Source code for mlprodict.onnxrt.validate.validate

Validates runtime for many :scikit-learn: operators.
The submodule relies on :epkg:`onnxconverter_common`,

import pprint
from inspect import signature
import numpy
from numpy.linalg import LinAlgError
import sklearn
from sklearn import __all__ as sklearn__all__, __version__ as sklearn_version
from sklearn.exceptions import ConvergenceWarning
from sklearn.utils._testing import ignore_warnings
from ... import __version__ as ort_version
from ...onnx_conv import to_onnx, register_converters, register_rewritten_operators
from import analyze_model, set_random_state
from import (
    get_opset_number_from_onnx, get_ir_version_from_onnx)
from ..onnx_inference import OnnxInference
from ..optim.sklearn_helper import inspect_sklearn_model, set_n_jobs
from ..optim.onnx_helper import onnx_statistics
from ..optim import onnx_optimisations
from .validate_problems import find_suitable_problem
from .validate_scenarios import _extra_parameters
from .validate_difference import measure_relative_difference
from .validate_helper import (
    _dispsimple, sklearn_operators,
    _measure_time, _shape_exc, dump_into_folder,
    default_time_kwargs, RuntimeBadResultsError,
    _dictionary2str, _merge_options, _multiply_time_kwargs,
from .validate_benchmark import benchmark_fct

[docs]@ignore_warnings(category=(UserWarning, ConvergenceWarning)) def _dofit_model(dofit, obs, inst, X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test, Xort_test, init_types, store_models, debug, verbose, fLOG): if dofit: if verbose >= 2 and fLOG is not None: fLOG("[enumerate_compatible_opset] fit, type: '{}' dtype: {}".format( type(X_train), getattr(X_train, 'dtype', '-'))) try: set_random_state(inst) if y_train is None: t4 = _measure_time(lambda:[1] else: t4 = _measure_time( lambda:, y_train))[1] except (AttributeError, TypeError, ValueError, IndexError, NotImplementedError, MemoryError, LinAlgError, StopIteration) as e: if debug: raise # pragma: no cover obs["_1training_time_exc"] = str(e) return False obs["training_time"] = t4 try: skl_st = inspect_sklearn_model(inst) except NotImplementedError: skl_st = {} obs.update({'skl_' + k: v for k, v in skl_st.items()}) if store_models: obs['MODEL'] = inst obs['X_test'] = X_test obs['Xort_test'] = Xort_test obs['init_types'] = init_types else: obs["training_time"] = 0. if store_models: obs['MODEL'] = inst obs['init_types'] = init_types return True
[docs]def _run_skl_prediction(obs, check_runtime, assume_finite, inst, method_name, predict_kwargs, X_test, benchmark, debug, verbose, time_kwargs, skip_long_test, time_kwargs_fact, fLOG): if not check_runtime: return None # pragma: no cover if verbose >= 2 and fLOG is not None: fLOG("[enumerate_compatible_opset] check_runtime SKL {}-{}-{}-{}-{}".format( id(inst), method_name, predict_kwargs, time_kwargs, time_kwargs_fact)) with sklearn.config_context(assume_finite=assume_finite): # compute sklearn prediction obs['ort_version'] = ort_version try: meth = getattr(inst, method_name) except AttributeError as e: if debug: raise # pragma: no cover obs['_2skl_meth_exc'] = str(e) return e try: ypred, t4, ___ = _measure_time( lambda: meth(X_test, **predict_kwargs)) obs['lambda-skl'] = (lambda xo: meth(xo, **predict_kwargs), X_test) except (ValueError, AttributeError, TypeError, MemoryError, IndexError) as e: if debug: raise # pragma: no cover obs['_3prediction_exc'] = str(e) return e obs['prediction_time'] = t4 obs['assume_finite'] = assume_finite if benchmark and 'lambda-skl' in obs: obs['bench-skl'] = benchmark_fct( *obs['lambda-skl'], obs=obs, time_kwargs=_multiply_time_kwargs( time_kwargs, time_kwargs_fact, inst), skip_long_test=skip_long_test) if verbose >= 3 and fLOG is not None: fLOG("[enumerate_compatible_opset] scikit-learn prediction") _dispsimple(ypred, fLOG) if verbose >= 2 and fLOG is not None: fLOG("[enumerate_compatible_opset] predictions stored") return ypred
