Source code for mlprodict.testing.test_utils.utils_backend_common

Inspired from :epkg:`sklearn-onnx`, handles two backends.

import os
import pickle
import numpy
from numpy.testing import assert_array_almost_equal, assert_array_equal
from scipy.sparse.csr import csr_matrix
import pandas
from ...onnxrt.ops_cpu.op_zipmap import ArrayZipMapDictionary

[docs]class ExpectedAssertionError(Exception): """ Expected failure. :githublink:`%|py|17` """ pass
[docs]class OnnxBackendAssertionError(AssertionError): """ Expected failure. :githublink:`%|py|24` """ pass
[docs]class OnnxBackendMissingNewOnnxOperatorException(OnnxBackendAssertionError): """ Raised when :epkg:`onnxruntime` or :epkg:`mlprodict` does not implement a new operator defined in the latest onnx. :githublink:`%|py|33` """ pass
[docs]class OnnxRuntimeMissingNewOnnxOperatorException(OnnxBackendAssertionError): """ Raised when a new operator was added but cannot be found. :githublink:`%|py|40` """ pass
[docs]def evaluate_condition(backend, condition): """ Evaluates a condition such as ``StrictVersion(onnxruntime.__version__) <= StrictVersion('0.1.3')`` :githublink:`%|py|48` """ if backend == "onnxruntime": # pragma: no cover import onnxruntime # pylint: disable=W0611 return eval(condition) # pylint: disable=W0123 raise NotImplementedError( # pragma no cover "Not implemented for backend '{0}' and " "condition '{1}'.".format(backend, condition))
[docs]def is_backend_enabled(backend): """ Tells if a backend is enabled. Raises an exception if backend != 'onnxruntime'. Unit tests only test models against this backend. :githublink:`%|py|62` """ if backend == "onnxruntime": try: import onnxruntime # pylint: disable=W0611 return True except ImportError: # pragma no cover return False if backend == "python": return True raise NotImplementedError( # pragma no cover "Not implemented for backend '{0}'".format(backend))
[docs]def load_data_and_model(items_as_dict, **context): """ Loads every file in a dictionary {key: filename}. The extension is either *pkl* and *onnx* and determines how it it loaded. If the value is not a string, the function assumes it was already loaded. :githublink:`%|py|81` """ res = {} for k, v in items_as_dict.items(): if isinstance(v, str): if os.path.splitext(v)[-1] == ".pkl": with open(v, "rb") as f: # pragma: no cover try: bin = pickle.load(f) except ImportError as e: if '.model.' in v: continue raise ImportError( # pylint: disable=W0707 "Unable to load '{0}' due to {1}".format(v, e)) res[k] = bin else: res[k] = v else: res[k] = v return res
[docs]def extract_options(name): """ Extracts comparison option from filename. As example, ``Binarizer-SkipDim1`` means options *SkipDim1* is enabled. ``(1, 2)`` and ``(2,)`` are considered equal. Available options: see :func:`dump_data_and_model <mlprodict.testing.test_utils.tests_helper.dump_data_and_model>`. :githublink:`%|py|109` """ opts = name.replace("\\", "/").split("/")[-1].split('.')[0].split('-') if len(opts) == 1: return {} res = {} for opt in opts[1:]: if opt in ("SkipDim1", "OneOff", "NoProb", "NoProbOpp", "Dec4", "Dec3", "Dec2", 'Svm', 'Out0', 'Reshape', 'SklCol', 'DF', 'OneOffArray'): res[opt] = True else: raise NameError("Unable to parse option '{}'".format( opts[1:])) # pragma no cover return res
[docs]def compare_outputs(expected, output, verbose=False, **kwargs): """ Compares expected values and output. Returns None if no error, an exception message otherwise. :githublink:`%|py|129` """ SkipDim1 = kwargs.pop("SkipDim1", False) NoProb = kwargs.pop("NoProb", False) NoProbOpp = kwargs.pop("NoProbOpp", False) Dec4 = kwargs.pop("Dec4", False) Dec3 = kwargs.pop("Dec3", False) Dec2 = kwargs.pop("Dec2", False) Disc = kwargs.pop("Disc", False) Mism = kwargs.pop("Mism", False) if Dec4: kwargs["decimal"] = min(kwargs["decimal"], 4) if Dec3: kwargs["decimal"] = min(kwargs["decimal"], 3) if Dec2: kwargs["decimal"] = min(kwargs["decimal"], 2) # pragma: no cover if