Source code for pyrsslocal.xmlhelper.xml_tree_node

parsing XML


import copy

from pyquickhelper.loghelper.flog import guess_type_list, guess_type_value_type
from .xml_utils import escape
from .xml_exceptions import XmlException

[docs]class XMLHandlerDictNode(dict): """ Defines a node containing a dictionary. .. list-table:: :widths: auto :header-rows: 1 * - attribute - meaning * - father - ancestor * - name - name of the section (tag) * - buffer - value or content of the section * - level - level in the hierarchy * - other - included sections :githublink:`%|py|22` """
[docs] def __init__(self, father, name, level, root=False): """ :param father: father :param name: node name :param level: could be infered but still :param root: is it the root :githublink:`%|py|30` """ dict.__init__(self) self.father = father = name self.buffer = "" self.level = level if father is None and not root: raise XmlException( "father is None and root is False, name = %s level = %d" % (name, level)) self.other = []
[docs] def __cmp__(self, other): a, b = id(self), id(other) if a < b: return -1 elif a == b: return 0 else: return 1
[docs] def __lt__(self, other): return self.__cmp__(other) == -1
[docs] def enumerate_on_tag(self, tag, recursive=False): """ Enumerates all nodes sharing the same name: tag. :param tag: node name to enumerate on :param recursive: if True, looks into node (name == tag) if there are sub-node with the same name :return: enumeration on node :githublink:`%|py|62` """ if == tag: yield self for o in self.other: if isinstance(o, tuple): if recursive: for _ in o[1].enumerate_on_tag(tag): yield _ else: yield o[1] else: for _ in o.enumerate_on_tag(tag): yield _
[docs] def add_xml_content(self, content): """ Adds the content of the node itself (and all included nodes). :githublink:`%|py|79` """ self.xmlcontent = content
[docs] def get_xml_content(self): """ :return: self.xmlcontent :githublink:`%|py|85` """ return self.xmlcontent if "xmlcontent" in self.__dict__ else None
[docs] def __str__(self): """ usual :githublink:`%|py|91` """ mx = 0 for k in self: mx = max(len(k), mx) head = self.level * " " pile = [head + "*" +] try: buf = str(self.buffer) \ if self.buffer[0] in guess_type_value_type() \ else self.buffer except IndexError: buf = str(self.buffer) if len(buf) > 0: t = " " * (mx - len("lst") + 1) ty = self.__dict__.get("conversion_table", {}).get(, "") if ty != "": ty = " \t(%s)" % str(ty) if isinstance(buf, (list, tuple)): pile.append(head + " lst" + t + ": " + str(repr(buf) + ty)) else: pile.append(head + " val" + t + ": " + buf + ty) for k in sorted(self): v = self[k] vs = str(v) if v in guess_type_value_type() or isinstance( v, tuple) else v ty = self.__dict__.get("conversion_table", {}).get(k, "") if ty != "": ty = " \t(%s)" % str(ty) if isinstance(vs, str): t = " " * (mx - len(k) + 1) pile.append(head + " " + k + t + ": " + vs + ty) elif isinstance(vs, list): t = " " * (mx - len(k) + 1) pile.append(head + " " + k + t + ": " + str(repr(vs)) + ty) elif isinstance(vs, tuple): pile.append("-" + str(vs) + ty) else: pile.append(str(vs) + ty) if len(self.other) > 0: pile.append(head + " ----") soro = sorted(copy.copy(self.other)) for k, v in soro: temp = str(v) star = temp.find("*") if star != -1 and "_othercount" in self.__dict__: temp = "%s*(%d) %s" % (temp[:star], self._othercount.get(k, -1), temp[star + 1:]) pile.append(temp) return "\n".join(pile)
[docs] def strip(self): """ Strips the buffer. :githublink:`%|py|150` """ self.buffer = self.buffer.strip()
[docs] def copy(self): """ Gets a copy. :githublink:`%|py|156` """ u = XMLHandlerDictNode(self, self.father,, self.level) u.buffer = self.buffer u.level = self.level return u
[docs] def set(self, i, v): """ Changes the value of a field. :param i: field :param v: new value :githublink:`%|py|167` """ if i in self: if isinstance(v, XMLHandlerDictNode): self.other.append((i, v)) return v else: raise XmlException( "unable to append a new string value for an existing field %s:%s" % (i, v)) else: self[i] = v return self