[docs]def _retrieve_problems_extra(model, verbose, fLOG, extended_list): """ Use by :func:`enumerate_compatible_opset <mlprodict.onnxrt.validate.validate.enumerate_compatible_opset>`. :githublink:`%|py|128` """ extras = None if extended_list: from ...onnx_conv.validate_scenarios import find_suitable_problem as fsp_extended problems = fsp_extended(model) if problems is not None: from ...onnx_conv.validate_scenarios import build_custom_scenarios as fsp_scenarios extra_parameters = fsp_scenarios() if verbose >= 2 and fLOG is not None: fLOG( "[enumerate_compatible_opset] found custom for model={}".format(model)) extras = extra_parameters.get(model, None) if extras is not None: fLOG( "[enumerate_compatible_opset] found custom scenarios={}".format(extras)) else: problems = None if problems is None: # scikit-learn extra_parameters = _extra_parameters try: problems = find_suitable_problem(model) except RuntimeError as e: return {'name': model.__name__, 'skl_version': sklearn_version, '_0problem_exc': e}, extras extras = extra_parameters.get(model, [('default', {})]) # checks existence of random_state sig = signature(model.__init__) if 'random_state' in sig.parameters: new_extras = [] for extra in extras: if 'random_state' not in extra[1]: ps = extra[1].copy() ps['random_state'] = 42 if len(extra) == 2: extra = (extra[0], ps) else: extra = (extra[0], ps) + extra[2:] new_extras.append(extra) extras = new_extras return problems, extras
[docs]def enumerate_compatible_opset(model, opset_min=-1, opset_max=-1, # pylint: disable=R0914 check_runtime=True, debug=False, runtime='python', dump_folder=None, store_models=False, benchmark=False, assume_finite=True, node_time=False, fLOG=print, filter_exp=None, verbose=0, time_kwargs=None, extended_list=False, dump_all=False, n_features=None, skip_long_test=True, filter_scenario=None, time_kwargs_fact=None, time_limit=4, n_jobs=None): """ Lists all compatible opsets for a specific model. :param model: operator class :param opset_min: starts with this opset :param opset_max: ends with this opset (None to use current onnx opset) :param check_runtime: checks that runtime can consume the model and compute predictions :param debug: catch exception (True) or not (False) :param runtime: test a specific runtime, by default ``'python'`` :param dump_folder: dump information to replicate in case of mismatch :param dump_all: dump all models not only the one which fail :param store_models: if True, the function also stores the fitted model and its conversion into :epkg:`ONNX` :param benchmark: if True, measures the time taken by each function to predict for different number of rows :param fLOG: logging function :param filter_exp: function which tells if the experiment must be run, None to run all, takes *model, problem* as an input :param filter_scenario: second function which tells if the experiment must be run, None to run all, takes *model, problem, scenario, extra, options* as an input :param node_time: collect time for each node in the :epkg:`ONNX` graph :param assume_finite: See `config_context < sklearn.config_context.html>`_, If True, validation for finiteness will be skipped, saving time, but leading to potential crashes. If False, validation for finiteness will be performed, avoiding error. :param verbose: verbosity :param extended_list: extends the list to custom converters and problems :param time_kwargs: to define a more precise way to measure a model :param n_features: modifies the shorts datasets used to train the models to use exactly this number of features, it can also be a list to test multiple datasets :param skip_long_test: skips tests for high values of N if they seem too long :param time_kwargs_fact: see :func:`_multiply_time_kwargs <mlprodict.onnxrt.validate.validate_helper._multiply_time_kwargs>` :param time_limit: to stop benchmarking after this amount of time was spent :param n_jobs: *n_jobs* is set to the number of CPU by default unless this value is changed :return: dictionaries, each row has the following keys: opset, exception if any, conversion time, problem chosen to test the conversion... The function requires :epkg:`sklearn-onnx`. The outcome can be seen at pages references by :ref:`l-onnx-availability`. The parameter *time_kwargs* is a dictionary which defines the number of times to repeat the same predictions in order to give more precise figures. The default value (if None) is returned by the following code: .. runpython:: :showcode: from mlprodict.onnxrt.validate.validate_helper import default_time_kwargs import pprint pprint.pprint(default_time_kwargs()) Parameter *time_kwargs_fact* multiples these values for some specific models. ``'lin'`` multiplies by 10 when the model is linear. :githublink:`%|py|250` """ if opset_min == -1: opset_min = get_opset_number_from_onnx() # pragma: no cover if opset_max == -1: opset_max = get_opset_number_from_onnx() # pragma: no cover if verbose > 0 and fLOG is not None: fLOG("[enumerate_compatible_opset] opset in [{}, {}].".format( opset_min, opset_max)) if verbose > 1 and fLOG: fLOG("[enumerate_compatible_opset] validate class '{}'.".format( model.__name__)) if verbose > 2: fLOG(model) if time_kwargs is None: time_kwargs = default_time_kwargs() problems, extras = _retrieve_problems_extra( model, verbose, fLOG, extended_list) if isinstance(problems, dict): yield problems # pragma: no cover problems = [] # pragma: no cover if opset_max is None: opset_max = get_opset_number_from_onnx() # pragma: no cover opsets = list(range(opset_min, opset_max + 1)) # pragma: no cover opsets.append(None) # pragma: no cover else: opsets = list(range(opset_min, opset_max + 1)) if extras is None: problems = [] yield {'name': model.__name__, 'skl_version': sklearn_version, '_0problem_exc': 'SKIPPED'} if not isinstance(n_features, list): n_features = [n_features] for prob in problems: if filter_exp is not None and not filter_exp(model, prob): continue for n_feature in n_features: if verbose >= 2 and fLOG is not None: fLOG("[enumerate_compatible_opset] problem={} n_feature={}".format( prob, n_feature)) (X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test, Xort_test, init_types, conv_options, method_name, output_index, dofit, predict_kwargs) = _get_problem_data(prob, n_feature) for scenario_extra in extras: subset_problems = None optimisations = None new_conv_options = None if len(scenario_extra) > 2: options = scenario_extra[2] if isinstance(options, dict): subset_problems = options.get('subset_problems', None) optimisations = options.get('optim', None) new_conv_options = options.get('conv_options', None) else: subset_problems = options if subset_problems and isinstance(subset_problems, (list, set)): if prob not in subset_problems: # Skips unrelated problem for a specific configuration. continue elif subset_problems is not None: raise RuntimeError( # pragma: no cover "subset_problems must be a set or a list not {}.".format( subset_problems)) try: scenario, extra = scenario_extra[:2] except TypeError as e: # pragma: no cover raise TypeError( "Unable to interpret 'scenario_extra'\n{}".format( scenario_extra)) from e if optimisations is None: optimisations = [None] if new_conv_options is None: new_conv_options = [{}] if (filter_scenario is not None and not filter_scenario(model, prob, scenario, extra, new_conv_options)): continue if verbose >= 2 and fLOG is not None: fLOG("[enumerate_compatible_opset] ##############################") fLOG("[enumerate_compatible_opset] scenario={} optim={} extra={} dofit={} (problem={})".format( scenario, optimisations, extra, dofit, prob)) # training obs = {'scenario': scenario, 'name': model.