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2013-02-17 Harry Potter and the Einstein's enigma

When I read the first book of Harry Potter, my brain stopped when I faced the enigma solved by Hermione about finding the right potion. I want to solve it! I first realize that it would take me longer than reading the book but I'm still curious about how the author came up with this story. Maybe she read about Einstein's enigma which looks the same and can be solved using the same reasoning. Anyway, here is the Potter's enigma:

And Einstein's one:

I won't probably Hermione's confidence while facing this kind of enigma but if cellphones continue to evolve in a machine you can command by implementing program, maybe I could do something about it.

Sudoku, Minesweeper are some others games we could solve by applying the same logic. We define rules, we let an algorithm combine them, eliminate all opposing rules to get the final set of possibilities. One language which could help me to solve is Prolog. I don't know it is available on a cellphone but this is the Prolog code (found here):

nationality(Nationality) :- member(Nationality, [brit, swede, dane, norwegian, german]).
color(Color) :- member(Color, [green, yellow, white, red, blue]).
pet(Pet) :- member(Pet, [fish, dogs, birds, horses, cats]).
beverage(Beverage) :- member(Beverage, [tea, coffee, milk, beer, water]).
cigars(Brand) :- member(Brand, [pall_mall, dunhill, blends, prince, blue_master]).

person([Nation, Color, Pet, Beverage, Cigars]) :- nationality(Nation), color(Color), pet(Pet), beverage(Beverage), cigars(Cigars).

has(Thing, Person) :- nationality(Thing), Person = [Thing, _, _, _, _].
has(Thing, Person) :- color(Thing), Person = [_, Thing, _, _, _].
has(Thing, Person) :- pet(Thing), Person = [_, _, Thing, _, _].
has(Thing, Person) :- beverage(Thing), Person = [_, _, _, Thing, _].
has(Thing, Person) :- cigars(Thing), Person = [_, _, _, _, Thing].

same(A, B, People) :- has(A, Person), has(B, Person), member(Person, People).

first_house(A, People) :- has(A, Person), People = [Person, _, _, _, _].
center_house(A, People) :- has(A, Person), People = [_, _, Person, _, _].
left_of(A, B, People) :- has(A, PersonA), has(B, PersonB), nextto(PersonA, PersonB, People).
neighbours(A, B, People) :- left_of(A, B, People); left_of(B, A, People).

solution(People) :-
  People = [_, _, _, _, _],

  same(brit, red, People),
  same(swede, dogs, People),
  same(dane, tea, People),
  left_of(green, white, People),
  same(green, coffee, People),
  same(birds, pall_mall, People),
  same(yellow, dunhill, People),
  center_house(milk, People),
  first_house(norwegian, People),
  neighbours(blends, cats, People),
  neighbours(horses, dunhill, People),
  same(beer, blue_master, People),
  same(german, prince, People),
  neighbours(norwegian, blue, People),
  neighbours(blends, water, People),

  maplist(person, People),
  flatten(People, Items),
I don't know if anybody would type that on his cellphone but I wanted to show my students how to do that in Python which implies I have to describe what a rule is and how to solve a problem using such rules. I did implement the solution for the Einstein problem (see einstein_prolog.py) and I had in mind that I could do that as exercise during my teachings. But I finally gave up, I thought explaining that the first program and tweaking it to solve Hermione's enigma would be too much for two hours of teachings.

Xavier Dupré