Code source de ensae_teaching_cs.homeblog.table_formula

# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
@brief  Implements TableFormula.
import copy
import os
import sys
import datetime
import random
import math
import json
import numpy
import pandas
from xlwt import Formatting as EXf
from xlwt import Style as EXs
import xlwt as EXw
from xlsxwriter import workbook as EXxw
from xlrd import open_workbook
from pyquickhelper.loghelper import fLOG, noLOG
from pyquickhelper.loghelper.convert_helper import str2datetime
from pyensae.sql import Database
from .table_formula_stat import _TableFormulaStat

[docs]class TableFormula(_TableFormulaStat): """ This class aims at representating a table, it provides some "SQL like" functionalities such groupby or innerjoin, select, where... This was a custom implementation of a DataFrame before I discover `pandas <>`_. The class provides an easy to go through the row table by converting each row in a dictionary ``{ column_name: value }`` on the run. Example: :: tbl = TableFormula(...) newtbl = tbl.filter(lambda v: v["criteria"] == 5) See @see op __init__ for others ways to create a table. @var header list of column names @var values list of rows(each row contains as many value as the number of columns) @var index dictionary { column name: position }, changing ``header`` means also changing ``header``. Example: :: table = TableFormula("name d_a d_b d_c#A 1 2 3#A 1.1 2.1 3.1#B 3 4 5".replace(" ", "\\t").replace("#","\\n")) print(table) print("one value 0,1:", table[0,1]) print("---------") dist = table.get_distinct_values("name") for k in sorted(dist): print("*%d: %s"%(int(dist[k]),k)) print("---------") table.add_column("has_A", lambda v: 1. if "A" in v["name"] else 0.) print(table) x = 1./3 print("------------- smoothing", x) table.add_column_smooth("has_A_smooth", lambda v: v["has_A"], [-1,0,1], [x,x,x]) print(table) print("--------- filter") fil = table.filter(lambda v: v["d_b"] == 2) print(fil) print("--------- random") rnd = table.random(5) print(rnd) print("--------- random unique") rnd = table.random(1, True) print(rnd) print("--------- filter quantile") fil = table.filter_quantile(lambda v: v["d_b"], 0, 0.4) print(fil) print("--------- aggregate_column") total = table.aggregate(lambda v: v["d_c"]) print(total) print("--------- sort") table.sort(lambda v: v["d_b"] + v["d_c"]) print(table) print("--------- union") union = table.union(table) print(union) print("--------- group sum") group = table.groupby(lambda v: v["name"], [lambda v: v["d_a"], lambda v: v["d_b"]], ["name", "sum_d_a", "sum_d_b"]) print(group) print("--------- group max") groupmax = table.groupby(lambda v: v["name"], [lambda v: v["d_a"], lambda v: v["d_b"]], ["name", "max_d_a", "max_d_b"], [max, max]) print(groupmax) print("--------- group sum with weights") group = table.groupby(lambda v: v["name"], [lambda v: v["d_a"]], ["name", "weight", "sum_d_a"], [lambda vec,w: sum(vec) / w], lambda v: v ["d_b"]) print("--------- innerjoin") innerjoin = table.innerjoin(group, lambda v: v["name"], lambda v: v["name"], "group") print(innerjoin) print("------------- extraction") ext = table.extract_columns(["name", "d_a"]) print(ext) print("------------- remove") ext = table.remove_columns(["d_a"]) print(ext) print("------------- todict") d = table.todict(lambda v: v["name"], lambda v: v["d_b"], True) print(d) print("------------- select") d = v:(v["name"], v["d_b"])) print(list(d)) print("------------- use of an index") table.create_index(lambda v:(v["name"], v["d_a"])) row = table.get(('A', 1.1)) print(row) value = table.get(('A', 1.1), 2) print(value) print("------------- multiply_column_by_row_instance ") table = TableFormula("name d_a d_b d_c#A 1 2 3#A 1.1 2.1 3.1#B 3 4 5".replace(" ", "\\t").replace("#","\\n")) table.add_column("key_add", lambda v:"unique") print(table) mul = table.multiply_column_by_row_instance( lambda v: v["key_add"], lambda v: v["name"]) print(mul) if os.path.exists("BNP.PA.txt"): print("--------------- financial stock") table = TableFormula("BNP.PA.txt", sep=",") table.sort(lambda v: v["Date"]) print(table[:10]) print("--------------- groupby_implicit") table = TableFormula("key_name sum_a len_b avg_c#A 1 2 3#A 1.1 2.1 3.1#B 3 4 5".replace(" ", "\\t").replace("#","\\n")) print(table) gr = table.groupby_implicit(lambda v: v ["key_name"]) print(gr) print("--------------- covariance") values = [random.random() for i in range(0,100)] values = [[x, x + random.random()/2] for x in values] tbl = TableFormula(["x", "y"], values).values_to_float() cov = tbl.covariance() print(cov) print("--------------- histogram") hist = tbl.histogram(lambda v:(v["x"],1), 10) print(hist) print("--------------- histogram") hist = tbl.values_to_float().histograms(["x", "y"], 10) print(hist) print("--------------- unions of columns") hist = tbl.values_to_float().union_columns(["x", "y"]) print(hist) """
[docs] @staticmethod def add_header_if_not_present(filename, header, encoding=None, logFunction=noLOG): """ the function checks if the first line contains the column in header otherwise, it modifies the file and add them on the first line @param filename filename @param header list of column name(all strings) @param encoding encoding @param logFunction use this function to log information about what is happening """ if encoding is None: with open(filename, "r") as f: firstline = f.readline().strip("\n\r ") su = sum(map(lambda _: 1 if _ in header else 0, firstline.split("\t"))) if su < len(header) / 2.0: logFunction("add_header_if_not_present: adding header({0}<{1}){2} to '{3}'\nfirstline:\n{4}".format( su, len(header) / 2, header, filename, firstline)) with open(filename, "r") as f: text = text = "\t".join(header) + "\n" + text logFunction("add_header_if_not_present: writing") with open(filename, "w") as f: f.write(text) logFunction("add_header_if_not_present: complete") else: with open(filename, "r", encoding=encoding) as f: firstline = f.readline().strip("\n\r ") su = sum(map(lambda _: 1 if _ in header else 0, firstline.split("\t"))) if su < len(header) / 2.0: logFunction("add_header_if_not_present: adding header({0}<{1}){2} to '{3}'\nfirstline:\n{4}".format( su, len(header) / 2, header, filename, firstline)) with open(filename, "r", encoding=encoding) as f: text = text = "\t".join(header) + "\n" + text logFunction("add_header_if_not_present: writing") with open(filename, "w", encoding=encoding) as f: f.write(text) logFunction("add_header_if_not_present: complete")
[docs] @staticmethod def random_split_file(filename, outfileprefix, nb, has_header=True, encoding=None, logFunction=noLOG): """ split a file in nb buckets by random(lines are sent to a random file as they come) @param filename filename to split @param nb number of buckets @param outfileprefix output files will start with outfileprefix + '%04d.txt' % i @param encoding encoding @param has_header the header will be replicated in each created file @param logFunction to display information @return list of created files """ firstline = None if has_header: if encoding is None: with open(filename, "r") as f: firstline = f.readline().strip("\n\r ") else: # pragma: no cover with open(filename, "r", encoding=encoding) as f: firstline = f.readline().strip("\n\r ") logFunction("random_split_file: file %s has header %s" % (filename, firstline)) logFunction("random_split_file: split %s in %d parts" % (filename, nb)) fileName = [outfileprefix + (".%04d.txt" % n) for n in range(0, nb)] nbline = 0 if encoding is None: filesP = [open(_, "w") for _ in fileName] if firstline is not None: for _ in filesP: _.write(firstline + "\n") with open(filename, "r") as f: line = f.readline() if firstline is not None: line = f.readline() while line is not None and len(line) > 0: h = random.randint(0, nb - 1) filesP[h].write(line) line = f.readline() nbline += 1 if nbline % 1000000 == 0: logFunction( "random_split_file: processed %d lines" % nbline) else: filesP = [open(_, "w", encoding=encoding) for _ in fileName] if firstline is not None: for _ in filesP: _.write(firstline + "\n") with open(filename, "r", encoding=encoding) as f: line = f.readline() if firstline is not None: line = f.readline() while line is not None and len(line) > 0: h = random.randint(0, nb - 1) filesP[h].write(line) line = f.readline() nbline += 1 if nbline % 1000000 == 0: logFunction( "random_split_file: processed %d lines" % nbline) for _ in filesP: _.close() logFunction("random_split_file: end") return fileName
[docs] @staticmethod def ratio(x, y): """ return a ratio between two real values or an empty string if the denominateur is null @return a real of an empty string """ return x * 1.0 / y if y != 0 else(0 if x == 0 else "")
[docs] @staticmethod def bootstrap(values, function, nbdraws=-1, alpha=0.05): """ return a confidence interval for a statistics @param values values @param function produces the statistics over a random set of observations chosen in values @param nbdraws number of draws, if it is equal to -1, is equal to len(values) @param alpha confidence level @return average, min, lower bound, higher bound, max """ stat = [] N = len(values) - 1 if nbdraws == - 1: nbdraws = len(values) for i in range(nbdraws): randset = [values[random.randint(0, N)] for i in range(N + 1)] s = function(randset) stat.append(s) stat.sort() lv = len(stat) alpha = alpha / 2 i1 = int(lv * alpha + 0.5) i2 = int(lv * (1 - alpha) + 0.5) i2 = min(i2, len(stat) - 1) av = sum(stat) / len(stat) return av, min(stat), stat[i1], stat[i2], max(stat)
