Initiation à la programmation ENSAE 1A


File: ecrit_2011.tex, line 54

def remplissage (mat, x , y) :        # ligne 1
    dico = { (x,y):0 }                # ligne 2
    while len (dico) > 0 :            # ligne 3
        point        = dico.popitem ()# retourne un élément du dictionnaire et le supprime
        x,y          = point [0]      # ligne 5
        mat [x][y]   = 1              # ligne 6
        dico [x-1,y] = 0              # ligne 7
        dico [x+1,y] = 0              # ligne 8
        dico [x,y-1] = 0              # ligne 9
        dico [x,y+1] = 0              # ligne 10

File: ecrit_2011.tex, line 69

118 41 13
118 40 13
118 34 8
118 34 7
118 41 13
118 40 13
118 34 8
118 34 7
118 41 13

File: ecrit_2011.tex, line 97

def remplissage (mat, x , y) :        # 
    dico = { (x,y):0 }                # 
    while len (dico) > 0 :            # 
        point        = dico.popitem ()# 
        x,y          = point [0]      # 
        if mat [x][y] == 1 : continue # ligne ajoutée
        mat [x][y]   = 1              # 
        dico [x-1,y] = 0              # 
        dico [x+1,y] = 0              # 
        dico [x,y-1] = 0              # 
        dico [x,y+1] = 0              # 

File: ecrit_2011.tex, line 113

def remplissage (mat, x , y) :        # 
    dico = { (x,y):0 }                # 
    while len (dico) > 0 :            # 
        point        = dico.popitem ()# 
        x,y          = point [0]      # 
        mat [x][y]   = 1              # 
        if mat[x-1][y] == 0 : dico [x-1,y] = 0  # 
        if mat[x+1][y] == 0 : dico [x+1,y] = 0  # 
        if mat[x][y-1] == 0 : dico [x,y-1] = 0  # 
        if mat[x][y+1] == 0 : dico [x,y+1] = 0  # 

File: ecrit_2011.tex, line 128

def remplissage (mat, x , y) :         
    int compte = 0                       # ligne ajoutée
    dico = { (x,y):0 }                 
    while len (dico) > 0 :             
        point        = dico.popitem () 
        x,y          = point [0]       
        if mat [x][y] == 1 : continue 
        mat [x][y]   = 1               
        dico [x-1,y] = 0               
        dico [x+1,y] = 0               
        dico [x,y-1] = 0               
        dico [x,y+1] = 0               
        compte += 1                      # ligne ajoutée
    return comte                         # ligne ajoutée

File: ecrit_2011.tex, line 165

def resolution_simple (objets, sac) :
    objets.sort (reverse = True)
    solution = []
    for o in objets :
    return solution

File: ecrit_2011.tex, line 192

def resolution (objets, sac) :
    if len (objets) == 1 :
        if objets [0] <= sac :  return [ objets [0] ]
        else :                  return []
    reduit  = objets [1:]
    s1      = resolution (reduit, sac)
    s2      = resolution (reduit, sac - objets [0])   # ligne B
    t1      = sum(s1)
    t2      = sum(s2) + objets [0]                    # ligne C
    if   sac >= t1 and (t1 >= t2 or t2 > sac) : return s1
    elif sac >= t2 and (t2 >= t1 or t1 > sac) : return [ objets [0], ] + s2
obj = [2,4,7,10]
sac = 15
print "solution ",resolution (obj, sac) # ligne A

File: ecrit_2011.tex, line 215

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line A, in <module>
    print "solution ",resolution (obj, sac)
  File "", line B, in resolution
    s2      = resolution (reduit, sac - objets [0])
  File "", line C, in resolution
    t2      = sum(s2) + objets [0]
TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not iterable

File: ecrit_2011.tex, line 241

def resolution_simple (objets, sac) :
    objets.sort (reverse = True)
    solution = []
    for o in objets :
        if sum(solution) + o <= sac :   # ligne ajoutée
            solution.append (o)         # ligne ajoutée
    return solution

File: ecrit_2011.tex, line 260

t2      = sum(s2) + objets [0]
TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not iterable

File: ecrit_2011.tex, line 278

s2      = resolution (reduit, sac - objets [0])   # ligne B

File: ecrit_2011.tex, line 284

if   sac >= t1 and (t1 >= t2 or t2 > sac) : return s1
elif sac >= t2 and (t2 >= t1 or t1 > sac) : return [ objets [0], ] + s2

File: ecrit_2011.tex, line 291

if   sac >= t1 and (t1 >= t2 or t2 > sac) : return s1
elif sac >= t2 and (t2 >= t1 or t1 > sac) : return [ objets [0], ] + s2
else : return []     # ligne ajoutée