Source code for mlprodict.onnxrt.doc.nb_helper

Helpers for notebooks.

from IPython.core.magic import magics_class, line_magic
from jyquickhelper import RenderJsDot
from pyquickhelper.ipythonhelper import MagicCommandParser, MagicClassWithHelpers
from pyquickhelper.cli.cli_helper import create_cli_parser
from ..onnx_inference import OnnxInference

[docs]def onnxview(graph, recursive=False, local=False, add_rt_shapes=False): """ Displays an :epkg:`ONNX` graph into a notebook. :param graph: filename, bytes, or :epkg:`onnx` graph. :param recursive: display subgraph :param local: use local path to javascript dependencies, recommanded option if used on :epkg:`MyBinder`) :param add_rt_shapes: add information about the shapes the runtime was able to find out, the runtime has to be `'python'` :githublink:`%|py|23` """ sess = OnnxInference(graph, skip_run=not add_rt_shapes) dot = sess.to_dot(recursive=recursive, add_rt_shapes=add_rt_shapes) return RenderJsDot(dot, local=local)
[docs]@magics_class class OnnxNotebook(MagicClassWithHelpers): """ Defines magic commands to help with notebooks .. versionadded:: 1.1 :githublink:`%|py|36` """
[docs] @line_magic def onnxview(self, line): """ Defines ``%onnxview`` which displays an :epkg:`ONNX` graph. .. nbref:: :title: onnxview The magic command ``%onnxview model_onnx`` is equivalent to function :func:`onnxview <mlprodict.onnxrt.doc.nb_helper.onnxview>`: :: onnx_view(model_onnx) It displays a visual representation of an :epkg:`ONNX` graph. :githublink:`%|py|56` """ parser = self.get_parser( lambda: create_cli_parser(onnxview, cls=MagicCommandParser, positional={'graph'}), "onnxview") args = self.get_args(line, parser) if args is not None: res = onnxview(args.graph, recursive=args.recursive, local=args.local, add_rt_shapes=args.add_rt_shapes) return res return None
[docs]def register_onnx_magics(ip=None): # pragma: no cover """ Register magics function, can be called from a notebook. :param ip: from ``get_ipython()`` :githublink:`%|py|74` """ if ip is None: from IPython import get_ipython ip = get_ipython() ip.register_magics(OnnxNotebook)