[docs] @staticmethod def correlation_bicolumn(values, deviations=False, noCenter=False): """ assume values is a matrix with two columns @param values 2 column matrix @param deviations if True, returns cor, sigma1, sigma2 @param noCenter if True, do not remove the average before computing the covariance, it means we assume variables are already centered @return correlation factor or correlation, sigma1, sigma2 if deviations is True """ if len(values) <= 1: raise ValueError( "expecting more than one observation, not %d" % len(values)) mx = 0. my = 0. vx = 0. vy = 0. co = 0. nb = 0. for a, b in values: nb += 1 mx += a my += b vx += a ** 2 vy += b ** 2 co += a * b mx /= nb my /= nb vx /= nb vy /= nb co /= nb if not noCenter: vx -= mx ** 2 vy -= my ** 2 co -= mx * my vx = vx ** 0.5 vy = vy ** 0.5 v = vx * vy if v != 0: co /= v if deviations: return co, vx, vy # pragma: no cover return co
[docs] def _private_getclass(self): """ the class often creates another class of the same type, this function returns the class object """ return self.__class__
[docs] def __init__(self, file, numeric_column=None, sep="\t", encoding=None, read_n_lines=-1, sheet=0, **options): """ It can either take a filename, an object TableFormula, a list of columns and values. :param file: filename or a list of column names or a dictionary, file can also be a `pandas DataFrame <>`_. :param numeric_column: depends on file types(see below examples) :param sep: column separator if file is a filename :param read_n_lines: read the first n lines(or all if it is -1) :param sheet: in case the file is an Excel file, this parameter precises the sheet number or name :param suffix_nb: if True, adds an integer to the column name if it is a duplicate Example: :: table = TableFormula("name d_a d_b d_c#A 1 2 3#A 1.1 2.1 3.1#B 3 4 5".replace(" ", "\\t").replace("#","\\n")) or :: table = TableFormula("file.txt", ["nb"]) or :: table = TableFormula(["date", "Y", "Y2", "xl"], values) or :: data = [{ "one":1, "two":2 }, {"two":2.1, "three":3 }] table = TableFormula(data) or :: data = { 1:{ "one":2.3, "two":2.2 }, 2:{"one":2.1, "two":3 } table = TableFormula("__byrow__", data) or :: table = TableFormula(numpy.matrix(...)) or :: table = TableFormula(numpy.array(...)) @warning In this second case, rows and header are not copied. """ if numeric_column is None: numeric_column = [] if isinstance(file, str): if os.path.exists(file): self._read_file(file, numeric_column, sep, encoding, read_n_lines, sheet=sheet) elif file == "__byrow__" and isinstance(numeric_column, dict): self._fill_by_row(numeric_column) else: lines = file.split("\n") if len(lines) == 1: raise FileNotFoundError( # pragma: no cover "A file was probably expected but was not found: '{}'." "".format(file)) self._readlines(lines, numeric_column, sep) elif isinstance(file, list): if len(file) == 0: raise ValueError( # pragma: no cover "Empty data and columns are not allowed.") if isinstance(file[0], dict): self.index = {} self.values = [] for row in file: for k, v in row.items(): if k not in self.index: self.index[k] = len(self.index) # we sort the labels to avoid instabilities labels = [k for k, v in self.index.items()] labels.sort() self.index = {} for la in labels: self.index[la] = len(self.index) for row in file: line = [None for k in self.index] for k, v in row.items(): line[self.index[k]] = v self.values.append(line) self.header = [None for k in self.index] for k, v in self.index.items(): self.header[v] = k n = len(self.index) for row in self.values: while len(row) < n: row.append(None) elif isinstance(numeric_column, numpy.matrix): self.header = file self.index = {} for i, h in enumerate(self.header): self.index[h] = i self.values = [[float(numeric_column[i, j]) for j in range( numeric_column.shape[1])] for i in range(numeric_column.shape[0])] elif isinstance(numeric_column, numpy.ndarray): self.header = file self.index = {} for i, h in enumerate(self.header): self.index[h] = i self.values = [[float(numeric_column[i, j]) for j in range( numeric_column.shape[1])] for i in range(numeric_column.shape[0])] elif isinstance(file[0], list): if len(file) == 1: self.header = file[0] self.values = file[1:] + numeric_column self.index = {} for i, h in enumerate(self.header): self.index[h] = i else: self.header = file[0] self.values = file[1:] self.index = {} for i, h in enumerate(self.header): self.index[h] = i elif isinstance(file[0], str): self.header = file self.values = numeric_column self.index = {} for i, h in enumerate(self.header): self.index[h] = i else: raise RuntimeError( # pragma: no cover "This case should not happen: " + str(type(file[0]))) elif isinstance(file, numpy.matrix): # pragma: no cover self.header = ["c%d" % d for d in range(file.shape[1])] self.index = {} for i, h in enumerate(self.header): self.index[h] = i self.values = [[float(file[i, j]) for j in range( file.shape[1])] for i in range(file.shape[0])] elif isinstance(file, numpy.ndarray): self.header = ["c%d" % d for d in range(file.shape[1])] self.index = {} for i, h in enumerate(self.header): self.index[h] = i self.values = [[float(file[i, j]) for j in range( file.shape[1])] for i in range(file.shape[0])] else: if isinstance(file, pandas.DataFrame): def convert(x): return None if isinstance(x, float) and numpy.isnan(x) else x df = file self.header = [_ for _ in df.columns] hi = 'index' while hi in self.header: hi += "_" self.header.insert(0, hi) self.values = [] for i, row in enumerate(df.values): row = [df.index[i]] + [convert(x) for x in row] self.values.append(row) self.index = {} for i, h in enumerate(self.header): self.index[h] = i else: raise TypeError( # pragma: no cover "File has an unexpected type: " + str(type(file))) unique = {} for i, c in enumerate(self.header): if c in unique: if options.get("suffix_nb", False): c = "%s_%d" % (c, i) self.header[i] = c else: raise KeyError( # pragma: no cover "column '{0}' already exists in '{1}'".format(c, self.header)) unique[c] = True
[docs] def __add__(self, other): """ do an addition, add values if types are matching :param other: matrix or float or string :return: new matrix, keep the header of the first matrix """ if len(self) != len(other): raise ValueError( # pragma: no cover "both matrices should have the same number of rows") if len(self.header) != len(other.header): raise ValueError( # pragma: no cover "both matrices should have the same number of columns") values = [] for row, rowo in zip(self.values, other.values): r = [] for a, b in zip(row, rowo): if type(a) == type(b): x = a + b else: x = None r.append(x) values.append(r) return self._private_getclass()(self.header, values)
[docs] def __mul__(self, other): """ do a multiplication(by a number) :param other: matrix or float or string :return: new matrix, keep the header of the first matrix """ if not isinstance(other, float) and not isinstance(other, int): raise TypeError( # pragma: no cover "other should be a number") values = [] for row in self.values: r = [] for a in row: if a is not None: x = a * other else: x = None r.append(x) values.append(r) return self._private_getclass()(self.header, values)
[docs] def multiplication_term_term(self, other): """ do a multiplication term by term(similar to an addition), add values if types are matching :param other: matrix or float or string :return: new matrix, keep the header of the first matrix """ if len(self) != len(other): raise ValueError( # pragma: no cover "both matrices should have the same number of rows") if len(self.header) != len(other.header): raise ValueError( # pragma: no cover "both matrices should have the same number of columns") values = [] for row, rowo in zip(self.values, other.values): r = [] for a, b in zip(row, rowo): if type(a) == type(b) and not isinstance(a, str): x = a * b else: x = None r.append(x) values.append(r) return self._private_getclass()(self.header, values)
[docs] def replicate(self, times): """replicates all rows a given number of times :param times: number of multiplication :return: new matrix, keep the header of the first matrix """ values = [] for i in range(0, times): values.extend(copy.copy(self.values)) return self._private_getclass()(self.header, values)
@property def size(self): """ returns the size(nb rows, nb columns) """ return len(self), len(self.header) @property def shape(self): """ returns the size(nb rows, nb columns) """ return self.size
[docs] def _fill_by_row(self, values): """ fill the table :param values: dictionary { <int_row_index>: { <column name>: value} } """ mx = max(values.keys()) + 1 self.index = {} self.header = [] for k, v in values.items(): for col in v: if col not in self.index: self.index[col] = len(self.index) self.header.append(col) self.values = [[None for h in self.header] for k in range(mx)] for k, v in values.items(): for col, to in v.items(): self.values[k][self.index[col]] = to
