Source code for mlprodict.testing.experimental

Experimental implementation.

from collections import OrderedDict
import numpy

[docs]def custom_pad(arr, paddings, constant=0, debug=False): """ Implements function `pad < generated/numpy.pad.html>`_ in python, only the constant version. :param arr: array :param paddings: paddings :param constant: constant :return: padded array :githublink:`%|py|20` """ if paddings.shape[0] != len(arr.shape): raise ValueError( "Input shape {} and paddings {} are inconsistent.".format( arr.shape, paddings)) if min(paddings.ravel()) < 0: raise NotImplementedError("Negative paddings is not implemented yet.") if not arr.flags['C_CONTIGUOUS']: arr = numpy.ascontiguousarray(arr) new_shape = tuple( a + s for a, s in zip(arr.shape, numpy.sum(paddings, axis=1, keepdims=0))) cumulative_copy = [1] for a in reversed(new_shape): cumulative_copy.insert(0, a * cumulative_copy[0]) cumulative_input = [1] for a in reversed(arr.shape): cumulative_input.insert(0, a * cumulative_input[0]) input_arr = arr.ravel() if debug: res = numpy.zeros(cumulative_copy[0], dtype=arr.dtype) - 1 else: res = numpy.empty(cumulative_copy[0], dtype=arr.dtype) # preparation first_index = sum( p * c for p, c in zip(paddings[:, 0], cumulative_copy[1:])) dh_input = arr.shape[-1] dh_copy = new_shape[-1] # constance no_constant = 1 if constant == 0 else 0 res[first_index:cumulative_copy[0]:dh_copy] = no_constant # padding for i, sh in enumerate(new_shape): upper_number = cumulative_copy[0] // cumulative_copy[i] contiguous = cumulative_copy[i + 1] big_index = 0 p_left = paddings[i, 0] * contiguous p_right = paddings[i, 1] * contiguous dp = sh * contiguous - p_right for _ in range(upper_number): if p_left > 0: res[big_index:big_index + p_left] = constant if p_right > 0: index = big_index + dp res[index:index + p_right] = constant big_index += cumulative_copy[i] # copy index_input = 0 index_copy = first_index while index_copy < cumulative_copy[0]: if res[index_copy] == no_constant: res[index_copy:index_copy + dh_input] = \ input_arr[index_input:index_input + dh_input] index_input += dh_input index_copy += dh_copy # final return res.reshape(new_shape)
[docs]def custom_einsum(equation, x, y, debug=False): """ Experimental implementation of operator Einsum when it does a matrix multiplication. Case: ``bsnh,btnh->bnts`` with shapes `(1,512,12,64)` and `(1,512,12,64)`. :param equation: equation :param x: first matrix :param y: second matrix :param debug: display internal information :return: result of *einsum* This implementation does not any transpose, it does a direct computation of the final result. It does not implementation diagonal summation (square product). :githublink:`%|py|102` """ def _check_eq(eq, sh): if len(eq) != len(sh): raise ValueError( "Unable to map equation %r to shape %r." % (eq, sh)) def _split(eq, sh): dx = OrderedDict((e, (v, i)) for i, (e, v) in enumerate(zip(eq, sh))) return dx def _interpret(dx, dy, eqr): c_uni = [] c_trp = [] c_sum = [] for r in eqr: if r in dx: if r in dy: if dx[r][0] != dy[r][0]: raise ValueError( "Dimension mismatch for letter " "%r dx=%r dy=%r." % (r, dx, dy)) c_trp.append(r) else: c_uni.append((r, None)) elif r in dy: c_uni.append((None, r)) else: raise ValueError( "Unexpected letter %r in result %r." % (r, eqr)) for c in dx: if c not in eqr: if c not in dy: raise ValueError( "Unable to guess what to do with column %r (left side)" % c) if