Source code for jyquickhelper.jspy.render_nb_js_dot

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Renders a graph in Javascript.

import os
from .render_nb_js import RenderJS

[docs]class RenderJsDot(RenderJS): """ Renders a graph in a :epkg:`notebook` defined in :epkg:`DOT` language with :epkg:`viz.js`. On `binder < master?filepath=_doc%2Fnotebooks>`_, argument *local* should be set to True to be working. :githublink:`%|py|18` """
[docs] def __init__(self, dot, local=False, width="100%", height="100%", divid=None, style=None, only_html=True, div_class=None, check_urls=True, lite=False): """ :param dot: (str) dot :param local: (bool) use local path to javascript dependencies :param script: (str) script :param width: (str) width :param height: (str) height :param style: (str) style (added in ``<style>...</style>``) :param divid: (str|None) id of the div :param only_html: (bool) use only function `display_html < api/generated/IPython.display.html? highlight=display_html#IPython.display.display_html>`_ and not `display_javascript < IPython.display.html?highlight=display_html#IPython.display.display_javascript>`_ to add javascript to the page. :param div_class: (str) class of the section ``div`` which will host the results of the javascript :param check_urls: (bool) by default, check url exists :param lite: (bool) use lite version (no `neato <>`_) :githublink:`%|py|42` """ script = RenderJsDot._build_script(dot) libs, css = RenderJsDot._get_libs_css(local, lite) RenderJS.__init__(self, script, width=width, height=height, divid=divid, only_html=only_html, div_class=div_class, check_urls=True, libs=libs, css=css, local=local)
[docs] @staticmethod def _get_libs_css(local, lite): """ Returns the dependencies. :param local: use local file (True) or remote urls (False) :param lite: use lite version :return: tuple *(libs, css)* :githublink:`%|py|57` """ jsvers = "viz-lite.js" if lite else "viz.js" if local: this = os.path.dirname(__file__) js = os.path.join(this, '..', 'js', 'vizjs', jsvers) libs = [js] else: libs = ['' + jsvers] css = None return libs, css
[docs] @staticmethod def _build_script(dot): """ Builds the javascript script based wrapping the :epkg:`DOT` language. :param dot: :epkg:`DOT` language :return: javascript :githublink:`%|py|76` """ dot = dot.replace('"', '\\"').replace('\n', '\\n') script = """var svgGraph = Viz("{0}");\ndocument.getElementById('__ID__').innerHTML = svgGraph;""".format( dot) return script