Code source de sparkouille.fctmr.pyparallel_fctmr

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
:epkg:`joblib` uses a module not documented
in the official :epkg:`Python` documentation:
`Python's undocumented ThreadPool <>`_.

from multiprocessing.pool import ThreadPool

[docs]def pyparallel_mapper(fct, gen, threads=None): """ Applies function *fct* to a generator. Relies on *ThreadPool*. :param fct: function :param gen: generator :param threads: number of threads :return: generator If the number of threads is None, it is replaced by ``os.cpu_count() or 1`` (see *multiprocessing.pool*). .. exref:: :title: mapper :tag: progfonc .. runpython:: :showcode: from sparkouille.fctmr.pyparallel_fctmr import pyparallel_mapper res = pyparallel_mapper(lambda x: x + 1, [4, 5]) print(list(res)) Unfortunately, the parallelization is not following the map/reduce concept in a sense that the function generates an intermediate list and creates an iterator on it. :githublink:`%|py|40` """ pool = ThreadPool(processes=threads) return iter(, gen))