Source code for mlprodict.onnx_grammar.onnx_translation

One class which visits a syntax tree.

import inspect
import ast
from textwrap import dedent
import numpy
from scipy.spatial.distance import squareform, pdist
from .node_visitor_translator import CodeNodeVisitor

[docs]def py_make_float_array(cst, op_version=None): """ Creates an array with a single element from a constant. :param cst: constant :param op_version: unused :return: array .. runpython:: :showcode: from mlprodict.onnx_grammar.onnx_translation import py_make_float_array print(py_make_float_array(5.5)) :githublink:`%|py|27` """ return numpy.array([cst], dtype=numpy.float32)
[docs]def py_pow(x, p, op_version=None): """ Function for python operator ``**``. :param x: float :param p: power :param op_version: unused :return: :math:`x^p` :githublink:`%|py|39` """ return x ** p
[docs]def py_mul(*x, op_version=None): """ Function for python operator ``*``. :param x: floats :param op_version: unused :return: `x*y` :githublink:`%|py|50` """ if len(x) == 2: return x[0] * x[1] p = x[0] for y in x[1:]: p *= y return p
[docs]def py_opp(x, op_version=None): """ Function for python unary operator ``-``. :param x: floats :param op_version: unused :return: `-x` :githublink:`%|py|66` """ return -x
[docs]def squareform_pdist(X, metric='sqeuclidean', op_version=None): """ Replacements for `squareform <>`_ and `pdist <>`_. :githublink:`%|py|76` """ return squareform(pdist(X, metric=metric))
[docs]def get_default_context(): """ Returns a default context useful for most of the conversion from a function using :epkg:`numpy` into :epkg:`ONNX`. :githublink:`%|py|84` """ context = {'py_pow': py_pow, 'py_make_float_array': py_make_float_array, 'py_mul': py_mul, 'py_opp': py_opp, 'cdist': 'cdist', 'squareform_pdist': 'squareform_pdist'} allow = set(('abs add ceil arccos arccosh arcsin arcsinh arctan arctanh ceil cos cosh divide' 'equal exp floor greater invert less log matmul maximum minimum mod' 'multiply power sign sin sinh sqrt square subtract tan tanh transpose').split()) for k, v in numpy.__dict__.items(): if k not in allow: continue context['numpy.%s' % k] = v context['np.%s' % k] = v return context
[docs]def get_default_context_cpl(): """ Returns a default useful context to compile the converter returned by :func:`translate_fct2onnx <mlprodict.onnx_grammar.onnx_translation.translate_fct2onnx>`. :githublink:`%|py|103` """ ctx = {'py_make_float_array': py_make_float_array, 'py_pow': py_pow, 'py_mul': py_mul, 'py_opp': py_opp, 'numpy': numpy} try: from skl2onnx.algebra.complex_functions import onnx_squareform_pdist from skl2onnx.algebra.complex_functions import onnx_cdist ctx['onnx_squareform_pdist'] = onnx_squareform_pdist ctx['onnx_cdist'] = onnx_cdist except ImportError: # pragma: no cover # Too old version for skl2onnx. pass from skl2onnx.algebra import onnx_ops from skl2onnx.algebra.onnx_operator import OnnxOperator d = onnx_ops.__dict__ for k, v in d.items(): try: if k.startswith("Onnx") and issubclass(v, OnnxOperator): ctx[k] = v except TypeError as e: if inspect.isfunction(v): continue raise RuntimeError( # pragma: no cover "Issue with {}={} (type={})".format(k, v, type(v))) from e return ctx
[docs]def translate_fct2onnx(fct, context=None, cpl=False, context_cpl=None, output_names=None, dtype=numpy.float32, verbose=0, fLOG=None): """ Translates a function into :epkg:`ONNX`. The code it produces is using classes *OnnxAbs*, *OnnxAdd*, ... :param fct: function to convert :param context: context of the function to convert something like ``{'numpy.transpose': numpy.transpose}``, if *context* is None, it receives a default value returnd by :func:`get_default_context <mlprodict.onnx_grammar.onnx_translation.get_default_context>` :param cpl: compile the function after it was created :param context_cpl: context used at compiling time if *context_cpl* is None, it receives a default value returnd by :func:`get_default_context_cpl <mlprodict.onnx_grammar.onnx_translation.get_default_context_cpl>` :param output_names: names of the output in the :epkg:`ONNX` graph :param dtype: :epkg:`numpy` float type used to produce the model :param