[docs] def is_text_only(self): """ Returns True if it only contains text. :githublink:`%|py|183` """ if len(self.other) > 0: return False if len(self) > 1: return False for k, v in self.items(): if k != return False if not isinstance(v, str): return False return True
[docs] def rearrange(self, debug=False): """ Moves all objects to other. :githublink:`%|py|198` """ # check level if self.father is not None: self.level = self.father.level + 1 # is is_text_only --> fill buffer, clean the rest if self.is_text_only() and len(self) == 1: k = self.keys()[0] self.buffer = self[k] self.clear() return # values in self.keys also in other --> all in other # unique values in other and if text --> self count = {} for k, v in self.other: count[k] = 0 v.rearrange() for k, v in self.other: count[k] += 1 move = [k for k, v in count.items() if v == 1] keys = {} for m in move: keys[m] = None mult = [] rem = [] i = 0 for k, v in self.other: if k in keys and v.is_text_only(): if k in self: if k not in mult: tempv = self[k] if isinstance(tempv, str): tempv = XMLHandlerDictNode(self, k, self.level + 1) tempv.buffer = self[k] mult.append((k, tempv)) else: self[k] = v.buffer rem.append(i) i += 1 mult.reverse() for m in mult: self.other.insert(0, m) del self[m[0]] rem.reverse() for e in rem: del self.other[e] # in case of self contains object --> other rem = [] for k, v in self.items(): if not isinstance(v, str) and not isinstance(v, list): v.rearrange(debug=True) if not v.is_text_only(): self.other.append((k, v)) rem.append(k) else: self[k] = v.buffer for k in rem: del self[k] # in case other already contains some objects of the same kind rem = [] count = {} for k, v in self.other: count[k] = 1 for k, v in self.items(): if k in count: if isinstance(v, str): node = XMLHandlerDictNode(self, k, self.level + 1, False) node.buffer = v self.other.append((k, node)) else: self.other.append((k, v)) rem.append(k) for k in rem: del self[k] # last check if len(self) == 1: # self.popitem(), strange it works in version 2 k, _ = list(self.items())[0] if k == self.buffer = self[k] del self[k]
[docs] def get_xml_output(self): """ :return: an XML output (all lines terminated by end_of_line :githublink:`%|py|292` """ att = [""] + ["%s=\"%s\"" % (k, escape(self[k])) for k in sorted(self) if len(self[k]) <= 20] att = " ".join(att) lev = max(self.level - 1, 0) lev = " " * lev if len(self.other) == 0: if len(self.buffer) == 0: return "%s<%s%s />\n" % (lev,, att) else: return "%s<%s%s>%s</%s>\n" % (lev,, att, self.buffer, else: res = ["%s<%s%s>\n" % (lev,, att)] if len(self.buffer) > 0: res.append("%s%s\n" % (lev, escape(self.buffer))) for k in sorted(self): v = self[k] if len(v) <= 20: continue res.append("%s<%s>\n" % (lev, k)) res.append("%s%s\n" % (lev, escape(v))) res.append("%s</%s>\n" % (lev, k)) other = sorted(copy.copy(self.other)) for k, v in other: res.append(v.get_xml_output()) res.append("%s</%s>\n" % (lev, return "".join(res)
[docs] def get_values(self, field): """ Gets all values associated to a given field name. :param field: field name :return: list of [ key, value ] :githublink:`%|py|329` """ res = [] if == field: res.append((("", -1), self.buffer)) for k, v in self.items(): if k == field: res.append(((k, -1), v)) i = 0 for k, v in self.other: temp = v.get_values(field) for a, b in temp: res.append(((k, i) + a, b)) i += 1 return res
[docs] def get_values_group(self, fields, nb=1): """ Gets all values associated to a list of fields (must come together in a single node, not in *self.other*). :param fields: fields name (list or dictionary) :param nb: at least nb fields must be filled :return: list of dictionaries :githublink:`%|py|354` """ res = [] if in fields: res.append((, self.buffer)) for k, v in self.items(): if k in fields: res.append((k, v)) if len(res) >= nb: temp = {} for k, v in res: if k in temp: raise XmlException("field %s already present in '%s' (full name '%s')" % ( k, ", ".join(temp.keys()), "/".join(self.get_full_name()))) temp[k] = v for f in fields: if f not in temp: temp[f] = None res = [((, -1), temp)] else: res = [] i = 0 for k, v in self.other: temp = v.get_values_group(fields, nb) for a, b in temp: res.append(((k, i) + a, b)) i += 1 return res