[docs] def __getitem__(self, irow): """ operator [], accepts slices :param irow: integer, tuple, slice or list :return: depends on irow - int --> a table with one row - slice --> a table with several rows - list --> a table with the selected rows - tuple --> a value """ if isinstance(irow, int): return self._private_getclass()( self.header, [self.values[irow]]) if isinstance(irow, slice): return self._private_getclass()( self.header, [self.values[ii] for ii in range(*irow.indices(len(self)))]) if isinstance(irow, list): return self._private_getclass()( self.header, [self.values[ii] for ii in irow]) if isinstance(irow, tuple): if isinstance(irow[1], str): row = self.values[irow[0]] v = self._interpret_row(row) return v[irow[1]] return self.values[irow[0]][irow[1]] raise TypeError("Invalid argument type: " + str(type(irow)))
[docs] def __setitem__(self, irow, value): """ operator [], just accepts tuple(to change a value) :param irow: 2-uple :param value: new value """ if isinstance(irow, tuple): if isinstance(irow[1], str): row = self.values[irow[0]] v = self._interpret_row(row) v[irow[1]] = value else: self.values[irow[0]][irow[1]] = value else: raise TypeError( # pragma: no cover "Invalid argument type(only tuple accepted): " + str(type(irow)))
[docs] def __len__(self): """ returns the number of rows """ return len(self.values)
[docs] def __copy__(self): """ operator copy """ return self._private_getclass()(self.header, self.values)
[docs] def __deepcopy__(self, memo): """ operator ``deepcopy`` """ return self._private_getclass()(copy.deepcopy(self.header, memo), copy.deepcopy(self.values, memo))
[docs] def copy(self): """ call ``copy.deepcopy(self)`` """ return copy.deepcopy(self)
[docs] def delta(self, other): """ returns a list of differences between self and others :param other: TableFormula :return: list of differences(first one) """ if other is None: return False if not isinstance(other, TableFormula): raise TypeError("other is not a table: " + str(type(other))) if len(self.header) != len(other.header): return ["different number of columns"] for a, b in zip(self.header, other.header): if a != b: return ["different columns"] if len(self.values) != len(other.values): return ["different number of rows"] line = 0 for r, s in zip(self.values, other.values): if len(r) != len(s): return ["different number of values on row %d" % line] col = 0 for a, b in zip(r, s): if a != b: return ["different value on cell %d,%d: %s!=%s(type %s, %s)" % (line, col, a, b, str(type(a)), str(type(b)))] col += 1 line += 1 return []
[docs] def __eq__(self, other): """ check if two tables are equal by value :param other: other table :return: boolean """ if other is None: return False if not isinstance(other, TableFormula): return False if len(self.header) != len(other.header): return False for a, b in zip(self.header, other.header): if a != b: return False if len(self.values) != len(other.values): return False for r, s in zip(self.values, other.values): if len(r) != len(s): return False for a, b in zip(r, s): if a != b: return False return True
[docs] def __str__(self): """ convert the table into a string :return: string """ rows = ["\t".join(self.header)] for row in self.values: s = "\t".join([str(_) for _ in row]) rows.append(s) return "\n".join(rows)
[docs] def __html__(self, class_table=None, class_td=None, class_tr=None, class_th=None): """ Converts the table into a :epkg:`html` string. :param class_table: adds a class to the tag ``table`` (None for none) :param class_td: adds a class to the tag ``td`` (None for none) :param class_tr: adds a class to the tag ``tr`` (None for none) :param class_th: adds a class to the tag ``th`` (None for none) """ clta = ' class="%s"' % class_table if class_table is not None else "" cltr = ' class="%s"' % class_tr if class_tr is not None else "" cltd = ' class="%s"' % class_td if class_td is not None else "" clth = ' class="%s"' % class_th if class_th is not None else "" rows = ["<table%s>" % clta] rows.append("{0}{1}{2}".format(("<tr%s><th%s>" % (cltr, clth)), ("</th><th%s>" % clth).join(self.header), "</th></tr>")) septd = "</td><td%s>" % cltd strtd = "<tr%s><td%s>" % (cltr, cltd) for row in self.values: s = septd.join([str(_) for _ in row]) rows.append(strtd + s + "</td></tr>") rows.append("</table>") rows.append("") return "\n".join(rows)
[docs] def __rst__(self, add_line=True): """ convert the table into rst format :: +------------------------+------------+----------+----------+ | Header row, column 1 | Header 2 | Header 3 | Header 4 | | (header rows optional) | | | | +========================+============+==========+==========+ | body row 1, column 1 | column 2 | column 3 | column 4 | +------------------------+------------+----------+----------+ | body row 2 | ... | ... | | +------------------------+------------+----------+----------+ :param add_line: add a line separator between each row """ tbl = self.values_to_str() length = [len(_) for _ in tbl.header] for row in tbl.values: for i, v in enumerate(row): length[i] = max(length[i], len(v)) length = [_ + 2 for _ in length] line = ["-" * le for le in length] lineb = ["=" * le for le in length] sline = "+%s+" % ("+".join(line)) slineb = "+%s+" % ("+".join(lineb)) res = [sline] def complete(cool): s, i = cool i -= 2 if len(s) < i: s += " " * (i - len(s)) return s res.append("| %s |" % " | ".join( map(complete, zip(tbl.header, length)))) res.append(slineb) res.extend(["| %s |" % " | ".join(map(complete, zip(row, length))) for row in tbl.values]) if add_line: t = len(res) for i in range(t - 1, 3, -1): res.insert(i, sline) res.append(sline) return "\n".join(res) + "\n"
[docs] def strtype(self): """ displays the type of values(not the values) """ rows = ["\t".join(self.header)] for row in self.values: s = "\t".join([str(type(_)) for _ in row]) rows.append(s) return "\n".join(rows)
[docs] def _read_file(self, file, numeric_column, sep, encoding, read_n_lines, sheet=0): """ private """ ext = os.path.splitext(file)[-1].lower() if ext in [".xls", ".xlsx"]: lines = list(open_workbook(file, sheet=sheet)) # removing empty column(assuming first row is the header) ind = [i for i, n in enumerate(lines[0]) if len(n) > 0] if len(ind) < len(lines[0]): lines = [[line[i] for i in ind] for line in lines] else: if sys.version_info.major >= 3 or encoding is None: if encoding is None: f = open(file, "r") else: f = open(file, "r", encoding=encoding) else: f = open(file, "r", encoding=encoding) if read_n_lines > 0: lines = [] for line in f: if len(lines) >= read_n_lines: break lines.append(line) else: lines = f.readlines() f.close() self._readlines(lines, numeric_column, sep)
[docs] def change_header(self, new_header): """ change the column names :param new_header: a list or a function which modifies the header Example: :: tbl.change_header(lambda h: h if h != "column" else "new_name") .. warning:: Do not do that yourself, the class holds a dictionary up to date with the column index. """ if isinstance(new_header, list): self.header = new_header self.index = {} for i, h in enumerate(self.header): self.index[h] = i else: he = [new_header(h) for h in self.header] self.change_header(he)
[docs] def rename_column(self, old_name, new_name): """ rename a column :param old_name: old name :param new_name: new name """ header = [{old_name: new_name}.get(_, _) for _ in self.header] self.change_header(header)
[docs] def save(self, filename, sep="\t", encoding=None, newline="\n"): """ saves the tables in a text file, first row is the column names :param filename: filename :param sep: column separator :param encoding: encoding :param newline: line separator """ if sys.version_info.major >= 3 or encoding is None: if encoding is None: f = open(filename, "w", newline=newline) else: f = open(filename, "w", encoding=encoding, newline=newline) else: f = open(filename, "w", encoding=encoding) f.write(sep.join(self.header)) f.write("\n") for row in self.values: f.write(sep.join([str(_) for _ in row])) f.write("\n") f.close()
[docs] def _readlines(self, lines, numeric_column, sep): """private""" if isinstance(lines[0], str): lines = [_.replace("\ufeff", "").replace("\xef\xbb\xbf", "") .strip("\n\r ").split(sep) for _ in lines if len(_) > 0] self.header = lines[0] self.values = lines[1:] self.index = {} for i, h in enumerate(self.header): self.index[h] = i elif isinstance(lines[0], list): self.header = lines[0] self.values = lines[1:] self.index = {} for i, h in enumerate(self.header): self.index[h] = i else: raise Exception("unexpected format: " + str(type(lines[0]))) self._auto_conversion(numeric_column)
[docs] def _auto_conversion(self, others_columns): """ private set up the column type based on the column name """ def condition(k): if k.startswith("sum_") or k.startswith("pos_"): return True if k.startswith("avg_") or k.startswith("len_"): return True if k.startswith("nb_") or k.startswith("max_") or k.startswith("min_"): return True if k.startswith("d_") or k in others_columns: return True if k in ["Open", "High", "Low", "Close", "Volume", "Adj Close"]: return True if k in ["distance", "nb"]: return True return False for i, k in enumerate(self.header): if k == "Date": for row in self.values: if isinstance(row[i], str): row[i] = datetime.datetime.strptime(row[i], '%Y-%m-%d') elif isinstance(row[i], float): row[i] = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(row[i]) else: raise Exception( "unable to extract a date from type {0}".format(type(row[i]))) elif condition(k): for row in self.values: row[i] = float(row[i]) else: for row in self.values: if isinstance(row[i], str) and row[i] == "None": row[i] = None
