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python 3

2013-03-14 Migration to Python 3, only for geeks!

I tried to migrate some of the script I wrote and to use Python 3. I just cut half of what I wrote. Too painful at the end, The print change, ok, iteritems into items, ok, not unicode object anymore, I do like, no cmp parameter for sort, just key, ok again, the integer division, definitively not ok. 1/2 is 0 in many languages except Python. No script can fix because Python is interpreted and discovered types during the execution. The following loop is just longer than expected and hard to catch using unit testing if you do not specifically look for it.

i = 10
while i > 0 :
    i /= 10
The rule to import files changed too, not too bad except it is really difficult to migrate every file or to keep everything working for two versions of Python (2.7 and 3.x). After finishing all the replacements, I had many failing unit tests, I started to fix them one by one but at the end, I gave up. Having an empty list instead of a list with one element, more than one thousand lines of code involved, I gave up, too many side effect I cannot easily guess, easier to rewrite. On the other hand, the C library went easy (using boost really helped).

I wonder how a company could impose such a change to its customers by introducing big breaks without having difficulties to keep them. The language is probably in a better shape now but I think it was too sudden. I wish there could be a tool allowing a program to run at the same on both versions and throwing exception whenever a variable contains a different results (not very easy to write if you generate random variables or if you have dependencies on others libraries which changed their behavior).

Xavier Dupré