__name__, 'skl_version': sklearn_version, 'problem': prob, 'method_name': method_name, 'output_index': output_index, 'fit': dofit, 'conv_options': conv_options, 'idtype': Xort_test.dtype, 'predict_kwargs': predict_kwargs, 'init_types': init_types, 'inst': extra if extra else None, 'n_features': X_train.shape[1] if len(X_train.shape) == 2 else 1} inst = None extra = set_n_jobs(model, extra, n_jobs=n_jobs) try: inst = model(**extra) except TypeError as e: # pragma: no cover if debug: # pragma: no cover raise if "__init__() missing" not in str(e): raise RuntimeError( "Unable to instantiate model '{}'.\nextra=\n{}".format( model.__name__, pprint.pformat(extra))) from e yield obs.copy() continue if not _dofit_model(dofit, obs, inst, X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test, Xort_test, init_types, store_models, debug, verbose, fLOG): yield obs.copy() continue # statistics about the trained model skl_infos = analyze_model(inst) for k, v in skl_infos.items(): obs['fit_' + k] = v # runtime ypred = _run_skl_prediction( obs, check_runtime, assume_finite, inst, method_name, predict_kwargs, X_test, benchmark, debug, verbose, time_kwargs, skip_long_test, time_kwargs_fact, fLOG) if isinstance(ypred, Exception): yield obs.copy() continue for run_obs in _call_conv_runtime_opset( obs=obs.copy(), opsets=opsets, debug=debug, new_conv_options=new_conv_options, model=model, prob=prob, scenario=scenario, extra=extra, extras=extras, conv_options=conv_options, init_types=init_types, inst=inst, optimisations=optimisations, verbose=verbose, benchmark=benchmark, runtime=runtime, filter_scenario=filter_scenario, X_test=X_test, y_test=y_test, ypred=ypred, Xort_test=Xort_test, method_name=method_name, check_runtime=check_runtime, output_index=output_index, kwargs=dict( dump_all=dump_all, dump_folder=dump_folder, node_time=node_time, skip_long_test=skip_long_test, store_models=store_models, time_kwargs=_multiply_time_kwargs( time_kwargs, time_kwargs_fact, inst) ), time_limit=time_limit, fLOG=fLOG): yield run_obs
[docs]def _check_run_benchmark(benchmark, stat_onnx, bench_memo, runtime): unique = set(stat_onnx.items()) unique.add(runtime) run_benchmark = benchmark and all( map(lambda u: unique != u, bench_memo)) if run_benchmark: bench_memo.append(unique) return run_benchmark
[docs]def _call_conv_runtime_opset( obs, opsets, debug, new_conv_options, model, prob, scenario, extra, extras, conv_options, init_types, inst, optimisations, verbose, benchmark, runtime, filter_scenario, check_runtime, X_test, y_test, ypred, Xort_test, method_name, output_index, kwargs, time_limit, fLOG): # Calls the conversion and runtime for different opets if None in opsets: set_opsets = [None] + list(sorted((_ for _ in opsets if _ is not None), reverse=True)) else: set_opsets = list(sorted(opsets, reverse=True)) bench_memo = [] for opset in set_opsets: if verbose >= 2 and fLOG is not None: fLOG("[enumerate_compatible_opset] opset={} init_types={}".format( opset, init_types)) obs_op = obs.copy() if opset is not None: obs_op['opset'] = opset if len(init_types) != 1: raise NotImplementedError( # pragma: no cover "Multiple types are is not implemented: " "{}.".format(init_types)) if not isinstance(runtime, list): runtime = [runtime] obs_op_0c = obs_op.copy() for aoptions in new_conv_options: obs_op = obs_op_0c.copy() all_conv_options = {} if conv_options is None else conv_options.copy() all_conv_options = _merge_options( all_conv_options, aoptions) obs_op['conv_options'] = all_conv_options if (filter_scenario is not None and not filter_scenario(model, prob, scenario, extra, all_conv_options)): continue for rt in runtime: def fct_conv(itt=inst, it=init_types[0][1], ops=opset, options=all_conv_options): return to_onnx(itt, it, target_opset=ops, options=options, rewrite_ops=rt in ('', None, 'python', 'python_compiled')) if verbose >= 2 and fLOG is not None: fLOG( "[enumerate_compatible_opset] conversion to onnx: {}".format(all_conv_options)) try: conv, t4 = _measure_time(fct_conv)[:2] obs_op["convert_time"] = t4 except (RuntimeError, IndexError, AttributeError, TypeError, ValueError, NameError, NotImplementedError) as e: if debug: fLOG(pprint.pformat(obs_op)) # pragma: no cover raise # pragma: no cover obs_op["_4convert_exc"] = e yield obs_op.copy() continue if verbose >= 6 and fLOG is not None: fLOG( # pragma: no cover "[enumerate_compatible_opset] ONNX:\n{}".format(conv)) if all_conv_options.get('optim', '') == 'cdist': # pragma: no cover check_cdist = [_ for _ in str(conv).split('\n') if 'CDist' in _] check_scan = [_ for _ in str(conv).split('\n') if 'Scan' in _] if len(check_cdist) == 0 and len(check_scan) > 0: raise RuntimeError( "Operator CDist was not used in\n{}" "".format(conv)) obs_op0 = obs_op.copy() for optimisation in optimisations: obs_op = obs_op0.copy() if optimisation is not None: if optimisation == 'onnx': obs_op['optim'] = optimisation if len(aoptions) != 0: obs_op['optim'] += '/' + \ _dictionary2str(aoptions) conv = onnx_optimisations(conv) else: raise ValueError( # pragma: no cover "Unknown optimisation option '{}' (extra={})" "".format(optimisation, extras)) else: obs_op['optim'] = _dictionary2str(aoptions) if verbose >= 3 and fLOG is not None: fLOG("[enumerate_compatible_opset] optim='{}' optimisation={} all_conv_options={}".format( obs_op['optim'], optimisation, all_conv_options)) if kwargs['store_models']: obs_op['ONNX'] = conv if verbose >= 2 and fLOG is not None: fLOG( # pragma: no cover "[enumerate_compatible_opset] onnx nodes: {}".format( len(conv.graph.node))) stat_onnx = onnx_statistics(conv) obs_op.update( {'onx_' + k: v for k, v in stat_onnx.items()}) # opset_domain for op_imp in list(conv.opset_import): obs_op['domain_opset_%s' % op_imp.domain] = op_imp.version run_benchmark = _check_run_benchmark( benchmark, stat_onnx, bench_memo, rt) # prediction if check_runtime: yield _call_runtime(obs_op=obs_op.copy(), conv=conv, opset=opset, debug=debug, runtime=rt, inst=inst, X_test=X_test, y_test=y_test, init_types=init_types, method_name=method_name, output_index=output_index, ypred=ypred, Xort_test=Xort_test, model=model, dump_folder=kwargs['dump_folder'], benchmark=run_benchmark, node_time=kwargs['node_time'], time_kwargs=kwargs['time_kwargs'], fLOG=fLOG, verbose=verbose, store_models=kwargs['store_models'], dump_all=kwargs['dump_all'], skip_long_test=kwargs['skip_long_test'], time_limit=time_limit) else: yield obs_op.copy() # pragma: no cover
[docs]def _call_runtime(obs_op, conv, opset, debug, inst, runtime, X_test, y_test, init_types, method_name, output_index, ypred, Xort_test, model, dump_folder, benchmark, node_time, fLOG, verbose, store_models, time_kwargs, dump_all, skip_long_test, time_limit): """ Private. :githublink:`%|py|574` """ if 'onnxruntime' in runtime: old = conv.ir_version conv.ir_version = get_ir_version_from_onnx() else: old = None ser, t5, ___ = _measure_time(lambda: conv.SerializeToString()) obs_op['tostring_time'] = t5 obs_op['runtime'] = runtime if old is not None: conv.ir_version = old # load if verbose >= 2 and fLOG is not None: fLOG("[enumerate_compatible_opset-R] load onnx") try: sess, t5, ___ = _measure_time( lambda: OnnxInference(ser, runtime=runtime)) obs_op['tostring_time'] = t5 except (RuntimeError, ValueError, KeyError, IndexError, TypeError) as e: if debug: raise # pragma: no cover obs_op['_5ort_load_exc'] = e return obs_op # compute batch if store_models: obs_op['OINF'] = sess if verbose >= 2 and fLOG is not None: fLOG("[enumerate_compatible_opset-R] compute batch with runtime " "'{}'".format(runtime)) def fct_batch(se=sess, xo=Xort_test, it=init_types): # pylint: disable=W0102 return{it[0][0]: xo}, verbose=max(verbose - 1, 1) if debug else 0, fLOG=fLOG) try: opred, t5, ___ = _measure_time(fct_batch) obs_op['ort_run_time_batch'] = t5 obs_op['lambda-batch'] = (lambda xo: {init_types[0][0]: xo}, node_time=node_time), Xort_test) except (RuntimeError, TypeError, ValueError, KeyError, IndexError) as e: if