[docs] def get_column_values(self, col): """ private returns all values for one column """ i = self.index[col] return [row[i] for row in self.values]
[docs] def get_distinct_values(self, col): """private""" row = self.get_column_values(col) dis = {} for r in row: dis[r] = dis.get(r, 0) + 1 return dis
[docs] def _interpret_row(self, row): """ private returns each row as a dictionary { column_name:value } """ values = {} for a, b in zip(self.header, row): values[a] = b return values
[docs] def __iter__(self): """ iterator on all rows, it returns a dictionary { column:value } @return dictionary """ for row in self.values: yield self._interpret_row(row)
[docs] def add_column(self, colname, function, position=-1): """ Adds a column. :param colname: column name or columns name if it is a list or a tuple :param function: function which will gives the values(or a list of functions, or a function which return a tuple) :param position: where to insert the column, -1 for the end Example: :: table.add_column("has_A", lambda v: 1 if "A" in v["name"] else 0, 0) table.add_column(("has_A", "has_B"),(lambda v: 1 if "A" in v["name"] else 0, lambda v: 1 if "B" in v["name"] else 0)) table.add_column(("has_A", "has_B"),(lambda v:(1 if "A" in v["name"] else 0, 1 if "B" in v["name"] else 0)) """ if isinstance(colname, str): if position == -1: self.index[colname] = len(self.index) for row in self.values: v = self._interpret_row(row) x = function(v) row.append(x) self.header.append(colname) else: for row in self.values: v = self._interpret_row(row) x = function(v) row.insert(position, x) self.header.insert(position, colname) self.index = {v: i for i, v in enumerate(self.header)} elif isinstance(function, list): if len(colname) != len(function): raise ValueError( # pragma: no cover "unable to continue, colname and function do not have the same number of elements") if position == -1: position = [-1] * len(colname) elif isinstance(position, int): position = [position] * len(colname) else: if len(position) != len(colname): raise RuntimeError( # pragma: no cover "Unable to continue, colname and position do not " "have the same number of elements.") dec = 0 for a, b, c in zip(colname, function, position): self.add_column(a, b, c + dec) dec += 1 else: # we assume here, the function returns a tuple if not isinstance(position, int): raise TypeError( # pragma: no cover "Int expected for position for this case.") if position == -1: for row in self.values: v = self._interpret_row(row) x = function(v) row.extend(x) self.header.extend(colname) else: for row in self.values: v = self._interpret_row(row) x = function(v) for i, _ in enumerate(x): row.insert(position + i, _) for i, c in enumerate(colname): self.header.insert(position + i, c) self.index = {v: i for i, v in enumerate(self.header)} return self
[docs] def add_column_index(self, colname="index", start=0): """ Example: :: table.add_column("index_row") """ self.index[colname] = len(self.index) for i, row in enumerate(self.values): row.append(i + start) self.header.append(colname) return self
[docs] def addc(self, colname, function, position=-1): """ @see me add_column """ return self.add_column(colname, function, position)
[docs] def add_column_recursive(self, colname, functionValue, functionAgg): """ Example: :: table.add_column_recursive(lambda v: v ["norm_%s" % loi], lambda li, v: li[-1] + v) """ self.index[colname] = len(self.index) values = [] for row in self.values: v = self._interpret_row(row) x = functionValue(v) y = functionAgg(values, x) row.append(y) values.append(y) self.header.append(colname) return self
[docs] def add_column_recursive_row(self, colname, functionAgg): """ Example: :: table.add_column_recursive_row("w_%s" % loi, lambda li, v: li[-1] + v ["norm_%s" % loi] \ if len(li)> 0 else v ["norm_%s" % loi]) """ self.index[colname] = len(self.index) values = [] for row in self.values: v = self._interpret_row(row) y = functionAgg(values, v) row.append(y) values.append(y) self.header.append(colname) return self
[docs] def add_column_vector(self, colname, vector): """ add a column defined by vector(list of values for each row) :param colname: column to add :param vector: (list) list of values to add to each row :return self """ if len(vector) != len(self): raise ValueError("vector and table have different length {0} != {1}".format( len(vector), len(self))) for vec, row in zip(vector, self.values): row.append(vec) self.index[colname] = len(self.index) self.header.append(colname) return self
[docs] def add_column_smooth(self, colname, function, position, weights): """ Example: :: x = 1./3 table.add_column_smooth("has_A_smooth", lambda v: v["has_A"], [-1,0,1], [x,x,x]) """ if len(position) != len(weights): raise ValueError("position and weights must have the same length") self.index[colname] = len(self.index) column = [function(self._interpret_row(row)) for row in self.values] tw = sum(weights) couple = list(zip(position, weights)) for p, row in enumerate(self.values): sx = 0. sw = 0. ms = 0 for i, w in couple: pi = p + i if 0 <= pi < len(self): sx += column[pi] * w sw += w else: ms += 1 if ms == 0: row.append(sx) elif sw != 0: row.append(sx * tw / sw) else: row.append(sx) self.header.append(colname) return self
[docs] def aggregate_column(self, colname, aggregated_function=sum): """ Example: :: total = table.aggregate_column("d_c", sum) """ def function(v): return v[colname] return self.aggregate(function, aggregated_function)
[docs] def aggregate(self, function, aggregated_function=sum): """ Example: :: total = table.aggregate_column(lambda v: v["d_c"], len) """ return aggregated_function([function(self._interpret_row(row)) for row in self.values])
[docs] def where(self, condition_function): """ @see me filter """ return self.filter(condition_function)
[docs] def filter(self, condition_function): """ Example: :: fil = table.filter(lambda v: v["d_b"] == 2) @warning Rows are not copied. """ newv = [] for row in self.values: v = self._interpret_row(row) x = condition_function(v) if x: newv.append(row) final = self._private_getclass()(self.header, newv) return final
[docs] def groupby_implicit(self, functionKey, functionWeight=None, logging=None): """ use prefix of a column name to know which function to use as an aggregated(sum, avg, len, key, none, max, min) Example: :: group = table.groupby_implicit(lambda v: v["name"]) """ def identical(col, v): return v[col] def first(vec): return vec[0] def avg(vec): return TableFormula.ratio(sum(vec), len(vec)) functions = [] labels = ["key"] functionsAgg = [] for col in self.header: if col.startswith("key"): values = lambda v, col=col: (v[col], functionKey(v))) dd = {} for v in values: if v[1] not in dd: dd[v[1]] = {} dd[v[1]][v[0]] = 1 for k in dd: dd[k] = len(dd[k]) keep = [] for k, v in dd.items(): if v > 1: keep.append((k, v)) if len(keep) == 0: functions.append(lambda v, col=col: identical(col, v)) labels.append(col) functionsAgg.append(first) elif logging is not None: end = min(len(keep), 10) mes = ",".join([str(_) for _ in keep[:end]]) logging("removing column '{0}' no unique value: {1}: {2}".format( col, len(dd), mes)) elif col.startswith("sum"): functions.append(lambda v, col=col: identical(col, v)) labels.append(col) functionsAgg.append(sum) elif col.startswith("len"): functions.append(lambda v, col=col: 1) labels.append(col) functionsAgg.append(len) elif col.startswith("min"): functions.append(lambda v, col=col: 1) labels.append(col) functionsAgg.append(min) elif col.startswith("max"): functions.append(lambda v, col=col: 1) labels.append(col) functionsAgg.append(max) elif col.startswith("avg"): functions.append(lambda v, col=col: identical(col, v)) labels.append(col) functionsAgg.append(avg) elif col.startswith("none"): pass else: raise RuntimeError("unable to aggregate column " + col) return self.groupby(functionKey, functions, labels, functionsAgg, functionWeight)
[docs] def groupby(self, functionKey, functionsValue, columns=None, functionsAgg=None, functionWeight=None): """ Example: :: group = table.groupby(lambda v: v["name"], [lambda v: v["d_a"], lambda v: v["d_b"]], ["name", "sum_d_a", "sum_d_b"]) or :: groupmax = table.groupby(lambda v: v["name"], [lambda v: v["d_a"], lambda v: v["d_b"]], ["name", "max_d_a", "max_d_b"], [max, max]) """ if not isinstance(functionsValue, list): functionsValue = [functionsValue] if functionsAgg is None: functionsAgg = [sum for f in functionsValue] if functionWeight is None: if columns is not None and len(columns) != len(functionsValue) + 1: raise Exception("columns should have %d names not(%d)" % ( len(functionsValue) + 1, len(columns))) else: if columns is not None and len(columns) != len(functionsValue) + 2: raise Exception("columns should have %d names not(%d)" % ( len(functionsValue) + 2, len(columns))) if columns is not None and not isinstance(columns[0], str): raise TypeError("expecting type str not %s in columns" % (str(type(columns[0])))) hist = {} if functionWeight is not None: histWeight = {} for row in self.values: v = self._interpret_row(row) key = functionKey(v) w = 1. if functionWeight is None else functionWeight(v) if key not in hist: histWeight[key] = [w] hist[key] = [[f(v) * w] for f in functionsValue] else: histWeight[key].append(w) h = hist[key] for i, f in enumerate(functionsValue): h[i].append(f(v) * w) for key in hist: h = hist[key] w = sum(histWeight[key]) for i in range(0, len(h)): h[i] = functionsAgg[i](h[i], w) f = hist.items if sys.version_info.major >= 3 else hist.items histValues = [[k, sum(histWeight[k])] + v for k, v in f()] if columns is None: columns = ["key", "weight"] + ["val%d" % i for i, f in enumerate(functionsValue)] ret = self._private_getclass()(columns, histValues) return ret else: for row in self.values: v = self._interpret_row(row) key = functionKey(v) if key not in hist: hist[key] = [[f(v)] for f in functionsValue] else: h = hist[key] for i, f in enumerate(functionsValue): h[i].append(f(v)) for key in hist: h = hist[key] for i in range(0, len(h)): h[i] = functionsAgg[i](h[i]) f = hist.items if sys.version_info.major >= 3 else hist.items histValues = [[k] + v for k, v in f()] if columns is None: columns = ["key"] + ["val%d" % i for i, f in enumerate(functionsValue)] ret = self._private_getclass()(columns, histValues) return ret
