Source code for pysqllike.generic.iter_rows

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
An class which iterates on any set.


from .iter_exceptions import IterException, SchemaException
from .column_type import ColumnType, ColumnTableType, ColumnGroupType
from .others_types import NoSortClass, GroupByContainer, NA

[docs]class IterRow: """ Defines an iterator which mimic SQL behavior. :githublink:`%|py|16` """
[docs] def __init__(self, schema=None, anyset=None, as_dict=True): """ Initializes the iterator. :param schema: list of tuple [ (name, type) ], type can be None id it is unknown or a list of :class:`ColumnType <pysqllike.generic.column_type.ColumnType>` :param anyset: any set or iterator following the previous schema (or None if there is not any) :param as_dict: in that case, the class iterator returns a list of dictionaries for each row *schema* can be None if anyset if a list of dictionaries ``[ {"col1":value1, ... } ]``. In that case, the construction will build the schema from the first row. .. exref:: :title: IterRow with a list of dictionaries :: l = [ {"nom": 10}, {"jean": 40} ] tbl = IterRow (None, l) .. exref:: :title: IterRow with a schema :: l = [ ("nom", 10), ("jean", 40) ] schema = [ ("nom", str), ("age", int) ] tbl = IterRow (schema, l) :githublink:`%|py|45` """ if schema is None: if len(anyset) == 0: raise ValueError("unable to guess a schema from an empty list") firstrow = anyset[0] if not isinstance(firstrow, dict): raise ValueError( "the first row must be a dictionary, otherwise, the schema cannot be guessed") schema = [(k, type(v)) for k, v in firstrow.items()] if len(schema) == 0: raise IterException("schema is empty") truesch = [] for _ in schema: if isinstance(_, ColumnType): c = _.copy(new_owner=self) elif isinstance(_, str): c = ColumnTableType(_, None, owner=self) elif isinstance(_, tuple): if len(_) == 1: c = ColumnTableType(_[0], None, owner=self) elif len(_) == 2: c = ColumnTableType(_[0], _[1], owner=self) else: raise IterException( "schema is not properly defined {0}".format( str(_))) else: raise IterException( "schema is not properly defined {0}".format( str(_))) truesch.append(c) names = set(_.Name for _ in truesch) if len(names) < len(truesch): raise IterException( "some columns share the same name: " + str(truesch)) self._schema = truesch self._thisset = anyset self._as_dict = as_dict for sch in self._schema: if sch.Name in self.__dict__: raise IterException( "a column has a wrong name: {0}".format(sch)) self.__dict__[sch.Name] = sch
@property def Schema(self): """ return _schema :githublink:`%|py|99` """ return self._schema
[docs] def __str__(self): """ usual :githublink:`%|py|105` """ return ";".join([str(_) for _ in self._schema])
[docs] def __call__(self): """ evaluate :githublink:`%|py|111` """ return [_() for _ in self._schema]
[docs] def __iter__(self): """ iterator, returns this row, it always outputs a list of list :githublink:`%|py|118` """ if self._thisset is None: raise IterException("this class contains no iterator") if self._as_dict: for _ in self._thisset: if isinstance(_, dict): yield {k.Name: _[k.Name] for k in self._schema} else: yield {k.Name: v for k, v in zip(self._schema, _)} else: for _ in self._thisset: if isinstance(_, dict): yield tuple([_[k.Name] for k in self._schema]) else: yield _ for _ in self._schema: _.set_none()
[docs] def print_schema(self): """ calls :meth:`print_parent` on each column :githublink:`%|py|141` """ rows = ["number of columns={0}".format(len(self._schema))] for sch in self._schema: rows.append(sch.print_parent()) return "\n".join(rows)
[docs] def select(self, *nochange, as_dict=True, **changed): """ This function takes an undefined number of arguments. It can be used the following way: .. exref:: :title: simple select :: tbl = IterRow( ... ) it = (, tbl.age * 2, old = tbl.age ) .. exref:: :title: chained select :: tbl = IterRow ( ... ) iter =, age2=tbl.age, age3= tbl.age*0.5) iter2 =, age4=iter.age2*iter.age3) l = list ( iter2 ) :param nochange: list of fields to keep :param changed: list of custom fields :param as_dict: returns results as a list of dictionaries [ { "colname": value, ... } ] :return: IterRow .. warning:: The function does not guarantee the order of the output columns. .. exref:: :title: example with a function :: def myf(x,y) : return x*2.5 + y tbl = IterRow ( ... ) iter =, age0= CFT(myf, tbl.age, tbl.age) ) res = list(iter) :githublink:`%|py|187` """ # newschema = list(nochange) + [(k, None) for k in changed.keys()] for el in nochange: if not isinstance(el, ColumnType): raise IterException( "expecting a ColumnType here not: {0}".format( str(el))) if el._owner != self: raise IterException( "mismatch: all columns should belong to this view, check all columns come