debug: raise RuntimeError("Issue with {}.".format( obs_op)) from e # pragma: no cover obs_op['_6ort_run_batch_exc'] = e if (benchmark or node_time) and 'lambda-batch' in obs_op: try: benres = benchmark_fct(*obs_op['lambda-batch'], obs=obs_op, node_time=node_time, time_kwargs=time_kwargs, skip_long_test=skip_long_test, time_limit=time_limit) obs_op['bench-batch'] = benres except (RuntimeError, TypeError, ValueError) as e: # pragma: no cover if debug: raise e # pragma: no cover obs_op['_6ort_run_batch_exc'] = e obs_op['_6ort_run_batch_bench_exc'] = e # difference debug_exc = [] if verbose >= 2 and fLOG is not None: fLOG("[enumerate_compatible_opset-R] differences") if '_6ort_run_batch_exc' not in obs_op: if isinstance(opred, dict): ch = [(k, v) for k, v in opred.items()] opred = [_[1] for _ in ch] if output_index != 'all': try: opred = opred[output_index] except IndexError as e: # pragma: no cover if debug: raise IndexError( "Issue with output_index={}/{}".format( output_index, len(opred))) from e obs_op['_8max_rel_diff_batch_exc'] = ( "Unable to fetch output {}/{} for model '{}'" "".format(output_index, len(opred), model.__name__)) opred = None if opred is not None: if store_models: obs_op['skl_outputs'] = ypred obs_op['ort_outputs'] = opred if verbose >= 3 and fLOG is not None: fLOG("[_call_runtime] runtime prediction") _dispsimple(opred, fLOG) if (method_name == "decision_function" and hasattr(opred, 'shape') and hasattr(ypred, 'shape') and len(opred.shape) == 2 and opred.shape[1] == 2 and len(ypred.shape) == 1): # decision_function, for binary classification, # raw score is a distance max_rel_diff = measure_relative_difference( ypred, opred[:, 1]) else: max_rel_diff = measure_relative_difference( ypred, opred) if max_rel_diff >= 1e9 and debug: # pragma: no cover _shape = lambda o: o.shape if hasattr( o, 'shape') else 'no shape' raise RuntimeError( "Big difference (opset={}, runtime='{}' p='{}' s='{}')" ":\n-------\n{}-{}\n{}\n--------\n{}-{}\n{}".format( opset, runtime, obs_op['problem'], obs_op['scenario'], type(ypred), _shape(ypred), ypred, type(opred), _shape(opred), opred)) if numpy.isnan(max_rel_diff): obs_op['_8max_rel_diff_batch_exc'] = ( # pragma: no cover "Unable to compute differences between" " {}-{}\n{}\n--------\n{}".format( _shape_exc( ypred), _shape_exc(opred), ypred, opred)) if debug: # pragma: no cover debug_exc.append(RuntimeError( obs_op['_8max_rel_diff_batch_exc'])) else: obs_op['max_rel_diff_batch'] = max_rel_diff if dump_folder and max_rel_diff > 1e-5: dump_into_folder(dump_folder, kind='batch', obs_op=obs_op, X_test=X_test, y_test=y_test, Xort_test=Xort_test) if debug and max_rel_diff >= 0.1: # pragma: no cover raise RuntimeError("Two big differences {}\n{}\n{}\n{}".format( max_rel_diff, inst, conv, pprint.pformat(obs_op))) if debug and len(debug_exc) == 2: raise debug_exc[0] # pragma: no cover if debug and verbose >= 2: # pragma: no cover if verbose >= 3: fLOG(pprint.pformat(obs_op)) else: obs_op_log = {k: v for k, v in obs_op.items() if 'lambda-' not in k} fLOG(pprint.pformat(obs_op_log)) if verbose >= 2 and fLOG is not None: fLOG("[enumerate_compatible_opset-R] next...") if dump_all: dump = dump_into_folder(dump_folder, kind='batch', obs_op=obs_op, X_test=X_test, y_test=y_test, Xort_test=Xort_test, is_error=len(debug_exc) > 1, onnx_bytes=conv.SerializeToString(), skl_model=inst, ypred=ypred) obs_op['dumped'] = dump return obs_op
[docs]def _enumerate_validated_operator_opsets_ops(extended_list, models, skip_models): ops = [_ for _ in sklearn_operators(extended=extended_list)] if models is not None: if not all(map(lambda m: isinstance(m, str), models)): raise ValueError( # pragma: no cover "models must be a set of strings.") ops_ = [_ for _ in ops if _['name'] in models] if len(ops) == 0: raise ValueError( # pragma: no cover "Parameter models is wrong: {}\n{}".format( models, ops[0])) ops = ops_ if skip_models is not None: ops = [m for m in ops if m['name'] not in skip_models] return ops
