|72` """ if p not in SimpleHandler.queue_pathes: SimpleHandler.queue_pathes.append(p)
[docs] def get_pathes(self): """ Returns a list of local path where to look for a local file. :return: a list of pathes :githublink:`%|py|80` """ return copy.copy(SimpleHandler.queue_pathes)
[docs] def __init__(self, request, client_address, server): """ Regular constructor, an instance is created for each request, do not store any data for a longer time than a request. :githublink:`%|py|87` """ BaseHTTPRequestHandler.__init__(self, request, client_address, server)
[docs] def log_message(self, format, *args): # pylint: disable=W0622 """ Logs an arbitrary message. Overloads the original method. This is used by all other logging functions. Override it if you have specific logging wishes. The first argument, FORMAT, is a format string for the message to be logged. If the format string contains any % escapes requiring parameters, they should be specified as subsequent arguments (it's just like printf!). The client ip and current date/time are prefixed to every message. :githublink:`%|py|105` """ self.private_LOG("- %s - %s\n" % (self.address_string(), format % args))
[docs] def LOG(self, *args): """ To log, it appends various information about the id address... :param args: string to LOG or list of strings to LOG :githublink:`%|py|114` """ self.private_LOG("- %s -" % (self.address_string(),), *args)
[docs] def private_LOG(self, *s): """ To log :param s: string to LOG or list of strings to LOG :githublink:`%|py|123` """ fLOG(*s)
[docs] def do_GET(self): """ What to do is case of GET request. :githublink:`%|py|129` """ parsed_path = urlparse(self.path) self.serve_content(parsed_path, "GET")
# self.wfile.close()
[docs] def do_POST(self): """ What to do is case of POST request. :githublink:`%|py|137` """ parsed_path = urlparse(self.path) self.serve_content(parsed_path)
# self.wfile.close()
[docs] def do_redirect(self, path="/index.html"): """ Redirection when url is just the website. :param path: path to redirect to (a string) :githublink:`%|py|146` """ self.send_response(301) self.send_header('Location', path) self.end_headers()
[docs] def get_ftype(self, path): """ Defines the header to send (type of files) based on path. :param path: location (a string) :return: htype, ftype (html, css, ...) :githublink:`%|py|156` """ htype = '' ftype = '' if path.endswith('.js'): htype = 'application/javascript' ftype = 'r' elif path.endswith('.css'): htype = 'text/css' ftype = 'r' elif path.endswith('.html'): htype = 'text/html' ftype = 'r' elif path.endswith('.py'): htype = 'text/html' ftype = 'execute' elif path.endswith('.png'): htype = 'image/png' ftype = 'rb' elif path.endswith('.jpg'): htype = 'image/jpeg' ftype = 'rb' elif path.endswith('.jepg'): htype = 'image/jpeg' ftype = 'rb' elif path.endswith('.ico'): htype = 'image/x-icon' ftype = 'rb' elif path.endswith('.gif'): htype = 'image/gif' ftype = 'rb' return htype, ftype
[docs] def send_headers(self, path): """ Defines the header to send (type of files) based on path. :param path: location (a string) :return: type (html, css, ...) :githublink:`%|py|195` """ htype, ftype = self.get_ftype(path) if htype != '': self.send_header('Content-type', htype) self.end_headers() else: self.send_header('Content-type', 'text/plain') self.end_headers() return ftype
[docs] def get_file_content(self, localpath, ftype, path=None): """ Returns the content of a local file. The function also looks into folders in ``self.__pathes`` to see if the file can be found in one of the folder when not found in the first one. :param localpath: local filename :param ftype: r or rb :param path: if != None, the filename will be path/localpath :return: content :githublink:`%|py|216` """ if path is not None: tlocalpath = os.path.join(path, localpath) else: tlocalpath = localpath if not os.path.exists(tlocalpath): for p in self.get_pathes(): self.LOG("trying ", p) tloc = os.path.join(p, localpath) if os.path.exists(tloc): tlocalpath = tloc break if not os.path.exists(tlocalpath): self.send_error(404) content = "unable to find file " + localpath self.LOG(content) return content if ftype in ("r", "execute"): self.LOG("reading file ", tlocalpath) with open(tlocalpath, "r", encoding="utf8") as f: return else: self.LOG("reading file ", tlocalpath) with open(tlocalpath, "rb") as f: return
[docs] def execute(self, localpath): """ Locally execute a python script. :param localpath: local python script :return: output, error :githublink:`%|py|250` """ exe = subprocess.Popen([sys.executable, localpath], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) out, error = exe.communicate() return out, error