[docs] def sort(self, functionValue, reverse=False): """ Example: :: table.sort(lambda v: v["d_b"] + v["d_c"]) """ values = [(functionValue(self._interpret_row(row)), i) for i, row in enumerate(self.values)] values.sort(reverse=reverse) self.values = [self.values[_[1]] for _ in values] return self
[docs] def extract_columns(self, listColumns): """ extract some columns @param listColumns list of columns to remove or a function which returns True if the column has to be extracted based on its name @return table Example: :: ext = table.extract_columns(["name", "d_a"]) """ if isinstance(listColumns, list): indexes = [(self.index[col] if isinstance(col, str) else col) for col in listColumns] header = listColumns values = [[row[i] for i in indexes] for row in self.values] return self._private_getclass()(header, values) else: header = [_ for _ in self.header if listColumns(_)] return self.extract_columns(header)
[docs] def remove_columns(self, listColumns): """ remove some columns @param listColumns list of columns to remove or a function which returns True if the column has to be removed based on its name @return table Example: :: rem = table.remove("d_a") """ if isinstance(listColumns, list): cols = [_ for i, _ in enumerate( self.header) if _ not in listColumns and i not in listColumns] return self.extract_columns(cols) if isinstance(listColumns, str): cols = [_ for _ in self.header if _ != listColumns] return self.extract_columns(cols) cols = [_ for _ in self.header if not listColumns(_)] return self.extract_columns(cols)
[docs] def innerjoin(self, table, functionKey1, functionKey2, nameKey="key", addSuffixAnyWay=False, prefixToAdd=None, full=False, keepKey=True, putKeyInColumn=None, missingValue=None, uniqueKey=False): """ @param table other table to join with @param functionKey1 key for the first table(a function) @param functionKey2 key for the second table(a function) innerjoin .... ON ... @param addSuffixAnyWay add a suffix to every column from the second table even if names are different(suffix is "+") @param prefixToAdd prefix to add the the columns of the second table @param full add all items even if there is no common keys(``FULL OUTER JOIN``), otherwise keep only common keys @param keepKey keep the key as a column in the result(column is key), otherwise not @param putKeyInColumn private parameter: keepKey has to be true and in this case, put the key in this column(integer) @param missingValue when there is not key on one side, this default value will be put in place @param uniqueKey if True, the function assumes there is a bijection between rows and keys(one row <--> one key) on both tables, otherwise, it will not. @return a table Example: :: innerjoin = table.innerjoin(group, lambda v: v["name"], lambda v: v["name"], "group") """ defaultVal1 = [missingValue for k in self.header] defaultVal2 = [missingValue for k in table.header] if uniqueKey: keys = {} for row in self.values: v = self._interpret_row(row) key = functionKey1(v) keys[key] = (row, None) for row in table.values: v = table._interpret_row(row) key = functionKey2(v) if key in keys: keys[key] = (keys[key][0], row) elif full: keys[key] = (None, row) if not full: d = [] for k, v in keys.items(): if None in v: d.append(k) for _ in d: del keys[_] else: for k in keys: v = keys[k] if v[0] is None: keys[k] = (defaultVal1, v[1]) elif v[1] is None: keys[k] = (v[0], defaultVal2) if keepKey: columns = [nameKey] for x in self.header: while x in columns: x += "~" columns.append(x) for x in table.header: if prefixToAdd is not None: x = prefixToAdd + x elif addSuffixAnyWay: x += "+" while x in columns: x += "+" columns.append(x) f = keys.items if sys.version_info.major >= 3 else keys.items values = [[k] + v[0] + v[1] for k, v in f() if len(v) == 2] return self._private_getclass()(columns, values) else: columns = [] for x in self.header: while x in columns: x += "~" columns.append(x) for x in table.header: if prefixToAdd is not None: x = prefixToAdd + x elif addSuffixAnyWay: x += "+" while x in columns: x += "+" columns.append(x) f = keys.items if sys.version_info.major >= 3 else keys.items if putKeyInColumn is None: values = [v[0] + v[1] for k, v in f() if len(v) == 2] else: values = [] for k, v in f(): if len(v) == 2: nr = v[0] + v[1] nr[putKeyInColumn] = k values.append(nr) return self._private_getclass()(columns, values) else: keys = {} for row in self.values: v = self._interpret_row(row) key = functionKey1(v) if key in keys: keys[key][0].append(row) else: keys[key] = ([row], None) for row in table.values: v = table._interpret_row(row) key = functionKey2(v) if key in keys: if keys[key][1] is None: keys[key] = (keys[key][0], [row]) else: keys[key][1].append(row) elif full: keys[key] = (None, [row]) if not full: d = [] for k, v in keys.items(): if None in v: d.append(k) for _ in d: del keys[_] else: for k in keys: v = keys[k] if v[0] is None: keys[k] = ([defaultVal1], v[1]) elif v[1] is None: keys[k] = (v[0], [defaultVal2]) if keepKey: columns = [nameKey] for x in self.header: while x in columns: x += "~" columns.append(x) for x in table.header: if prefixToAdd is not None: x = prefixToAdd + x elif addSuffixAnyWay: x += "+" while x in columns: x += "+" columns.append(x) f = keys.items if sys.version_info.major >= 3 else keys.items values = [] for k, v in f(): if len(v) == 2: for ka in v[0]: for kb in v[1]: values.append([k] + ka + kb) return self._private_getclass()(columns, values) else: columns = [] for x in self.header: while x in columns: x += "~" columns.append(x) for x in table.header: if prefixToAdd is not None: x = prefixToAdd + x elif addSuffixAnyWay: x += "+" while x in columns: x += "+" columns.append(x) f = keys.items if sys.version_info.major >= 3 else keys.items if putKeyInColumn is None: values = [v[0] + v[1] for k, v in f() if len(v) == 2] else: values = [] for k, v in f(): if len(v) == 2: for ka in v[0]: for kb in v[1]: nr = ka + kb nr[putKeyInColumn] = k values.append(nr) return self._private_getclass()(columns, values)
[docs] def filter_quantile(self, function, alpha_min=0.025, alpha_max=0.025): """ sort all rows using criteria defined by function and remove rows at the extremes @param function values used to estimate the quantiles @param alpha_min lower quantile @param alpha_max higher quantile @return a table containing all the rows where the criterium is within the two quantiles Example: :: fil = table.filter_quantile(lambda v: v["d_b"], 0, 0.4) @warning Rows are not copied. """ values = [] for row in self.values: v = self._interpret_row(row) val = function(v) values.append((val, row)) values.sort() lv = len(values) i1 = int(lv * alpha_min + 0.5) i2 = int(lv * (1 - alpha_max) + 0.5) i1 = max(i1, 0) i1 = min(i1, lv) i2 = max(i1, i2) i2 = min(i2, lv) if i2 == i1: raise RuntimeError("unable to extract quantile, the table is either " "empty or chosen quantile are not correct") values = [_[1] for _ in values[i1:i2]] return self._private_getclass()(self.header, values)
[docs] def union(self, table): """ @param table table @return table(with the same number of columns) concatenates two tables by rows, they must have the same header, rows of both tables are merged into a single matrix Example: :: union = table.union(table2) """ if len(self.header) != len(table.header): raise ValueError("tables do not have the same number of columns\ntbl1: %s\ntbl2: %s" % ( ",".join(self.header), ",".join(table.header))) for a, b in zip(self.header, table.header): if a != b: raise ValueError("tables do not have the same column names") return self._private_getclass()(self.header, self.values + table.values)
[docs] def concatenate(self, table, addPrefix=""): """ concatenates two tables by columns @param table table @param addPrefix add a prefix to each column from table @return table (with the same number of rows as the longest one) """ maxr = max(len(self), len(table)) header = self.header + [addPrefix + h for h in table.header] values = [] for i in range(0, maxr): r1 = self.values[i] if i < len(self) else [None] * len(self.header) r2 = table.values[i] if i < len( table) else [None] * len(self.table) values.append(r1 + r2) return self._private_getclass()(header, values)
