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Build pythonnet


Building pythonnet on CircleCI was quite interesting. You can check the outcome on sdpython/pythonnet and get artifacts at CircleCI/sdpython. The instructions are described in .circleci/config.yml.


Build onnx for Windows


onnx is not necessarily up to date on PyPI. To get the latest version, the simplest is to clone the project on github and set up a build like this one on appveyor. But before that, you need to mofiy file appveyor.yml and a section for artifacts:


m2r as a replacement of recommonmark


recommonmark was not recently updated and fails with the latest version of Sphinx (1.7.1). See ‘Values’ object has no attribute ‘pep_references’ missing with 1.7.0b1. You should use m2r.


Install spacy on Windows


It is not difficult to install spacy on Windows. The site Unofficial Windows Binaries for Python Extension Packages hosted a compiled version. But I tried:


Build cvxopt on Windows, cvxopt 1.1.9 not compatible with numpy 1.14


I recently started to have an issue with cvxopt.


Python 3.6 and Visual Studio 2017


It does not work unless you install the missing parts. Python 3.6 is compiled with Visual Studio 2015 and this specific compiler needs to be installed. There is a way with 2017, instructions are provided at Creating a C++ extension for Python. I copy paste the line:


ete3 and PyQt5


ete3 now works with PyQt5 due to the pull request #284.


Install pytorch on Windows


You can go there peterjc123/pytorch or type conda install -c peterjc123 pytorch. the setup can be created after unzipping the sources and running example Create a setup from installed packages.


Create a wheel with an installed package


It happens sometimes you install package but you don’t remember exactly you did it. However, you would like to make a wheel from what is installed in folder site-packages. There is probably a better way but I created a local folder orgnized this way:


A few interesting modules


  • GPAW : GPAW is a density-functional theory (DFT) Python code based on the projector-augmented wave (PAW) method and the atomic simulation environment (ASE). It uses plane-waves, atom-centered basis-functions or real-space uniform grids combined with multigrid methods.

  • mypy : an experimental optional static type checker for Python that aims to combine the benefits of dynamic (or “duck”) typing and static typing.

  • scapy : networks, IP, protocols

  • sympy-live : web server to run custom examples

  • wooey : website to execute python script

  • zc.async : processus synchronization

  • zentyal : small business server, includes mails


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