[docs] def feed(self, any_, script_python=False, params=None): """ Displays something. :param any_: string :param script_python: if True, the function processes script sections :param params: extra parameters, see @me process_scripts A script section looks like: :: <script type="text/python"> from pandas import DataFrame pars = [ { "key":k, "value":v } for k,v in params ] tbl = DataFrame (pars) print ( tbl.tohtml(class_table="myclasstable") ) </script> :githublink:`%|py|275` """ if params is None: params = {} if isinstance(any_, bytes): if script_python: raise SystemError("unable to execute script from bytes") self.wfile.write(any_) else: if script_python: any_ = self.process_scripts(any_, params) text = any_.encode("utf-8") self.wfile.write(text)
[docs] def shutdown(self): """ Shuts down the service from the service itself (not from another thread). For the time being, the function generates the following exception: :: Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 225, in <module> run_server(None) File "", line 219, in run_server server.serve_forever() File "c:\\python33\\lib\\", line 237, in serve_forever poll_interval) File "c:\\python33\\lib\\", line 155, in _eintr_retry return func(*args) ValueError: file descriptor cannot be a negative integer (-1) A better way to shut it down should is recommended. The use of the function: :: self.server.shutdown() freezes the server because this function should not be run in the same thread. :githublink:`%|py|314` """ # self.server.close() # help(self.server.socket) # self.server.socket.shutdown(socket.SHUT_RDWR) self.server.socket.close() # self.server.shutdown() fLOG("end of shut down")
[docs] def main_page(self): """ Returns the main page (case the server is called with no path). :return: default page :githublink:`%|py|327` """ return "index.html"
[docs] def serve_content(self, path, method="GET"): """ Tells what to do based on the path. The function intercepts the path ``/localfile/``, otherwise it calls ``serve_content_web``. If you type ``http://localhost:8080/localfile/__file__``, it will display this file. :param path: ParseResult :param method: GET or POST :githublink:`%|py|340` """ if path.path == "" or path.path == "/": temp = "/" + self.main_page() self.do_redirect(temp) else: params = parse_qs(path.query) params["__path__"] = path # here you might want to look into a local path... f2r = HOME + # path url = path.geturl() params["__url__"] = path if url.startswith("/localfile/"): localpath = path.path[len("/localfile/"):] self.LOG("localpath ", localpath, os.path.isfile(localpath)) if localpath == "shutdown": self.LOG("call shutdown") self.shutdown() elif localpath == "__file__": self.LOG("display file __file__", localpath) self.send_response(200) self.send_headers("__file__.txt") content = self.get_file_content(__file__, "r") self.feed(content) else: self.send_response(200) _, ftype = self.get_ftype(localpath) execute = eval(params.get("execute", ["True"])[ # pylint: disable=W0123 0]) # pylint: disable=W0123 path = params.get("path", [None])[0] keep = eval(params.get("keep", ["False"])[ # pylint: disable=W0123 0]) # pylint: disable=W0123 if keep and path not in self.get_pathes(): self.LOG( "execute", execute, "- ftype", ftype, " - path", path, " keep ", keep) self.add_path(path) else: self.LOG( "execute", execute, "- ftype", ftype, " - path", path) if ftype != 'execute' or not execute: content = self.get_file_content(localpath, ftype, path) ext = os.path.splitext(localpath)[-1].lower() if ext in [ ".py", ".c", ".cpp", ".hpp", ".h", ".r", ".sql", ".js", ".java", ".css"]: self.send_headers(".html") self.feed( self.html_code_renderer( localpath, content)) else: self.send_headers(localpath) self.feed(content) else: self.LOG("execute file ", localpath) out, err = self.execute(localpath) if len(err) > 0: self.send_error(404) self.feed( "Requested resource %s unavailable" % localpath) else: self.send_headers(localpath) self.feed(out) elif url.startswith("/js/"): found = None for jspa in self.get_javascript_paths(): file = os.path.join(jspa, url[4:]) if os.path.exists(file): found = file if found is None: self.send_response(200) self.send_headers("") self.feed( "Unable to serve content for url: '{}'.".format(path.geturl())) self.send_error(404) else: _, ft = self.get_ftype(found) if ft == "r": try: with open(found, ft, encoding="utf8") as f: # pylint: disable=W1501 content = except UnicodeDecodeError as e: self.LOG("file is not utf8", found) with open(found, ft) as f: # pylint: disable=W1501 content = else: self.LOG("reading binary") with