[docs] def random(self, n, unique=False): """ select n random row from the table, returns a table @param n number of desired random rows @param unique draws unique rows or non unique rows (tirage sans remise ou avec remise) @return a table Example: :: rnd = table.random(10) """ if unique: if n > len(self): raise ValueError("number of desired random rows is higher " "than the number of rows in the table") index = {} while len(index) < n: h = random.randint(0, len(self) - 1) index[h] = 0 values = [self.values[h] for h in index] return self._private_getclass()(self.header, values) else: values = [] for i in range(0, n): h = random.randint(0, len(self) - 1) values.append(self.values[h]) return self._private_getclass()(self.header, values)
[docs] def todict(self, functionKey, functionValue, useList=False): """ convert the table as a dictionary { key:value } each of them is defined by functions. @param functionKey defines the key @param functionValue defines the value @param useList if there are multiple rows sharing the same key, it should be true, all values are stored in a list @return a dictionary { key:row } or { key: [row1, row2, ...] } Example: :: d = table.todict(lambda v: v["name"], lambda v: v["d_b"], True) """ res = {} if useList: for row in self.values: v = self._interpret_row(row) key = functionKey(v) val = functionValue(v) if key in res: res[key].append(val) else: res[key] = [val] else: for row in self.values: v = self._interpret_row(row) key = functionKey(v) val = functionValue(v) res[key] = val return res
[docs] def reduce_dict(self, functionKey, functionValue, uselist=False): """ @see me todict """ return self.todict(functionKey, functionValue, uselist)
[docs] def select(self, functionRow): """ @param functionRow fonction @return table Example: :: d = v:(v["name"], v["d_b"])) print(list(d)) """ for row in self.values: v = self._interpret_row(row) nr = functionRow(v) yield nr
[docs] def modify_all(self, modification_function): """ apply the same modification to every number @param modification_function modification to apply to every number @return new table The signature of the function is the following one: :: def function(value, column_name): # .... return new_value Example: :: tbl = tbl.modify_all(lambda v,c: {"string":"", "numerical":0}.get(c,None) if v is None else v) """ values = [] for row in self.values: r = [] for v, h in zip(row, self.header): r.append(modification_function(v, h)) values.append(r) return self._private_getclass()(self.header, values)
[docs] def dcast(self, functionKey, functionInstance, full=True): """ @see me multiply_column_by_row_instance """ return self.multiply_column_by_row_instance(functionKey, functionInstance, full)
[docs] def multiply_column_by_row_instance(self, functionKey, functionInstance, full=True): """ @param functionKey defines a key(function) @param functionInstance defines a second key(will be moved to the columns dimension) @param full introduces missing values for not found combinations @return a table If a column contains a finite set of value, for example, we have the temperature for several cities organized like if it were a table from a database: city, date, temperatue. We would like to get another table where we have: date temparature_city1 temperature_city2... Then we would type: Example: :: mul = table.multiply_column_by_row_instance( lambda v: v["date"], lambda v: v["city"]) The input table would be like: :: city date A jan A feb B feb It returns: :: KEY A|city A|date B|city B|date feb A feb B feb jan A jan None None """ values = [functionInstance(self._interpret_row(row)) for row in self.values] distinct = {} for v in values: distinct[v] = 0 distinct = [_ for _ in distinct] distinct.sort() table1 = copy.deepcopy(self) table = None header = copy.copy(table1.header) orig = len(header) nameKey = "~KEY~" while nameKey in header: nameKey += "*" nbJoin = 0 for val in distinct: table2 = table1.filter( lambda v, val=val: functionInstance(v) == val) if table is None: table = table2.copy() else: colkey = table.header[0] table = table.innerjoin(table2, functionKey if nbJoin == 0 else (lambda v, c=colkey: v[c]), functionKey, nameKey=nameKey, prefixToAdd=str(val) + "|", full=full, keepKey=nbJoin == 0, putKeyInColumn=None if nbJoin == 0 else 0, uniqueKey=True) if nbJoin == 0: head = [] nb = 0 for h in table.header: if not h.endswith("~") and nb < orig: head.append("%s|%s" % (distinct[0], h)) nb += 1 else: head.append(h) header = ["KEY"] + head[1:] table = self._private_getclass()(header, table.values) nbJoin += 1 if nbJoin == 0: head = [] nb = 0 for h in table.header: if not h.endswith("~") and nb < orig: head.append("%s|%s" % (distinct[0], h)) nb += 1 else: head.append(h) values = [] for row in self.values: v = self._interpret_row(row) r = [functionKey(v)] + row values.append(r) header = ["KEY"] + head table = self._private_getclass()(header, values) return table
[docs] def create_index(self, functionIndex): """ this method creates an index, to get an indexes row, use method get Example: :: table.create_index(lambda v:(v["name"], v["d_a"])) row = table.get(('A', 1.1)) value = table.get(('A', 1.1), 2) """ self.indexspecial = {} for row in self.values: v = self._interpret_row(row) nr = functionIndex(v) if nr in self.indexspecial: raise KeyError( "unable to add %s because it is already present" % str(nr)) self.indexspecial[nr] = row return self
[docs] def get(self, rowIndex, column=None): """ use the index created by method create_index Example: :: table.create_index(lambda v:(v["name"], v["d_a"])) row = table.get(('A', 1.1)) value = table.get(('A', 1.1), 2) """ if "indexspecial" not in self.__dict__: raise Exception("no index was created") row = self.indexspecial[rowIndex] if column is None: return row elif isinstance(column, int): return row[column] else: return row[self.index[column]]
[docs] def avg_std(self, functionValue, functionWeight=lambda v: 1): """ returns the average and standard deviation """ avg = 0. std = 0. n = 0. for i, row in enumerate(self.values): v = self._interpret_row(row) x = float(functionValue(v)) w = functionWeight(v) avg += x * w std += x * x * w n += w if n != 0: avg /= n std /= n std -= avg * avg std = math.sqrt(std) else: avg = 0. std = 0. return avg, std
[docs] def add_column_cumulative(self, column_index, column_name, functionIndex, functionValue, normalize=False, reverse=False, cumulative=True, functionSort=None): """ also called the Gini function Example: :: table.add_column_cumulative("index_%s" % col, "dist_%s" % col, lambda v: v["sum_nbclient"], lambda v: v[col], functionSort = lambda v: v [col] / v["sum_nbclient"], normalize=True) """ if functionSort is None: functionSort = functionValue val = [] for row in self.values: v = self._interpret_row(row) i = functionIndex(v) s = functionSort(v) v = functionValue(v) val.append((s, i, v)) val.sort(reverse=reverse) if cumulative: res = [(0., 0.)] for s, i, v in val: res.append((i + res[-1][0], v + res[-1][1])) del res[0] if normalize: sumi = res[-1][0] sumv = res[-1][1] if sumi != 0 and sumv != 0: res = [(_[0] / sumi, _[1] / sumv) for _ in res] else: raise ZeroDivisionError( "cannot divide by zero, all indexes or all values are null") else: res = [(i, v) for s, i, v in val] if normalize: sumi = sum([_[0] for _ in res]) sumv = sum([_[1] for _ in res]) if sumi != 0 and sumv != 0: res = [(_[0] / sumi, _[1] / sumv) for _ in res] else: raise ZeroDivisionError( "cannot divide by zero, all indexes or all values are null") for row, add in zip(self.values, res): row.extend(add) self.index[column_index] = len(self.index) self.index[column_name] = len(self.index) self.header.append(column_index) self.header.append(column_name) return self
[docs] def transpose(self, labelC=None, labelAsRow=True): """ Computes the transpose. @param labelC proposes labels for the column, if None, take "r%d" % i, if it is a string, the function assumes it is a column name @param labelAsRow add the label as a row @return new table """ if labelC is None: label = ["r%d" % i for i in range(0, len(self.values))] if labelAsRow: label = ["rowheader"] + label rem = None elif isinstance(labelC, str): label = list( v: v[labelC])) rem = label else: rem = None label = labelC values = [] for i in range(0, len(self.header)): if rem is not None and self.header[i] == labelC: continue row = [_[i] for _ in self.values] if labelAsRow: row = [self.header[i]] + row values.append(row) return self._private_getclass()(label, values)
[docs] def covariance(self): """ Computes the covariance matrix, the first column will contains the column names. @return new table """ for i, x in enumerate(self.values[0]): if not isinstance(x, float): raise TypeError("expecting a float on column %d" % i) values = self.np_matrix N = values.shape[0] sums = numpy.sum(values, axis=0) / N for i in range(0, values.shape[1]): values[:, i] -= sums[0, i] cov = values.transpose() * values cov /= N head = ["var"] + self.header size = cov.shape values = [[self.header[ i]] + [float(cov[i, j]) for j in range(0, size[1])] for i in range(0, size[0])] tbl = self._private_getclass()(head, values) return tbl