[docs]def _enumerate_validated_operator_opsets_version(runtime): from numpy import __version__ as numpy_version from onnx import __version__ as onnx_version from scipy import __version__ as scipy_version from skl2onnx import __version__ as skl2onnx_version add_versions = {'v_numpy': numpy_version, 'v_onnx': onnx_version, 'v_scipy': scipy_version, 'v_skl2onnx': skl2onnx_version, 'v_sklearn': sklearn_version, 'v_onnxruntime': ort_version} if "onnxruntime" in runtime: from onnxruntime import __version__ as onnxrt_version add_versions['v_onnxruntime'] = onnxrt_version return add_versions
[docs]def enumerate_validated_operator_opsets(verbose=0, opset_min=-1, opset_max=-1, check_runtime=True, debug=False, runtime='python', models=None, dump_folder=None, store_models=False, benchmark=False, skip_models=None, assume_finite=True, node_time=False, fLOG=print, filter_exp=None, versions=False, extended_list=False, time_kwargs=None, dump_all=False, n_features=None, skip_long_test=True, fail_bad_results=False, filter_scenario=None, time_kwargs_fact=None, time_limit=4, n_jobs=None): """ Tests all possible configurations for all possible operators and returns the results. :param verbose: integer 0, 1, 2 :param opset_min: checks conversion starting from the opset, -1 to get the last one :param opset_max: checks conversion up to this opset, None means :func:`get_opset_number_from_onnx`. :param check_runtime: checks the python runtime :param models: only process a small list of operators, set of model names :param debug: stops whenever an exception is raised :param runtime: test a specific runtime, by default ``'python'`` :param dump_folder: dump information to replicate in case of mismatch :param dump_all: dump all models not only the one which fail :param store_models: if True, the function also stores the fitted model and its conversion into :epkg:`ONNX` :param benchmark: if True, measures the time taken by each function to predict for different number of rows :param filter_exp: function which tells if the experiment must be run, None to run all, takes *model, problem* as an input :param filter_scenario: second function which tells if the experiment must be run, None to run all, takes *model, problem, scenario, extra, options* as an input :param skip_models: models to skip :param assume_finite: See `config_context < sklearn.config_context.html>`_, If True, validation for finiteness will be skipped, saving time, but leading to potential crashes. If False, validation for finiteness will be performed, avoiding error. :param node_time: measure time execution for every node in the graph :param versions: add columns with versions of used packages, :epkg:`numpy`, :epkg:`scikit-learn`, :epkg:`onnx`, :epkg:`onnxruntime`, :epkg:`sklearn-onnx` :param extended_list: also check models this module implements a converter for :param time_kwargs: to define a more precise way to measure a model :param n_features: modifies the shorts datasets used to train the models to use exactly this number of features, it can also be a list to test multiple datasets :param skip_long_test: skips tests for high values of N if they seem too long :param fail_bad_results: fails if the results are aligned with :epkg:`scikit-learn` :param time_kwargs_fact: see :func:`_multiply_time_kwargs <mlprodict.onnxrt.validate.validate_helper._multiply_time_kwargs>` :param time_limit: to skip the rest of the test after this limit (in second) :param n_jobs: *n_jobs* is set to the number of CPU by default unless this value is changed :param fLOG: logging function :return: list of dictionaries The function is available through command line :ref:`validate_runtime <l-cmd-validate_runtime>`. The default for *time_kwargs* is the following: .. runpython:: :showcode: from mlprodict.onnxrt.validate.validate_helper import default_time_kwargs