isinstance(expected, numpy.ndarray) and isinstance( output, numpy.ndarray): if SkipDim1: # Arrays like (2, 1, 2, 3) becomes (2, 2, 3) # as one dimension is useless. expected = expected.reshape( tuple([d for d in expected.shape if d > 1])) output = output.reshape(tuple([d for d in expected.shape if d > 1])) if NoProb or NoProbOpp: # One vector is (N,) with scores, negative for class 0 # positive for class 1 # The other vector is (N, 2) score in two columns. if len(output.shape) == 2 and output.shape[1] == 2 and len( expected.shape) == 1: output = output[:, 1] if NoProbOpp: output = -output elif len(output.shape) == 1 and len(expected.shape) == 1: pass elif len(expected.shape) == 1 and len(output.shape) == 2 and \ expected.shape[0] == output.shape[0] and \ output.shape[1] == 1: output = output[:, 0] if NoProbOpp: output = -output elif expected.shape != output.shape: raise NotImplementedError("Shape mismatch: {0} != {1}".format( # pragma no cover expected.shape, output.shape)) if len(expected.shape) == 1 and len( output.shape) == 2 and output.shape[1] == 1: output = output.ravel() if len(output.shape) == 3 and output.shape[0] == 1 and len( expected.shape) == 2: output = output.reshape(output.shape[1:]) if expected.dtype in (numpy.str, numpy.dtype("<U1"), numpy.dtype("<U3")): try: assert_array_equal(expected, output, verbose=verbose) except Exception as e: # pylint: disable=W0703 if Disc: # pragma no cover # Bug to be fixed later. return ExpectedAssertionError(str(e)) else: # pragma no cover return OnnxBackendAssertionError(str(e)) else: try: assert_array_almost_equal(expected, output, verbose=verbose, **kwargs) except (RuntimeError, AssertionError) as e: # pragma no cover longer = "\n--EXPECTED--\n{0}\n--OUTPUT--\n{1}".format( expected, output) if verbose else "" expected_ = numpy.asarray(expected).ravel() output_ = numpy.asarray(output).ravel() if len(expected_) == len(output_): if numpy.issubdtype(expected_.dtype, numpy.floating): diff = numpy.abs(expected_ - output_).max() else: diff = max((1 if ci != cj else 0) for ci, cj in zip(expected_, output_)) if diff == 0: return None elif Mism: return ExpectedAssertionError( "dimension mismatch={0}, {1}\n{2}{3}".format( expected.shape, output.shape, e, longer)) else: return OnnxBackendAssertionError( "dimension mismatch={0}, {1}\n{2}{3}".format( expected.shape, output.shape, e, longer)) if Disc: # Bug to be fixed later. return ExpectedAssertionError( "max-diff={0}\n--expected--output--\n{1}{2}".format( diff, e, longer)) return OnnxBackendAssertionError( "max-diff={0}\n--expected--output--\n{1}{2}".format( diff, e, longer)) else: return OnnxBackendAssertionError( # pragma: no cover "Unexpected types {0} != {1}".format( type(expected), type(output))) return None
[docs]def _post_process_output(res): """ Applies post processings before running the comparison such as changing type from list to arrays. :githublink:`%|py|236` """ if isinstance(res, list): if len(res) == 0: return res if len(res) == 1: return _post_process_output(res[0]) if isinstance(res[0], numpy.ndarray): return numpy.array(res) if isinstance(res[0], dict): return pandas.DataFrame(res).values ls = [len(r) for r in res] mi = min(ls) if mi != max(ls): raise NotImplementedError( # pragma no cover "Unable to postprocess various number of " "outputs in [{0}, {1}]" .format(min(ls), max(ls))) if mi > 1: output = [] for i in range(mi): output.append(_post_process_output([r[i] for r in res])) return output if isinstance(res[0], list): # list of lists if isinstance(res[0][0], list): return numpy.array(res) if len(res[0]) == 1 and isinstance(res[0][0], dict): return _post_process_output([r[0] for r in res]) if len(res) == 1: return res if len(res[0]) != 1: raise NotImplementedError( # pragma no cover "Not conversion implemented for {0}".format(res)) st = [r[0] for r in res] return numpy.vstack(st) return res return res