verbose: integer, display more information :param fLOG: logging function :return: code or compiled code .. exref:: :title: Convert a function into ONNX code The following code parses a python function and returns another python function which produces an :epkg:`ONNX` graph if executed. .. runpython:: :showcode: :process: :store_in_file: import numpy from mlprodict.onnx_grammar import translate_fct2onnx def trs(x, y): z = x + numpy.transpose(y, axes=[1, 0]) return x * z onnx_code = translate_fct2onnx( trs, context={'numpy.transpose': numpy.transpose}) print(onnx_code) Next example goes further and compile the outcome. .. exref:: :title: Convert a function into ONNX code and run The following code parses a python function and returns another python function which produces an :epkg:`ONNX` graph if executed. The example executes the function, creates an :epkg:`ONNX` then uses :class:`OnnxInference <mlprodict.onnxrt.onnx_inference.OnnxInference>` to compute *predictions*. Finally it compares them to the original. .. runpython:: :showcode: :process: :store_in_file: import numpy from mlprodict.onnx_grammar import translate_fct2onnx from mlprodict.onnxrt import OnnxInference from skl2onnx.algebra.onnx_ops import ( OnnxAdd, OnnxTranspose, OnnxMul, OnnxIdentity ) ctx = {'OnnxAdd': OnnxAdd, 'OnnxTranspose': OnnxTranspose, 'OnnxMul': OnnxMul, 'OnnxIdentity': OnnxIdentity} def trs(x, y): z = x + numpy.transpose(y, axes=[1, 0]) return x * z inputs = {'x': numpy.array([[1, 2]], dtype=numpy.float32), 'y': numpy.array([[-0.3, 0.4]], dtype=numpy.float32).T} original = trs(inputs['x'], inputs['y']) print('original output:', original) onnx_fct = translate_fct2onnx( trs, context={'numpy.transpose': numpy.transpose}, cpl=True, context_cpl=ctx, output_names=['Z']) onnx_code = onnx_fct('x', 'y', opset_version=12) print('ONNX code:', onnx_code) onnx_g = onnx_code.to_onnx(inputs, target_opset=12) oinf = OnnxInference(onnx_g) res = print("ONNX inference:", res['Z']) print("ONNX graph:", onnx_g) The function to be converted may include python functions which must not be converted. In that case, their name must be prefixed by ``py_``. The execution of the function this one builds produces the following error:: TypeError: Parameter to MergeFrom() must be instance of same class: expected onnx.TensorProto got onnx.AttributeProto. It indicates that constants in the code marges multiple types, usually floats and tensor of floats. Floats should be converted using the following function:: def py_make_float_array(cst): return numpy.array([cst], dtype=numpy.float32) The function replaces empty contexts by default values which covers many :epkg:`numpy` functions. The tutorial :ref:`l-onnx-tutorial` gives an example of how it can be used on a more complex function. :githublink:`%|py|252` """ def compile_code(name, code, context=None): """ Compiles a python function with the given context. :param name: function name :param code: python code :param context: context used at compilation :return: compiled function :githublink:`%|py|262` """ if context is None: context = {} # pragma: no cover try: obj = compile(code, "", "exec") except SyntaxError as e: # pragma: no cover raise SyntaxError("Unable to compile\n{}".format(code)) from e context_g = context.copy() context_l = context.copy() exec(obj, context_g, context_l) # pylint: disable=W0122 return context_l[name] if isinstance(fct, str): code = fct elif callable(fct): code = inspect.getsource(fct) else: raise TypeError( # pragma: no cover "Unable to guess code from type {}.".format(type(fct))) node = ast.parse(dedent(code)) v = CodeNodeVisitor() v.visit(node) if context is None: context = get_default_context() onnx_code = v.export(context=context, output_names=output_names) if not cpl: return onnx_code if verbose > 0 and fLOG is not None: # pragma: no cover fLOG('[translate_fct2onnx] python code') fLOG(code) fLOG('[translate_fct2onnx] ONNX code') fLOG(onnx_code) if context_cpl is None: context_cpl = get_default_context_cpl() if 'numpy' not in context_cpl: context_cpl = context_cpl.copy() context_cpl['numpy'] = numpy return compile_code(fct.__name__, onnx_code, context_cpl)