from this instance") arow = [v.copy(None) for v in nochange] # we do not know the owner yet for k, v in changed.items(): if not isinstance(v, ColumnType): raise IterException( "expecting a ColumnType here not: {0}-{1}".format(type(v), str(v))) v = v.copy(None) # we do not know the owner yet v.set_name(k) arow.append(v) schema = arow for _ in schema: if not isinstance(_, ColumnType): raise TypeError("we expect a ColumnType for column") def itervalues(): for row in self._thisset: if isinstance(row, dict): for col in self._schema: col.set(row[col.Name]) else: for col, r in zip(self._schema, row): col.set(r) if as_dict: yield {_.Name: _() for _ in schema} else: yield tuple([_() for _ in schema]) tbl = IterRow(schema, anyset=itervalues(), as_dict=as_dict) for c in schema: c.set_owner(tbl) return tbl
[docs] def where(self, condition, as_dict=True, append_condition=False): """ This function filters elements from an :class:`IterRow <pysqllike.generic.iter_rows.IterRow>` instance. :param condition: a ColumnType or an expression of ColumnType :param append_condition: append the condition to the schema (for debugging purpose) :param as_dict: returns results as a list of dictionaries [ { "colname": value, ... } ] :return: IterRow .. exref:: :title: where :: tbl = IterRow ( ... ) iter = tbl.where(tbl.age == 40) res = list(iter) .. warning:: For operator ``or``, ``and``, ``not``, the syntax is different because they cannot be overriden in Python. .. exref:: :title: where with or :: tbl = IterRow ( ... ) iter = tbl.where( ( tbl.age == 2).Or( tbl.age == 40)) iter2 = tbl.where((tbl.age == 10).Not()) :githublink:`%|py|262` """ if not isinstance(condition, ColumnType): raise TypeError( "condition should a ColumnType: {0}".format( str(condition))) schema = [v.copy(None) for v in self._schema] # we do not know the owner yet if append_condition: schema.append(condition) def itervalues(): for row in self._thisset: if isinstance(row, dict): for col in self._schema: col.set(row[col.Name]) else: for col, r in zip(self._schema, row): col.set(r) if condition(): if as_dict: yield {_.Name: _() for _ in schema} else: yield tuple([_() for _ in schema]) tbl = IterRow(schema, anyset=itervalues(), as_dict=as_dict) for c in schema: c.set_owner(tbl) return tbl
[docs] def orderby(self, *nochange, as_dict=True, ascending=True): """ This function sorts elements from an IterRow instance. :param nochange: list of columns used to sort :param ascending: order :param as_dict: returns results as a list of dictionaries [ { "colname": value, ... } ] :return: IterRow .. exref:: :title: order by :: l = [ { "nom":"j", "age": 10, "gender":"M"} , {"nom":"jean", "age":40, "gender":"M"}, {"nom":"jeanne", "age":2, "gender":"F"} ] tbl = IterRow(None, l) iter = tbl.orderby(tbl.nom, tbl.age, ascending=False ) :githublink:`%|py|313` """ schema = [v.copy(None) for v in self._schema] # we do not know the owner yet def itervalues(): colsi = None for row in self._thisset: if isinstance(row, dict): for col in self._schema: col.set(row[col.Name]) key = tuple(row[k.Name] for k in nochange) else: for col, r in zip(self._schema, row): col.set(r) if colsi is None: colsi = [ self._findschema( self._schema, k.Name) for k in nochange] key = tuple(row[k] for k in colsi) if as_dict: yield key, {_.Name: _() for _ in schema} else: yield key, tuple([_() for _ in schema]) def itervalues_sort(): for key, row in sorted(itervalues(), reverse=not ascending): yield row tbl = IterRow(schema, anyset=itervalues_sort(), as_dict=as_dict) for c in schema: c.set_owner(tbl) return tbl
[docs] def _findschema(self, schema, name): """ look for column index whose name is name :param name: column name to search :param schema: schama :return: position :githublink:`%|py|355` """ for i, col in enumerate(schema): if col.Name == name: return i raise IndexError()
[docs] def groupby(self, *nochange, as_dict=True, **changed): """ This function applies a groupby (same behavior as SQL's version) :param nochange: list of fields to keep :param changed: list of custom fields :param as_dict: returns results as a list of dictionaries [ { "colname": value, ... } ] :return: IterRow .. warning:: The function does not guarantee the order of the output columns. .. exref:: :title: group by :: l = [ { "nom":"j", "age": 10, "gender":"M"} , {"nom":"jean", "age":40, "gender":"M"}, {"nom":"jeanne", "age":2, "gender":"F"} ] tbl = IterRow (None, l) iter = tbl.groupby(tbl.gender, len_nom=tbl.nom.len(), avg_age=tbl.age.avg()) :githublink:`%|py|383` """ # selftbl = self.orderby(nochange, as_dict=as_dict) # newschema = list(nochange) + [(k, None) for k in changed.keys()] for el in nochange: if not isinstance(el, ColumnType): raise IterException( "expecting a ColumnType here not: {0}".format( str(el))) if