[docs] def correlation_col(self, col1, col2, noCenter=False): """ Computes the correlation between two columns. @param col1 column 1 @param col2 column 2 @param noCenter does the computation without removing the average @return float(covariance) """ values = [[self._interpret_row(row)[col1], self._interpret_row(row)[ col2]] for row in self.values] if len(values) <= 1: raise ValueError( # pragma: no cover "expecting more than one observation, not %d" % len(values)) mx = 0. my = 0. vx = 0. vy = 0. co = 0. nb = 0. for a, b in values: nb += 1 mx += a my += b vx += a ** 2 vy += b ** 2 co += a * b mx /= nb my /= nb vx /= nb vy /= nb co /= nb if not noCenter: vx -= mx ** 2 vy -= my ** 2 co -= mx * my vx = vx ** 0.5 vy = vy ** 0.5 v = vx * vy if v != 0: co /= v return co
[docs] def covariance_col(self, col1, col2, noCenter=False): """ Computes the correlation between two columns. @param col1 column 1 @param col2 column 2 @param noCenter does the computation without removing the average @return float(covariance) """ values = [[self._interpret_row(row)[col1], self._interpret_row(row)[col2]] for row in self.values] if len(values) <= 1: raise ValueError( # pragma: no cover "expecting more than one observation, not %d" % len(values)) mx = 0. my = 0. co = 0. nb = 0. for a, b in values: nb += 1 mx += a my += b co += a * b mx /= nb my /= nb co /= nb if not noCenter: co -= mx * my return co
[docs] def correlation_row(self, row1, row2, noCenter=False): """ computes the correlation between two columns @param row1 row 1(integer) @param row2 row 2(integer) @param noCenter does the computation without removing the average @return float(covariance) """ values = [[a, b] for a, b in zip(self.values[row1], self.values[row2])] if len(values) <= 1: raise ValueError( # pragma: no cover "expecting more than one observation, not %d" % len(values)) mx = 0. my = 0. vx = 0. vy = 0. co = 0. nb = 0. for a, b in values: nb += 1 mx += a my += b vx += a ** 2 vy += b ** 2 co += a * b mx /= nb my /= nb vx /= nb vy /= nb co /= nb if not noCenter: vx -= mx ** 2 vy -= my ** 2 co -= mx * my vx = vx ** 0.5 vy = vy ** 0.5 v = vx * vy if v != 0: co /= v return co
[docs] def covariance_row(self, row1, row2, noCenter=False): """ computes the correlation between two columns @param row1 row 1(integer) @param row2 row 2(integer) @param noCenter does the computation without removing the average @return float(covariance) """ values = [[a, b] for a, b in zip(self.values[row1], self.values[row2])] if len(values) <= 1: raise ValueError( # pragma: no cover "expecting more than one observation, not %d" % len(values)) mx = 0. my = 0. co = 0. nb = 0. for a, b in values: nb += 1 mx += a my += b co += a * b mx /= nb my /= nb co /= nb if not noCenter: co -= mx * my return co
[docs] def correlation(self, useBootstrap=False, collapseFormat=True, nbdraws=-1, alpha=0.05, functionKeepValue=lambda val, low, high: "%f|%f,%f" % (val, low, high)): """ Computes the correlation matrix, the first column will contains the column names. @param useBootstrap if True, use a bootstrap method to estimate the correlation @param collapseFormat if True and useBootstrap is True, produces a format ``average|lower bound|higher bound(at a definite confidence level)`` @param nbdraws number of draws(if -1, then it will be equal to the number of observations) @param alpha confidence level @param functionKeepValue if collapseFormat is True, this function is used to collapse val,low,high in a single string @return new table """ if useBootstrap: head = ["var"] + self.header values = [[i] + [0. for r in self.header] for i in self.header] for i in range(len(self.header)): values[i][0] = self.header[i] for j in range(len(self.header)): vs = [[row[i], row[j]] for row in self.values] bo = TableFormula.bootstrap(vs, function=TableFormula.correlation_bicolumn, nbdraws=nbdraws, alpha=alpha) if collapseFormat: st = functionKeepValue(bo[0], bo[2], bo[3]) values[i][j + 1] = st else: raise NotImplementedError( # pragma: no cover "collapseFormat False is not implemented yet") tbl = self._private_getclass()(head, values) return tbl else: for i, x in enumerate(self.values[0]): if not isinstance(x, float): raise TypeError( # pragma: no cover "expecting a float on column %d" % i) values = self.np_matrix N = values.shape[0] sums = [sum(values[:, i]) / N for i in range(0, values.shape[1])] for i in range(0, values.shape[1]): values[:, i] -= sums[i] cov = values.transpose() * values cov /= N diag = [cov[i, i] ** 0.5 for i in range(cov.shape[0])] for i in range(cov.shape[0]): if diag[i] > 0: cov[i, :] /= diag[i] cov[:, i] /= diag[i] head = ["var"] + self.header size = cov.shape values = [[self.header[ i]] + [float(cov[i, j]) for j in range(0, size[1])] for i in range(0, size[0])] tbl = self._private_getclass()(head, values) return tbl
[docs] def values_to_float(self, only_if_possible=False, subset_columns=None): """ converts all values into float @param only_if_possible if True, converts all possible values and catches exception, if False, converts everything, raises an exception when not possible @param subset_columns if None, takes all of them, otherwise, try to convert only for the listed columns @return table """ tbl = self.copy() if subset_columns is not None: subset = {i: True for i, v in enumerate( self.header) if v in subset_columns} if only_if_possible: for row in tbl.values: for i in range(0, len(row)): if subset_columns is None or i in subset: try: v = float(row[i]) row[i] = v except(ValueError, TypeError): continue else: for row in tbl.values: for i in range(0, len(row)): if subset_columns is None or i in subset: row[i] = float(row[i]) return tbl
[docs] def values_to_str(self, subset_columns=None, format=None): """ converts all values into str @param subset_columns if None, takes all of them, otherwise, try to convert only for the listed columns @param format format for the conversion, by None by default but it could be for exemple %1.2f. @return table """ tbl = self.copy() if subset_columns is not None: subset = {i: True for i, v in enumerate( self.header) if v in subset_columns} if format is None: for row in tbl.values: for i in range(0, len(row)): if subset_columns is None or i in subset: row[i] = str(row[i]) else: for row in tbl.values: for i in range(0, len(row)): if(subset_columns is None or i in subset) and isinstance(row[i], float): row[i] = format % row[i] return tbl
[docs] def values_to_date(self, format=None, only_if_possible=False, subset_columns=None): """ converts all values into dates @param only_if_possible if True, converts all possible values and catches exception, if False, converts everything, raises an exception when not possible @param format date format see fn str_to_datetime @param subset_columns if None, takes all of them, otherwise, try to convert only for the listed columns @return table """ tbl = self.copy() if subset_columns is not None: subset = {i: True for i, v in enumerate( self.header) if v in subset_columns} if only_if_possible: if subset_columns is not None: subset = {i: True for i, v in enumerate( self.header) if v in subset_columns} for row in tbl.values: for i in range(0, len(row)): if subset_columns is None or i in subset: try: v = str2datetime(row[i], format) row[i] = v except(ValueError, TypeError): continue else: for row in tbl.values: for i in range(0, len(row)): if subset_columns is None or i in subset: row[i] = float(row[i]) return tbl
[docs] def histogram(self, functionValue, nbDiv=100, secondColumnIsWeight=False, normalize=True, removeExtreme=0.05): """ computes an histograms on one vector @param functionValue function which produces the value to histogram @param nbDiv number of divisions for this histograms(boundaries are min and max) @param secondColumnIsWeight if True, the second column is the weight @param normalize if True, normalize by the sum of weights @param removeExtreme remove extreme values at both sides(0.05 means 0.025 on each side) @return table with two columns """ values = list([functionValue(self._interpret_row(row)) for row in self.values]) if removeExtreme is not None and removeExtreme > 0: values.sort() al = int(len(values) * removeExtreme / 2) if al == 0: raise Exception( # pragma: no cover "removeExtreme has no impact(%d,%f)" % ( len(values), len(values) * removeExtreme / 2)) if al * 2 < len(values): values = values[al:len(values) - al] mi = min(values) ma = max(values) if isinstance(values[0], (tuple, list)): W = 0. div = (ma[0] - mi[0]) / nbDiv hist = [[mi[0] + n * div, 0.] for n in range(0, nbDiv + 1)] for v in values: x = int((v[0] - mi[0]) // div) hist[x][1] += v[1] W += v[1] mi = mi[0] else: W = len(values) div = (ma - mi) / nbDiv hist = [[mi + n * div, 0.] for n in range(0, nbDiv + 1)] for v in values: x = int((v - mi) // div) if 0 <= x < len(hist): hist[x][1] += 1. if normalize and W > 0: for i in range(len(hist)): hist[i][1] /= W values = [[mi + n * div, hist[n]] for n in range(len(hist))] tbl = self._private_getclass()(["x", "hist(x)"], hist) return tbl
