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2013-07-28 my RSS Reader

When Google Reader died, I was reluctant to move to something different. Not because others solutions are worse or anything like that, but more because I needed to create a new account, a new password, eventually to pay if the number of blogs I wanted to follow was above a given threshold. With Google, I did not have to do anything like that. I would argue that giving everything to a single company which can monitor every single move you do on the net is not a good idea.

But if I push this reasoning to its extreme, why not having a tool on my laptop which allows me to read blog posts? That way, I would download myself the blog content, I would keep any statistics about my own uage for myself. And if the design is not good enough, I just have to change it. Well, the only argument against that is the time I will need to build that tool (and to maintain it).

Well, to be honest, I also did it because I wanted to learn about some python and javascript figures of programming which I talk about in previous blogs. The tools looks that way:


2013-07-27 Logging click events on your server

Many websites log events, where users clicked for example. They want to optimize for a better use. You would assume every time a user requests a page, your server needs to provide the user with the content of the page. However some cache mechanism could prevent you from getting that information, a user could click on a link leading outside your website or the same page could be obtained from different others pages. You need a more precise information. How to log a click event then?

To do that, we first need to do something when a user clicks on a url: we need to catch this event and to call another function. We use the following syntax:

<a href="url" onmousedown="sendlog('url')">anchor</a>
The function sendlog will be executed when the user clicks on this particular url. The string between the quotes is the information to log. The function sendlog is defined in another file, defsendlog.js in this case. The following lines must be added to the HTML page (header section):
<script type="text/javascript" src="/defsendlog.js"></script>


2013-07-26 Keep the scrolling position after resfreshing

I added the scrolling property to a div section:

	text-align: left;
Unfortunately, after a refresh or a click somewhere which makes only helf the page change, every list returned to its first position. It was bothering me. I finaly found a way to keep list the way they are after a refresh. It requires cookies: we store the position of each section in cookies.
function createCookie(name,value,days) 
	if (days) 
		var date = new Date();
		var expires = "; expires="+date.toGMTString();
	else var expires = "";
	document.cookie = name+"="+value+expires+"; path=/";

function readCookie(name) 
	var nameEQ = name + "=";
	var ca = document.cookie.split(';');
	for(var i=0;i < ca.length;i++) {
		var c = ca[i];
		while (c.charAt(0)==' ') c = c.substring(1,c.length);
		if (c.indexOf(nameEQ) == 0) return c.substring(nameEQ.length,c.length);
	return null;

function savePosition(document, divId)
    var intY = document.getElementById(divId).scrollTop;
    if (intY >= 0) {
        createCookie("divid" + divId, "y" + intY + "_", 1) ;

function getPosition(document, divId)
    var cook  = readCookie("divid" + divId) ;
    if (cook == null) return 0 ;
    var start = cook.indexOf("y") ;
    if (start == -1) return 0 ;
    var end   = cook.indexOf("_", start) ;
    var sub = cook.substring( start+1, end) ;
    return sub ;
So to save the scrolling position of a div section, you just need to call the function savePosition each time it is updated:
<div class="divblogs" id="divblogs" onscroll="savePosition(document,'divblogs')">
The last detail left is a function called when the page is reloading to restore each section's position:
<body onload="setPositions(document,['divblogs', 'divpostsshort', 'divpostsext'])">
The function setPositions is defined as follows:
function setPositions(document, listDiv)
    for (var i = 0 ; i < listDiv.length ; ++i)
        var divObject = document.getElementById(listDiv[i]);
        divObject.scrollTop = getPosition(document,listDiv[i]) ;
Last detail, each section div has attributes (class and id). They are important to enable the scrolling and the make them easily accessible.

Xavier Dupré