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A couple of interesting modules for IOT


Quoting the documentation from the websites.


Building dlib for Python 3.6 and boost_python on Windows


dlib is quite difficult to build on Windows for Python 3.6. A compiled version exists on PyPi/dlib for Python 3.5 but the version for Python 3.6 remains unavailable unless you are using Anaconda: Installing Dlib on Anaconda Python on Windows. The blog Install Dlib on Windows even recommends not to try and to use conda (with Anaconda) instead:


Module sphinxcontrib.blockdiag


sphinxcontrib.blockdiag provides an elegant way to build graph in a Sphinx documentation. See the examples.


Package update and new bugs


The latest version of numpy 1.13.rc2 makes matplotlib fail in one particular place:


Get Visual Studio Community Edition 2015


Visual Studio Community Edition has updated to 2017 and the link to kind the 2015 version is somehow difficult to find. It is not like I prefer 2015 but I need it to compile many Python module: Visual Studio Community 2015 or this other link Visual Studio Community 2015 with Update 3.


Skip Pillow 4.1.0 for Windows


TensorFlow for Windows


TensorFlow is now available on Windows. You can find it on Unofficial Windows Binaries for Python Extension Packages. It is compiled for GPU (NVIDIA only) and CPU. It is a dependency required for edward which seems to be a new and interesting package for Bayesian statistics. The documentation is really nice.


Standalone Python Distribution


I tried to build a standalone distribution and I faced this issue Can’t use lib2to3 with embeddable zip file.. Really annoying one. No fix is proposed assuming a standalone should not be used for that.


GPU and pycuda or pyopencl on Windows


pycuda is a python module implemented to use GPU. On Windows, the best way to install it is to get it from Unofficial Windows Binaries for Python Extension Packages. The module requires Visual Studio Community Edition and CUDA Toolkit. Once it is done, you can try the following program to test your installation:


Build pypiwin32 on Windows


The module pypiwin32 does not seem to be refreshed on PyPi. To compile it, you need to get the sources from pypiwin32, to install Windows SDK if you did not already (not sure that is required but just in case).


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