[docs] def histograms(self, columnsSet, nbDiv=100, secondColumnIsWeight=False, normalize=True, removeExtreme=0.05, histxName="histKey"): """ computes a common histograms on all columns @param columnsSet set of columns @param nbDiv number of divisions for this histograms(boundaries are min and max) @param secondColumnIsWeight if True, the second column is the weight @param normalize if True, normalize by the sum of weights @param removeExtreme remove extreme values at both sides(0.05 means 0.025 on each side) @param histxName column name given to the x axis shared by every histogram @return table with two columns @warning The function skips any NaN of Inf value. """ values = [] for row in self.values: temp = self._interpret_row(row) for t in columnsSet: values.append(temp[t]) if removeExtreme is not None and removeExtreme > 0: values.sort() al = int(len(values) * removeExtreme / 2) if al == 0: raise Exception( # pragma: no cover "removeExtreme has no impact(%d,%f)" % ( len(values), len(values) * removeExtreme / 2)) if al * 2 < len(values): values = values[al:len(values) - al] mi = min(values) ma = max(values) W = len(values) div = (ma - mi) / nbDiv if div == 0: raise RuntimeError( # pragma: no cover "unable to continue since div is null: min,max = %f,%f" % (mi, ma)) hist = [[mi + n * div, 0.] for n in range(0, nbDiv + 1)] value = {i: {histxName: hist[i][0]} for i in range(len(hist))} su = {} for row in self.values: for _ in columnsSet: temp = self._interpret_row(row) if math.isnan(temp[_]) or math.isinf(temp[_]): continue x = int((temp[_] - mi) // div) if x not in value: # it means extremes were removed continue #raise Exception("value %d,%f is not allowed min,max = [%f,%f]" %(x, temp[_], mi, ma)) value[x][_] = value[x].get(_, 0.) + 1. su[_] = su.get(_, 0.) + 1. if normalize and W > 0: for v in value.values(): for _ in v: if _ != histxName: v[_] /= su[_] tbl = self._private_getclass()("__byrow__", value) return tbl
[docs] def union_columns(self, columnsSet): """ computes the union of all values from all columns present in columnSet @param columnsSet set of columns @return table """ values = [] for row in self.values: temp = self._interpret_row(row) for t in columnsSet: values.append(temp[t]) tbl = self._private_getclass()(["x"], [[x] for x in values]) return tbl
[docs] def mu_sigma(self, functionValues, removeExtreme=None): """ computes the average and the standard deviation a vector of values @param functionValues function produces the vector of values @param removeExtreme remove extreme values at both sides(0.05 means 0.025 on each side) @return (average, standard deviation) """ if removeExtreme is not None and removeExtreme > 0: values = [] for row in self.values: row = self._interpret_row(row) val = functionValues(row) values.append(val) values.sort() al = int(len(values) * removeExtreme / 2) if al == 0: raise Exception("removeExtreme has no impact(%d,%f)" % ( len(values), len(values) * removeExtreme / 2)) if al * 2 < len(values): values = values[al:len(values) - al] tbl = TableFormula(["x"], [[_] for _ in values]) return tbl.mu_sigma(lambda v: v["x"], 0) else: mu = 0. si = 0. nb = 0. for row in self.values: row = self._interpret_row(row) val = functionValues(row) mu += val si += val ** 2 nb += 1. mu /= nb si /= nb si -= mu ** 2 return mu, si ** 0.5
[docs] def mu_sigma_each_column(self, columnsSet=None, removeExtreme=None): """ returns a table with the average and the standard deviation for each columns @param removeExtreme remove extreme values at both sides(0.05 means 0.025 on each side) @param columnsSet set of column to deal with @return table with two rows: average and standard deviation """ values = [[], []] if columnsSet is None: columnsSet = self.header for col in columnsSet: mu, sigma = self.mu_sigma( (lambda v, col=col: v[col]), removeExtreme) values[0].append(mu) values[1].append(sigma) tbl = self._private_getclass()(columnsSet, values) return tbl
@property def np_matrix(self): """ returns the values as a numpy matrix @return numpy matrix """ return numpy.matrix(self.values) @property def np_array(self): """ returns the values as a numpy array @return numpy array """ return numpy.array(self.values) @property def dataframe(self): """ creates a pandas dataframe @return pandas.dataframe """ return pandas.DataFrame(self.values, columns=self.header) @property def json(self): """ returns a json format @return string """ rows = [row for row in self] return json.dumps(rows)
[docs] def center_reduce(self, columnsSet=None, op=None, removeExtreme=None, mu_sigma=None): """ center and reduce a set of columns(or all if columnsSet is None) @param removeExtreme remove extreme values at both sides(0.05 means 0.025 on each side) @param columnsSet set of column to deal with @param op if can be: - None: substract mean and normalize, - "mean": substract mean only, - "norm": normalize only @param mu_sigma matrix with two rows(one for mean, second for sigma), if None, if computes that from the matrix self, columns must have the same order that columnSet @return the same table(with only the considered columns) """ if op not in [None, "mean", "norm"]: raise ValueError( 'expecting a value in [None, "mean", "norm"] for op') if columnsSet is None: columnsSet = self.header mus = self.mu_sigma_each_column( columnsSet, removeExtreme) if mu_sigma is None else mu_sigma tbl = self.extract_columns(columnsSet) n = len(self.header) for row in tbl.values: if op is None or op == "mean": for i in range(n): row[i] -= mus.values[0][i] if op is None or op == "norm": for i in range(n): row[i] /= mus.values[1][i] return tbl
[docs] @staticmethod def save_multiple_as_excel(filename, list_table, font="Calibri", close=True, encoding=None): """ saves multiple table in one Excel file @param filename filename(can be None) @param list_table list of 2uple("name", tbl) @param font font name @param close if True, close the file, otherwise, the user will have to @param encoding encoding @return object Workbook """ ext = os.path.splitext( filename)[-1].lower() if filename is not None else None if ext is not None and ext == ".xls": font0 = EXf.Font() = font font0.bold = True style0 = EXs.XFStyle() style0.font = font0 wb = EXw.Workbook( encoding=encoding) if encoding is not None else EXw.Workbook() for sheet_name, self in list_table: ws0 = wb.add_sheet(sheet_name) for i, l in enumerate(self.header): ws0.write(0, i, l, style0) fnt = EXf.Font() = font style = EXs.XFStyle() style.font = fnt for irow, row in enumerate(self.values): for icol, val in enumerate(row): if isinstance(val, (int, float)): st = val elif isinstance(val, str): if encoding is not None: st = val.encode(encoding).decode(encoding) else: st = val elif val is not None: st = str(val) else: continue ws0.write(irow + 1, icol, st, style) return wb elif ext is None or ext == ".xlsx": wb = EXxw.Workbook( filename) if filename is not None else EXxw.Workbook() for sheet_name, self in list_table: ws0 = wb.add_worksheet(sheet_name) style0 = wb.add_format({'bold': True}) style0.set_font_name(font) for i, l in enumerate(self.header): ws0.write(0, i, l, style0) style = wb.add_format() style.set_font_name(font) for irow, row in enumerate(self.values): for icol, val in enumerate(row): if isinstance(val, (int, float)): st = val elif isinstance(val, str): if encoding is not None: st = val.encode(encoding).decode(encoding) else: st = val elif val is not None: st = str(val) else: continue ws0.write(irow + 1, icol, st, style) if filename is not None and close: wb.close() return wb else: raise NameError( "extension should be .xls or .xlsx for file " + filename)
[docs] def save_as_excel(self, filename, font="Calibri", sheet_name="sheet0", close=True, encoding=None): """ saves the table as a new Excel file, you can use ``.xls`` or ``.xlsx`` if filename is None, the function returns an object(xslx) and does not save it. @param filename Excel filename @param sheet_name name of the sheet to add @param font font name @param close if True, close the file, otherwise, the user will have to @param encoding encoding @return object Workbook """ return TableFormula.save_multiple_as_excel(filename, [(sheet_name, self)], font=font, close=close, encoding=encoding)
[docs] def schema_database(self, add_id=True): """ returns the schema for a database which would contains this database @param add_id if True, adds an index "PRIMARYKEY" @return dictionary { index_column:(name, type) } """ schema = {i: (l, str) for i, l in enumerate(self.header)} if add_id is not None: schema[-1] = (add_id, int, "PRIMARYKEY", "AUTOINCREMENT") if len(self) > 0: # we use the first row to determine type for i, v in enumerate(self.values[0]): if not isinstance(v, str): schema[i] = (schema[i][0], type(v)) return schema
[docs] def fill_sql_table(self, filename_or_database, tablename, add_id="idr"): """ returns a Database object, creates the database if it does not exists, same for the table @param filename_or_database filename or Database object, in that second case, we assume method connect was called before @param tablename table name @param add_id if is not None, then the function adds an id, it first takes the max(id) and goes on incrementing it; @return Database object(new or the one from the parameters), in both case, the database is not disconnected """ schema = self.schema_database(add_id) if isinstance(filename_or_database, str): fLOG("fill_sql_table: creating database ", filename_or_database) db = Database(filename_or_database, LOG=fLOG) db.connect() fLOG("fill_sql_table ", schema) if tablename not in db.get_table_list(): fLOG("creationg of table ", schema) cursor = db.create_table(tablename, schema) db.append_values(self.values, tablename, schema, cursor=cursor) else: db.append_values(self.values, tablename, schema) else: db = filename_or_database db.append_values(self.values, tablename, schema) return db