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convert, html, json, python

2013-10-27 Convert HTML into JSON

I needed to convert a HTML string into JSON. After looking for results without any success, I thought doing it myself should be faster than searching. As an exemple:

content = '<html><body><div class="an_example"><p>one paragraph</p></div></body></html>'
js = HTMLtoJSONParser.to_json(content)
print (js)
Will produce this:
{'html': {'body': {'div': {'p': {'': 'one paragraph'}, '#class': 'an_example'}}}}

The implementation of HTMLtoJSONParser follows:

class HTMLtoJSONParser(html.parser.HTMLParser):
    def __init__(self, raise_exception = True) :
        self.doc  = { }
        self.path = []
        self.cur  = self.doc
        self.line = 0
        self.raise_exception = raise_exception
    def json(self):
        return self.doc
    def to_json(content, raise_exception = True):
        parser = HTMLtoJSONParser(raise_exception = raise_exception)
        return parser.json
    def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs):
        attrs = { k:v for k,v in attrs }
        if tag in self.cur :
            if isinstance(self.cur[tag],list) :
                self.cur[tag].append(  { "__parent__": self.cur } )
                self.cur = self.cur[tag][-1]
            else :
                self.cur[tag] = [ self.cur[tag] ]
                self.cur[tag].append(  { "__parent__": self.cur } )
                self.cur = self.cur[tag][-1]
        else :
            self.cur[tag] = { "__parent__": self.cur }
            self.cur = self.cur[tag]
        for a,v in attrs.items():
            self.cur["#" + a] = v
        self.cur[""] = ""
    def handle_endtag(self, tag):
        if tag != self.path[-1] and self.raise_exception :
            raise Exception("html is malformed around line: {0} (it might be because of a tag <br>, <hr>, <img .. > not closed)".format(self.line))
        del self.path[-1]
        memo = self.cur
        self.cur = self.cur["__parent__"]
    def handle_data(self, data):
        self.line += data.count("\n")
        if "" in self.cur :
            self.cur[""] += data
    def clean(self, values):
        keys = list(values.keys())
        for k in keys:
            v = values[k]
            if isinstance(v, str) :
                #print ("clean", k,[v])
                c = v.strip(" \n\r\t")
                if c != v : 
                    if len(c) > 0 : 
                        values[k] = c
                    else : 
                        del values[k]
        del values["__parent__"]

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Xavier Dupré