Source code for pystrat2048.evaluate

Implements a function to test a strategy for the 2048.
from .cp2048 import Game2048, GameOverException

[docs] def evaluate_strategy(fct_strategy, ntries=10): """ Applies method *best_move* until gameover starting from the current position. Repeats *ntries* times and the maximum number in every try. :param fct_strategy: a function which returns the best move (see below) :return: enumerator on scores One example to show how to test a strategy: :: import random from pystrat2048 import evaluate_strategy def random_strategy(game, state, moves): return random.randint(0, 3) scores = list(evaluate_strategy(random_strategy)) print(scores) """ for i in range(0, ntries): g = Game2048() while True: try: g.next_turn() except (GameOverException, RuntimeError): break d = fct_strategy(, g.state, g.moves) yield g.score()