open(found, ft) as f: # pylint: disable=W1501 content = self.send_response(200) self.send_headers(found) self.feed(content) elif url.startswith("/debug_string/"): # debugging purposes self.send_response(200) self.send_headers("debug.html") self.feed(html_debug_string, False, params) elif url.startswith("/fetchurlclean/"): self.send_response(200) self.send_headers("debug.html") url = path.path.replace("/fetchurlclean/", "") try: content = get_url_content_timeout(url) except Exception as e: content = "<html><body>ERROR (1): %s</body></html>" % e if content is None or len(content) == 0: content = "<html><body>ERROR (1): content is empty</body></html>" stre = io.StringIO() pars = HTMLScriptParserRemove(outStream=stre) pars.feed(content) content = stre.getvalue() self.feed(content, False, params={}) elif url.startswith("/fetchurl/"): self.send_response(200) self.send_headers("debug.html") url = path.path.replace("/fetchurl/", "") try: content = get_url_content_timeout(url) except Exception as e: content = "<html><body>ERROR (2): %s</body></html>" % e self.feed(content, False, params={}) else: self.serve_content_web(path, method, params)
[docs] def get_javascript_paths(self): """ Returns all the location where the server should look for a java script. :return: list of paths :githublink:`%|py|496` """ return [SimpleHandler.javascript_path]
[docs] def html_code_renderer(self, localpath, content): """ Produces a :epkg:`html` code for code. :param localpath: local path to file (local or not) :param content: content of the file :return: html string :githublink:`%|py|506` """ res = [html_header % (localpath, getpass.getuser(), "code")] res.append("<pre class=\"prettyprint\">") res.append(content.replace("<", "&lt;").replace(">", "&gt;")) res.append(html_footer) return "\n".join(res)
[docs] def serve_content_web(self, path, method, params): """ Functions to overload (executed after serve_content). :param path: ParseResult :param method: GET or POST :param params: params parsed from the url + others :githublink:`%|py|520` """ self.send_response(200) self.send_headers("") self.feed("Unable to serve content for url: '{}'\n{}".format( path.geturl(), str(params))) self.send_error(404)
[docs] def process_scripts(self, content, params): """ Parses a :epkg:`HTML` string, extract script section (only python script for the time being) and returns the final page. :param content: html string :param params: dictionary with what is known from the server :return: html content :githublink:`%|py|536` """ st = StringIO() parser = HTMLScriptParser( outStream=st, catch_exception=True, context=params) parser.feed(content) res = st.getvalue() return res
[docs]class ThreadServer (Thread): """ Defines a thread which holds a web server. .. list-table:: :widths: auto :header-rows: 1 * - attribute - meaning * - server - the server of run :githublink:`%|py|552` """
[docs] def __init__(self, server): """ :param server: to run :githublink:`%|py|557` """ Thread.__init__(self) self.server = server
[docs] def run(self): """ Runs the server. :githublink:`%|py|564` """ self.server.serve_forever()
[docs] def shutdown(self): """ Shuts down the server, if it does not work, you can still kill the thread: :: self.kill() :githublink:`%|py|575` """ self.server.shutdown() self.server.server_close()
[docs]def run_server(server, thread=False, port=8080): """ Runs the server. :param server: if None, it becomes ``HTTPServer(('localhost', 8080), SimpleHandler)`` :param thread: if True, the server is run in a thread and the function returns right away, otherwite, it runs the server. :param port: port to use :return: server if thread is False, the thread otherwise (the thread is started) .. warning:: If you kill the python program while the thread is still running, python interpreter might be closed completely. :githublink:`%|py|591` """ if server is None: server = HTTPServer(('localhost', port), SimpleHandler) if thread: th = ThreadServer(server) th.start() return th else: server.serve_forever() return server
if __name__ == '__main__': fLOG(OutputPrint=True) fLOG("running server") run_server(None) fLOG("end running server") # http://localhost:8080/localfile/D:\Dupre\_data\informatique\support\python_td_2013\programme\td9_by_hours.json # http://localhost:8080/localfile/tag-cloud.html?path=D:\Dupre\_data\program\pyhome\pyhome3\_nrt\nrt_internet\data&keep=True # http://localhost:8080/debug_string/ """ from pyquickhelper.loghelper import fLOG from pyrsslocal.internet.simple_server.simple_server_custom import run_server fLOG(OutputPrint=True) fLOG("running server") run_server(None) fLOG("end running server") """