Source code for tkinterquickhelper.funcwin.default_functions

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
various basic functions often needed


import os
import re
import random
from pyquickhelper.loghelper.flog import fLOG, GetSepLine
from pyquickhelper.filehelper.synchelper import explore_folder_iterfile

_keep_var_character = re.compile("[^a-zA-Z0-9_]")

[docs]def _clean_name_variable(st): """ Cleans a string. :param st: string to clean :return: another string :githublink:`%|py|23` """ res = _keep_var_character.split(st) if res is None: raise Exception("unable to clean " + st) return "_".join(res)
[docs]def _get_format_zero_nb_integer(nb): typstr = str # unicode# h = nb c = 0 while h > 0: h = int(h / 10) c += 1 if c > 20: raise Exception( "this should not be that high %s (nb=%s)" % (typstr(c), typstr(nb))) return "%0" + typstr(int(c)) + "d"
[docs]def test_regular_expression(exp=".*", text="", fLOG=fLOG): """ Tests a regular expression. :param exp: regular expression :param text: text to check :param fLOG: logging function :githublink:`%|py|49` """ fLOG("regex", exp) fLOG("text", text) ex = re.compile(exp) ma = if ma is None: fLOG("no result") else: fLOG(ma.groups())
[docs]def IsEmptyString(s): """ Tells if a string is empty. :param s: string :return: boolean :githublink:`%|py|66` """ if s is None: return True return len(s) == 0
[docs]def is_empty_string(s): """ Tells if a string is empty. :param s: string :return: boolean :githublink:`%|py|78` """ if s is None: return True return len(s) == 0
[docs]def file_head(file="", head=1000, out=""): """ Keeps the head of a file. :param file: file name :param head: number of lines to keep :param out: output file, if == None or empty, then, it becomes: file + ".head.%d.ext" % head :return: out :githublink:`%|py|95` """ if not os.path.exists(file): raise Exception("unable to find file %s" % file) if IsEmptyString(out): f, ext = os.path.splitext(file) out = "%s.head.%d%s" % (file, head, ext) f = open(file, "r") g = open(out, "w") for i, line in enumerate(f): if i >= head: break g.write(line) f.close() g.close() return out
[docs]def file_split(file="", nb=2, out="", header=False, rnd=False): """ Splits a file. :param file: file name or stream :param nb: number of files :param out: output file, if == None or empty, then, it becomes: ``file + ".split.%d.ext" % i``, it must contain ``%d`` or it must a a list or strings or streams :param header: consider a header or not :param rnd: randomly draw the file which receives the current line :return: number of processed lines :githublink:`%|py|125` """ if not os.path.exists(file): raise Exception("unable to find file %s" % file) if is_empty_string(out): f, ext = os.path.splitext(file) out = "%s.split.%s%s" % (file, _get_format_zero_nb_integer(nb), ext) elif not isinstance(out, list) and "%d" not in out: raise ValueError("%d should be present in out='{0}'".format(out)) size = os.stat(file).st_size typstr = str # unicode# f = open(file, "r") if isinstance(file, typstr) else file g = {} tot = 0 last_line = 0 for i, line in enumerate(f): last_line = i if i == 0 and header: for n in range(0, nb): if n not in g: if isinstance(out, list): if isinstance(out[n], typstr): g[n] = open(out[n], "w") else: g[n] = out[n] else: g[n] = open(out % n, "w") g[n].write(line) continue if rnd: n = random.randint(0, nb - 1) else: n = int(min(nb, tot * nb / size)) tot += len(line) if n not in g: if isinstance(out, list): if isinstance(out[n], typstr): g[n] = open(out[n], "w") else: g[n] = out[n] else: g[n] = open(out % n, "w") g[n].write(line) if (i + 1) % 10000 == 0: fLOG(" processed ", i, " bytes ", tot, " out of ", size, " lines in ", out) if isinstance(file, typstr): f.close() for k, v in g.items(): if not isinstance(out, list) or isinstance(out[k], typstr): v.close() return last_line
[docs]def file_list(folder, out=""): """ Prints the list of files and sub files in a text file. :param folder: folder :param out: result :return: out :githublink:`%|py|191` """ typstr = str # unicode# if out is None or isinstance(out, typstr): if is_empty_string(out): out = "%s_.list_of_files.txt" % folder f = open(out, "w") else: f = out for li in explore_folder_iterfile(folder): f.write(li) f.write(GetSepLine()) if isinstance(out, typstr): f.close() return out
[docs]def file_grep(file="", regex=".*", out="", head=-1): """ Grep. :param file: file name :param regex: regular expression :param out: output file, if == None or empty, then, it becomes: file + ".head.%d.ext" % head :param head: stops after the first head lines (or -1 if not stop) :return: out :githublink:`%|py|220` """ if not os.path.exists(file): raise Exception("unable to find file %s" % file) if IsEmptyString(out): f, ext = os.path.splitext(file) out = "%s.regex.%d%s" % (file, head, ext) exp = re.compile(regex) f = open(file, "r") g = open(out, "w") nb = 0 for line in f: if g.write(line) nb += 1 if nb >= head >= 0: break f.close() g.close() return out