[docs] def _convert_into_list(self): """ Converts all types into lists. :githublink:`%|py|389` """ if isinstance(self.buffer, str): self.buffer = [self.buffer] for k in self: v = self[k] if isinstance(v, str): self[k] = [v] for k, v in self.other: v._convert_into_list()
[docs] def __iadd__(self, other): """ Concatenates every information. :param other: other value to concatenate :return: self :githublink:`%|py|406` """ self.iadd(other, False, False) return self
[docs] def iadd(self, other, use_list, collapse): """ Concatenates every information. :param other: other value to concatenate :param use_list: use a list or not :param collapse: collapse all information :return: self :githublink:`%|py|417` """ if != raise XmlException("the two names should be equal %s != %s full names (%s != %s)" % (,, "/".join(self.get_full_name()), "/".join(other.get_full_name()))) # _othercount if "_othercount" not in self.__dict__: self._othercount = {} # next if use_list: self._convert_into_list() if use_list: if isinstance(other.buffer, list): self.buffer.extend(other.buffer) else: self.buffer.append(other.buffer) else: self.buffer += other.buffer for k, v in other.items(): if k not in self: if use_list: if isinstance(v, list): self[k] = v else: self[k] = [v] else: self[k] = v else: if use_list: if isinstance(v, list): self[k].extend(v) else: self[k].append(v) else: self[k] += v # count the number selfcount = {} othcount = {} for k, v in self.other: if k in selfcount: selfcount[k] += 1 else: selfcount[k] = 1 self._othercount[k] = max(self._othercount.get(k, 0), selfcount[k]) for k, v in other.other: if k in othcount: othcount[k] += 1 else: othcount[k] = 1 self._othercount[k] = max(self._othercount.get(k, 0), othcount[k]) if "_othercount" in other.__dict__: for k, v in other._othercount.items(): self._othercount[k] = max(self._othercount.get(k, 0), v) # iadd single elements + append other from others for node in other.other: ok = False for n in self.other: if node[0] != n[0]: continue key = node[0] if selfcount.get(key, 0) == othcount.get(key, 0) == 1: n[1].iadd(node[1], use_list=use_list, collapse=collapse) ok = True break if not ok: nt = copy.deepcopy(node) nt[1].parent = self nt[1]._build_othercount() if use_list: nt[1]._convert_into_list() if collapse: nt[1]._collapse(use_list) self.other.append(nt) k = node[0] # count count = {} for k, v in self.other: count[k] = count.get(k, 0) + 1 # transfert from dict self if a key is present in self.other rem = [] for k, v in self.items(): if k in count: tn = XMLHandlerDictNode(self, k, self.level + 1, False) tn._build_othercount() if use_list: tn._convert_into_list() tn.buffer = [v] if use_list and not isinstance(v, list) else v self.other.append((k, tn)) rem.append(k) self._othercount[k] = self._othercount.get(k, 0) + 1 for k in rem: del self[k] # count again count = {} for k, v in self.other: if isinstance(v, str): count[k, 0] = count.get((k, 0), 0) + 1 else: count[k, 1] = count.get((k, 1), 0) + 1 # string to object for i, tu in enumerate(self.other): k, v = tu if isinstance(v, str) and count.get((k, 1), 0) > 0: tn = XMLHandlerDictNode(self, k, self.level + 1, False) tn._build_othercount() tn.buffer = [v] if use_list else v self.other[i] = (k, tn) # collapsing if collapse: self._collapse(use_list)
[docs] def _build_othercount(self): """ Builds *_othercount* when not present. :githublink:`%|py|544` """ if "_othercount" not in self.__dict__: self._othercount = {} for k, v in self.other: self._othercount[k] = self._othercount.get(k, 0) + 1 v._build_othercount()
[docs] def _collapse(self, use_list): """ Collapses together all fields having the same name in the member other. .. warning:: it should be called after iadd :githublink:`%|py|556` """ names = {} for k, v in self.other: if k in names: names[k].append(v) else: names[k] = [v] del self.other[:] for k, lv in names.items(): if len(lv) > 1: self._othercount[k] = max(self._othercount.get(k, 0), len(lv)) for i in range(1, len(lv)): lv[0].iadd(lv[i], use_list=use_list, collapse=True) self.other.append((k, lv[0])) else: lv[0]._collapse(use_list) self.other.append((k, lv[0]))