el._owner != self: raise IterException( "mismatch: all columns should belong to this view, check all columns come from this instance") arow = [v.copy(None) for v in nochange] # we do not know the owner yet for k, v in changed.items(): if not isinstance(v, ColumnType): raise IterException( "expecting a ColumnType here not: {0}-{1}".format(type(v), str(v))) v.set_name(k) arow.append(v) schema = arow for _ in schema: if not isinstance(_, ColumnType): raise TypeError("we expect a ColumnType for column") def to_matrix(iter): mat = list(iter) if isinstance(mat[0], dict): res = {} for k in mat[0]: i = self._findschema(schema, k) col = schema[i] if isinstance(col, ColumnGroupType): temp = GroupByContainer(m[k] for m in mat) col.set(temp) res[k] = col() else: temp = mat[0][k] col.set(temp) res[k] = temp return res else: raise NotImplementedError() # res = [] # for i in range(0, len(mat[0])): # res.append(GroupByContainer(m[i] for m in mat)) # self._schema[i].set(res[-1]) # return res def itervalues(): colsi = None for row in self._thisset: if isinstance(row, dict): for col in self._schema: col.set(row[col.Name]) key = tuple(row[k.Name] for k in nochange) else: for col, r in zip(self._schema, row): col.set(r) if colsi is None: colsi = [ self._findschema( self._schema, k.Name) for k in nochange] key = tuple(row[k] for k in colsi) if as_dict: yield key, NoSortClass({_.Name: _() for _ in schema}) else: yield key, NoSortClass(tuple([_() for _ in schema])) def itervalues_group(): current = [] keycur = None for key, row in sorted(itervalues()): if key != keycur: if len(current) > 0: tom = to_matrix(current) yield tom current = [row.value] keycur = key else: current.append(row.value) if len(current) > 0: tom = to_matrix(current) yield tom tbl = IterRow(schema, anyset=itervalues_group(), as_dict=as_dict) for c in schema: c.set_owner(tbl) return tbl
[docs] def unionall(self, iter, merge_schema=False, as_dict=True): """ Concatenates this table with another one :param iter: IterRow :param merge_schema: if False, the function expects you find the same schema, otherwise, it merges them (same column name are not duplicated) :param as_dict: returns results as a list of dictionaries [ { "colname": value, ... } ] :return: IterRow .. exref:: :title: union all :: l = [ { "nom":"j", "age": 10, "gender":"M"} , {"nom":"jean", "age":40, "gender":"M"}, {"nom":"jeanne", "age":2, "gender":"F"} ] tbl = IterRow (None, l) iter = tbl.unionall(tbl) .. exref:: :title: union all with different schema :: l = [ { "nom":"j", "age": 10, "gender":"M"} , {"nom":"jean", "age":40, "gender":"M"}, {"nom":"jeanne", "age":2, "gender":"F"} ] tbl = IterRow (None, l) l = [ { "nom":"j", "newage": 10, "gender":"M"} , {"nom":"jean", "newage":40, "gender":"M"}, {"nom":"jeanne", "newage":2, "gender":"F"} ] tbl2 = IterRow (None, l) iter = tbl.unionall(tbl2, merge_schema = True) :githublink:`%|py|515` """ if merge_schema: names = set(a.Name for a in self._schema) name2 = set(a.Name for a in iter._schema) common = names & name2 schema = [] for c in common: i = self._findschema(self._schema, c) col = self._schema[i] schema.append(col.copy(None)) for col in self._schema: if col.Name not in common: schema.append(col.copy(None)) for col in iter._schema: if col.Name not in common: schema.append(col.copy(None)) not_in_self = set( c.Name for c in iter._schema if c.Name not in common) not_in_iter = set( c.Name for c in self._schema if c.Name not in common) else: if len(self._schema) != len(self._schema): raise SchemaException( "cannot concatenate, different schema length") names = sorted(a.Name for a in self._schema) name2 = sorted(a.Name for a in iter._schema) for a, b in zip(names, name2): if a != b: raise SchemaException( "cannot concatenate, different schema column: {0} != {1}".format( a, b)) # we do not know the owner yet schema = [v.copy(None) for v in self._schema] not_in_self = set() not_in_iter = set() not_in_self = [iter._findschema(iter._schema, c) for c in not_in_self] not_in_iter = [self._findschema(self._schema, c) for c in not_in_iter] def iter_union(): for i in not_in_self: iter._schema[i].set(NA()) for row in self._thisset: if isinstance(row, dict): for col in self._schema: col.set(row[col.Name]) else: for col, r in zip(self._schema, row): col.set(r) if as_dict: yield {_.Name: _() for _ in schema} else: yield tuple([_() for _ in schema]) for i in not_in_iter: self._schema[i].set(NA()) for row in iter._thisset: if isinstance(row, dict): for col in iter._schema: col.set(row[col.Name]) else: for col, r in zip(iter._schema, row): col.set(r) if as_dict: yield {_.Name: _() for _ in schema} else: yield tuple([_() for _ in schema]) tbl = IterRow(schema, anyset=iter_union(), as_dict=as_dict) for c in schema: c.set_owner(tbl) return tbl