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1# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- 



4@brief Common functions used for @see cl FrameFunction and @see cl FrameParams. 


6import os 

7import copy 

8import datetime 

9import hashlib 


11from pyquickhelper.loghelper.convert_helper import str2datetime 

12from pyquickhelper.loghelper.flog import fLOG, guess_machine_parameter 



15def _private_store(function_name, param): 

16 """ 

17 Stores the parameters into a file, the function adds the 

18 parameter in a new line. It a parameter is a password 

19 (*name=password*, the password will be encrypted using sha1). 


21 @param function_name name of the function (a unique string, the function is not called) 

22 @param param (dict) list of parameters 


24 The function replaces every end of line into ``#*###n####*#``. 

25 """ 

26 param = copy.copy(param) 


28 rem = [] 

29 for r in param: 

30 if r.startswith("_"): 

31 rem.append(r) 

32 for r in rem: 

33 del param[r] 


35 values = guess_machine_parameter() 

36 filename = os.path.join( 

37 values["TEMP"], function_name + ".tkinterquickhelper.txt") 

38 fLOG("FrameWindows: storing parameters in file: ", 

39 os.path.abspath(filename)) 


41 if "password" in param or \ 

42 "password1" in param or \ 

43 "password2" in param or \ 

44 "password3" in param: 

45 param = param.copy() 

46 for k in ["password", "password1", "password2", "password3"]: 

47 if k in param: 

48 if param[k] is None: 

49 param[k] = "" 

50 else: 

51 param[k] = hashlib.sha1( 

52 param[k].encode("utf8")).hexdigest() 

53 fLOG( 

54 "this class contains a parameter 'password' --> it will be encrypted") 


56 history = _private_restore(function_name, pwd=False) 


58 found = None 

59 for i, v in enumerate(history): 

60 if v == param: 

61 found = i 

62 break 


64 if found is not None: 

65 fLOG("removing one element from history") 

66 del history[found] 

67 else: 

68 fLOG("history length ", len(history)) 


70 history.append(param) 


72 with open(filename, "w", encoding="utf8") as f: 

73 for param_ in history: 

74 spar = str(param_).replace("\n", "#*###n####*#") 

75 f.write(spar + "\n") 



78def _private_restore(function_name, pwd=True): 

79 """ 

80 Restores the parameters stored by *_private_store*, 

81 returns a list of dictionaries (one of each line stored 

82 by *_private_store*). 


84 @param function_name name of the function (a unique string, the function is not called) 

85 @param pwd empty every password 

86 @return list of dictionaries 


88 The function replaces every substring ``#*###n####*#`` y end of line. 

89 """ 

90 values = guess_machine_parameter() 

91 filename = os.path.join( 

92 values["TEMP"], function_name + ".tkinterquickhelper.txt") 

93 if not os.path.exists(filename): 

94 fLOG("FrameWindows: unable to find file ", os.path.abspath(filename)) 

95 return [] 


97 fLOG("FrameWindows: loading parameters from file: ", 

98 os.path.abspath(filename)) 

99 f = open(filename, "r", encoding="utf8") 

100 s = f.readlines() 

101 f.close() 


103 ans = [] 

104 try: 

105 for line in s: 

106 ev = eval(line.replace("#*###n####*#", "\n")) 

107 if pwd: 

108 if "password3" in ev: 

109 ev["password3"] = "" 

110 if "password2" in ev: 

111 ev["password2"] = "" 

112 if "password1" in ev: 

113 ev["password1"] = "" 

114 if "password" in ev: 

115 ev["password"] = "" 

116 ans.append(ev) 

117 except Exception as e: 

118 raise Exception("problem in file " + filename) from e 


120 return ans 



123def get_icon(): 

124 """ 

125 Returns a filename corresponding the tkinterquickhelper icon. 


127 @return filename 

128 """ 

129 ico = os.path.realpath( 

130 os.path.join(os.path.split(__file__)[0], "project_ico.ico")) 

131 return ico 



134def interpret_parameter(ty, s): 

135 """ 

136 Interprets a parameter. 


138 @param ty type (the return type) 

139 @param s value to interpret (a string) 

140 @return value 

141 """ 

142 try: 

143 if ty in [bool]: 

144 return s in [True, "True", "true", "TRUE", "1", 1] 

145 elif ty == datetime.datetime: 

146 if s is None or len(s) == 0 or s == "None": 

147 return None 

148 else: 

149 return str2datetime(s) 

150 elif ty in [int, float]: 

151 return ty(s) 

152 elif ty == str: 

153 if s is None or len(s) == 0 or s == "None": 

154 return None 

155 else: 

156 return s 

157 elif ty in [None]: 

158 return None 

159 else: 

160 try: 

161 return eval(s) 

162 except Exception as ee: 

163 fLOG("unable to evaluation ", ee) 

164 return None 

165 except Exception: 

166 fLOG("unable to process value ", ty, " v= ", s, " --> ", None) 

167 return None