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1# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- 



4@brief Defines a competition. 


6from io import StringIO 

7import numpy 

8import pandas 

9from .metrics import mse, sklearn_metric, roc_auc_score_macro, roc_auc_score_micro 



12class Competition: 

13 """ 

14 Defines a competition. 

15 """ 


17 def __init__(self, cpt_id, link, name, description, metric, datafile=None, expected_values=None): 

18 """ 

19 @param cpt_id competition id 

20 @param link link to the page, something like ``/competition`` 

21 @param name name of the competition 

22 @param metric metric or list of metrics, list of metrics to compute 

23 @param description description 

24 @param datafile data file 

25 @param expected_values expected values for each metric 

26 """ 

27 self.link = link 

28 self.name = name 

29 self.cpt_id = cpt_id 

30 if isinstance(metric, str): 

31 metric = metric.split(',') 

32 if not isinstance(metric, list): 

33 metric = [metric] 

34 self.metrics = metric 

35 self.datafile = datafile 

36 self.description = description 

37 self.expected_values = self._load_values(expected_values) 


39 def _load_values(self, values): 

40 """ 

41 Converts values into a list of list of values, 

42 one per metrics. 

43 """ 

44 if isinstance(values, str): 

45 if '\n' in values: 

46 st = StringIO(values) 

47 res = pandas.read_csv(st) 

48 else: 

49 if self.datafile is None: 

50 self.datafile = values 

51 res = pandas.read_csv(values) 

52 elif isinstance(values, list): 

53 if len(values) == 0: 

54 raise ValueError("values cannot be empty") 

55 if isinstance(values[0], dict): 

56 res = pandas.DataFrame(values, dtype=float) 

57 else: 

58 res = pandas.DataFrame(numpy.array(values), dtype=float) 

59 if res.shape[0] < res.shape[1]: 

60 res = res.T.reset_index(drop=True) 

61 res.columns = ["exp%d" % i for i in range(res.shape[1])] 

62 elif isinstance(values, pandas.DataFrame): 

63 res = values 

64 else: 

65 raise TypeError( 

66 "Unexpected type for expected_values: {0}".format(type(values))) 

67 return res 


69 def evaluate(self, values): 

70 """ 

71 Evaluates received values. 


73 @param values list of values 

74 @return dictionary {metric: res} 

75 """ 

76 res = {} 

77 values = self._load_values(values) 

78 for met in self.metrics: 

79 res[met] = self.evaluate_metric(met, self.expected_values, values) 

80 return res 


82 def evaluate_metric(self, met, exp, val): 

83 """ 

84 Evaluates a metric. 


86 @param met metric 

87 @param exp expected value 

88 @param val values 

89 @return result 

90 """ 

91 if met == "mse": 

92 return mse(exp, val) 

93 elif met == "roc_auc_score_micro": 

94 return roc_auc_score_micro(exp, val) 

95 elif met == "roc_auc_score_macro": 

96 return roc_auc_score_macro(exp, val) 

97 else: 

98 return sklearn_metric(met, exp, val) 


100 @property 

101 def metric(self): 

102 """ 

103 Returns the metrics in a single string. 

104 """ 

105 return ",".join(self.metrics) 


107 def to_dict(self): 

108 """ 

109 Convert a competition into a dictionary. 

110 """ 

111 s = StringIO() 

112 self.expected_values.to_csv(s, index=False) 

113 val = s.getvalue() 

114 return dict(cpt_id=self.cpt_id, link=self.link, name=self.name, 

115 description=self.description, expected_values=val, 

116 metric=",".join(self.metrics), datafile=self.datafile) 


118 @staticmethod 

119 def to_records(list_cpt): 

120 """ 

121 Converts a list of competitions into a list of dictionaries. 

122 """ 

123 res = [] 

124 for cpt in list_cpt: 

125 for met in cpt.metrics: 

126 s = StringIO() 

127 cpt.expected_values.to_csv(s, index=False) 

128 val = s.getvalue() 

129 d = dict(link=cpt.link, cpt_name=cpt.name, metric=met, 

130 description=cpt.description, expected_values=val) 

131 res.append(d) 

132 return res