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2015-07-09 Machine Learning, framework, école 42

A few links around machine learning: a new Python module has been released machineLearningStanford. I quote the first sentance of file README.md: This module implements assignments of machine learning coursera Stanford by PYTHON.

A list of frameworks to do machine learning in many languages: awesome-machine-learning. Among them, some links to pieces of code for Kaggle competitions: Kaggle Competition Source Code.

A module to do deep learning in Python: keras.

Pour finir, une émission sur France 4 à propos de l'école 42 et son examen de passage : La Piscine. Un mois d'exercices aux consignes plutôt floues.

2015-04-08 Easy website with Javascript

Many websites are based on a similar template today: one long page with many sections to scroll down. You will find example in this article: 42 top examples of JavaScript. It seems a long way to get something similar on your own. But with some web searches, it seems reasonable to find some javascript tools which can speed up the creating of the webiste. See The top 5 JavaScript templating engines for a blog, 10 Moteurs de templates pour Javascript et Nodejs, 25 free, scrolling plugins for awesome experiences. The code for the basic example seems quite short.

2014-01-18 Framework for Mobile Application

What framework to choose if you want to build a mobile application which will save you some time while deploying on multiple phones? (Android, Black Berry, iPhone, Windows Phone). I'm not sure there is a perfect answer and it will probably change in a couple of months. However, this what I found. I was looking for answers. Which phones does it support today? Where can you develop your application? Which language? How to build? How to deploy? Cost? I limited my study to the following frameworks (according to a friend, the others are not as mature):


Xavier Dupré