Source code for tkinterquickhelper.funcwin.function_helper

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Various function needed when using the windows used to ask for parameters

import sys
import re
import inspect
import datetime
from pyquickhelper.loghelper.flog import guess_machine_parameter

[docs]def get_function_list(module): """ Extracts all functions in a module. :param module: a object module :return: the list of function included in a module, dictionary { name, object } :githublink:`%|py|19` """ res = {} d = module.__dict__ for k, v in d.items(): if isinstance(v, get_function_list.__class__): res[k] = v return res
[docs]def has_unknown_parameters(func): """ Returns True if the function contains a parameter like ``**params``. :param func: function :return: True if the function contains something like ``**params`` :githublink:`%|py|34` """ # de = func.__defaults__ # na = func.__code__.co_varnames keys = inspect.signature(func) return "**" in str(keys)
[docs]def extract_function_information(function): """ Extracts information about a function. The function assumes all parameters receive a default value. :param function: function object :return: dictionary { info : value } The returned dictionary will be composed as follows: - name: name of the function - nbpar: number of parameters - param: list of parameters (dictionary) and their default value - types: type of parameters (dictionary), if the default value does not exist, the function will look in the help looking for the following:: param name (type) - help: documentation of the function - helpparam: help associated to each parameters (dictionary), assuming they are described in the documentation using the same format as this docstring - module: module which defines the function :githublink:`%|py|63` """ if function.__doc__ is None: raise Exception("the function given to FrameFunction should be documented: help is displayed," " if you want parameter to be described, use javadoc format to do so: " "@<tag> param_name param_meaning with tag=param") res = dict() res["name"] = function.__name__ nbp = function.__code__.co_argcount par = function.__code__.co_varnames[:nbp] res["nbpar"] = len(par) defd = function.__defaults__ if function.__defaults__ is not None else [] dec = len(par) - len(defd) typ = {} p = {} for pos, a in enumerate(par): if a == 'fLOG': continue p2 = pos - dec if p2 >= 0: b = defd[p2] typ[a] = b.__class__ else: b = "" typ[a] = None if not a.startswith("_"): p[a] = b res["types"] = typ res["param"] = p res["help"] = function.__doc__ mod = function.__module__ mod = sys.modules.get(mod, None) res["module"] = mod regex = re.compile("@" + "param +([a-zA-Z0-9_]+) +(.+)") alls = regex.findall(res["help"]) p = {} for a, b in alls: a = a.strip() if a == "fLOG": continue p[a] = b.strip() res["helpparam"] = p typstr = str # unicode# reg = re.compile( "@" + "param +([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*?) +[(]([a-zA-Z]+?)[)]") alls = reg.findall(res["help"]) typ = {k: v for k, v in alls} # pylint: disable=R1721 keys = list(res["types"]) for a in keys: b = res["types"][a] if b is None or isinstance(None, b): b = typ.get(a, None) if b is not None: if "|" in b: e, ee = b.split("|") e = eval(e) ee = eval(ee) res["types"][a] = lambda v, e=e, ee=ee: ee if ( len(v) == 0 or v == typstr(ee)) else e(v) elif b == "datetime": res["types"][a] = datetime.datetime else: res["types"][a] = eval(b) # If no default value, we assume the type is str. keys = list(res["types"]) for a in keys: b = res["types"][a] if b is None: res[b] = str return res
[docs]def private_adjust_parameters(param): """ Change the value of some parameters when they are NULL: *user*. Changes the parameters inplace. :param param: list of parameters :githublink:`%|py|149` """ res = guess_machine_parameter() for k in param: if param[k] is None and k.lower() in ["user", "username"]: res[k] = res.get("USERNAME", res["USER"])
[docs]def private_get_function(function_name): """ Returns the function object from its name, the name must contains a dot "." otherwise the function will assume it is defined in module :mod:`default_functions`. :param function_name: name of the function :return: object :githublink:`%|py|164` """ if "." in function_name: module = function_name.split(".") name = module[-1] fname = ".".join(module[:-1]) if fname in sys.modules: mod = sys.modules[fname] else: mod = __import__(fname, globals(), locals(), [], 0) if name not in mod.__dict__: raise KeyError("module %s, function %s not in %s (path %s)" % (module, name, str(mod.__dict__.keys()), mod.__file__)) return mod.__dict__[name] else: from .default_functions import file_grep, file_list, file_split, file_head, test_regular_expression if function_name == "file_grep": return file_grep elif function_name == "file_list": return file_list elif function_name == "file_split": return file_split elif function_name == "file_head": return file_head elif function_name == "test_regular_expression": return test_regular_expression else: raise NameError("unknown exception " + function_name)