import pprint pprint.pprint(default_time_kwargs()) :githublink:`%|py|833` """ register_converters() register_rewritten_operators() ops = _enumerate_validated_operator_opsets_ops( extended_list, models, skip_models) if verbose > 0: def iterate(): for i, row in enumerate(ops): # pragma: no cover fLOG("{}/{} - {}".format(i + 1, len(ops), row)) yield row if verbose >= 11: verbose -= 10 # pragma: no cover loop = iterate() # pragma: no cover else: try: from tqdm import trange def iterate_tqdm(): with trange(len(ops)) as t: for i in t: row = ops[i] disp = row['name'] + " " * (28 - len(row['name'])) t.set_description("%s" % disp) yield row loop = iterate_tqdm() except ImportError: # pragma: no cover loop = iterate() else: loop = ops if versions: add_versions = _enumerate_validated_operator_opsets_version(runtime) else: add_versions = {} current_opset = get_opset_number_from_onnx() if opset_min == -1: opset_min = get_opset_number_from_onnx() if opset_max == -1: opset_max = get_opset_number_from_onnx() if verbose > 0 and fLOG is not None: fLOG("[enumerate_validated_operator_opsets] opset in [{}, {}].".format( opset_min, opset_max)) for row in loop: model = row['cl'] if verbose > 1: fLOG("[enumerate_validated_operator_opsets] - model='{}'".format(model)) for obs in enumerate_compatible_opset( model, opset_min=opset_min, opset_max=opset_max, check_runtime=check_runtime, runtime=runtime, debug=debug, dump_folder=dump_folder, store_models=store_models, benchmark=benchmark, fLOG=fLOG, filter_exp=filter_exp, assume_finite=assume_finite, node_time=node_time, verbose=verbose, extended_list=extended_list, time_kwargs=time_kwargs, dump_all=dump_all, n_features=n_features, skip_long_test=skip_long_test, filter_scenario=filter_scenario, time_kwargs_fact=time_kwargs_fact, time_limit=time_limit, n_jobs=n_jobs): for mandkey in ('inst', 'method_name', 'problem', 'scenario'): if '_0problem_exc' in obs: continue if mandkey not in obs: raise ValueError("Missing key '{}' in\n{}".format( mandkey, pprint.pformat(obs))) # pragma: no cover if verbose > 1: fLOG('[enumerate_validated_operator_opsets] - OBS') if verbose > 2: fLOG(" ", obs) else: obs_log = {k: v for k, v in obs.items() if 'lambda-' not in k} fLOG(" ", obs_log) elif verbose > 0 and "_0problem_exc" in obs: fLOG(" ???", obs) # pragma: no cover diff = obs.get('max_rel_diff_batch', None) batch = 'max_rel_diff_batch' in obs and diff is not None op1 = obs.get('domain_opset_', '') op2 = obs.get('', '') op = '{}/{}'.format(op1, op2) obs['available'] = "?" if diff is not None: if diff < 1e-5: obs['available'] = 'OK' elif diff < 0.0001: obs['available'] = 'e<0.0001' elif diff < 0.001: obs['available'] = 'e<0.001' elif diff < 0.01: obs['available'] = 'e<0.01' # pragma: no cover elif diff < 0.1: obs['available'] = 'e<0.1' else: obs['available'] = "ERROR->=%1.1f" % diff obs['available'] += '-' + op if not batch: obs['available'] += "-NOBATCH" # pragma: no cover if fail_bad_results and 'e<' in obs['available']: raise RuntimeBadResultsError( "Wrong results '{}'.".format(obs['available']), obs) # pragma: no cover excs = [] for k, v in sorted(obs.items()): if k.endswith('_exc'): excs.append((k, v)) break if 'opset' not in obs: # It fails before the conversion happens. obs['opset'] = current_opset if obs['opset'] == current_opset and len(excs) > 0: k, v = excs[0] obs['available'] = 'ERROR-%s' % k obs['available-ERROR'] = v if 'bench-skl' in obs: b1 = obs['bench-skl'] if 'bench-batch' in obs: b2 = obs['bench-batch'] else: b2 = None if b1 is not None and b2 is not None: for k in b1: if k in b2 and b2[k] is not None and b1[k] is not None: key = 'time-ratio-N=%d' % k obs[key] = b2[k]['average'] / b1[k]['average'] key = 'time-ratio-N=%d-min' % k obs[key] = b2[k]['min_exec'] / b1[k]['max_exec'] key = 'time-ratio-N=%d-max' % k obs[key] = b2[k]['max_exec'] / b1[k]['min_exec'] obs.update(row) obs.update(add_versions) yield obs.copy()