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Issue with scipy 1.0 and statsmodels 0.8


It is difficult to fix a package when there is no error but silent warnings. statsmodels fails with scipy 1.0 because some deprecated functions were removed: chisqprob. I sometimes look into warnings but many packages do not fix them and this is quite difficult to notice yours in that long list. I created a function which fixes it. The documentation contains more information about it.


Last release of basemap.


basemap is discontinued and should be replaced by cartopy. I wonder how long it will take me to replace that dependency by the new one in all the notebooks using it. It won’t disappear before a couple of years but still… Cartopy, New Management, and EoL Announcement.


build protobuf on windows


The page Environment Setup explains how to build protobuf. don’t follow it, just follow the instructions in appveyor.yml.


Last release of Theano.


Theano development will be stopped after the 1.0 release. Other framworks and modules will have to be used, CNTK, TensorFlow, PyTorch, cupy, pycuda, pyopencl, cudamat (old), libgpuarraybob.kaldi also contains code GPU computation but does not expose it (cudamatrix). pyviennacl seems a bit old.


Standalone distribution of Python


It is usually impossible to manually copy a Python distribution somewhere else after it was installed. The scripts such as pip.exe contains the absolute location of the interpreter. That’s why, if you insist to do so on Windows (like I do), you need to replace every path by a relative one or a blank one. That’s what the following script is doing.


ete3 and pyqt5


Module ete3 does not work with PyQt5 which needs to be uninstalled with sip otherwise it is impossible to install ete3 on Windows.


mpld3 is no longer maintained.


mpld3 is no longer maintained. Its author is now working on altair.


Issue with keyrings.alt


If you see the following error, it is because the package gdata. It should be removed, it is not being updated anymore.


Theano and Mingw


theano requires a gcc 64 bit compiler. On Windows, the choice is between TDM-GCC which was not updated since 2015 and mingw-w64. The installer did not really work for me so I had to download and unzip the following file: x86_64-7.1.0-release-posix-seh-rt_v5-rev2.7z which you can find at the following location: sourceforge/mingw-w64/files. To avoid adding any new path to the environment variable PATH, this file can be unzipped in <your python>\Library\mingw-w64 and you be able to see the file <your python>\Library\mingw-w64\g++.exe.


Issue with PyQt


I recently faced the issue:


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