Source code for mlprodict.onnxrt.validate.validate_python

Helpers to validate python code.

import pickle
import numpy
from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist  # pylint: disable=E0611
from scipy.special import expit, erf  # pylint: disable=E0611
from scipy.linalg import solve  # pylint: disable=E0611
from import make_callable

[docs]def _make_callable(fct, obj, code, gl, debug): """ Same function as :func:`make_callable <>` but deals with function which an undefined number of arguments. :githublink:`%|py|17` """ def pyrt_Concat_(*inputs, axis=0): return numpy.concatenate(inputs, axis=axis) if fct == "pyrt_Concat": return pyrt_Concat_ return make_callable(fct, obj, code, gl, debug)
[docs]def validate_python_inference(oinf, inputs, tolerance=0.): """ Validates the code produced by method :meth:`to_python <mlprodict.onnxrt.onnx_inference_exports.OnnxInferenceExport.to_python>`. The function compiles and executes the code given as an argument and compares the results to what *oinf* returns. This function is mostly used for unit testing purpose but it is not robust enough to handle all cases. :param oinf: :class:`OnnxInference <mlprodict.onnxrt.onnx_inference.OnnxInference>` :param inputs: inputs as dictionary :param tolerance: discrepencies must be below or equal to this theshold The function fails if the expected output are not the same. :githublink:`%|py|42` """ from ..ops_cpu.op_argmax import _argmax from ..ops_cpu.op_argmin import _argmin from ..ops_cpu.op_celu import _vcelu1 cd = oinf.to_python() code = cd[''] exp = if not isinstance(exp, dict): raise TypeError( # pragma: no cover "exp is not a dictionary by '{}'.".format(type(exp))) if len(exp) == 0: raise ValueError( # pragma: no cover "No result to compare.") inps = ['{0}={0}'.format(k) for k in sorted(inputs)] code += "\n".join(['', '', 'opi = OnnxPythonInference()', 'res =' % ', '.join(inps)]) cp = compile(code, "<string>", mode='exec') pyrt_fcts = [_ for _ in cp.co_names if _.startswith("pyrt_")] fcts_local = {} gl = {'numpy': numpy, 'pickle': pickle, 'expit': expit, 'erf': erf, 'cdist': cdist, '_argmax': _argmax, '_argmin': _argmin, '_vcelu1': _vcelu1, 'solve': solve} for fct in pyrt_fcts: for obj in cp.co_consts: if isinstance(obj, str): continue sobj = str(obj) if '<string>' in sobj and fct in sobj: fcts_local[fct] = _make_callable(fct, obj, code, gl, False) gl.update(fcts_local) loc = inputs try: exec(cp, gl, loc) # pylint: disable=W0122 except (NameError, TypeError, SyntaxError) as e: # pragma: no cover raise RuntimeError( "Unable to execute code\n-----\n{}".format(code)) from e got = loc['res'] keys = list(sorted(exp)) if isinstance(got, numpy.ndarray) and len(keys) == 1: got = {keys[0]: got} if not isinstance(got, dict): raise TypeError( # pragma: no cover "got is not a dictionary by '{}'.".format(type(got))) if len(got) != len(exp): raise RuntimeError( # pragma: no cover "Different number of results.\nexp: {}\ngot: {}".format( ", ".join(sorted(exp)), ", ".join(sorted(got)))) if keys != list(sorted(got)): raise RuntimeError( # pragma: no cover "Different result names.\nexp: {}\ngot: {}".format( ", ".join(sorted(exp)), ", ".join(sorted(got)))) for k in keys: e = exp[k] g = got[k] if isinstance(e, numpy.ndarray): if e.shape != g.shape: raise ValueError( # pragma: no cover "Shapes are different {} != {}.".format(e.shape, g.shape)) diff = 0 for a, b in zip(e.ravel(), g.ravel()): if a == b: continue if (isinstance(a, float) and isinstance(b, float) and numpy.isnan(a) and numpy.isnan(b)): continue # pragma: no cover diff = max(diff, abs(a - b)) if diff > tolerance: raise ValueError( # pragma: no cover "Values are different (max diff={}>{})\n--EXP--\n{}\n--GOT--" "\n{}\n--\n{}".format(diff, tolerance, e, g, code)) else: raise NotImplementedError( # pragma: no cover "Unable to compare values of type '{}'.".format(type(e)))