[docs]def _create_column(values, dtype): "Creates a column from values with dtype" if str(dtype) == "tensor(int64)": return numpy.array(values, dtype=numpy.int64) if str(dtype) == "tensor(float)": return numpy.array(values, dtype=numpy.float32) if str(dtype) in ("tensor(double)", "tensor(float64)"): return numpy.array(values, dtype=numpy.float64) if str(dtype) in ("tensor(string)", "tensor(str)"): return numpy.array(values, dtype=numpy.str) raise OnnxBackendAssertionError( "Unable to create one column from dtype '{0}'".format(dtype))
[docs]def _compare_expected(expected, output, sess, onnx_model, decimal=5, verbose=False, classes=None, **kwargs): """ Compares the expected output against the runtime outputs. This is specific to :epkg:`onnxruntime` or :epkg:`mlprodict`. :githublink:`%|py|295` """ tested = 0 if isinstance(expected, list): if isinstance(output, list): if 'Out0' in kwargs: expected = expected[:1] output = output[:1] del kwargs['Out0'] if 'Reshape' in kwargs: del kwargs['Reshape'] output = numpy.hstack(output).ravel() output = output.reshape( (len(expected), len(output.ravel()) // len(expected))) if len(expected) != len(output): raise OnnxBackendAssertionError( # pragma no cover "Unexpected number of outputs '{0}', expected={1}, got={2}" .format(onnx_model, len(expected), len(output))) for exp, out in zip(expected, output): _compare_expected(exp, out, sess, onnx_model, decimal=5, verbose=verbose, classes=classes, **kwargs) tested += 1 else: raise OnnxBackendAssertionError( # pragma no cover "Type mismatch for '{0}', output type is {1}".format( onnx_model, type(output))) elif isinstance(expected, dict): if not isinstance(output, dict): raise OnnxBackendAssertionError( # pragma no cover "Type mismatch for '{0}'".format(onnx_model)) for k, v in output.items(): if k not in expected: continue msg = compare_outputs( expected[k], v, decimal=decimal, verbose=verbose, **kwargs) if msg: raise OnnxBackendAssertionError( # pragma no cover "Unexpected output '{0}' in model '{1}'\n{2}".format( k, onnx_model, msg)) tested += 1 elif isinstance(expected, numpy.ndarray): if isinstance(output, list): if expected.shape[0] == len(output) and isinstance( output[0], dict): if isinstance(output, ArrayZipMapDictionary): output = pandas.DataFrame(list(output)) else: output = pandas.DataFrame(output) output = output[list(sorted(output.columns))] output = output.values if isinstance(output, (dict, list)): if len(output) != 1: # pragma: no cover ex = str(output) if len(ex) > 170: ex = ex[:170] + "..." raise OnnxBackendAssertionError( "More than one output when 1 is expected " "for onnx '{0}'\n{1}" .format(onnx_model, ex)) output = output[-1] if not isinstance(output, numpy.ndarray): raise OnnxBackendAssertionError( # pragma no cover "output must be an array for onnx '{0}' not {1}".format( onnx_model, type(output))) if (classes is not None and ( expected.dtype == numpy.str or expected.dtype.char == 'U')): try: output = numpy.array([classes[cl] for cl in output]) except IndexError as e: # pragma no cover raise RuntimeError('Unable to handle\n{}\n{}\n{}'.format( expected, output, classes)) from e msg = compare_outputs( expected, output, decimal=decimal, verbose=verbose, **kwargs) if isinstance(msg, ExpectedAssertionError): raise msg # pylint: disable=E0702 if msg: raise OnnxBackendAssertionError( # pragma no cover "Unexpected output in model '{0}'\n{1}".format(onnx_model, msg)) tested += 1 else: if isinstance(expected, csr_matrix): # DictVectorizer one_array = numpy.array(output) dense = numpy.asarray(expected.todense()) msg = compare_outputs(dense, one_array, decimal=decimal, verbose=verbose, **kwargs) if msg: raise OnnxBackendAssertionError( # pragma no cover "Unexpected output in model '{0}'\n{1}".format(onnx_model, msg)) tested += 1 else: raise OnnxBackendAssertionError( # pragma no cover "Unexpected type for expected output ({1}) and onnx '{0}'". format(onnx_model, type(expected))) if tested == 0: raise OnnxBackendAssertionError( # pragma no cover "No test for onnx '{0}'".format(onnx_model))