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64 statements  

1# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- 



4@brief Defines an action for Mokadi. 


6import os 

7import random 

8from .mokadi_action import MokadiAction 

9from .mokadi_info import MokadiInfo 

10from .mokadi_exceptions import MokadiException 

11from .mokadi_wikipedia import definition_wikipedia, synonyms_wiktionary 



14class MokadiActionConversation(MokadiAction): 

15 """ 

16 Action. Conversation. 

17 """ 


19 _sounds = {"hello": os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)), "data", "hello.wav"), 

20 "faux_rire": os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)), "data", "faux_rire.wav"), 

21 "applaudit": os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)), "data", "applaus.wav"), 

22 "toilette": os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)), "data", "toilet_flush_2.wav") 

23 } 


25 _messages = {"hello": ["hello", "bonjour", "salut"], 

26 "bye": ["au revoir", "salut", "adieu", "à la prochaine", "à la revoyure"]} 


28 @staticmethod 

29 def peak_random(mes: list): 

30 """ 

31 Pick a random message 


33 @param mes list of strings 

34 @return one string 

35 """ 

36 i = random.randint(0, len(mes) - 1) 

37 return mes[i] 


39 def __init__(self, fLOG=None): 

40 """ 

41 Constructor. 


43 @param folder folder where to look for presentation 

44 @param fLOG logging function 

45 """ 

46 MokadiAction.__init__(self, fLOG=fLOG) 


48 def can_do(self, interpreted, message): 

49 """ 

50 Tells if the class can process the message. 


52 @param interpreted interpreted message 

53 @param message message 

54 @return true if the class can process the message 


56 The function should be optimized for a subset of answers 

57 quite long to build. 

58 """ 

59 if len(interpreted) <= 1: 

60 return False 

61 res = self.process_interpreted_message(interpreted, message) 

62 try: 

63 for _ in res: 

64 return True 

65 except MokadiException: 

66 return False 

67 return False 


69 def process_interpreted_message(self, interpretation, message): 

70 """ 

71 Process the interpreted message. 


73 @param interpretation interpretation 

74 @param message original message 

75 @return iterator on Info 

76 """ 

77 sentance = [w[0].lower() for w in interpretation[1:]] 

78 joined = " ".join(sentance).lower().replace("d'", "").replace("l'", "") 

79 if sentance[0] in {"hello", "bonjour", "salut"}: 

80 options = MokadiActionConversation._messages["hello"] 

81 yield MokadiInfo("ok", MokadiActionConversation.peak_random(options)) 

82 elif sentance[0] in {"bye", "au revoir", "salut"}: 

83 options = MokadiActionConversation._messages["bye"] 

84 yield MokadiInfo("ok", MokadiActionConversation.peak_random(options)) 

85 elif sentance[0] in {"papa", "papounet"}: 

86 if "ordinateur" in joined: 

87 yield MokadiInfo("ok", "", sound=MokadiActionConversation._sounds["faux_rire"]) 

88 else: 

89 raise MokadiException( 

90 "Unable to answer to '{0}'.".format(sentance)) 

91 elif sentance[0] in {"bruit", "son"}: 

92 if "toilette" in joined: 

93 yield MokadiInfo("ok", "", sound=MokadiActionConversation._sounds["toilette"]) 

94 elif "applaudissement" in joined: 

95 yield MokadiInfo("ok", "", sound=MokadiActionConversation._sounds["applaudit"]) 

96 else: 

97 raise MokadiException( 

98 "Unable to answer to '{0}'.".format(sentance)) 

99 elif sentance[0] in {"quel", "quelle", "comment", "pourquoi"}: 

100 yield MokadiInfo("ok", "Je ne sais pas répondre à la question: {0}".format(sentance)) 

101 elif joined.startswith("c'est quoi") or interpretation[1][1] in {":definition:"}: 

102 if "intelligence" in joined and "artificielle" in joined: 

103 yield MokadiInfo("ok", "C'est moi.") 

104 else: 

105 query = " ".join(_[0] for _ in interpretation[ 

106 2:-1] if _[1] not in {":stopword:"}) 

107 self.fLOG( 

108 "[MokadiActionConversation.process_interpreted_message] definition of '{0}'".format(query)) 

109 res = definition_wikipedia(query) 

110 if res is None or len(res) == 0: 

111 yield MokadiInfo("ok", "Je n'ai pas trouvé de définition pour {0}.".format(query)) 

112 else: 

113 yield MokadiInfo("ok", res) 

114 elif interpretation[1][1] in {":synonym:"}: 

115 query = " ".join(_[0] for _ in interpretation[ 

116 2:-1] if _[1] not in {":stopword:"}) 

117 self.fLOG( 

118 "[MokadiActionConversation.process_interpreted_message] synonym of '{0}'".format(query)) 

119 res = synonyms_wiktionary(query) 

120 if res is None or len(res) == 0: 

121 yield MokadiInfo("ok", "Je n'ai pas trouvé de synonyme.") 

122 else: 

123 yield MokadiInfo("ok", " ".join(res)) 

124 else: 

125 raise MokadiException( 

126 "Unable to answer to '{0}'.".format(sentance))