dx[c][0] != dy[c][0]: raise ValueError( "Dimension mismatch for letter " "%r dx=%r dy=%r." % (c, dx, dy)) c_sum.append(c) for c in dy: if c not in eqr and c not in dx: raise ValueError( "Unable to guess what to do with column %r (right side)" % c) shape = OrderedDict() for i, r in enumerate(eqr): if r in c_trp: shape[r] = (dx[r][0], i) else: for a, b in c_uni: if a == r: shape[r] = (dx[r][0], i) break if b == r: shape[r] = (dy[r][0], i) break if len(shape) != len(eqr): raise RuntimeError( "Unable to compute the output shape " "dx=%r dy=%r eqr=%r got shape=%r." % (dx, dy, eqr, shape)) return shape, c_trp, c_uni, c_sum def _inc(d): t = 1 drev = list(reversed(d.items())) res = [] for c, (sh, p) in drev: res.append((c, (t, p))) t *= sh return OrderedDict(reversed(res)) def prod(seq): p = 1 for s in seq: p *= s return p def get_index(cd, shape, index, col_sum): ind = 0 for c, i in zip(shape, index): if c in cd: inc = cd[c][0] ind += inc * i return ind, cd[col_sum][0] def get_incs(cd, shape): incs = [] for c in shape: inc = cd[c][0] if c in cd else 0 incs.append(inc) return incs if x.dtype != y.dtype: raise RuntimeError("x and y must have the same dtype.") eqx = equation.split(',')[0] eqy = equation.split(',')[-1].split('->')[0] eqr = equation.split('->')[-1] _check_eq(eqx, x.shape) _check_eq(eqy, y.shape) dx = _split(eqx, x.shape) dy = _split(eqy, y.shape) shape, __, _, c_sum = _interpret(dx, dy, eqr) cdx = _inc(dx) cdy = _inc(dy) xrav = x.ravel() yrav = y.ravel() full_size = prod(v[0] for v in shape.values()) zrav = numpy.empty((full_size, ), dtype=x.dtype) # loop if len(c_sum) != 1: raise NotImplementedError( "More than one summation indices %r in equation %r." % ( c_sum, equation)) zeros = numpy.zeros((1, ), dtype=x.dtype) shape_dims = [v[0] for v in shape.values()] index = [0 for s in shape] len_index = len(index) loop_size = dx[c_sum[0]][0] i_left_loop, inc_left = get_index(cdx, shape, index, c_sum[0]) i_right_loop, inc_right = get_index(cdy, shape, index, c_sum[0]) left_incs = get_incs(cdx, shape) right_incs = get_incs(cdy, shape) if debug: def MakeString(*args): return "".join(map(str, args)) print(MakeString("equation=", equation)) print(MakeString("c_sum=", c_sum)) print(MakeString("full_size=", full_size)) print(MakeString("loop_size=", loop_size)) print(MakeString("i_left_loop=", i_left_loop)) print(MakeString("i_right_loop=", i_right_loop)) print(MakeString("inc_left=", inc_left)) print(MakeString("inc_right=", inc_right)) print(MakeString("left_incs=", left_incs)) print(MakeString("right_incs=", right_incs)) print(MakeString("shape=", shape)) print(MakeString("cdx=", cdx)) print(MakeString("cdy=", cdy)) for i in range(0, full_size): i_left = i_left_loop i_right = i_right_loop # summation add = zeros[0] for _ in range(loop_size): add += xrav[i_left] * yrav[i_right] i_left += inc_left i_right += inc_right zrav[i] = add if debug: print(MakeString( " -- index=", index, " ii=", i, " i_left_loop=", i_left_loop, " i_right_loop=", i_right_loop, " add=", add)) # increment pos = len_index - 1 index[pos] += 1 i_left_loop += left_incs[pos] i_right_loop += right_incs[pos] while pos > 0 and index[pos] >= shape_dims[pos]: i_left_loop -= left_incs[pos] * index[pos] i_right_loop -= right_incs[pos] * index[pos] index[pos] = 0 pos -= 1 index[pos] += 1 i_left_loop += left_incs[pos] i_right_loop += right_incs[pos] new_shape = tuple(v[0] for v in shape.values()) return zrav.reshape(new_shape)