#self._check_ (False)
[docs] def _check_(self, add_root_id): """ some checking :githublink:`%|py|578` """ count = {} # if add_root_id and "add_root_id" not in self.__dict__ : # fLOG (self) # raise Exception ("unable to find add_root_id in '%s'" % self.get_full_name ()) if "_othercount" not in self.__dict__: raise XmlException("unable to find _othercount in '%s'" % "/".join(self.get_full_name())) for k, v in self.other: count[k] = count.get(k, 0) + 1 if len(count) > 0: if max(count.values()) > 1: raise XmlException("max (count.values ()) > 1 in '%s' \nexp: %s" % ( "/".join(self.get_full_name()), str(count))) for k, v in self.other: if isinstance(v, list): for _ in v: _._check_(add_root_id) else: v._check_(add_root_id)
[docs] def _guess_type(self, tolerance=0.01, utf8=False): """ Replaces all values in the object. :param tolerance: :func:`guess_type_list` :param utf8: if True, all types are str .. warning:: it should be called after _collapse :githublink:`%|py|605` """ self.buffer = (str, 10) if utf8 else guess_type_list(self.buffer) for k in self: self[k] = (str, 10) if utf8 else guess_type_list(self[k]) for k, v in self.other: v._guess_type(utf8)
[docs] def find_node(self, li): """ :param li: list of names :return: a list of nodes which correspond to the list of names :githublink:`%|py|616` """ node = [self] for el in li: temp = [] for n in node: for k, v in n.other: if k == el: temp.append(v) node = temp return node
[docs] def find_node_value(self, li): """ :param li: list of names :return: a list of values :githublink:`%|py|632` """ path = li if isinstance(li, list) else li.split("/") way, last = path[:-1], path[-1] if len(way) > 0 and way[0] == del way[0] res = [] node = self.find_node(way) for n in node: if last == "_": res.append(n.buffer) else: res.append(n.get(last, None)) return res
[docs] def get_full_name(self): """ :return: the list of from all parents :githublink:`%|py|651` """ li = [] node = self while node.father is not None: node = node.father li.append( li.reverse() return li
[docs] def _log_error(self): """ logs an object from the root if not already done :githublink:`%|py|663` """ root = self.get_root() if "_logged" in root.__dict__: return root._logged = True
[docs] def _adopt_table(self, tbl, exception): """ Adopts a table built on anoher object. :param tbl: same kind of node but including members: - table - conversion_table :param exception: if True, raises an exception, log otherwise .. warning:: The method could change the object itself if it does not fit. .. warning:: The method adds members 'conversion_table', 'add_root_id' :githublink:`%|py|680` """ self.conversion_table = tbl.conversion_table # field conversion self.add_root_id = tbl.add_root_id memo = {} for k, v in tbl.other: memo[k] = v rem = [] for k in self: if k not in tbl.conversion_table: if len(self[k]) == 0: continue if k not in memo: self._log_error() if exception: raise XmlException( "a field '%s' is not provided by the reference (path: %s)\nmemo.keys(): %s" % (k, "/".join( self.get_full_name()), str( memo.keys()))) tn = XMLHandlerDictNode(self, k, self.level + 1, False) v = self[k] tn.buffer = v self.other.append((k, tn)) rem.append(k) for k in rem: del self[k] count = {} for k, v in self.other: if k in count: count[k] += 1 else: count[k] = 1 # checking if relation 11 are ok with this object if "_othercount" not in tbl.__dict__: raise XmlException("we expect _othercount to be here") for k, v in count.items(): if k not in tbl._othercount: self._log_error() if exception: raise XmlException("unable to find field '%s' (1:n) in path '%s'" % ( k, "/".join(self.get_full_name()))) elif v > 1 and tbl._othercount[k] <= 1: # pylint: disable=R1716 self._log_error() if exception: raise XmlException("we expect a relation 1:1 for field '%s' in path '%s'" % ( k, "/".join(self.get_full_name()))) # next for k, v in self.other: if k not in memo: # fLOG("ERROR: unable to find field '%s' (1:n) in path '%s'" % # (k, "/".join(self.get_full_name()))) self._log_error() else: v._adopt_table(memo[k], exception=exception)
