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image, latex, python

2014-01-29 Convert an equation into a PNG image

I recently faced an issue while converting an equation into an image using the method I developped in this post. I do not know why but the following expression \frac{X_t}{Y_t} did not work. So I had to use miktex and more specifically htlatex through the following command line:

htlatex eq.tex html "" "" "--interaction=nonstopmode"

The last parameter avoids the programm to check the input stream if an error was detected. I wrapped this into a quick and dirty python program you can find below. It will also describe what eq.tex should contain.

import os, shutil, sys
from pyquickhelper import run_cmd

def convert_short_latex_into_png(latex, temp_folder = ".", fLOG = print,
                miktex = r"C:\Program Files\MiKTeX 2.9\miktex\bin\x64",
                final_name = None) :
    Convert a short latex script into an image.
    @param      latex           latex equation
    @param      temp_folder     temp_folder  (where temporary files will be placed)
    @param      fLOG            logging function
    @param      miktex          miktex location
    @param      final_name      if not None, copy the image at this location using this name
    @return                     a location to the image (it should be copied)
    You should not call the function twice at the same in the same folder.
    @warning The function ends the program if there was a failure. Something is missing on the command line.
    if not os.path.exists(miktex) :
        raise FileNotFoundError("unable to find miktex")
    if sys.platform.startswith("win") :
        htlatex = os.path.join(miktex,"htlatex.exe")
        if not os.path.exists(htlatex) :
            raise FileNotFoundError("unable to find htlatex")
    else :
        htlatex = os.path.join(miktex,"htlatex")
    if not os.path.exists(temp_folder) :
    eq = os.path.join(temp_folder, "eq.tex")
    with open(eq, "w") as f : 
                \end{document}""".replace("                ","")%latex.strip("\n\r "))
    cmd = htlatex + ' eq.tex html "" "" "--interaction=nonstopmode"'
    cwd = os.getcwd() ;
    out,err =run_cmd(cmd, wait=True)
    if "FAILED" in err :
        raise Exception("it failed\n-----\n{0}\n----------\n{1}".format(out,err))
    img = os.path.join(temp_folder,"eq0x.png")
    if not os.path.exists(img):
        with open(os.path.join(temp_folder,"eq.log"),"r") as f : 
            log = f.read()
        raise FileNotFoundError("the compilation did not work\n" + log)
    if final_name != None :
        shutil.copy(img, final_name)
        return final_name
    else :
        return img

The function run_cmd comes from module pyquickhelper. It calls a process using subprocess.Popen.

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Xavier Dupré