[docs] def _transfer_to_object(self, root=True, exception=True): """ Transfers values to the object *self.table*. :param root: if True, it is the root :param exception: if True, raise Exception :return: the value, dictionary of dictionary of list sometimes... .. warning:: We assume fid is the key. .. warning:: If root.add_root_id is True, is assumes column root_id is root.add_root_id :githublink:`%|py|751` """ attr = {} try: v = self.conversion_table[](self.buffer) except Exception as ex: if "conversion_table" not in self.__dict__: # fLOG("ERROR: unable to find conversion_table for field ", #, # " in node " + "/".join(self.get_full_name())) self._log_error() #if exception : raise Exception ("fail to convert value for field " + k) elif len(self.buffer) > 0: # fLOG("ERROR: fail to convert value '", # self.buffer, # "' into ", # self.conversion_table.get(, # "not found"), # " for field ", #, # " --- ", # repr(self.buffer), # " path: ", # "/".join(self.get_full_name())) self._log_error() if exception: raise XmlException( "Fail to convert value for field '{}'".format( from ex v = "" if not isinstance(v, str) or len(v) > 0: attr[] = v for k, v in self.items(): try: v = self.conversion_table[k](v) except Exception as ex: if "conversion_table" not in self.__dict__: # fLOG("ERROR: unable to find conversion_table field " + # k + # " in node " + # "/".join(self.get_full_name())) self._log_error() #if exception : raise Exception ("fail to convert value for field " + k) continue if len(v) > 0: # fLOG("ERROR: fail to convert value ", # v, # " field ", # k, # " into ", # self.conversion_table.get(k, # "not found"), # " for field ", # "/".join(self.get_full_name())) self._log_error() if exception: # pylint: disable=R1720 raise XmlException("fail to convert value for field '%s' in node '%s'" % ( k, "/".join(self.get_full_name()))) from ex else: continue continue if not isinstance(v, str) or len(v) > 0: attr[k] = v if "add_root_id" not in self.__dict__: raise XmlException("unable to find add_root_id in '%s' (name '%s')" % ( "/".join(self.get_full_name()), if self.add_root_id is not None: attr[self.add_root_id] = ("mapto", self.get_root().name, "fid") # other attributes for k, v in self.other: kn = "$" + k if kn not in attr: attr[kn] = [] r = v._transfer_to_object(root=False, exception=exception) attr[kn].append(r) return attr
[docs] def apply_change_names(self, change_names): """ private: change names attributes. :param change_names: { oldname : newname } :githublink:`%|py|836` """ if in change_names: = change_names[] if "_othercount" in self.__dict__: rem = [] upd = {} for k, v in self._othercount.items(): if k in change_names: rem.append(k) upd[change_names[k]] = v for r in rem: del self._othercount[r] self._othercount.update(upd) rem = [] upd = {} for k, v in self.items(): if k in change_names: rem.append(k) upd[change_names[k]] = v for r in rem: del self[r] self.update(upd) old = self.other self.other = [] for k, v in old: if k in change_names: self.other.append((change_names[k], v)) else: self.other.append((k, v)) v.apply_change_names(change_names)
[docs] def get_root(self): """ :return: the root of the node :githublink:`%|py|873` """ node = self while node.father is not None: node = node.father return node
[docs] def iterfields(self): """ Iterator on the nodes. :githublink:`%|py|882` """ root = "/".join(self.get_full_name()) if is not None: yield (root + "/_", self.buffer) for k, v in self.items(): yield (root + "/" + k, v) for k, v in self.other: for a, b in v.iterfields(): yield (a, b)
[docs] def find_node_regex(self, regex): """ Finds all nodes depending on a regular expression. :param regex: regular expression :return: list of ``[ (node, value) ]`` :githublink:`%|py|898` """ res = [] for node, value in self.iterfields(): if is not None: res.append((node, value)) return res